+## Mixed group
+Displaying a mixture of grouped and standalone buttons, as might be seen in a toolbar, can be done by adding another wrapping element with the class button-container.
+.fixie-demo img {
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ width:60px;
+ height:60px;
+ padding: 2px;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/css/highlight/LICENSE
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+Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of highlight.js nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
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+# Highlight.js
+Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and,
+in fact, on any web page. It's very easy to use because it works
+automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it.
+Autodetection can be fine tuned when it fails by itself (see "Heuristics").
+## Basic usage
+Link the library and a stylesheet from your page and hook highlighting to
+the page load event:
+This will highlight all code on the page marked up as `
+If you use different markup or need to apply highlighting dynamically, read
+"Custom initialization" below.
+- You can download your own customized version of "highlight.pack.js" or
+ use the hosted one as described on the download page:
+- Style themes are available in the download package or as hosted files.
+ To create a custom style for your site see the class reference in the file
+ [classref.txt][cr] from the downloaded package.
+[cr]: http://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/classref.txt
+## Tab replacement
+You can replace TAB ('\x09') characters used for indentation in your code
+with some fixed number of spaces or with a `` to give them special
+## Custom initialization
+If you use different markup for code blocks you can initialize them manually
+with `highlightBlock(code, tabReplace, useBR)` function. It takes a DOM element
+containing the code to highlight and optionally a string with which to replace
+TAB characters.
+Initialization using, for example, jQuery might look like this:
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)});
+You can use `highlightBlock` to highlight blocks dynamically inserted into
+the page. Just make sure you don't do it twice for already highlighted
+If your code container relies on ` ` tags instead of line breaks (i.e. if
+it's not `
`) pass `true` into the third parameter of `highlightBlock`
+to make highlight.js use ` ` in the output:
+$('div.code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, null, true)});
+## Heuristics
+Autodetection of a code's language is done using a simple heuristic:
+the program tries to highlight a fragment with all available languages and
+counts all syntactic structures that it finds along the way. The language
+with greatest count wins.
+This means that in short fragments the probability of an error is high
+(and it really happens sometimes). In this cases you can set the fragment's
+language explicitly by assigning a class to the `` element:
+You can use class names recommended in HTML5: "language-html",
+"language-php". Classes also can be assigned to the `
` element.
+To disable highlighting of a fragment altogether use "no-highlight" class:
+## Export
+File export.html contains a little program that allows you to paste in a code
+snippet and then copy and paste the resulting HTML code generated by the
+highlighter. This is useful in situations when you can't use the script itself
+on a site.
+## Meta
+- Version: 7.0
+- URL: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/
+- Author: Ivan Sagalaev ()
+For the license terms see LICENSE files.
+For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.en.txt file.
diff --git a/css/highlight/README.ru.md b/css/highlight/README.ru.md
new file mode 100644
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+# Highlight.js
+Highlight.js нужен для подсветки синтаксиса в примерах кода в блогах,
+форумах и вообще на любых веб-страницах. Пользоваться им очень просто,
+потому что работает он автоматически: сам находит блоки кода, сам
+определяет язык, сам подсвечивает.
+Автоопределением языка можно управлять, когда оно не справляется само (см.
+дальше "Эвристика").
+## Простое использование
+Подключите библиотеку и стиль на страницу и повесть вызов подсветки на
+загрузку страницы:
+Весь код на странице, обрамлённый в теги `
+будет автоматически подсвечен. Если вы используете другие теги или хотите
+подсвечивать блоки кода динамически, читайте "Инициализацию вручную" ниже.
+- Вы можете скачать собственную версию "highlight.pack.js" или сослаться
+ на захостенный файл, как описано на странице загрузки:
+- Стилевые темы можно найти в загруженном архиве или также использовать
+ захостенные. Чтобы сделать собственный стиль для своего сайта, вам
+ будет полезен справочник классов в файле [classref.txt][cr], который тоже
+ есть в архиве.
+[cr]: http://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/classref.txt
+## Замена TABов
+Также вы можете заменить символы TAB ('\x09'), используемые для отступов, на
+фиксированное количество пробелов или на отдельный ``, чтобы задать ему
+какой-нибудь специальный стиль:
+## Инициализация вручную
+Если вы используете другие теги для блоков кода, вы можете инициализировать их
+явно с помощью функции `highlightBlock(code, tabReplace, useBR)`. Она принимает
+DOM-элемент с текстом расцвечиваемого кода и опционально - строчку для замены
+символов TAB.
+Например с использованием jQuery код инициализации может выглядеть так:
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)});
+`highlightBlock` можно также использовать, чтобы подсветить блоки кода,
+добавленные на страницу динамически. Только убедитесь, что вы не делаете этого
+повторно для уже раскрашенных блоков.
+Если ваш блок кода использует ` ` вместо переводов строки (т.е. если это не
`), передайте `true` третьим параметром в `highlightBlock`:
+$('div.code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, null, true)});
+## Эвристика
+Определение языка, на котором написан фрагмент, делается с помощью
+довольно простой эвристики: программа пытается расцветить фрагмент всеми
+языками подряд, и для каждого языка считает количество подошедших
+синтаксически конструкций и ключевых слов. Для какого языка нашлось больше,
+тот и выбирается.
+Это означает, что в коротких фрагментах высока вероятность ошибки, что
+периодически и случается. Чтобы указать язык фрагмента явно, надо написать
+его название в виде класса к элементу ``:
+Можно использовать рекомендованные в HTML5 названия классов:
+"language-html", "language-php". Также можно назначать классы на элемент
+Чтобы запретить расцветку фрагмента вообще, используется класс "no-highlight":
+## Экспорт
+В файле export.html находится небольшая программка, которая показывает и дает
+скопировать непосредственно HTML-код подсветки для любого заданного фрагмента кода.
+Это может понадобится например на сайте, на котором нельзя подключить сам скрипт
+## Координаты
+- Версия: 7.0
+- URL: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/
+- Автор: Иван Сагалаев ()
+Лицензионное соглашение читайте в файле LICENSE.
+Список соавторов читайте в файле AUTHORS.ru.txt
diff --git a/css/highlight/classref.txt b/css/highlight/classref.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f919a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/highlight/classref.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+This is a full list of available classes corresponding to languages'
+syntactic structures. The parentheses after language name contain identifiers
+used as class names in `` element.
+Python ("python"):
+ keyword keyword
+ built_in built-in objects (None, False, True and Ellipsis)
+ number number
+ string string (of any type)
+ comment comment
+ decorator @-decorator for functions
+ function function header "def some_name(...):"
+ class class header "class SomeName(...):"
+ title name of a function or a class inside a header
+ params everything inside parentheses in a function's or class' header
+Python profiler results ("profile"):
+ number number
+ string string
+ builtin builtin function entry
+ filename filename in an entry
+ summary profiling summary
+ header header of table of results
+ keyword column header
+ function function name in an entry (including parentheses)
+ title actual name of a function in an entry (excluding parentheses)
+Ruby ("ruby"):
+ keyword keyword
+ string string
+ subst in-string substitution (#{...})
+ comment comment
+ yardoctag YARD tag
+ function function header "def some_name(...):"
+ class class header "class SomeName(...):"
+ title name of a function or a class inside a header
+ parent name of a parent class
+ symbol symbol
+ instancevar instance variable
+Perl ("perl"):
+ keyword keyword
+ comment comment
+ number number
+ string string
+ regexp regular expression
+ sub subroutine header (from "sub" till "{")
+ variable variable starting with "$", "%", "@"
+ operator operator
+ pod plain old doc
+PHP ("php"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string (of any type)
+ comment comment
+ phpdoc phpdoc params in comments
+ variable variable starting with "$"
+ preprocessor preprocessor marks: ""
+Scala ("scala"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ annotaion annotation
+ javadoc javadoc comment
+ javadoctag @-tag in javadoc
+ class class header
+ title class name inside a header
+ params everything in parentheses inside a class header
+ inheritance keywords "extends" and "with" inside class header
+Go language ("go"):
+ comment comment
+ string string constant
+ number number
+ keyword language keywords
+ constant true false nil iota
+ typename built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
+ built_in built-in functions
+XML ("xml"):
+ tag any tag from "<" till ">"
+ comment comment
+ pi processing instruction ( ... ?>)
+ cdata CDATA section
+ attribute attribute
+ value attribute's value
+HTML ("html"):
+ keyword HTML tag
+ tag any tag from "<" till ">"
+ comment comment
+ doctype declaration
+ attribute tag's attribute with or without value
+ value attribute's value
+CSS ("css"):
+ tag HTML tag in selectors
+ id #some_name in selectors
+ class .some_name in selectors
+ at_rule @-rule till first "{" or ";"
+ attr_selector attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
+ pseudo pseudo classes and elemens (:after, ::after etc.)
+ comment comment
+ rules everything from "{" till "}"
+ property property name inside a rule
+ value property value inside a rule, from ":" till ";" or
+ till the end of rule block
+ number number within a value
+ string string within a value
+ hexcolor hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
+ function CSS function within a value
+ params everything between "(" and ")" within a function
+ important "!important" symbol
+Markdown ("markdown"):
+ header header
+ bullet list bullet
+ emphasis emphasis
+ strong strong emphasis
+ blockquote blockquote
+ code code
+ horizontal_rule horizontal rule
+ link_label link label
+ link_url link url
+Django ("django"):
+ keyword HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
+ tag any tag from "<" till ">"
+ comment comment
+ doctype declaration
+ attribute tag's attribute with or withou value
+ value attribute's value
+ template_tag template tag {% .. %}
+ variable template variable {{ .. }}
+ template_comment template comment, both {# .. #} and {% comment %}
+ filter filter from "|" till the next filter or the end of tag
+ argument filter argument
+JSON ("json"):
+ number number
+ literal "true", "false" and "null"
+ string string value
+ attribute name of an object property
+ value value of an object property
+JavaScript ("javascript"):
+ keyword keyword
+ comment comment
+ number number
+ literal special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
+ string string
+ regexp regular expression
+ function header of a function
+ title name of a function inside a header
+ params parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
+CoffeeScript ("coffeescript"):
+ keyword keyword
+ comment comment
+ number number
+ literal special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
+ string string
+ regexp regular expression
+ function header of a function
+ title name of a function variable inside a header
+ params parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
+ActionScript ("actionscript"):
+ comment comment
+ string string
+ number number
+ keyword keywords
+ literal literal
+ reserved reserved keyword
+ title name of declaration (package, class or function)
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive (import, include)
+ type type of returned value (for functions)
+ package package (named or not)
+ class class/interface
+ function function
+ param params of function
+ rest_arg rest argument of function
+VBScript ("vbscript"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ built_in built-in function
+HTTP ("http"):
+ request first line of a request
+ status first line of a response
+ attribute header name
+ string header value or query string in a request line
+ number status code
+Lua ("lua"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ built_in built-in operator
+ function header of a function
+ title name of a function inside a header
+ params everything inside parentheses in a function's header
+ long_brackets multiline string in [=[ .. ]=]
+Delphi ("delphi"):
+ keyword keyword
+ comment comment (of any type)
+ number number
+ string string
+ function header of a function, procedure, constructor and destructor
+ title name of a function, procedure, constructor or destructor
+ inside a header
+ params everything inside parentheses in a function's header
+ class class' body from "= class" till "end;"
+Java ("java"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ annotaion annotation
+ javadoc javadoc comment
+ class class header from "class" till "{"
+ title class name inside a header
+ params everything in parentheses inside a class header
+ inheritance keywords "extends" and "implements" inside class header
+C++ ("cpp"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string and character
+ comment comment
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ stl_container instantiation of STL containers ("vector<...>")
+Objective C ("objectivec"):
+ keyword keyword
+ built_in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch constants and classes
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ class interface/implementation, protocol and forward class declaration
+ variable properties and struct accesors
+Vala ("vala"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ class class definitions
+ title in class definition
+ constant ALL_UPPER_CASE
+C# ("cs"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ xmlDocTag xmldoc tag ("///", "", "<..>")
+D language ("d"):
+ comment comment
+ string string constant
+ number number
+ keyword language keywords (including @attributes)
+ constant true false null
+ built_in built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
+RenderMan RSL ("rsl"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string (including @"..")
+ comment comment
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ shader sahder keywords
+ shading shading keywords
+ built_in built-in function
+RenderMan RIB ("rib"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ commands command
+Maya Embedded Language ("mel"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ variable variable
+SQL ("sql"):
+ keyword keyword (mostly SQL'92 and SQL'99)
+ number number
+ string string (of any type: "..", '..', `..`)
+ comment comment
+ aggregate aggregate function
+Smalltalk ("smalltalk"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ symbol symbol
+ array array
+ class name of a class
+ char char
+ localvars block of local variables
+Lisp ("lisp"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ variable variable
+ literal b, t and nil
+ list non-quoted list
+ title first symbol in a non-quoted list
+ body remainder of the non-quoted list
+ quoted quoted list, both "(quote .. )" and "'(..)"
+Ini ("ini"):
+ title title of a section
+ value value of a setting of any type
+ string string
+ number number
+ keyword boolean value keyword
+Apache ("apache"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ comment commment
+ literal On and Off
+ sqbracket variables in rewrites "%{..}"
+ cbracket options in rewrites "[..]"
+ tag begin and end of a configuration section
+Nginx ("nginx"):
+ title directive title
+ string string
+ number number
+ comment comment
+ built_in built-in constant
+ variable $-variable
+ regexp regexp
+Diff ("diff"):
+ header file header
+ chunk chunk header within a file
+ addition added lines
+ deletion deleted lines
+ change changed lines
+DOS ("dos"):
+ keyword keyword
+ flow batch control keyword
+ stream DOS special files ("con", "prn", ...)
+ winutils some commands (see dos.js specifically)
+ envvar environment variables
+Bash ("bash"):
+ keyword keyword
+ string string
+ number number
+ comment comment
+ literal special literal: "true" и "false"
+ variable variable
+ shebang script interpreter header
+CMake ("cmake")
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ envvar $-variable
+Axapta ("axapta"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ class class header from "class" till "{"
+ title class name inside a header
+ params everything in parentheses inside a class header
+ inheritance keywords "extends" and "implements" inside class header
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+1C ("1c"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ date date
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ function header of function or procudure
+ title function name inside a header
+ params everything in parentheses inside a function header
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+AVR assembler ("avrasm"):
+ keyword keyword
+ built_in pre-defined register
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ label label
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ localvars substitution in .macro
+VHDL ("vhdl")
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment commment
+ literal signal logical value
+ typename typename
+ attribute signal attribute
+Parser3 ("parser3"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ comment commment
+ variable variable starting with "$"
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ title user-defined name starting with "@"
+TeX ("tex"):
+ comment comment
+ number number
+ command command
+ parameter parameter
+ formula formula
+ special special symbol
+Haskell ("haskell"):
+ keyword keyword
+ number number
+ string string
+ comment comment
+ class type classes and other data types
+ title function name
+ type type class name
+ typedef definition of types (type, newtype, data)
+Erlang ("erlang"):
+ comment comment
+ string string
+ number number
+ keyword keyword
+ record_name record access (#record_name)
+ title name of declaration function
+ variable variable (starts with capital letter or with _)
+ pp.keywords module's attribute (-attribute)
+ function_name atom or atom:atom in case of function call
+Rust ("rust"):
+ comment comment
+ string string
+ number number
+ keyword keyword
+ title name of declaration
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+Matlab ("matlab"):
+ comment comment
+ string string
+ number number
+ keyword keyword
+ title function name
+ function function
+ param params of function
+R ("r"):
+ comment comment
+ string string constant
+ number number
+ keyword language keywords (function, if) plus "structural"
+ functions (attach, require, setClass)
+ literal special literal: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, NA, etc.
+OpenGL Shading Language ("glsl"):
+ comment comment
+ number number
+ preprocessor preprocessor directive
+ keyword keyword
+ built_in GLSL built-in functions and variables
+ literal true false
diff --git a/css/highlight/default.min.css b/css/highlight/default.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4bd70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/highlight/default.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pre code{display:block;padding:.5em;background:#f0f0f0}pre code,pre .ruby .subst,pre .tag .title,pre .lisp .title,pre .nginx .title{color:black}pre .string,pre .title,pre .constant,pre .parent,pre .tag .value,pre .rules .value,pre .rules .value .number,pre .preprocessor,pre .ruby .symbol,pre .ruby .symbol .string,pre .ruby .symbol .keyword,pre .ruby .symbol .keymethods,pre .instancevar,pre .aggregate,pre .template_tag,pre .django .variable,pre .smalltalk .class,pre .addition,pre .flow,pre .stream,pre .bash .variable,pre .apache .tag,pre .apache .cbracket,pre .tex .command,pre .tex .special,pre .erlang_repl .function_or_atom,pre .markdown .header{color:#800}pre .comment,pre .annotation,pre .template_comment,pre .diff .header,pre .chunk,pre .markdown .blockquote{color:#888}pre .number,pre .date,pre .regexp,pre .literal,pre .smalltalk .symbol,pre .smalltalk .char,pre .go .constant,pre .change,pre .markdown .bullet,pre .markdown .link_url{color:#080}pre .label,pre .javadoc,pre .ruby .string,pre .decorator,pre .filter .argument,pre .localvars,pre .array,pre .attr_selector,pre .important,pre .pseudo,pre .pi,pre .doctype,pre .deletion,pre .envvar,pre .shebang,pre .apache .sqbracket,pre .nginx .built_in,pre .tex .formula,pre .erlang_repl .reserved,pre .input_number,pre .markdown .link_label,pre .vhdl .attribute{color:#88F}pre .keyword,pre .id,pre .phpdoc,pre .title,pre .built_in,pre .aggregate,pre .css .tag,pre .javadoctag,pre .phpdoc,pre .yardoctag,pre .smalltalk .class,pre .winutils,pre .bash .variable,pre .apache .tag,pre .go .typename,pre .tex .command,pre .markdown .strong,pre .request,pre .status{font-weight:bold}pre .markdown .emphasis{font-style:italic}pre .nginx .built_in{font-weight:normal}pre .coffeescript .javascript,pre .xml .css,pre .xml .javascript,pre .xml .vbscript,pre .tex .formula{opacity:.5}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/css/highlight/highlight.pack.js b/css/highlight/highlight.pack.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f6b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/highlight/highlight.pack.js
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