These pages documents how to build translation programs using giellalt language models and the Apertium MT infrastructure. The focus is on translation from North, Lule and South Saami to Norwegian, between North Saami and Finnish, and between Saami languages, but the documentation is relevant for any language pair. Giellatekno and Divvun cooperates with Apertium on machine translation.
- Publications on machine translation from Giellatekno and Divvun
- Machine translation programs in the Giellatekno and Divvun infrastructure
- Installing Apertium on your machine
- Apertium tutorials
- The apertium documentation page (on the Apertium wiki)
- Cf. especially Apertium New Language Pair HOWTO
- Sourcefiles are found in the Giellatekno coursed folder
- Apertium commands (in North Saami)
- Regression test ja pending test
- python scripts: Comparing MT and manual translation (in North Saami)
- Bidix-work (in North Saami)
- Bidix-sanity (Improving bidix)
- Missinglists
- Work with missinglists and bidix, without analysers on local computer
- Hash-list
- Lexical selection (in North Saami)
- WER Word Error Rate – Comparing MT version and corrected version (in North Saami)
- Classification of corrections (in Lule Saami)
- Coverage April 2016
- Coverage June 2016
- North Saami to Norwegian Bokmål
- MT between North Saami and Lule and Inari Saami
- Our experimental MT programs, also between North Saami and South Saami