Releases: getdokan/dokan
Releases · getdokan/dokan
= v3.2.5 ( April 30, 2021 ) =
- fix: Fix single store page template layout
- fix: [wpml] Fix malformed dashboard subpage URL when page_link is filtered to add a query parameter
- fix: product count exclude booking product
- fix: order export not filtered customer filtered data
- fix: [wpml] Fix malformed store URL when the home URL contains a query parameter
- fix: capitalise vendor url in add new vendor
- new: Sub orders set dynamic post status on WooCommerce my account order details page
- new: Store listing shortcode enhancements, Store Category wise: [dokan-stores category="clothing"] Order wise: [dokan-stores order="ASC"] Orderby wise: [dokan-stores orderby="registered"] Store_id wise: [dokan-stores store_id="1, 2, 3"
- new: Vendor product listing page added 2 new filters options stock wise and product type wise
- new: Order status for withdraw option added on dokan admin setting page
- new: Store open close option disabled by default when a vendor register
- fix: Vendor setup wizard page broken issue fixed
- fix: Inconsistency template CSS class dokan-w3 issue fixed on vendor setting page
- fix: Unable to add multiple lines to the short Description field issue fixed
- fix: AZERTY keyboard restrict registration issue fixed for vendor register form
= v3.2.4 ( March 31, 2021 ) =
- new: Enter key allow for vendor search on store listing page
- feat: Vendors able to edit product slug from their product edit page
- update: Set default values withdraw methods, limit, order status, commissions on the setup wizard
- refactor: product create update redundant check
- fix: time format with a forward slash () wasn't parsing correctly on store open/close time dropdown
- fix: Products: Preview of text is not appearing instantly while adding Product Tags
- fix: Withdraw: IBAN number is not showing on the Dokan Admin
- fix: Warning showing on all widget when use on Elementor
- fix: Divi theme store single page showing warning issue fixed
- fix: Store listing filter most recent is not working issue fixed
= v3.2.3 ( March 13, 2021 ) =
- notice: limited time promotion for weDevs birthday
- update: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1 compatibility
= v3.2.2 ( March 5, 2021 ) =
- new: Added order completed email notification for vendors
- new: Added Vendor individual withdraw threshold option
- new: Added a new hook (dokan_admin_setup_wizard_save_step_setup_selling) after admin setup wizard save setup selling step
- new: Added a new action hook (dokan_create_sub_order_before_calculate_totals) when creating a suborder
- update: Added sales price validation check for subscription product
- update: Added a new filter hook (dokan_order_status_count) in order status to support custom order status
- update: WP kses added new allowed arguments for image tag
- fix: Product update and delete permission error via REST API
- fix: Fixed some PHP 8 warnings
- fix: Store settings error on save in vendor dashboard area
- fix: Order delivery tracking number wasn't saving as order notes
- fix: Export order by status on vendor dashboard issue fixed
- fix: Product discount price is set empty if regular price is lower than discount price
- fix: Fatal error on product tab's post per page in more products section
- fix: Store/products orderby query parameter
- fix: Dokan store open time timezone mismatch
- fix: Prices fields showing for external product
- fix: Unable to save stock value for variation product
- fix: Deprecated Gplus cleanup
- fix: Unable to save stock value for variation product
- fix: Different edit url for publish products in vendor dashbboard
- fix: SKU wasn't saving from vendor dashboard
= v3.2.1 ( February 12, 2021 ) =
fix: Optimized code for better security
update: performance improvements on vendor dashboard end
fix: fixed conflict with user frontend menu position with Dokan
= v3.2.0 ( January 29, 2021 ) =
- new Added blank product page new UI on vendor dashboard
- new Added Store open and closed status on dokan store listing page
- new Added a setting where admin can set how many products to display on vendor single store page
- new Added a new validation message after upload a banner/profile picture, show a browser alert if user tries to leave the current page without saving the changes.
- new Added a new update setting button on top of the vendor setting form
- new Added downloadable and virtual product type support for subscription products
- update Dokan withdrawal request promotion
- fix While registering as a vendor, radio button should work only when user click mouse cursor on the top of the radio button.
- fix Product add pop-up validation error message style
- fix Vendor pending tab keeps loading issue fixed
- fix Improved the mapbox address search input field and make it same as google map search box
- fix Keep old vendor as product author while duplicating product from the admin area
- fix Fixed rounded vendor balance can not be withdrawn
- fix Fixed resetting geolocation address is not selecting default location address
- fix Fixed featured attribute of the store list shortcode doesn't work
- fix Fixed vendors count not working on autoload in admin vendor listing page
- fix Fixed downloadable product "Grant Access" JS error
- fix Added filter for $allowed_roles in vendor registration which was missing
- fix If the vendor has a rounded value in their balance then vendors are unable to request a withdrawal of the full amount
- fix When order data is retrieved via API, the "total" order value is gets rounded
- fix Elementor conflict with Dokan best and top-selling product shortcodes issue fixed
- fix More product tab showing other vendors product issue fixed
= v3.1.2 ( January 12, 2021 ) =
- fix: Store listing page displaying disabled vendors
- notice: Added Paypal adaptive modules removal notice
= v3.1.1 ( January 11, 2021 ) =
- feat: Added searching feature for Dokan admin settings
- new: Added "Visit Vendor Dashboard" link to admin bar
- new: Added current_datetime() compatible dokan functions for WordPress version < 5.3
- update: Updated refund table item_totals and item_tax_totals fields via Dokan upgrader
- perf: Optimized Dokan admin settings page to load setting page faster
- fix: Added vendor search feature for disabled vendors
- fix: Product discount showing wrong when a product that has a limited time discount and sets a schedule on the calendar on the frontend dashboard
- fix: Fixed creating addon by vendor staff was not working for product
- fix: Fixed coupons created by the vendor can not be modified
- fix: Fixed admin dashboard wasn't loading due to use of sprintf for some translatable strings
- fix: Fixed display issue for State and Country multi-select of Dokan vendor create modal
- fix: Translation issue fixed on store listing page
- fix: Store product category not showing properly
- fix: Fixed missing text-domain on product listing delete confirmation alert
- fix: Responsive dashboard product and order table
= v3.1.0 ( December 20, 2020 ) =
- [new] Store page customizer and better theme support
- [fix] Stock level wrong calculation in order notes
- [fix] Improve search with store name in Dokan admin vendor listing and store listing page
- [fix] Store listing page avatar image not showing properly on store listing page
- [fix] Store and store term and conditions template make high priority
- [fix] Store settings page url issue when vendor dashboard use as child page
- [fix] Vendor dashboard menu not selected when vendor dashboard use as a child page
- [fix] Ordering issue on category dropdown on product listing filter area
- [fix] Vue wp list table package updated, translation support for list tables
- [fix] Dokan vendor dashboard big counter warning issue fixed
- [fix] Vendor dashboard product table column issue fixed
- [fix] Update custom deactivation reason placeholder text
- [fix] Vendor biography formatting issue when update any vendor from Dokan admin area
- [fix] Added attribute slug with product REST API
- [fix] Vendor listing and withdraw page not loading correctly in admin area when use others languages
- [fix] Upgrade to pro module page overlapping issue with admin notice, css & changed svg
- [fix] Withdraw methods toggle options not working on Dokan setup wizard
- [fix] Withdraw methods are not saving for some users, fixed via Dokan upgrader