This example shows two different ways to create a custom button that has an image and text as properties. Which approach you use depends on what is most convenient in your application.
shows how to expose a FileImage
property. This works just like the Image.File
property and a filename is provided directly.
<MyButtonFile FileImage="cancel.png" Text="Cancel" />
This approach is perhaps the easier to understand, but is less versatile.
The MyButtonSource
shows how to expose a Image
property. This works just like the Image.Source
property, thus supporting a variety of use-cases.
You can create free ImageSource
objects and use them:
<FileImageSource ux:Name="iconCancel" File="cancel.png" ux:AutoBind="false" />
<MyButtonSource Image="iconCancel" Text="Cancel" />
You can use the resource system:
<FileImageSource ux:Key="IconCancel" File="cancel.png" />
<MyButtonSource Image="{Resource IconCancel}" Text="Cancel" />
The resource system is also useful if you want to specify the button in JavaScript:
<FileImageSource ux:Key="IconCancel" File="cancel.png" />
var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var useIcon = Observable("IconCancel");
var useText = "Cancel";
module.exports = {
useIcon: useIcon,
useText: useText
<MyButtonSource Image="{DataToResource useIcon}" Text="{useText}" />
You can also use global's if you want:
<FileImageSource ux:Global="GlobalCancel" File="cancel.png" />
<MyButtonSource Image="GlobalCancel" Text="Cancel" />