This is a fork of the Javascript front-end portion of Pimmitje's MumbleReader[1] script, with a goal towards improving the readability and usability for novice users. I don't pretend to be great at JS and I'm near clueless with jQuery, but I think that at least for my purposes this is a more useful starting point than Pimmitje's reference code - I hope someone else finds it useful too.
I've disabled the tooltip feature by default, so that users can make use of Google's code libraries to load jQuery (they don't host qtip). If you want to enable tooltips, you'll need to host your own qtip, and load that along with jQuery, then settooltip(true);.
Most of the included stylesheet should be reasonably self-explanatory, and you should hopefully have little trouble skinning it to fit any website. If you wish to change the icons, upload the modified icon files to a web host and set the imgpath like so:
As with the original MumbleReader scripts and related files, it is released under the terms of the GPL.