diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 40df590288..3429a9ff85 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ By @ErichDonGubler in [#6456](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6456), [#6148]
 #### General
+- Add unified documentation for ray-tracing. By @Vecvec in [#6747](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6747)
 - Return submission index in `map_async` and `on_submitted_work_done` to track down completion of async callbacks. By @eliemichel in [#6360](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6360).
 - Move raytracing alignments into HAL instead of in core. By @Vecvec in [#6563](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6563).
 - Allow for statically linking DXC rather than including separate `.dll` files. By @DouglasDwyer in [#6574](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6574).
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 00728076af..6d75945128 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -75,6 +75,15 @@ We have the Matrix space [![Matrix Space](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label
 We have a [wiki](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/wiki) that serves as a knowledge base.
+## Extension Specifications
+While the core of wgpu is based on the WebGPU standard, we also support extensions that allow for features that the standard does not have yet.
+For high-level documentation on how to use these extensions, see the individual specifications:
+🧪EXPERIMENTAL🧪 APIs are subject to change and may allow undefined behavior if used incorrectly.
+- 🧪EXPERIMENTAL🧪 [Ray Tracing](./etc/specs/ray_tracing.md).
 ## Supported Platforms
 | API    | Windows            | Linux/Android      | macOS/iOS          | Web (wasm)         |
@@ -250,4 +259,4 @@ wgpu uses the coordinate systems of D3D and Metal:
 | Render                                              | Texture                                               |
 | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| ![render_coordinates](./etc/render_coordinates.png) | ![texture_coordinates](./etc/texture_coordinates.png) |
+| ![render_coordinates](./etc/render_coordinates.png) | ![texture_coordinates](./etc/texture_coordinates.png) |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/etc/specs/ray_tracing.md b/etc/specs/ray_tracing.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0b50fce56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/specs/ray_tracing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Ray Tracing Extensions
+`wgpu` supports an experimental version of ray tracing which is subject to change. The extensions allow for acceleration structures to be created and built (with 
+`Features::EXPERIMENTAL_RAY_TRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE` enabled) and interacted with in shaders. Currently `naga` only supports ray queries
+(accessible with `Features::EXPERIMENTAL_RAY_QUERY` enabled in wgpu).
+**Note**: The features documented here may have major bugs in them and are expected to be subject
+to breaking changes, suggestions for the API exposed by this should be posted on [the ray-tracing issue](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/1040).
+Large changes may mean that this documentation may be out of date.
+***This is not*** an introduction to raytracing, and assumes basic prior knowledge, to look at the fundamentals look at 
+an [introduction](https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/introduction-nvidia-rtx-directx-ray-tracing/).
+## `wgpu`'s raytracing API:
+The documentation and specific details of the functions and structures provided
+can be found with their definitions.  
+A [`Blas`] can be created with [`Device::create_blas`].  
+A [`Tlas`] can be created with [`Device::create_tlas`].
+Unless one is planning on using the unsafe building API (not recommended for beginners) a [`Tlas`] should be put inside
+a [`TlasPackage`]. After that a reference to the [`Tlas`] can be retrieved by calling [`TlasPackage::tlas`].
+This reference can be placed in a bind group to be used in a shader. A reference to a [`Blas`] can
+be used to create [`TlasInstance`] alongside a transformation matrix, a custom index
+(this can be any data that should be given to the shader on a hit) which only the first 24
+bits may be set, and a mask to filter hits in the shader.
+A [`Blas`] must be built in either the same build as any [`Tlas`] it is used to build or an earlier build call.
+Before a [`Tlas`] is used in a shader it must
+- have been built
+- have all [`Blas`]es that it was last built with to have last been built in either the same build as
+  this [`Tlas`] or an earlier build call.
+[`Device::create_blas`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.Device.html#method.create_blas
+[`Device::create_tlas`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.Device.html#method.create_tlas
+[`Tlas`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.Tlas.html
+[`Blas`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.Blas.html
+[`TlasInstance`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.TlasInstance.html
+[`TlasPackage`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.TlasPackage.html
+[`TlasPackage::tlas`]: https://wgpu.rs/doc/wgpu/struct.TlasPackage.html#method.tlas
+## `naga`'s raytracing API:
+`naga` supports ray queries (also known as inline raytracing) only. Ray tracing pipelines are currently unsupported.
+Naming is mostly taken from vulkan.
+// - Initializes the `ray_query` to check where (if anywhere) the ray defined by `ray_desc` hits in `acceleration_structure
+rayQueryInitialize(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>, acceleration_structure: acceleration_structure, ray_desc: RayDesc)
+// - Traces the ray in the initialized ray_query (partially) through the scene.
+// - Returns true if a triangle that was hit by the ray was in a `Blas` that is not marked as opaque.
+// - Returns false if all triangles that were hit by the ray were in `Blas`es that were marked as opaque.
+// - The hit is considered `Candidate` if this function returns true, and the hit is considered `Committed` if
+//   this function returns false.
+// - A `Candidate` intersection interrupts the ray traversal.
+// - A `Candidate` intersection may happen anywhere along the ray, it should not be relied on to give the closest hit. A 
+//   `Candidate` intersection is to allow the user themselves to decide if that intersection is valid*. If one wants to get
+//   the closest hit a `Committed` intersection should be used.
+// - Calling this function multiple times will cause the ray traversal to continue if it was interrupted by a `Candidate`
+//   intersection.
+rayQueryProceed(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> bool`
+// - Returns intersection details about a hit considered `Committed`.
+rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> RayIntersection
+// - Returns intersection details about a hit considered `Candidate`.
+rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection(rq: ptr<function, ray_query>) -> RayIntersection
+*The API to commit a candidate intersection is not yet implemented but would be possible to be user implemented.
+> ### ⚠️Undefined behavior ⚠️:
+> - Calling `rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection` or `rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection` when `rayQueryProceed` has not been
+> called on this ray query since it was initialized (or if the ray query has not been previously initialized).
+> - Calling `rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection` when `rayQueryProceed`'s latest return on this ray query is considered
+>   `Candidate`. 
+> - Calling `rayQueryGetCandidateIntersection` when `rayQueryProceed`'s latest return on this ray query is considered
+>   `Committed`.
+> - Calling `rayQueryProceed` when `rayQueryInitialize` has not previously been called on this ray query
+> *this is only known undefined behaviour, and will be worked around in the future.
+struct RayDesc {
+    // Contains flags to use for this ray (e.g. consider all `Blas`es opaque)
+    flags: u32,
+    // If the bitwise and of this and any `TlasInstance`'s `mask` is not zero then the object inside
+    // the `Blas` contained within that `TlasInstance` may be hit.
+    cull_mask: u32,
+    // Only points on the ray whose t is greater than this may be hit.
+    t_min: f32,
+    // Only points on the ray whose t is less than this may be hit.
+    t_max: f32,
+    // The origin of the ray.
+    origin: vec3<f32>,
+    // The direction of the ray, t is calculated as the length down the ray divided by the length of `dir`.
+    dir: vec3<f32>,
+struct RayIntersection {
+    // the kind of the hit, no other member of this structure is useful if this is equal
+    // to constant `RAY_QUERY_INTERSECTION_NONE`.
+    kind: u32,
+    // Distance from starting point, measured in units of `RayDesc::dir`.
+    t: f32,
+    // Corresponds to `instance.custom_index` where `instance` is the `TlasInstance`
+    // that the intersected object was contained in.
+    instance_custom_index: u32,
+    // The index into the `TlasPackage` to get the `TlasInstance` that the hit object is in
+    instance_id: u32,
+    // The offset into the shader binding table. Currently, this value is always 0.
+    sbt_record_offset: u32,
+    // The index into the `Blas`'s build descriptor (e.g. if `BlasBuildEntry::geometry` is
+    // `BlasGeometries::TriangleGeometries` then it is the index into that contained vector).
+    geometry_index: u32,
+    // The object hit's index into the provided buffer (e.g. if the object is a triangle
+    // then this is the triangle index)
+    primitive_index: u32,
+    // Two of the barycentric coordinates, the third can be calculated (only useful if this is a triangle).
+    barycentrics: vec2<f32>,
+    // Whether the hit face is the front (only useful if this is a triangle).
+    front_face: bool,
+    // Matrix for converting from object-space to world-space.
+    //
+    // Bug: This matrix need to be transposed currently otherwise it will not work properly.
+    object_to_world: mat4x3<f32>,
+    // Matrix for converting from world-space to object-space
+    //
+    // Bug: This matrix need to be transposed currently otherwise it will not work properly.
+    world_to_object: mat4x3<f32>,
+/// -- Flags for `RayDesc::flags` --
+// All `Blas`es are marked as opaque.
+const FORCE_OPAQUE = 0x1;
+// All `Blas`es are marked as non-opaque.
+const FORCE_NO_OPAQUE = 0x2;
+// Instead of searching for the closest hit return the first hit.
+// Unused: implemented for raytracing pipelines.
+// If `RayIntersection::front_face` is false do not return a hit.
+const CULL_BACK_FACING = 0x10;
+// If `RayIntersection::front_face` is true do not return a hit.
+const CULL_FRONT_FACING = 0x20;
+// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking is marked as opaque do not return a hit.
+const CULL_OPAQUE = 0x40;
+// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking is not marked as opaque do not return a hit.
+const CULL_NO_OPAQUE = 0x80;
+// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking contains triangles do not return a hit.
+const SKIP_TRIANGLES = 0x100;
+// If the `Blas` a intersection is checking contains AABBs do not return a hit.
+const SKIP_AABBS = 0x200;
+/// -- Constants for `RayIntersection::kind` --
+// The ray hit nothing.
+// The ray hit a triangle.
+// The ray hit a custom object, this will only happen in a committed intersection
+// if a ray which intersected a bounding box for a custom object which was then committed.
+// The ray hit a AABB, this will only happen in a candidate intersection
+// if the ray intersects the bounding box for a custom object.