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410 lines (264 loc) · 23.7 KB

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410 lines (264 loc) · 23.7 KB


  • 331 Implements an additional check specific to property types of required & undefined. This to ensure the property key exists when the property value extends undefined.
  • 331 Documentation updates for Ajv and TypeCompiler


  • 331 Remove unusued recursive code paths for create and cast.


  • 324 TypeScript Language Service now presents JSDoc comments when inferring static object properties. (IntelliSense)
  • 325 Additional property inference optimizations.


  • Huge thank you to Github user stevezhu for these excellent contributions.


  • 323 adds compiler support for UTF-16 (unicode) characters for schema identifiers.


  • 307 implements date conversion when casting values with Value.Cast(Type.Date(), ...). Castable values include numbers (interpretted as timestamps) and iso8601 string values. Uncastable values will result in dates with values of 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. This version also includes more robust checks for Dates initialized with invalid values.


  • 286 implements a FNV1A-64 non cryptographic hashing function in TypeBox. This function should not be used in place of cryptographic hashing functions, rather it's purpose is to provide relatively fast, hashing mechanism to assist with checks for arrays with uniqueItems constraints, specifically for cases where the array may contains reference values (such as objects, arrays, Dates and Uint8Array). This function is provided via Value.Hash() for convenience as the hash may be useful to generate a numeric identifier for values (with some considerations to React array rendering in absence of key or identifier)


  • 283 Updates the custom type validator callback signature to accept a schema instance. The schema instance may include additional constraints (such as options) that may be used during the validation process. Custom.Set('<Kind>', (schema, value) => { ... }).


  • 282 TypeBox now supports custom types. These types require the user to specify a custom [Kind] string on the type. Custom types can be registered via Custom.Set('<Kind>', (value) => { ... }) which allow the TypeCompiler and Value API's to make use of user defined validation logic.


  • 271 Adds a new non-standard Type.Date() type. This type joins the existing Type.UInt8Array() as a promoted extended type used to represent core JavaScript primitives. It's inclusion was prompted by end user requirements to validate Date objects prior to writing them to Date supported API's and where serialization of the Date object is handled internally by the API.

  • 271 Redesign of Extended Type representations. Extended types been updated to provide external validators (such as Ajv) additional standard proporties to use when defining the custom schema. These properties are instanceOf (used for validating a class object instances), and typeOf (when validating value types). Information on configuring Ajv for these properties can be found in the Ajv section of the TypeBox readme.


  • 264 TypeBox now provides preliminary support for non-boolean additionalProperties. This allows existing TObject schemas to be augmented with additional properties of a known type.


  • TypeBox provides an additional reference codegen module for generating raw JSON Schema from TypeScript types via the TS compiler API. This generator may be used in future tooling.


  • 189 Both Value.Error(T, value) and TypeCheck.Error(value) now return an iterator for validation errors.
  • 191 TypeBox now provides a TypeGuard API that can be used to check the structural validity of TypeBox type. The TypeGuard can be used in reflection / code generation scenarios to resolve the appropriate inner TSchema type while traversing a outer type.
  • 197 TypeBox now implements conditional runtime type mapping. This functionality is offered as seperate import for the 0.24.0 release but may be provided as standard type in later releases. This API enables type T = Foo extends Bar ? true : false conditional checks to be implemented at runtime. This API also provides the Exclude and Extract utility types which are implemented through conditional types in TypeScript.
  • 199 TypeBox now provides better support for varidiac function and constructor signatures. Currently Variadics are mapped through Tuple types.
  • 200 The types TPick and TOmit now support types of TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]> to be used to select properties. Additionally, KeyOf now returns TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>, allowing KeyOf schemas to be passed to TPick and TOmit.
  • 214 TypeBox now provides better support for i18n. To achieve this, TypeBox includes fixed mappable error codes on the ValueError type. These codes can be used by external implementors to create localized error messages. TypeBox may include localized error codes as an optional import in future releases.
  • 288 TypeBox now allows users to implement custom string validator formats. These formats are internally shared between the Value and TypeCompiler API's. TypeBox does not currently provide any built in formats, however the standard expected set (email, uuid, uri, etc) may be provided via optional import (inline with ajv-formats usage)
  • 229 The Value.Cast() function now implements automatic coersion of string, number and boolean types.
  • 231 TypeBox provides a new Value.Diff<T>() and Value.Patch<T>() utility API for JavaScript values. This API is intended to provide a basis for the efficient transmission of state updates across a network. This API can diff any JavaScript value (typed or untyped) but is recommended to be used in conjunction with a formal static type.
  • 236 TypeBox now implements the TNever type. This type is analogous to TypeScript's never type and is used in instances a composition results in a non-reconcilable type. Currently this type is implemented for empty TUnion<[]> types only. Future releases may utilize this type for planned updates to TIntersect (for example string & number resolves to never)
  • 241 247 TypeBox now exposes a ValuePointer API that can be used to mutate a value via an RFC6901 JSON Pointer. Previously this functionality was internally used by Value.Diff() and Value.Patch() functions but is now offered as an optional import for implementations that need to update values manually through pointer references.


  • This project now includes two reference code generation utilities that can be used in custom build tooling. The first is TypeScriptCodeGen which will remap TypeScript interface and type definitions to TypeBox types. The second is TypeBoxCodeGen which will map existing TypeBox types into TypeScript type definitions. These implementations are not expected to be part of the TypeBox package, but users are free to clone and enhance them in their existing tool chains. Reference implementations can be found


  • Conditional.Extends(...) This enables TypeBox to conditionally map types inline with TypeScripts structural equivelence checks. Tested against TypeScript 4.7.4.
  • Conditional.Extract(...) Which analogs TypeScripts Extract<...> utility type. Additional information here
  • Conditional.Exclude(...) Which analogs TypeScripts Exclude<...> utility type. Additional information here
  • Type.Parameters(...) Returns the parameters of a TFunction as a TTuple
  • Type.ReturnType(...) Returns the return type schema of a TFunction
  • Type.ConstructorParameters(...) Returns the parameters of a TConstructor as a TTuple
  • Type.InstanceType(...) Returns the instance type schema of a TConstructor


  • Value.Cast(T, value) structurally casts a value into another form while retaining information within the original value.
  • Value.Check(T, value) provides slow dynamic type checking for values. For performance, one should consider the TypeCompiler or Ajv validator.
  • Value.Errors(T, value) returns an iterable iterator errors found in a given value.


  • TypeBox now offers a TypeGuard module for structurally checking TypeBox schematics. This module can be used in runtime type reflection scenarios where it's helpful to test a schema is of a particular form. This module can be imported under the @sinclair/typebox/guard import path.


import { TypeGuard } from '@sinclair/typebox/guard'

const T: any = {}                                    // T is any

const { type } = T                                   // unsafe: type is any

if(TypeGuard.TString(T)) {
  const { type } = T                                 // safe: type is 'string'


  • The kind and modifier keywords are now expressed as symbol keys. This change allows AJV to leverage TypeBox schemas directly without explicit configuration of kind and modifier in strict mode.
  • Type.Intersect([...]) now returns a composite TObject instead of a allOf schema representation. This change allows intersected types to be leveraged in calls to Omit, Pick, Partial, Required.
  • Type.Void(...) now generates a { type: null } schema representation. This is principally used for RPC implementations where a RPC target function needs to respond with a serializable value for void return.
  • Type.Rec(...) renamed to Type.Recursive(...) and now supports non-mutual recursive type inference.


  • Type.Unsafe<T>(...). This type enables custom schema representations whose static type is informed by generic type T.
  • Type.Uint8Array(...). This is a non-standard schema that can be configured on AJV to enable binary buffer range validation.
  • Added optional extended design property on all schema options. This property can be used to specify design time metadata when rendering forms.


  • TypeBox now provides an optional experimental type compiler that can be used to validate types without AJV. This compiler is not a standard JSON schema compiler and will only compile TypeBox's known schema representations. For full JSON schema validation, AJV should still be the preference. This compiler is a work in progress.


  • TypeBox now provides a value generator that can generate default values from TypeBox types.

Breaking Changes:

  • Type.Intersect(...) is constrained to accept types of TObject only.
  • Type.Namespace(...) has been removed.
  • The types TUnion, TEnum, KeyOf and TLiteral<TString>[] are all now expressed via allOf. For Open API users, Please consider Type.Unsafe() to express enum string union representations. Documentation on using Type.Unsafe() can be found here


  • Fix: Rename BoxKind to NamespaceKind


  • The Type.KeyOf(...) type can now accept references of Type.Ref(TObject)


  • The types Type.Namespace(...) and Type.Ref(...) are promoted to Standard.
  • TypeBox now includes an additional type named TRef<...> that is returned on calls to Type.Ref(...). The TRef<...> includes a new RefKind symbol for introspection of the reference type.
  • TypeBox now maintains an internal dictionary of all schemas passed that contain an $id property. This dictionary is checked whenever a user attempts to reference a type and will throw if attempting to reference a target schema with no $id.
  • The types Type.Partial(...), Type.Required(...), Type.Omit() and Type.Pick(...) now support reference types. Note that when using these functions with references, TypeBox will replicate the source schema and apply the nessasary modifiers to the replication.


  • The type TSchema is now expressed as an HKT compatible interface. All types now extend the TSchema interface and are themselves also expressed as interfaces. This work was undertaken to explore recursive type aliases in future releases.
  • The phantom property _infer has been renamed to $static. Callers should not interact with this property as it will always be undefined and used exclusively for optimizing type inference in TypeScript 4.5 and above.
  • TypeBox re-adds the feature to deeply introspect schema properties. This feature was temporarily removed on the 0.21.0 update to resolve deep instantiation errors on TypeScript 4.5.
  • The Type.Box(...) and Type.Rec(...) functions internally rename the property definitions to $defs inline with JSON schema draft 2019-09 conventions. Reference here.


  • TypeBox now correctly infers for nested union and intersect types.


const A = Type.Object({ a: Type.String() })
const B = Type.Object({ b: Type.String() })
const C = Type.Object({ c: Type.String() })
const T = Type.Intersect([A, Type.Union([B, C])])

// type T = { a: string } & { b: string } & { c: string } 


const A = Type.Object({ a: Type.String() })
const B = Type.Object({ b: Type.String() })
const C = Type.Object({ c: Type.String() })
const T = Type.Intersect([A, Type.Union([B, C])])

// type T = { a: string } & ({ b: string } | { c: string })


  • TypeBox static inference has been updated inline with additional inference constraints added in TypeScript 4.5. All types now include a phantom _infer property which contains the inference TS type for a given schema. The type of this property is inferred at the construction of the schema, and referenced directly via Static<T>.
  • Type.Box(...) has been renamed to Type.Namespace(...) to draw an analogy with XML's xmlns XSD types.


  • TypeBox mandates TypeScript compiler version 4.3.5 and above.


  • Function Type.Rec(...) signature change.
  • Minor documentation updates.


The Type.Rec(...) function signature has been changed to allow passing the $id as a custom option. This is to align Type.Rec(...) with other functions that accept $id as an option. Type.Rec(...) can work with or without an explicit $id, but it is recommend to specify one if the recursive type is nested in an outer schema.

const Node = Type.Rec(Self => Type.Object({
    id: Type.String(),
    nodes: Type.Array(Self)
}), { $id: 'Node' })


  • Function Type.Box(...) removes $id parameter as first argument.
  • Function Type.Ref(...) is now overloaded to support referencing Type.Box(...) and TSchema.


This update changes the signature of Type.Box(...) and removes the explicit $id passing on the first parameter. The $id must be passed as an option if the caller wants to reference that type.

const T = Type.String({ $id: 'T' })

const B = Type.Box({ T }, { $id: 'B' })

const R1 = Type.Ref(T)                   // const R1 = { $ref: 'T' }

const R2 = Type.Ref(B, 'T')              // const R2 = { $ref: 'B#/definitions/T' }
  • Function Type.Enum(...) now expressed with anyOf. This to remove the allowUnionTypes configuration required to use enum with in AJV strict.
  • Function Type.Rec(...) now takes a required $id as the first parameter.
  • Function Type.Strict(...) no longer includes a $schema. Callers can now optionally pass CustomOptions on Type.Strict(...)


  • Function Type.Intersect(...) is now implemented with allOf and constrained with unevaluatedProperties (draft 2019-09)
  • Function Type.Dict(...) has been deprecated and replaced with Type.Record(...).
  • Function Type.Strict(...) now includes the $schema property referencing the 2019-09 draft.


TypeBox now targets JSON schema draft 2019-09 for expressing Type.Intersect(...). This is now expressed via allOf with additionalProperties constrained with unevaluatedProperties. Note that unevaluatedProperties is a feature of the 2019-09 specification.

Type.Record(K, V)

TypeBox has deprecated Type.Dict(...) in favor of the more generic Type.Record(...). Where as Type.Dict(...) was previously expressed with additionalProperties: { ... }, Type.Record(...) is expressed with patternProperties and supports both string and number indexer keys. Additionally, Type.Record(...) supports string union arguments. This is analogous to TypeScript's utility record type Record<'a' | 'b' | 'c', T>.


  • Added optional $id argument on Type.Rec().
  • Documentation updates.


  • Added Type.Rec(...) function.


This update introduces the Type.Rec() function for enabling Recursive Types. Please note that due to current inference limitations in TypeScript, TypeBox is unable to infer the type and resolves inner types to any.

This functionality enables for complex self referential schemas to be composed. The following creates a binary expression syntax node with the expression self referential for left and right oprands.

const Operator = Type.Union([

type Expression = Static<typeof Expression>

// Defines a self referencing type.
const Expression = Type.Rec(Self => Type.Object({
    left:     Type.Union([Self, Type.Number()]), 
    right:    Type.Union([Self, Type.Number()]),
    operator: Operator

function evaluate(expression: Expression): number {
    const left = typeof expression.left  !== 'number' 
        ? evaluate(expression.left as Expression)  // assert as Expression
        : expression.left
    const right = typeof expression.right  !== 'number' 
        ? evaluate(expression.right as Expression) // assert as Expression
        : expression.right
    switch(expression.operator) {
        case '+': return left + right
        case '-': return left - right
        case '*': return left * right
        case '/': return left / right

const result = evaluate({
    left: {
        left: 10, 
        operator: '*',
        right: 4, 
    operator: '+',
    right: 2,
}) // -> 42

This functionality is flagged as EXPERIMENTAL and awaits community feedback.


  • Added Type.Box() and Type.Ref() functions.


This update provides the Type.Box() function to enable common related schemas to grouped under a common namespace; typically expressed as a URI. This functionality is primarily geared towards allowing one to define a common set of domain objects that may be shared across application domains running over a network. The Type.Box() is intended to be an analog to XML xmlns namespacing.

The Type.Ref() function is limited to referencing from boxes only. The following is an example.

// Domain objects for the fruit service.
const Fruit = Type.Box('', {
    Apple:  Type.Object({ ... }),
    Orange: Type.Object({ ... }),

// An order referencing types of the fruit service.
const Order = Type.Object({
    id:       Type.String(),
    quantity: Type.Number(),
    item:     Type.Union([
        Type.Ref(Fruit, 'Apple'),
        Type.Ref(Fruit, 'Orange')

Note: As of this release, the Type.Omit(), Type.Pick(), Type.Partial(), Type.Readonly() and Type.Intersect() functions do not work with Reference Types. This may change in later revisions.

For validation using Ajv, its possible to apply the Box directly as a schema.

ajv.addSchema(Fruit) // makes all boxed types known to Ajv

This functionality is flagged as EXPERIMENTAL and awaits community feedback.

  • Remove default additionalProperties: false constraint from all object schemas.

This update removes the additionalProperties: false constraint on all object schemas. This constraint was introduced on 0.16.x but has resulted in significant downstream problems composing schemas whose types intersect. This is due to a JSON schema design principle where constraints should only be added (never removed), and that intersection types may require removal of the additionalProperties constraint in some cases, this had resulted in some ambiguity with respect to how TypeBox should handle such intersections.

This update can also be seen as a precursor towards TypeBox potentially leveraging unevaluatedProperties for type intersection in future releases. Implementors should take note that in order to constrain the schema to known properties, one should apply the additionalProperties: false as the second argument to Type.Object({...}).

const T = Type.Object({
    a: Type.String(),
    b: Type.Number()
}, { 
    additionalProperties: false 