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16. GIT |
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GIT is a tool for controlling changes in a project. It creates a history and enables efficient collaboration among multiple programmers. To use GIT, it's worth learning a few concepts:
terminal - a text application used for browsing, handling, and manipulating files on your computer. How to launch it?
Windows: Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt
Mac OS: Applications → Utilities → Terminal
Linux: Applications → Accessories → Terminal
repository - a place where our application is located. GIT observes the history of this folder. You can have multiple such folders on your computer.
commit - a package of changes that is part of the history of a given repository. While working on a project, you create additional commits and manage them.
branch - a branch of your project. Programmers work on separate branches, e.g., on different functionalities of a website, and then merge them into one entity.
git init - initializes a GIT repository in the specified directory.
git add file_name - adds changes in the specified file to the commit.
git commit -m "commit_message" - adds a description to the commit.
git add origin repository_address, e.g., https://github.com/username/my-repository.git - sets a specific remote repository address as the main repository.
git push origin master - sends changes to the remote branch.
git checkout branch_name - changes the active branch to the one chosen by the user.
git pull - fetches changes from the remote repository.
- Install GIT on your computer following the instructions on this page: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git.
- Create an account on github.com.
- Create a new repository on GitHub.
- Initialize a GIT repository in the directory containing the "A jednak się kręci" page.
- Send the files from this directory to the remote repository on GitHub.
GitHub also offers hosting for your pages.
- Currently we need to generate a login token, we can no longer log in with a password from the terminal as before.
See step-by-step instructions here
- Create a new organization or repository on GitHub.
- Based on the instructions provided on this page: https://pages.github.com/, publish the "Wyprawy Kosmiczne" page on GitHub Pages.
- View the new page in your browser.