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Tutorial for running on ARCHER (

If you have not already done so then read the [basic tutorial]{} first.

~/.bashrc file setup

I recommend appending these lines to your ~/.bashrc file if they are not already there:

export MODULEPATH=$PWD/modules:/work/e319/shared/modules:$MODULEPATH
export WORK=/work/n01/n01/$USER/ # This path will vary depending on what project you are on. The important part is that you are operating from /work and not /home.

export PACKAGE_VERSION="dev"
export INSTANT_CACHE_DIR=$WORK/.instant

Download and compile

mkdir -p $WORK/projects
cd $WORK/projects
git clone
cd poreflow

As it turns out we do not have to build any code on ARCHER - we are only going to use the python code that uses Dolfin.

Prepare data sample

This should already have been completed following the instructions from the [basic tutorial]{}. So create a suitable directory on ARCHER (within /work of course) and scp across the dolfin .xml data file.

Running a simulation

When using ARCHER (or indeed any cluster/supercomputer) you typically do not run interactively like on a workstation. Instead you use a batch queuing system - such as PBS in this case. Here is an example PBS file for submitting a job to the queue - cut and paste from here into an editor on ARCHER.

# Parallel script produced by bolt
#        Resource: ARCHER (Cray XC30 (24-core per node))
#    Batch system: PBSPro_select
# bolt is written by EPCC (
#PBS -l select=4
#PBS -N pore
# The resources account this simulation is charged to.
#PBS -A n02-ic1
# The maximum wall time this simulation will run to.
#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

# Switch to the directory where you submitted the pbs script to the queue.

# Load the fenics environment lovingly maintained on ARCHER by Chris Richardson and Garth Wells (thanks guys).
module load fenics/dev-64bit

# Use an alternative gcc version to avoid some pesky bugs.
module switch gcc gcc/4.9.0

# -n specifies the total number of processing elements (pes - i.e. cores)
# -N number of pes that we are using per node
# -S number of pes we are using per NUMA region.
# -d number of cpu's per pe
# In general you just want to specify -l select=x to specify the number of compute nodes you want, and then update the -n option on the next line to 24*number_of_nodes. You can leave the other options as they are.
aprun -n 96 -N 24 -S 12 -d 1 python $WORK/projects/poreflow/ Berea.xml

To submit this "job" to the queue execute the command:

qsub mysimulation.pbs

You monitor whether it is sitting in the queue or actually running using the command:

qstat -u $USER

If you do not get anything back that means that your job has completed. At this point you should look at your output files:

ls -ltr

You will see files of the pattern pore.o... and pore.e... which are the standard output and standard error of your job respectively.

Possible problems

Sometimes the "instant" run compiler fails if it runs in parallel. The way around this problem is to first run a small problem in serial so that all the runtime compiling completes. Afterward you can run in parallel without issue.