Use terminal variant for Alacritty, to avoid wide symbol cut off.
Use terminal variant for Alacritty, to avoid wide symbol cut off.
Switch missile fire binding for ground.
Switch missile fire binding for ground.
Force push
Switch missile fire binding for ground.c
Switch missile fire binding for ground.c
Reorganize hardware-specific package lists.
Reorganize hardware-specific package lists.
Fix regexp for backup-directory-alist
Fix regexp for
.Update ground missile lock bindings.
Update ground missile lock bindings.
Use Iosevka from AUR to have up-to-date versions.
Use Iosevka from AUR to have up-to-date versions.
Still need Iosevka Slab for some applications.
Still need Iosevka Slab for some applications.
Force push
Still need Iosevka Slab for some applications.
Still need Iosevka Slab for some applications.