diff --git a/dissect/target/helpers/docs.py b/dissect/target/helpers/docs.py
index c662918cdf..522e96a1b3 100644
--- a/dissect/target/helpers/docs.py
+++ b/dissect/target/helpers/docs.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import inspect
 import itertools
 import textwrap
-from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, Type
+from typing import Any, Callable
+from dissect.target.plugin import Plugin
 NO_DOCS = "No documentation"
@@ -14,76 +16,23 @@
 INDENT_STEP = " " * 4
-def get_plugin_class_for_func(func: Callable) -> Type:
-    """Return pluging class for provided function instance"""
-    func_parent_name = func.__qualname__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
-    klass = getattr(inspect.getmodule(func), func_parent_name, None)
-    return klass
-def get_real_func_obj(func: Callable) -> Tuple[Type, Callable]:
-    """Return a tuple with plugin class and underlying func object for provided function instance"""
-    klass = None
-    if isinstance(func, property):
-        # turn property into function
-        func = func.fget
-    if inspect.ismethod(func):
-        for klass in inspect.getmro(func.__self__.__class__):
-            if func.__name__ in klass.__dict__:
-                break
-        else:
-            func = getattr(func, "__func__", func)
-    if inspect.isfunction(func):
-        klass = get_plugin_class_for_func(func)
-    if not klass:
-        raise ValueError(f"Can't find class for {func}")
-    return (klass, func)
+FUNC_DOC_TEMPLATE = "{func_name} - {short_description} (output: {output_type})"
 def get_docstring(obj: Any, placeholder: str = NO_DOCS) -> str:
-    """Get object's docstring or a placeholder if no docstring found"""
+    """Get object's docstring or a placeholder if no docstring found."""
     # Use of `inspect.cleandoc()` is preferred to `textwrap.dedent()` here
     # because many multi-line docstrings in the codebase
     # have no indentation in the first line, which confuses `dedent()`
     return inspect.cleandoc(obj.__doc__) if obj.__doc__ else placeholder
-def get_func_details(func: Callable) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-    """Return a tuple with function's name, output label and docstring"""
-    func_doc = get_docstring(func)
-    if hasattr(func, "__output__") and func.__output__ in FUNCTION_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION:
-        func_output = FUNCTION_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION[func.__output__]
-    else:
-        func_output = "unknown"
-    return (func_output, func_doc)
-def get_full_func_name(plugin_class: Type, func: Callable) -> str:
-    func_name = func.__name__
-    if hasattr(plugin_class, "__namespace__") and plugin_class.__namespace__:
-        func_name = f"{plugin_class.__namespace__}.{func_name}"
-    return func_name
-FUNC_DOC_TEMPLATE = "{func_name} - {short_description} (output: {output_type})"
 def get_func_description(func: Callable, with_docstrings: bool = False) -> str:
-    klass, func = get_real_func_obj(func)
-    func_output, func_doc = get_func_details(func)
+    klass, func = _get_real_func_obj(func)
+    func_output, func_doc = _get_func_details(func)
     # get user-friendly function name
-    func_name = get_full_func_name(klass, func)
+    func_name = _get_full_func_name(klass, func)
     if with_docstrings:
         func_title = f"`{func_name}` (output: {func_output})"
@@ -98,15 +47,15 @@ def get_func_description(func: Callable, with_docstrings: bool = False) -> str:
     return desc
-def get_plugin_functions_desc(plugin_class: Type, with_docstrings: bool = False) -> str:
+def get_plugin_functions_desc(plugin_class: type[Plugin], with_docstrings: bool = False) -> str:
     descriptions = []
     for func_name in plugin_class.__exports__:
         func_obj = getattr(plugin_class, func_name)
-        if getattr(func_obj, "get_func_doc_spec", None):
-            func_desc = FUNC_DOC_TEMPLATE.format_map(func_obj.get_func_doc_spec())
-        else:
-            _, func = get_real_func_obj(func_obj)
-            func_desc = get_func_description(func, with_docstrings=with_docstrings)
+        if func_obj is getattr(plugin_class, "__call__", None):
+            continue
+        _, func = _get_real_func_obj(func_obj)
+        func_desc = get_func_description(func, with_docstrings=with_docstrings)
     # sort functions in the plugin alphabetically
@@ -120,7 +69,7 @@ def get_plugin_functions_desc(plugin_class: Type, with_docstrings: bool = False)
     return paragraph
-def get_plugin_description(plugin_class: Type) -> str:
+def get_plugin_description(plugin_class: type[Plugin]) -> str:
     plugin_name = plugin_class.__name__
     plugin_desc_title = f"`{plugin_name}` (`{plugin_class.__module__}.{plugin_name}`)"
     plugin_doc = textwrap.indent(get_docstring(plugin_class), prefix=INDENT_STEP)
@@ -128,7 +77,9 @@ def get_plugin_description(plugin_class: Type) -> str:
     return paragraph
-def get_plugin_overview(plugin_class: Type, with_plugin_desc: bool = False, with_func_docstrings: bool = False) -> str:
+def get_plugin_overview(
+    plugin_class: type[Plugin], with_plugin_desc: bool = False, with_func_docstrings: bool = False
+) -> str:
     paragraphs = []
     if with_plugin_desc:
@@ -150,3 +101,55 @@ def get_plugin_overview(plugin_class: Type, with_plugin_desc: bool = False, with
     overview = "\n".join(paragraphs)
     return overview
+def _get_plugin_class_for_func(func: Callable) -> type[Plugin]:
+    """Return plugin class for provided function instance."""
+    func_parent_name = func.__qualname__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+    klass = getattr(inspect.getmodule(func), func_parent_name, None)
+    return klass
+def _get_real_func_obj(func: Callable) -> tuple[type[Plugin], Callable]:
+    """Return a tuple with plugin class and underlying function object for provided function instance."""
+    klass = None
+    if isinstance(func, property):
+        # turn property into function
+        func = func.fget
+    if inspect.ismethod(func):
+        for klass in inspect.getmro(func.__self__.__class__):
+            if func.__name__ in klass.__dict__:
+                break
+        else:
+            func = getattr(func, "__func__", func)
+    if inspect.isfunction(func):
+        klass = _get_plugin_class_for_func(func)
+    if not klass:
+        raise ValueError(f"Can't find class for {func}")
+    return (klass, func)
+def _get_func_details(func: Callable) -> tuple[str, str]:
+    """Return a tuple with function's name, output label and docstring"""
+    func_doc = get_docstring(func)
+    if hasattr(func, "__output__") and func.__output__ in FUNCTION_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION:
+        func_output = FUNCTION_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION[func.__output__]
+    else:
+        func_output = "unknown"
+    return (func_output, func_doc)
+def _get_full_func_name(plugin_class: type[Plugin], func: Callable) -> str:
+    func_name = func.__name__
+    if hasattr(plugin_class, "__namespace__") and plugin_class.__namespace__:
+        func_name = f"{plugin_class.__namespace__}.{func_name}"
+    return func_name
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugin.py b/dissect/target/plugin.py
index 7b4fcaab50..123715f057 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugin.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugin.py
@@ -9,42 +9,36 @@
 import functools
 import importlib
 import importlib.util
-import inspect
 import logging
 import os
 import sys
 import traceback
-from collections import defaultdict
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from itertools import zip_longest
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterator, Optional, Type
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterator, TypedDict
 from flow.record import Record, RecordDescriptor
-import dissect.target.plugins.general as general
+import dissect.target.plugins.os.default as default
 from dissect.target.exceptions import PluginError, UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers import cache
+from dissect.target.helpers.fsutil import has_glob_magic
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import EmptyRecord
 from dissect.target.helpers.utils import StrEnum
-    from dissect.target.plugins._pluginlist import PLUGINS
-    GENERATED = True
-except Exception:
-    PLUGINS = {}
-    GENERATED = False
     from dissect.target import Target
     from dissect.target.filesystem import Filesystem
     from dissect.target.helpers.record import ChildTargetRecord
-PluginDescriptor = dict[str, Any]
-"""A dictionary type, for what the plugin descriptor looks like."""
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 MODULE_PATH = "dissect.target.plugins"
 """The base module path to the in-tree plugins."""
+OS_MODULE_PATH = "dissect.target.plugins.os"
@@ -53,8 +47,6 @@
 """The different output types supported by ``@export``."""
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class OperatingSystem(StrEnum):
     ANDROID = "android"
@@ -71,7 +63,111 @@ class OperatingSystem(StrEnum):
     WINDOWS = "windows"
-def export(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable:
+@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
+class PluginDescriptor:
+    module: str
+    qualname: str
+    namespace: str
+    path: str
+    findable: bool
+    functions: list[str]
+    exports: list[str]
+@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
+class FunctionDescriptor:
+    name: str
+    namespace: str
+    path: str
+    exported: bool
+    internal: bool
+    findable: bool
+    output: str | None
+    method_name: str
+    module: str
+    qualname: str
+@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
+class FailureDescriptor:
+    module: str
+    stacktrace: list[str]
+PluginDescriptorLookup = TypedDict(
+    "PluginDescriptorLookup",
+    {
+        None: dict[str, PluginDescriptor],
+        "__os__": dict[str, PluginDescriptor],
+        "__child__": dict[str, PluginDescriptor],
+    },
+FunctionDescriptorLookup = TypedDict(
+    "FunctionDescriptorLookup",
+    {
+        None: dict[str, dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]],
+        "__os__": dict[str, dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]],
+        "__child__": dict[str, dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]],
+    },
+PluginRegistry = TypedDict(
+    "PluginRegistry",
+    {
+        "__plugins__": PluginDescriptorLookup,
+        "__functions__": FunctionDescriptorLookup,
+        "__ostree__": dict[str, PluginDescriptor],
+        "__failed__": list[FailureDescriptor],
+    },
+PLUGINS: PluginRegistry = {
+    # Plugin descriptor lookup
+    # {"<plugin index>": {"<module_path>": PluginDescriptor}}
+    "__plugins__": {
+        # All regular plugins
+        # {"<module_path>": PluginDescriptor}
+        None: {},
+        # All OS plugins
+        # {"<module_path>": PluginDescriptor}
+        "__os__": {},
+        # All child plugins
+        # {"<module_path>": PluginDescriptor}
+        "__child__": {},
+    },
+    # Function descriptor lookup
+    # {"<plugin index>": {"<function_name>": {"<module_path>": FunctionDescriptor}}}
+    "__functions__": {
+        # All regular plugins
+        # {"<function_name>": {"<module_path>": FunctionDescriptor}}
+        None: {},
+        # All OS plugins
+        # {"<function_name>": {"<module_path>": FunctionDescriptor}}
+        "__os__": {},
+        # All child plugins
+        # {"<function_name>": {"<module_path>": FunctionDescriptor}}
+        "__child__": {},
+    },
+    # OS plugin tree
+    # {"<module_part>": {"<module_part>": PluginDescriptor}}
+    "__ostree__": {},
+    # Failures
+    # [FailureDescriptor]
+    "__failed__": [],
+"""The plugin registry.
+Note: It's very important that all values in this dictionary are serializable.
+The plugin registry can be stored in a file and loaded later. Plain Python syntax is used to store the registry.
+An exception is made for :class:`FailureDescriptor`, :class:`FunctionDescriptor` and :class:`PluginDescriptor`.
+def export(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., Any]:
     """Decorator to be used on Plugin functions that should be exported.
     Supported keyword arguments:
@@ -81,7 +177,8 @@ def export(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable:
         cache (bool): Whether the result of this function should be cached.
         record (RecordDescriptor): The :class:`flow.record.RecordDescriptor` for the records that this function yields.
-            If the records are dynamically made, use DynamicRecord instead.
+            If multiple record types are yielded, specificy each descriptor in a list.
+            If the records are dynamically made, use :func:`dissect.target.helpers.record.DynamicDescriptor` instead.
         output (str): The output type of this function. Must be one of:
         - default: Single return value
@@ -101,10 +198,10 @@ def export(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable:
         An exported function from a plugin.
-    def decorator(obj):
+    def decorator(obj: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any] | property:
         # Properties are implicitly cached
         # Important! Currently it's crucial that this is *always* called
-        # See the comment in Plugin.__init_subclass__ for more detail regarding Plugin.get_all_records
+        # See the comment in Plugin.__init_subclass__ for more detail regarding Plugin.__call__
         obj = cache.wrap(obj, no_cache=not kwargs.get("cache", True), cls=kwargs.get("cls", None))
         output = kwargs.get("output", "default")
@@ -131,41 +228,90 @@ def decorator(obj):
         return decorator
-def get_nonprivate_attribute_names(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> list[str]:
-    """Retrieve all attributes that do not start with ``_``."""
-    return [attr for attr in dir(cls) if not attr.startswith("_")]
+def internal(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+    """Decorator to be used on plugin functions that should be internal only.
+    Making a plugin internal means that it's only callable from the Python API and not through ``target-query``.
-def get_nonprivate_attributes(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> list[Any]:
-    """Retrieve all public attributes of a :class:`Plugin`."""
-    # Note: `dir()` might return attributes from parent class
-    return [getattr(cls, attr) for attr in get_nonprivate_attribute_names(cls)]
+    This decorator adds the ``__internal__`` private attribute to a method or property.
+    The attribute is always set to ``True``, to tell :func:`register` that it is an internal
+    method or property.
+    """
+    def decorator(obj: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any] | property:
+        obj.__internal__ = True
+        if kwargs.get("property", False):
+            obj = property(obj)
+        return obj
-def get_nonprivate_methods(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> list[Callable]:
-    """Retrieve all public methods of a :class:`Plugin`."""
-    return [attr for attr in get_nonprivate_attributes(cls) if not isinstance(attr, property) and callable(attr)]
+    if len(args) == 1:
+        return decorator(args[0])
+    else:
+        return decorator
-def get_descriptors_on_nonprivate_methods(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> list[RecordDescriptor]:
-    """Return record descriptors set on nonprivate methods in `cls` class."""
-    descriptors = set()
-    methods = get_nonprivate_methods(cls)
+def arg(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+    """Decorator to be used on Plugin functions that accept additional command line arguments.
-    for m in methods:
-        if not hasattr(m, "__record__"):
-            continue
+    Command line arguments can be added using the ``@arg`` decorator.
+    Arguments to this decorator are directly forwarded to the ``ArgumentParser.add_argument`` function of ``argparse``.
+    Resulting arguments are passed to the function using kwargs.
+    The keyword argument name must match the argparse argument name.
-        record = m.__record__
-        if not record:
-            continue
+    This decorator adds the ``__args__`` private attribute to a method or property.
+    This attribute holds all the command line arguments that were added to the plugin function.
+    """
-        try:
-            # check if __record__ value is iterable (for example, a list)
-            descriptors.update(record)
-        except TypeError:
-            descriptors.add(record)
-    return list(descriptors)
+    def decorator(obj: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+        if not hasattr(obj, "__args__"):
+            obj.__args__ = []
+        obj.__args__.append((args, kwargs))
+        return obj
+    return decorator
+def alias(*args, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+    """Decorator to be used on :class:`Plugin` functions to register an alias of that function."""
+    if not kwargs.get("name") and not args:
+        raise ValueError("Missing argument 'name'")
+    def decorator(obj: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+        if not hasattr(obj, "__aliases__"):
+            obj.__aliases__ = []
+        if name := (kwargs.get("name") or args[0]):
+            obj.__aliases__.append(name)
+        return obj
+    return decorator
+def clone_alias(cls: type, attr: Callable[..., Any], alias: str) -> None:
+    """Clone the given attribute to an alias in the provided class."""
+    # Clone the function object
+    clone = type(attr)(attr.__code__, attr.__globals__, alias, attr.__defaults__, attr.__closure__)
+    clone.__kwdefaults__ = attr.__kwdefaults__
+    # Copy some attributes
+    functools.update_wrapper(clone, attr)
+    if wrapped := getattr(attr, "__wrapped__", None):
+        # update_wrapper sets a new wrapper, we want the original
+        clone.__wrapped__ = wrapped
+    # Update module path so we can fool inspect.getmodule with subclassed Plugin classes
+    clone.__module__ = cls.__module__
+    # Update the names
+    clone.__name__ = alias
+    clone.__qualname__ = f"{cls.__name__}.{alias}"
+    setattr(cls, alias, clone)
 class Plugin:
@@ -182,9 +328,8 @@ class attribute. Namespacing results in your plugin needing to be prefixed
     - ``__namespace__``
     - ``__record_descriptors__``
-    With the following three being assigned in :func:`register`:
+    With the following two being assigned in :func:`register`:
-    - ``__plugin__``
     - ``__functions__``
     - ``__exports__``
@@ -221,23 +366,25 @@ class attribute. Namespacing results in your plugin needing to be prefixed
     produce redundant results when used with a wild card
     (browser.* -> browser.history + browser.*.history).
+    __functions__: list[str]
+    """Internal. A list of all method names decorated with ``@internal`` or ``@export``."""
+    __exports__: list[str]
+    """Internal. A list of all method names decorated with ``@export``."""
     def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
-        # Do not register the "base" subclassess `OSPlugin` and `ChildTargetPlugin`
-        if cls.__name__ not in ("OSPlugin", "ChildTargetPlugin") and cls.__register__:
+        # Do not register the "base" subclasses defined in this file
+        if cls.__module__ != Plugin.__module__:
-        record_descriptors = get_descriptors_on_nonprivate_methods(cls)
+        record_descriptors = _get_descriptors_on_nonprivate_methods(cls)
         cls.__record_descriptors__ = record_descriptors
         # This is a bit tricky currently
-        # cls.get_all_records is the *function* Plugin.get_all_records, not from the subclass
+        # cls.__call__ is the *function* Plugin.__call__, not from the subclass
         # export() currently will _always_ return a new object because it always calls ``cache.wrap(obj)``
-        # This allows this to work, otherwise the Plugin.get_all_records would get all the plugin attributes set on it
-        cls.get_all_records = export(output="record", record=record_descriptors, cache=False, cls=cls)(
-            cls.get_all_records
-        )
+        # This allows this to work, otherwise the Plugin.__call__ would get all the plugin attributes set on it
+        cls.__call__ = export(output="record", record=record_descriptors, cache=False, cls=cls)(cls.__call__)
     def __init__(self, target: Target):
         self.target = target
@@ -264,607 +411,516 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def get_all_records(self) -> Iterator[Record]:
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Record | Any]:
         """Return the records of all exported methods.
             PluginError: If the subclass is not a namespace plugin.
         if not self.__namespace__:
-            raise PluginError(f"Plugin {self.__class__.__name__} is not a namespace plugin")
+            raise PluginError(f"Plugin {self.__class__.__name__} is not a callable")
         for method_name in self.__exports__:
+            if method_name == "__call__":
+                continue
             method = getattr(self, method_name)
+            if getattr(method, "__output__", None) not in ("record", "yield"):
+                continue
                 yield from method()
             except Exception:
                 self.target.log.error("Error while executing `%s.%s`", self.__namespace__, method_name, exc_info=True)
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """A shortcut to :func:`get_all_records`.
-        Raises:
-            PluginError: If the subclass is not a namespace plugin.
-        """
-        if not self.__namespace__:
-            raise PluginError(f"Plugin {self.__class__.__name__} is not a callable")
-        return self.get_all_records()
+def register(plugincls: type[Plugin]) -> None:
+    """Register a plugin, and put related data inside :attr:`PLUGINS`.
+    This function uses the following private attributes that are set using decorators:
+        - ``__exported__``: Set in :func:`export`.
+        - ``__internal__``: Set in :func:`internal`.
-class OSPlugin(Plugin):
-    """Base class for OS plugins.
+    Additionally, ``register`` sets the following private attributes on the `plugincls`:
+        - ``__functions__``: A list of all the methods and properties that are ``__internal__`` or ``__exported__``.
+        - ``__exports__``: A list of all the methods or properties that were explicitly exported.
-    This provides a base class for certain common functions of OS's, which each OS plugin has to implement separately.
+    If a plugincls ``__register__`` attribute is set to ``False``, the plugin will not be registered, but the
+    plugin will still be processed for the private attributes mentioned above.
-    For example, it provides an interface for retrieving the hostname and users of a target.
+    Args:
+        plugincls: A plugin class to register.
-    All derived classes MUST implement ALL the classmethods and exported
-    methods with the same ``@classmethod`` or ``@export(...)`` annotation.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: If ``plugincls`` is not a subclass of :class:`Plugin`.
+    if not issubclass(plugincls, Plugin):
+        raise ValueError("Not a subclass of Plugin")
-    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
-        # Note that cls is the subclass
-        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+    # Register the plugin in the correct tree
+    key = None
+    if issubclass(plugincls, OSPlugin):
+        key = "__os__"
+    elif issubclass(plugincls, ChildTargetPlugin):
+        key = "__child__"
-        for os_method in get_nonprivate_attributes(OSPlugin):
-            if isinstance(os_method, property):
-                os_method = os_method.fget
-            os_docstring = os_method.__doc__
+    __functions__: FunctionDescriptorLookup = PLUGINS.setdefault("__functions__", {})
+    function_index: dict[str, dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]] = __functions__.setdefault(key, {})
-            method = getattr(cls, os_method.__name__, None)
-            if isinstance(method, property):
-                method = method.fget
-            # This works as None has a __doc__ property (which is None).
-            docstring = method.__doc__
+    exports = []
+    functions = []
+    module_path = _module_path(plugincls)
+    module_key = f"{module_path}.{plugincls.__qualname__}"
-            if method and not docstring:
-                if hasattr(method, "__func__"):
-                    method = method.__func__
-                method.__doc__ = os_docstring
+    if not issubclass(plugincls, ChildTargetPlugin):
+        # First pass to resolve aliases
+        for attr in _get_nonprivate_attributes(plugincls):
+            for alias in getattr(attr, "__aliases__", []):
+                clone_alias(plugincls, attr, alias)
-    def check_compatible(self) -> bool:
-        """OSPlugin's use a different compatibility check, override the one from the :class:`Plugin` class.
+        for attr in _get_nonprivate_attributes(plugincls):
+            if isinstance(attr, property):
+                attr = attr.fget
-        Returns:
-            This function always returns ``True``.
-        """
-        return True
+            if getattr(attr, "__generated__", False) and plugincls != plugincls.__nsplugin__:
+                continue
-    @classmethod
-    def detect(cls, fs: Filesystem) -> Optional[Filesystem]:
-        """Provide detection of this OSPlugin on a given filesystem.
+            exported = getattr(attr, "__exported__", False)
+            internal = getattr(attr, "__internal__", False)
-        Args:
-            fs: :class:`~dissect.target.filesystem.Filesystem` to detect the OS on.
+            if exported or internal:
+                functions.append(attr.__name__)
+                if exported:
+                    exports.append(attr.__name__)
-        Returns:
-            The root filesystem / sysvol when found.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+                if plugincls.__register__:
+                    name = attr.__name__
+                    if plugincls.__namespace__:
+                        name = f"{plugincls.__namespace__}.{name}"
-    @classmethod
-    def create(cls, target: Target, sysvol: Filesystem) -> OSPlugin:
-        """Initiate this OSPlugin with the given target and detected filesystem.
+                    path = f"{module_path}.{attr.__name__}"
-        Args:
-            target: The :class:`~dissect.target.target.Target` object.
-            sysvol: The filesystem that was detected in the ``detect()`` function.
+                    members = function_index.setdefault(name, {})
+                    if module_key in members:
+                        continue
-        Returns:
-            An instantiated version of the OSPlugin.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+                    descriptor = FunctionDescriptor(
+                        name=name,
+                        namespace=plugincls.__namespace__,
+                        path=path,
+                        exported=exported,
+                        internal=internal,
+                        findable=plugincls.__findable__,
+                        output=getattr(attr, "__output__", None),
+                        method_name=attr.__name__,
+                        module=plugincls.__module__,
+                        qualname=plugincls.__qualname__,
+                    )
-    @export(property=True)
-    def hostname(self) -> Optional[str]:
-        """Return the target's hostname.
+                    # Register the functions in the lookup
+                    members[module_key] = descriptor
+    if plugincls.__namespace__:
+        # Namespaces are also callable, so register the namespace itself as well
+        if module_key not in function_index.get(plugincls.__namespace__, {}):
+            functions.append("__call__")
+            if len(exports):
+                exports.append("__call__")
+            if plugincls.__register__:
+                descriptor = FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name=plugincls.__namespace__,
+                    namespace=plugincls.__namespace__,
+                    path=module_path,
+                    exported=bool(len(exports)),
+                    internal=bool(len(functions)) and not bool(len(exports)),
+                    findable=plugincls.__findable__,
+                    output=getattr(plugincls.__call__, "__output__", None),
+                    method_name="__call__",
+                    module=plugincls.__module__,
+                    qualname=plugincls.__qualname__,
+                )
-        Returns:
-            The hostname as string.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+                function_index.setdefault(plugincls.__namespace__, {})[module_key] = descriptor
-    @export(property=True)
-    def ips(self) -> list[str]:
-        """Return the IP addresses configured in the target.
+    # Update the class with the plugin attributes
+    plugincls.__functions__ = functions
+    plugincls.__exports__ = exports
-        Returns:
-            The IPs as list.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+    if plugincls.__register__:
+        __plugins__: PluginDescriptorLookup = PLUGINS.setdefault("__plugins__", {})
+        index: dict[str, list] = __plugins__.setdefault(key, {})
+        if module_key in index:
+            return
-    @export(property=True)
-    def version(self) -> Optional[str]:
-        """Return the target's OS version.
+        index[module_key] = PluginDescriptor(
+            module=plugincls.__module__,
+            qualname=plugincls.__qualname__,
+            namespace=plugincls.__namespace__,
+            path=module_path,
+            findable=plugincls.__findable__,
+            functions=functions,
+            exports=exports,
+        )
-        Returns:
-            The OS version as string.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+        if issubclass(plugincls, OSPlugin):
+            # Also store the OS plugins in a tree by module path
+            # This is used to filter plugins based on the OSPlugin subclass
+            # We don't store anything at the end of the tree, as we only use the tree to check if a plugin is compatible
-    @export(record=EmptyRecord)
-    def users(self) -> list[Record]:
-        """Return the users available in the target.
+            # Also slightly modify the module key to allow for more efficient filtering later
+            # This is done by removing the last two parts of the module key, which are the file name and the class name
+            module_parts = module_key.split(".")
+            if module_parts[-2] != "_os":
+                log.warning("OS plugin modules should be named as <os>/_os.py: %s", module_key)
-        Returns:
-            A list of user records.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+            obj = PLUGINS.setdefault("__ostree__", {})
+            for part in module_parts[:-2]:
+                obj = obj.setdefault(part, {})
-    @export(property=True)
-    def os(self) -> str:
-        """Return a slug of the target's OS name.
+        log.debug("Plugin registered: %s", module_key)
-        Returns:
-            A slug of the OS name, e.g. 'windows' or 'linux'.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    @export(property=True)
-    def architecture(self) -> Optional[str]:
-        """Return a slug of the target's OS architecture.
+def _get_plugins() -> dict[str, Any]:
+    """Load the plugin registry, or generate it if it doesn't exist yet."""
-        Returns:
-            A slug of the OS architecture, e.g. 'x86_32-unix', 'MIPS-linux' or
-            'AMD64-win32', or 'unknown' if the architecture is unknown.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+    if not GENERATED:
+        try:
+            from dissect.target.plugins._pluginlist import PLUGINS
+        except ImportError:
+            PLUGINS = generate()
+        GENERATED = True
-class ChildTargetPlugin(Plugin):
-    """A Child target is a special plugin that can list more Targets.
+    return PLUGINS
-    For example, :class:`~dissect.target.plugins.child.esxi.ESXiChildTargetPlugin` can
-    list all of the Virtual Machines on the host.
-    """
-    __type__ = None
+def _module_path(cls: type[Plugin] | str) -> str:
+    """Returns the module path relative to ``dissect.target.plugins``."""
+    if issubclass(cls, Plugin):
+        module = getattr(cls, "__module__", "")
+    elif isinstance(cls, str):
+        module = cls
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument type: {cls}")
-    def list_children(self) -> Iterator[ChildTargetRecord]:
-        """Yield :class:`~dissect.target.helpers.record.ChildTargetRecord` records of all
-        possible child targets on this target.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+    return module.replace(MODULE_PATH, "").lstrip(".")
-def register(plugincls: Type[Plugin]) -> None:
-    """Register a plugin, and put related data inside :attr:`PLUGINS`.
+def _os_match(osfilter: type[OSPlugin], module_path: str) -> bool:
+    """Check if the a plugin is compatible with the given OS filter."""
+    if issubclass(osfilter, default._os.DefaultPlugin):
+        return True
-    This function uses the following private attributes that are set using decorators:
-        - ``__exported__``: Set in :func:`export`.
-        - ``__internal__``: Set in :func:`internal`.
+    os_parts = _module_path(osfilter).split(".")[:-1]
-    Additionally, ``register`` sets the following private attributes on the `plugincls`:
-        - ``__plugin__``: Always set to ``True``.
-        - ``__functions__``: A list of all the methods and properties that are ``__internal__`` or ``__exported__``.
-        - ``__exports__``: A list of all the methods or properties that were explicitly exported.
+    obj = _get_plugins()["__ostree__"]
+    for plugin_part, os_part in zip_longest(module_path.split("."), os_parts):
+        if plugin_part not in obj:
+            break
-    Args:
-        plugincls: A plugin class to register.
+        if plugin_part != os_part:
+            return False
-    Raises:
-        ValueError: If ``plugincls`` is not a subclass of :class:`Plugin`.
-    """
-    if not issubclass(plugincls, Plugin):
-        raise ValueError("Not a subclass of Plugin")
+        obj = obj[plugin_part]
-    exports = []
-    functions = []
+    return True
-    # First pass to resolve aliases
-    for attr in get_nonprivate_attributes(plugincls):
-        for alias in getattr(attr, "__aliases__", []):
-            clone_alias(plugincls, attr, alias)
-    for attr in get_nonprivate_attributes(plugincls):
-        if isinstance(attr, property):
-            attr = attr.fget
+def plugins(osfilter: type[OSPlugin] | None = None, *, index: str | None = None) -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
+    """Walk the plugin registry and return plugin descriptors.
-        if getattr(attr, "__autogen__", False) and plugincls != plugincls.__nsplugin__:
-            continue
+    If ``osfilter`` is specified, only plugins related to the provided OSPlugin, or plugins
+    with no OS relation are returned. If ``osfilter`` is ``None``, all plugins will be returned.
-        if getattr(attr, "__exported__", False):
-            exports.append(attr.__name__)
-            functions.append(attr.__name__)
+    One exception to this is if the ``osfilter`` is a (sub-)class of DefaultPlugin, then plugins
+    are returned as if no ``osfilter`` was specified.
-        if getattr(attr, "__internal__", False):
-            functions.append(attr.__name__)
+    The ``index`` parameter can be used to specify the index to return plugins from. By default,
+    this is set to return regular plugins. Other possible values are ``__os__`` and ``__child__``.
+    These return :class:`OSPlugin` and :class:`ChildTargetPlugin` respectively.
-    plugincls.__plugin__ = True
-    plugincls.__functions__ = functions
-    plugincls.__exports__ = exports
-    modpath = _modulepath(plugincls)
-    lookup_path = modpath
-    if modpath.endswith("._os"):
-        lookup_path, _, _ = modpath.rpartition(".")
+    Args:
+        osfilter: The optional :class:`OSPlugin` to filter the returned plugins on.
+        index: The plugin index to return plugins from. Defaults to regular plugins.
-    root = _traverse(lookup_path, PLUGINS)
+    Yields:
+        Plugin descriptors in the plugin registry based on the given filter criteria.
+    """
-    log.debug("Plugin registered: %s.%s", plugincls.__module__, plugincls.__qualname__)
+    yield from (
+        value
+        for key, value in _get_plugins().get("__plugins__", {}).get(index, {}).items()
+        if (index != "__os__" and (osfilter is None or _os_match(osfilter, key)))
+        or (index == "__os__" and (osfilter is None or osfilter.__module__ == value.module))
+    )
-    if issubclass(plugincls, (OSPlugin, ChildTargetPlugin)):
-        if issubclass(plugincls, OSPlugin):
-            special_key = "_os"
-        elif issubclass(plugincls, ChildTargetPlugin):
-            special_key = "_child"
-        root[special_key] = {}
-        root = root[special_key]
+def os_plugins() -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
+    """Retrieve all OS plugin descriptors."""
+    yield from plugins(index="__os__")
-    # Check if the plugin was already registered
-    if "class" in root and root["class"] == plugincls.__name__:
-        return
-    # Finally register the plugin
-    root["class"] = plugincls.__name__
-    root["module"] = modpath
-    root["functions"] = plugincls.__functions__
-    root["exports"] = plugincls.__exports__
-    root["namespace"] = plugincls.__namespace__
-    root["fullname"] = ".".join((plugincls.__module__, plugincls.__qualname__))
-    root["is_osplugin"] = issubclass(plugincls, OSPlugin)
+def child_plugins() -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
+    """Retrieve all child plugin descriptors."""
+    yield from plugins(index="__child__")
-def internal(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable:
-    """Decorator to be used on plugin functions that should be internal only.
+def functions(osfilter: type[OSPlugin] | None = None, *, index: str | None = None) -> Iterator[FunctionDescriptor]:
+    """Retrieve all function descriptors.
-    Making a plugin internal means that it's only callable from the Python API and not through ``target-query``.
+    Args:
+        osfilter: The optional :class:`OSPlugin` to filter the returned functions on.
+        index: The plugin index to return functions from. Defaults to regular functions.
-    This decorator adds the ``__internal__`` private attribute to a method or property.
-    The attribute is always set to ``True``, to tell :func:`register` that it is an internal
-    method or property.
+    Yields:
+        Function descriptors in the plugin registry based on the given filter criteria.
+    yield from (
+        value
+        for entry in _get_plugins().get("__functions__", {}).get(index, {}).values()
+        for key, value in entry.items()
+        if osfilter is None or _os_match(osfilter, key)
+    )
-    def decorator(obj):
-        obj.__internal__ = True
-        if kwargs.get("property", False):
-            obj = property(obj)
-        return obj
-    if len(args) == 1:
-        return decorator(args[0])
-    else:
-        return decorator
+def lookup(
+    func_name: str, osfilter: type[OSPlugin] | None = None, *, index: str | None = None
+) -> Iterator[FunctionDescriptor]:
+    """Lookup a function descriptor by function name.
-def arg(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable:
-    """Decorator to be used on Plugin functions that accept additional command line arguments.
-    Command line arguments can be added using the ``@arg`` decorator.
-    Arguments to this decorator are directly forwarded to the ``ArgumentParser.add_argument`` function of ``argparse``.
-    Resulting arguments are passed to the function using kwargs.
-    The keyword argument name must match the argparse argument name.
+    Args:
+        func_name: Function name to lookup.
+        osfilter: The optional ``OSPlugin`` to filter results with for compatibility.
+        index: The plugin index to return plugins from. Defaults to regular functions.
-    This decorator adds the ``__args__`` private attribute to a method or property.
-    This attribute holds all the command line arguments that were added to the plugin function.
+    Yields:
+        Function descriptors that match the given function name and filter criteria.
-    def decorator(obj):
-        if not hasattr(obj, "__args__"):
-            obj.__args__ = []
-        arglist = getattr(obj, "__args__", [])
-        arglist.append((args, kwargs))
-        return obj
+    entries: Iterator[FunctionDescriptor] = (
+        value
+        for key, value in _get_plugins().get("__functions__", {}).get(index, {}).get(func_name, {}).items()
+        if osfilter is None or _os_match(osfilter, key)
+    )
-    return decorator
+    yield from sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x.module.count("."), reverse=True)
-def alias(*args, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> Callable:
-    """Decorator to be used on :class:`Plugin` functions to register an alias of that function."""
+def load(desc: FunctionDescriptor | PluginDescriptor) -> type[Plugin]:
+    """Helper function that loads a plugin from a given function or plugin descriptor.
-    if not kwargs.get("name") and not args:
-        raise ValueError("Missing argument 'name'")
+    Args:
+        desc: Function descriptor as returned by :func:`plugin.lookup` or plugin descriptor
+              as returned by :func:`plugin.plugins`.
-    def decorator(obj: Callable) -> Callable:
-        if not hasattr(obj, "__aliases__"):
-            obj.__aliases__ = []
+    Returns:
+        The plugin class.
-        if name := (kwargs.get("name") or args[0]):
-            obj.__aliases__.append(name)
+    Raises:
+        PluginError: Raised when any other exception occurs while trying to load the plugin.
+    """
+    module = desc.module
+    try:
+        obj = importlib.import_module(module)
+        for part in desc.qualname.split("."):
+            obj = getattr(obj, part)
         return obj
-    return decorator
+    except Exception as e:
+        raise PluginError(f"An exception occurred while trying to load a plugin: {module}") from e
-def clone_alias(cls: type, attr: Callable, alias: str) -> None:
-    """Clone the given attribute to an alias in the provided class."""
+def os_match(target: Target, descriptor: PluginDescriptor) -> bool:
+    """Check if a plugin descriptor is compatible with the target OS.
-    # Clone the function object
-    clone = type(attr)(attr.__code__, attr.__globals__, alias, attr.__defaults__, attr.__closure__)
-    clone.__kwdefaults__ = attr.__kwdefaults__
+    Args:
+        target: The target to check compatibility with.
+        descriptor: The plugin descriptor to check compatibility for.
+    """
+    return _os_match(target._os_plugin, f"{descriptor.module}.{descriptor.qualname}")
-    # Copy some attributes
-    functools.update_wrapper(clone, attr)
-    if wrapped := getattr(attr, "__wrapped__", None):
-        # update_wrapper sets a new wrapper, we want the original
-        clone.__wrapped__ = wrapped
-    # Update module path so we can fool inspect.getmodule with subclassed Plugin classes
-    clone.__module__ = cls.__module__
+def failed() -> list[FailureDescriptor]:
+    """Return all plugins that failed to load."""
+    return _get_plugins().get("__failed__", [])
+def _generate_long_paths() -> dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]:
+    """Generate a dictionary of all long paths to their function descriptors."""
+    paths = {}
+    for value in _get_plugins().get("__functions__", {}).get(None, {}).values():
+        value: dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]
+        for descriptor in value.values():
+            # Namespace plugins are callable so exclude the explicit __call__ method
+            if descriptor.method_name == "__call__":
+                continue
+            paths[descriptor.path] = descriptor
-    # Update the names
-    clone.__name__ = alias
-    clone.__qualname__ = f"{cls.__name__}.{alias}"
+    return paths
-    setattr(cls, alias, clone)
+def find_plugin_functions(
+    patterns: str,
+    target: Target | None = None,
+    compatibility: bool = False,
+    show_hidden: bool = False,
+    ignore_load_errors: bool = False,
+) -> tuple[list[FunctionDescriptor], set[str]]:
+    """Finds exported plugin functions that match the target and the patterns.
-def plugins(
-    osfilter: Optional[type[OSPlugin]] = None,
-    special_keys: set[str] = set(),
-    only_special_keys: bool = False,
-) -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Walk the ``PLUGINS`` tree and return plugins.
+    Given a target, a comma separated list of patterns and an optional compatibility flag,
+    this function finds matching plugins, optionally checking compatibility and returns
+    a list of plugin function descriptors (including output types).
+    """
+    found = []
-    If ``osfilter`` is specified, only plugins related to the provided
-    OSPlugin, or plugins with no OS relation are returned.
-    If ``osfilter`` is ``None``, all plugins will be returned.
+    registry = _get_plugins()
+    __functions__: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, FunctionDescriptor]]] = registry.get("__functions__", {})
-    One exception to this is if the ``osfilter`` is a (sub-)class of
-    DefaultPlugin, then plugins are returned as if no ``osfilter`` was
-    specified.
+    base_functions = __functions__.get(None, {})
+    os_functions = __functions__.get("__os__", {})
-    Another exeption to this are plugins in the ``PLUGINS`` tree which are
-    under a key that starts with a '_'. Those are only returned if their exact
-    key is specified in ``special_keys``.
+    os_filter = target._os_plugin if target is not None else None
-    An exception to these exceptions is in the case of ``OSPlugin`` (sub-)class
-    plugins and ``os_filter`` is not ``None``. These plugins live in the
-    ``PLUGINS`` tree under the ``_os`` special key. Those plugins are only
-    returned if they fully match the provided ``osfilter``.
+    invalid_functions = set()
-    The ``only_special_keys`` option returns only the plugins which are under a
-    special key that is defined in ``special_keys``. All filtering here will
-    happen as stated in the above cases.
+    for pattern in patterns.split(","):
+        if not pattern:
+            continue
-    Args:
-        osfilter: The optional OSPlugin to filter the returned plugins on.
-        special_keys: Also return plugins which are under the special ('_') keys in this set.
-        only_special_keys: Only return the plugins under the keys in ``special_keys`` and no others.
+        exact_match = pattern in base_functions
+        exact_os_match = pattern in os_functions
-    Yields:
-        Plugins in the ``PLUGINS`` tree based on the given filter criteria.
-    """
+        if exact_match or exact_os_match:
+            if exact_match:
+                descriptors = lookup(pattern, os_filter, index=None)
+            elif exact_os_match:
+                descriptors = lookup(pattern, os_filter, index="__os__")
-    if osfilter is not None:
-        # The PLUGINS tree does not include the hierarchy up to the plugins
-        # directory (dissect.target.plugins) for the built-in plugins. For the
-        # plugins in the directory specified in --plugin-path, the hierarchy
-        # starts at that directory.
-        #
-        # Built-in OSPlugins do have the dissect.target.plugins path in their
-        # module name, so it needs to be stripped, e.g.:
-        #   dissect.target.plugins.general.default -> general.default
-        #   dissect.target.plugins.windows._os -> plugins.windows._os
-        #
-        # The module name of OSPlugins from --plugin-path starts at the
-        # directory specified in that option, e.g.:
-        # --plugin-path=/some/path/, with a file foo/baros/_os.py
-        # will have a module name of: foo.baros._os
-        filter_path = _modulepath(osfilter).split(".")
-        # If an OSPlugin is not defined in a file called _os.py, an extra `_os`
-        # part is added to the PLUGINS tree.
-        # For example the default OS plugin with module name general.default
-        # (after stripping of the build-in hierarchy) will be added at:
-        # general
-        #        \- default
-        #                  \- _os
-        # However the `_os` part is not in the module name. Modules that are
-        # defined in an _os.py file have the `_os` part in their module name.
-        # It is stripped out, so the filter is similar for both types of
-        # OSPlugin files.
-        if filter_path[-1] == "_os":
-            filter_path = filter_path[:-1]
-    else:
-        filter_path = []
-    def _walk(
-        root: dict,
-        special_keys: set[str] = set(),
-        only_special_keys: bool = False,
-        prev_module_path: list[str] = [],
-    ):
-        for key, obj in root.items():
-            module_path = prev_module_path.copy()
-            module_path.append(key)
-            # A branch in the PLUGINS tree is traversed to the next level if:
-            # - there are no filters (which in effect means all plugins are
-            # returned including all _os plugins).
-            # - the osfilter is the default plugin (which means all normal plugins but
-            # only the default _os plugin is returned).
-            # - there is no _os plugin on the next level (we're traversing a
-            # "normal" plugin branch or already jumped into an OS specific
-            # branch because of a filter_path match)
-            # - the current module_path fully matches the (beginning of) the
-            # filter path (this allows traversing into the specific os branch
-            # for the given os filter and any sub branches which are not os
-            # branches (of a sub-os) themselves).
-            if (
-                not filter_path
-                or issubclass(osfilter, general.default.DefaultPlugin)
-                or "_os" not in obj
-                or module_path == filter_path[: len(module_path)]
-            ):
-                if key.startswith("_"):
-                    if key in special_keys:
-                        # OSPlugins are treated special and are only returned
-                        # if their module_path matches the full filter_path.
-                        #
-                        # Note that the module_path includes the `_os` part,
-                        # which may have been explicitly added in the
-                        # hierarchy. This part needs to be stripped out when
-                        # matching against the filter_path, where it was either
-                        # not present or stripped out.
-                        if key != "_os" or (
-                            key == "_os" and (not filter_path or (filter_path and module_path[:-1] == filter_path))
-                        ):
-                            # If the special key is a leaf-node, we just give it back.
-                            # If it is a branch, we give back the full branch,
-                            # not just the special_keys if only_special_keys
-                            # was set to True.
-                            if "functions" in obj:
-                                yield obj
-                            else:
-                                yield from _walk(
-                                    obj,
-                                    special_keys=special_keys,
-                                    only_special_keys=False,
-                                    prev_module_path=module_path,
-                                )
-                        else:
-                            continue
-                    else:
-                        continue
+            for descriptor in descriptors:
+                if not descriptor.exported:
+                    continue
-                else:
-                    if "functions" in obj:
-                        if not (special_keys and only_special_keys):
-                            yield obj
-                    else:
-                        yield from _walk(
-                            obj,
-                            special_keys=special_keys,
-                            only_special_keys=only_special_keys,
-                            prev_module_path=module_path,
-                        )
-    yield from sorted(
-        _walk(
-            _get_plugins(),
-            special_keys=special_keys,
-            only_special_keys=only_special_keys,
-        ),
-        key=lambda plugin: len(plugin["module"]),
-        reverse=True,
-    )
+                found.append(descriptor)
+            if not found:
+                invalid_functions.add(pattern)
-def os_plugins() -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Retrieve all OS plugin descriptors."""
-    yield from plugins(special_keys={"_os"}, only_special_keys=True)
+        else:
+            # If we don't have an exact function match, do a slower treematch
+            path_lookup = _generate_long_paths()
+            # Change the treematch pattern into an fnmatch-able pattern to give back all functions from the sub-tree
+            # (if there is a subtree).
+            #
+            # Examples:
+            #     -f apps.webservers.iis -> apps.webservers.iis* (logs etc)
+            #     -f apps.webservers.iis.logs -> apps.webservers.iis.logs* (only the logs, there is no subtree)
+            # We do not include a dot because that does not work if the full path is given:
+            #     -f apps.webservers.iis.logs != apps.webservers.iis.logs.* (does not work)
+            search_pattern = pattern
+            if not has_glob_magic(pattern):
+                search_pattern += "*"
+            matches = False
+            for path in fnmatch.filter(path_lookup.keys(), search_pattern):
+                descriptor = path_lookup[path]
-def child_plugins() -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Retrieve all child plugin descriptors."""
-    yield from plugins(special_keys={"_child"}, only_special_keys=True)
+                # Skip plugins that don't want to be found by wildcards
+                if not descriptor.exported or (not show_hidden and not descriptor.findable):
+                    continue
+                # Skip plugins that do not match our OS
+                if os_filter and not _os_match(os_filter, descriptor.path):
+                    continue
-def lookup(func_name: str, osfilter: Optional[type[OSPlugin]] = None) -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Lookup a plugin descriptor by function name.
+                found.append(descriptor)
+                matches = True
-    Args:
-        func_name: Function name to lookup.
-        osfilter: The ``OSPlugin`` to use as template to find os specific plugins for.
-    """
-    yield from get_plugins_by_func_name(func_name, osfilter=osfilter)
-    yield from get_plugins_by_namespace(func_name, osfilter=osfilter)
+            if not matches:
+                invalid_functions.add(pattern)
+    if compatibility and target is not None:
+        result = filter_compatible(found, target, ignore_load_errors)
+    else:
+        result = found
-def get_plugins_by_func_name(func_name: str, osfilter: Optional[type[OSPlugin]] = None) -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Get a plugin descriptor by function name.
+    return result, invalid_functions
-    Args:
-        func_name: Function name to lookup.
-        osfilter: The ``OSPlugin`` to use as template to find os specific plugins for.
-    """
-    for plugin_desc in plugins(osfilter):
-        if not plugin_desc["namespace"] and func_name in plugin_desc["functions"]:
-            yield plugin_desc
+def filter_compatible(
+    descriptors: list[FunctionDescriptor], target: Target, ignore_load_errors: bool = False
+) -> list[FunctionDescriptor]:
+    """Filter a list of function descriptors based on compatibility with a target."""
+    result = []
+    seen = set()
+    for descriptor in descriptors:
+        try:
+            plugincls = load(descriptor)
+        except Exception:
+            if ignore_load_errors:
+                continue
+            raise
-def get_plugins_by_namespace(namespace: str, osfilter: Optional[type[OSPlugin]] = None) -> Iterator[PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Get a plugin descriptor by namespace.
+        if plugincls not in seen:
+            try:
+                if not plugincls(target).is_compatible():
+                    continue
+            except Exception:
+                continue
-    Args:
-        namespace: Plugin namespace to match.
-        osfilter: The ``OSPlugin`` to use as template to find os specific plugins for.
-    """
-    for plugin_desc in plugins(osfilter):
-        if namespace == plugin_desc["namespace"]:
-            yield plugin_desc
+        result.append(descriptor)
+    return result
-def load(plugin_desc: PluginDescriptor) -> Type[Plugin]:
-    """Helper function that loads a plugin from a given plugin description.
+def generate() -> dict[str, Any]:
+    """Internal function to generate the list of available plugins.
-    Args:
-        plugin_desc: Plugin description as returned by plugin.lookup().
+    Walks the plugins directory and imports any ``.py`` files in there.
+    Plugins will be automatically registered.
-        The plugin class.
-    Raises:
-        PluginError: Raised when any other exception occurs while trying to load the plugin.
+        The global ``PLUGINS`` dictionary.
-    module = plugin_desc["fullname"].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
-    try:
-        module = importlib.import_module(module)
-        return getattr(module, plugin_desc["class"])
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise PluginError(f"An exception occurred while trying to load a plugin: {module}") from e
-def failed() -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
-    """Return all plugins that failed to load."""
-    return _get_plugins().get("_failed", [])
+    plugins_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "plugins"
+    for path in _find_py_files(plugins_dir):
+        relative_path = path.relative_to(plugins_dir)
+        module_tuple = (MODULE_PATH, *relative_path.parent.parts, relative_path.stem)
+        load_module_from_name(".".join(module_tuple))
-def _get_plugins() -> dict[str, PluginDescriptor]:
-    """Load the plugin registry, or generate it if it doesn't exist yet."""
-    if not GENERATED:
-        PLUGINS = generate()
-        GENERATED = True
     return PLUGINS
-def save_plugin_import_failure(module: str) -> None:
-    """Store errors that occurred during plugin import."""
-    if "_failed" not in PLUGINS:
-        PLUGINS["_failed"] = []
-    stacktrace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
-    PLUGINS["_failed"].append(
-        {
-            "module": module,
-            "stacktrace": stacktrace,
-        }
-    )
-def find_py_files(plugin_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]:
-    """Walk all the files and directories in ``plugin_path`` and return all files ending in ``.py``.
+def _find_py_files(path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]:
+    """Walk all the files and directories in ``path`` and return all files ending in ``.py``.
     Do not walk or yield paths containing the following names:
     - __pycache__
     - __init__
-    Furthermore, it logs an error if ``plugin_path`` does not exist.
+    Furthermore, it logs an error if ``path`` does not exist.
-        plugin_path: The path to a directory or file to walk and filter.
+        path: The path to a directory or file to walk and filter.
-    if not plugin_path.exists():
-        log.error("Path %s does not exist.", plugin_path)
+    if not path.exists():
+        log.error("Path %s does not exist.", path)
-    if plugin_path.is_file():
-        path_iterator = [plugin_path]
+    if path.is_file():
+        it = [path]
-        path_iterator = plugin_path.glob("**/*.py")
+        it = path.glob("**/*.py")
-    for path in path_iterator:
-        if not path.is_file() or str(path).endswith("__init__.py"):
+    for entry in it:
+        if not entry.is_file() or entry.name == "__init__.py":
-        yield path
+        yield entry
 def load_module_from_name(module_path: str) -> None:
@@ -875,33 +931,10 @@ def load_module_from_name(module_path: str) -> None:
     except Exception as e:
         log.info("Unable to import %s", module_path)
         log.debug("Error while trying to import module %s", module_path, exc_info=e)
-        save_plugin_import_failure(module_path)
-def generate() -> dict[str, Any]:
-    """Internal function to generate the list of available plugins.
-    Walks the plugins directory and imports any .py files in there.
-    Plugins will be automatically registered due to the decorators on them.
-    Returns:
-        The global ``PLUGINS`` dictionary.
-    """
-    global PLUGINS
-    if "_failed" not in PLUGINS:
-        PLUGINS["_failed"] = []
-    plugins_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "plugins"
-    for path in find_py_files(plugins_dir):
-        relative_path = path.relative_to(plugins_dir)
-        module_tuple = (MODULE_PATH, *relative_path.parent.parts, relative_path.stem)
-        load_module_from_name(".".join(module_tuple))
-    return PLUGINS
+        _save_plugin_import_failure(module_path)
-def load_module_from_file(path: Path, base_path: Path):
+def load_module_from_file(path: Path, base_path: Path) -> None:
     """Loads a module from a file indicated by ``path`` relative to ``base_path``.
     The module is added to ``sys.modules`` so it can be found everywhere.
@@ -920,25 +953,26 @@ def load_module_from_file(path: Path, base_path: Path):
     except Exception as e:
         log.error("Unable to import %s", path)
         log.debug("Error while trying to import module %s", path, exc_info=e)
-        save_plugin_import_failure(str(path))
+        _save_plugin_import_failure(str(path))
-def load_modules_from_paths(plugin_dirs: list[Path]) -> None:
-    """Iterate over the ``plugin_dirs`` and load all ``.py`` files."""
-    for plugin_path in plugin_dirs:
-        for path in find_py_files(plugin_path):
-            base_path = plugin_path.parent if path == plugin_path else plugin_path
-            load_module_from_file(path, base_path)
+def load_modules_from_paths(paths: list[Path]) -> None:
+    """Iterate over the ``paths`` and load all ``.py`` files."""
+    for path in paths:
+        for file in _find_py_files(path):
+            base_path = path.parent if file == path else path
+            load_module_from_file(file, base_path)
 def get_external_module_paths(path_list: list[Path]) -> list[Path]:
-    """Create a deduplicated list of paths."""
+    """Return a list of external plugin directories."""
     output_list = environment_variable_paths() + path_list
     return list(set(output_list))
 def environment_variable_paths() -> list[Path]:
+    """Return additional plugin directories specified by the ``DISSECT_PLUGINS`` environment variable."""
     env_var = os.environ.get("DISSECT_PLUGINS")
     plugin_dirs = env_var.split(":") if env_var else []
@@ -946,403 +980,338 @@ def environment_variable_paths() -> list[Path]:
     return [Path(directory) for directory in plugin_dirs]
-def _traverse(key: str, obj: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
-    """Split a module path up in a dictionary."""
-    for p in key.split("."):
-        if p not in obj:
-            obj[p] = {}
+def _save_plugin_import_failure(module: str) -> None:
+    """Store errors that occurred during plugin import."""
+    stacktrace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
+    PLUGINS.setdefault("__failed__", []).append(FailureDescriptor(module, stacktrace))
-        obj = obj[p]
-    return obj
+def _get_nonprivate_attribute_names(cls: type[Plugin]) -> list[str]:
+    """Retrieve all attributes that do not start with ``_``."""
+    return [attr for attr in dir(cls) if not attr.startswith("_")]
-def _modulepath(cls) -> str:
-    """Returns the module path of a :class:`Plugin` relative to ``dissect.target.plugins``."""
-    module = getattr(cls, "__module__", "")
-    return module.replace(MODULE_PATH, "").lstrip(".")
+def _get_nonprivate_attributes(cls: type[Plugin]) -> list[Any]:
+    """Retrieve all public attributes of a :class:`Plugin`."""
+    # Note: `dir()` might return attributes from parent class
+    return [getattr(cls, attr) for attr in _get_nonprivate_attribute_names(cls)]
-# These need to be at the bottom of the module because __init_subclass__ requires everything
-# in the parent class Plugin to be defined and resolved.
-class NamespacePlugin(Plugin):
-    def __init__(self, target: Target):
-        """A namespace plugin provides services to access functionality from a group of subplugins.
+def _get_nonprivate_methods(cls: type[Plugin]) -> list[Callable]:
+    """Retrieve all public methods of a :class:`Plugin`."""
+    return [attr for attr in _get_nonprivate_attributes(cls) if not isinstance(attr, property) and callable(attr)]
-        Support is currently limited to shared exported functions that yield records.
-        """
-        super().__init__(target)
-        # The code below only applies to the direct subclass, indirect subclasses are finished here.
-        if self.__class__ != self.__nsplugin__:
-            return
+def _get_descriptors_on_nonprivate_methods(cls: type[Plugin]) -> list[RecordDescriptor]:
+    """Return record descriptors set on nonprivate methods in ``cls`` class."""
+    descriptors = set()
-        self._subplugins = []
-        for entry in self.SUBPLUGINS:
-            try:
-                subplugin = getattr(self.target, entry)
-                self._subplugins.append(subplugin)
-            except UnsupportedPluginError:
-                target.log.warning("Subplugin %s is not compatible with target.", entry)
-            except Exception:
-                target.log.exception("Failed to load subplugin: %s", entry)
+    for m in _get_nonprivate_methods(cls):
+        descriptors.update(_get_descriptors_on_method(m))
-    def check_compatible(self) -> None:
-        if not len(self._subplugins):
-            raise UnsupportedPluginError("No compatible subplugins found")
+    return list(descriptors)
-    def __init_subclass_namespace__(cls, **kwargs):
-        # If this is a direct subclass of a Namespace plugin, create a reference to the current class for indirect
-        # subclasses. This is necessary to autogenerate aggregate methods there
-        cls.__nsplugin__ = cls
-        cls.__findable__ = False
-    def __init_subclass_subplugin__(cls, **kwargs):
-        cls.__findable__ = True
+def _get_descriptors_on_method(method: Callable) -> list[RecordDescriptor]:
+    """Return record descriptors set on a method."""
+    if not (record := getattr(method, "__record__", None)):
+        return []
-        if not getattr(cls.__nsplugin__, "SUBPLUGINS", None):
-            cls.__nsplugin__.SUBPLUGINS = set()
+    try:
+        # check if __record__ value is iterable (for example, a list)
+        return list(record)
+    except TypeError:
+        return [record]
-        # Register the current plugin class as a subplugin with
-        # the direct subclass of NamespacePlugin
-        cls.__nsplugin__.SUBPLUGINS.add(cls.__namespace__)
-        # Generate a tuple of class names for which we do not want to add subplugin functions, which is the
-        # namespaceplugin and all of its superclasses (minus the base object).
-        reserved_cls_names = tuple({_class.__name__ for _class in cls.__nsplugin__.mro() if _class is not object})
+# Classes for specific types of plugins
+# These need to be at the bottom of the module because __init_subclass__ requires everything
+# in the parent class Plugin to be defined and resolved.
+class OSPlugin(Plugin):
+    """Base class for OS plugins.
-        # Collect the public attrs of the subplugin
-        for subplugin_func_name in cls.__exports__:
-            subplugin_func = inspect.getattr_static(cls, subplugin_func_name)
+    This provides a base class for certain common functions of OS's, which each OS plugin has to implement separately.
-            # The attr need to be callable and exported
-            if not isinstance(subplugin_func, Callable):
-                continue
+    For example, it provides an interface for retrieving the hostname and users of a target.
-            # The method needs to output records
-            if getattr(subplugin_func, "__output__", None) not in ["record", "yield"]:
-                continue
+    All derived classes MUST implement ALL the classmethods and exported
+    methods with the same ``@classmethod`` or ``@export(...)`` annotation.
+    """
-            # The method may not be part of a parent class.
-            if subplugin_func.__qualname__.startswith(reserved_cls_names):
-                continue
+    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
+        # Note that cls is the subclass
+        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
-            # If we already have an aggregate method, skip
-            if existing_aggregator := getattr(cls.__nsplugin__, subplugin_func_name, None):
-                if not hasattr(existing_aggregator, "__subplugins__"):
-                    # This is not an aggregator, but a re-implementation of a subclass function by the subplugin.
-                    continue
-                existing_aggregator.__subplugins__.append(cls.__namespace__)
-                continue
+        for os_method in _get_nonprivate_attributes(OSPlugin):
+            if isinstance(os_method, property):
+                os_method = os_method.fget
+            os_docstring = os_method.__doc__
-            # The generic template for the aggregator method
-            def generate_aggregator(method_name: str) -> Callable:
-                def aggregator(self) -> Iterator[Record]:
-                    for entry in aggregator.__subplugins__:
-                        try:
-                            subplugin = getattr(self.target, entry)
-                            yield from getattr(subplugin, method_name)()
-                        except UnsupportedPluginError:
-                            continue
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            self.target.log.error("Subplugin: %s raised an exception for: %s", entry, method_name)
-                            self.target.log.debug("Exception: %s", e, exc_info=e)
-                # Holds the subplugins that share this method
-                aggregator.__subplugins__ = []
-                return aggregator
-            # The generic template for the documentation method
-            def generate_documentor(cls, method_name: str, aggregator: Callable) -> str:
-                def documentor():
-                    return defaultdict(
-                        lambda: "???",
-                        {
-                            "func_name": f"{cls.__nsplugin__.__namespace__}.{method_name}",
-                            "short_description": "".join(
-                                [
-                                    f"Return {method_name} for: ",
-                                    ",".join(aggregator.__subplugins__),
-                                ]
-                            ),
-                            "output_type": "records",
-                        },
-                    )
+            method = getattr(cls, os_method.__name__, None)
+            if isinstance(method, property):
+                method = method.fget
+            # This works as None has a __doc__ property (which is None).
+            docstring = method.__doc__
-                return documentor
+            if method and not docstring:
+                if hasattr(method, "__func__"):
+                    method = method.__func__
+                method.__doc__ = os_docstring
-            # Manifacture a method for the namespaced class
-            generated_aggregator = generate_aggregator(subplugin_func_name)
-            generated_documentor = generate_documentor(cls, subplugin_func_name, generated_aggregator)
+    def check_compatible(self) -> bool:
+        """OSPlugin's use a different compatibility check, override the one from the :class:`Plugin` class.
-            # Add as an attribute to the namespace class
-            setattr(cls.__nsplugin__, subplugin_func_name, generated_aggregator)
+        Returns:
+            This function always returns ``True``.
+        """
+        return True
-            # Copy the meta descriptors of the function attribute
-            for copy_attr in ["__output__", "__record__", "__doc__", "__exported__"]:
-                setattr(generated_aggregator, copy_attr, getattr(subplugin_func, copy_attr, None))
+    @classmethod
+    def detect(cls, fs: Filesystem) -> Filesystem | None:
+        """Provide detection of this OSPlugin on a given filesystem.
-            # Add subplugin to aggregator
-            generated_aggregator.__subplugins__.append(cls.__namespace__)
+        Args:
+            fs: :class:`~dissect.target.filesystem.Filesystem` to detect the OS on.
-            # Mark the function as being autogenerated
-            setattr(generated_aggregator, "__autogen__", True)
+        Returns:
+            The root filesystem / sysvol when found.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-            # Add the documentor function to the aggregator
-            setattr(generated_aggregator, "get_func_doc_spec", generated_documentor)
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, target: Target, sysvol: Filesystem) -> OSPlugin:
+        """Initiate this OSPlugin with the given target and detected filesystem.
-            # Register the newly auto-created method
-            cls.__nsplugin__.__exports__.append(subplugin_func_name)
-            cls.__nsplugin__.__functions__.append(subplugin_func_name)
+        Args:
+            target: The :class:`~dissect.target.target.Target` object.
+            sysvol: The filesystem that was detected in the ``detect()`` function.
-    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
-        # Upon subclassing, decide whether this is a direct subclass of NamespacePlugin
-        # If this is not the case, autogenerate aggregate methods for methods record output.
-        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
-        if cls.__bases__[0] != NamespacePlugin:
-            cls.__init_subclass_subplugin__(cls, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            cls.__init_subclass_namespace__(cls, **kwargs)
+        Returns:
+            An instantiated version of the OSPlugin.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @export(property=True)
+    def hostname(self) -> str | None:
+        """Return the target's hostname.
-__COMMON_PLUGIN_METHOD_NAMES__ = {attr.__name__ for attr in get_nonprivate_methods(Plugin)}
+        Returns:
+            The hostname as string.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @export(property=True)
+    def ips(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Return the IP addresses configured in the target.
-class InternalPlugin(Plugin):
-    """Parent class for internal plugins.
+        Returns:
+            The IPs as list.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-    InternalPlugin marks all non-private methods internal by default
-    (same as ``@internal`` decorator).
-    """
+    @export(property=True)
+    def version(self) -> str | None:
+        """Return the target's OS version.
-    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
-        for method in get_nonprivate_methods(cls):
-            if callable(method) and method.__name__ not in __COMMON_PLUGIN_METHOD_NAMES__:
-                method.__internal__ = True
+        Returns:
+            The OS version as string.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
-        return cls
+    @export(record=EmptyRecord)
+    def users(self) -> list[Record]:
+        """Return the users available in the target.
+        Returns:
+            A list of user records.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-class InternalNamespacePlugin(NamespacePlugin, InternalPlugin):
-    pass
+    @export(property=True)
+    def os(self) -> str:
+        """Return a slug of the target's OS name.
+        Returns:
+            A slug of the OS name, e.g. 'windows' or 'linux'.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
-class PluginFunction:
-    name: str
-    path: str
-    output_type: str
-    class_object: type[Plugin]
-    method_name: str
-    plugin_desc: PluginDescriptor = field(hash=False)
+    @export(property=True)
+    def architecture(self) -> str | None:
+        """Return a slug of the target's OS architecture.
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
-        return self.path
+        Returns:
+            A slug of the OS architecture, e.g. 'x86_32-unix', 'MIPS-linux' or
+            'AMD64-win32', or 'unknown' if the architecture is unknown.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-def plugin_function_index(target: Optional[Target]) -> tuple[dict[str, PluginDescriptor], set[str]]:
-    """Returns an index-list for plugins.
+class ChildTargetPlugin(Plugin):
+    """A Child target is a special plugin that can list more Targets.
-    This list is used to match CLI expressions against to find the desired plugin.
-    Also returns the roots to determine whether a CLI expression has to be compared
-    to the plugin tree or parsed using legacy rules.
+    For example, :class:`~dissect.target.plugins.child.esxi.ESXiChildTargetPlugin` can
+    list all of the Virtual Machines on the host.
-    if target is None:
-        os_type = None
-    elif target._os_plugin is None:
-        os_type = general.default.DefaultPlugin
-    elif isinstance(target._os_plugin, type) and issubclass(target._os_plugin, OSPlugin):
-        os_type = target._os_plugin
-    elif isinstance(target._os_plugin, OSPlugin):
-        os_type = type(target._os_plugin)
-    else:
-        raise TypeError(
-            "target must be None or target._os_plugin must be either None, "
-            "a subclass of OSPlugin or an instance of OSPlugin"
-        )
+    __type__ = None
-    index = {}
-    rootset = set()
+    def list_children(self) -> Iterator[ChildTargetRecord]:
+        """Yield :class:`~dissect.target.helpers.record.ChildTargetRecord` records of all
+        possible child targets on this target.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-    all_plugins = plugins(osfilter=os_type, special_keys={"_child", "_os"})
-    for available_original in all_plugins:
-        # Prevent modifying the global PLUGINS dict, otherwise -f os.windows._os.users fails for instance.
-        available = available_original.copy()
+class NamespacePlugin(Plugin):
+    """A namespace plugin provides services to access functionality from a group of subplugins.
-        modulepath = available["module"]
-        rootset.add(modulepath.split(".")[0])
+    Support is currently limited to shared exported functions with output type ``record`` and ``yield``.
+    """
-        if "get_all_records" in available["exports"]:
-            # The get_all_records does not only need to be not present in the
-            # index, it also needs to be removed from the exports list, else
-            # the 'plugins' plugin will still display them.
-            exports = available["exports"].copy()
-            exports.remove("get_all_records")
-            available["exports"] = exports
+    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
+        # Upon subclassing, decide whether this is a direct subclass of NamespacePlugin
+        # If this is not the case, autogenerate aggregate methods for methods record output.
-            if "get_all_records" not in available_original["exports"]:
-                raise Exception(f"get_all_records removed from {available_original}")
+        # Do not process the "base" subclasses defined in this file
+        if cls.__module__ == NamespacePlugin.__module__:
+            super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+            return
-        for exported in available["exports"]:
-            if available["is_osplugin"] and os_type == general.default.DefaultPlugin:
-                # This makes the os plugin exports listed under the special
-                # "OS plugins" header by the 'plugins' plugin.
-                available["module"] = ""
+        if cls.__bases__[0] not in (NamespacePlugin, InternalNamespacePlugin):
+            # This is a subclass of a subclass of (Internal)NamespacePlugin
+            # We need to aggregate the methods of this subclass
+            cls.__findable__ = True
+            # Run the normal subclass initialization first so the plugin gets all its exports registered
+            super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+            cls.__init_subclass_subplugin__(cls, **kwargs)
+            cls.__nsplugin__.__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+        else:
+            # This is a direct subclass of (Internal)NamespacePlugin
+            # Not much to do here, just do some initialization and register the plugin
+            cls.__findable__ = False
+            super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
-            index[f"{modulepath}.{exported}"] = available
+            cls.__nsplugin__ = cls
+            if not hasattr(cls, "__subplugins__"):
+                cls.__subplugins__ = set()
-    return index, rootset
+    def __init_subclass_subplugin__(cls, **kwargs) -> None:
+        # Register the current plugin class as a subplugin with
+        # the direct subclass of NamespacePlugin
+        cls.__nsplugin__.__subplugins__.add(cls.__namespace__)
+        # Generate a tuple of class names for which we do not want to add subplugin functions, which is the
+        # NamespacePlugin and all of its superclasses (minus the base object)
+        reserved_cls = tuple({klass.__name__ for klass in cls.__nsplugin__.mro() if klass is not object})
-def find_plugin_functions(
-    target: Optional[Target],
-    patterns: str,
-    compatibility: bool = False,
-    **kwargs,
-) -> tuple[list[PluginFunction], set[str]]:
-    """Finds plugins that match the target and the patterns.
+        # Collect the public exports of the subplugin
+        for export_name in cls.__exports__:
+            export_attr = getattr(cls, export_name)
-    Given a target, a comma separated list of patterns and an optional compatibility flag,
-    this function finds matching plugins, optionally checking compatibility and returns
-    a list of plugin function descriptors (including output types).
-    """
-    result = []
+            # The export need to be callable and may not be part of a parent class
+            if not isinstance(export_attr, Callable) or export_attr.__qualname__.startswith(reserved_cls):
+                continue
-    functions, rootset = plugin_function_index(target)
+            # The export needs to output records or yield something else
+            if (output_type := export_attr.__output__) not in ["record", "yield"]:
+                continue
-    invalid_funcs = set()
-    show_hidden = kwargs.get("show_hidden", False)
-    ignore_load_errors = kwargs.get("ignore_load_errors", False)
+            if aggregator := getattr(cls.__nsplugin__, export_name, None):
+                # If we already have an aggregate method, update some fields
+                if not hasattr(aggregator, "__subplugins__"):
+                    # This is not an aggregator, but a re-implementation of a subclass method by the subplugin
+                    continue
-    for pattern in patterns.split(","):
-        # Backward compatibility fix for namespace-level plugins (i.e. chrome)
-        # If an exact namespace match is found, the pattern is changed to the tree to that namespace.
-        # Examples:
-        #     -f browser -> apps.browser.browser
-        #     -f iexplore -> apps.browser.iexplore
-        namespace_match = False
-        for index_name, func in functions.items():
-            if func["namespace"] == pattern:
-                pattern = func["module"]
-                namespace_match = True
-                break
-        wildcard = any(char in pattern for char in ["*", "!", "?", "[", "]"])
-        treematch = pattern.split(".")[0] in rootset and pattern != "os"
-        exact_match = pattern in functions
-        # Allow for exact and namespace matches even if the plugin does not want to be found, otherwise you cannot
-        # reach documented namespace plugins like apps.browser.browser.downloads.
-        # You can *always* run these using the namespace/classic-style like: browser.downloads (but -l lists them
-        # in the tree for documentation purposes so it would be misleading not to allow tree access as well).
-        #
-        # Note that these tree items will never respond to wildcards though to avoid duplicate results, e.g. when
-        # querying apps.browser.*, this also means apps.browser.browser.* won't work.
-        if exact_match or namespace_match:
-            show_hidden = True
-        # Change the treematch pattern into an fnmatch-able pattern to give back all functions from the sub-tree
-        # (if there is a subtree).
-        #
-        # Examples:
-        #     -f browser -> apps.browser.browser* (the whole package, due to a namespace match)
-        #     -f apps.webservers.iis -> apps.webservers.iis* (logs etc)
-        #     -f apps.webservers.iis.logs -> apps.webservers.iis.logs* (only the logs, there is no subtree)
-        # We do not include a dot because that does not work if the full path is given:
-        #     -f apps.webservers.iis.logs != apps.webservers.iis.logs.* (does not work)
-        #
-        # In practice a namespace_match would almost always also be a treematch, except when the namespace plugin
-        # is in the root of the plugin tree.
-        if (treematch or namespace_match) and not wildcard and not exact_match:
-            pattern += "*"
-        if wildcard or treematch:
-            matches = False
-            for index_name in fnmatch.filter(functions.keys(), pattern):
-                func = functions[index_name]
+                if aggregator.__output__ != output_type:
+                    # The output type of the existing aggregator is different, so we can't merge them
+                    raise PluginError(
+                        "Cannot merge namespace methods with different output types"
+                        f" ({aggregator.__output__} != {output_type} in {cls.__namespace__}.{export_name})"
+                    )
-                method_name = index_name.split(".")[-1]
-                try:
-                    loaded_plugin_object = load(func)
-                except Exception:
-                    if ignore_load_errors:
-                        continue
-                    raise
+                # Update record descriptors
+                if (export_attr.__record__, aggregator.__record__) != (None, None):
+                    aggregator.__record__ = list(
+                        set(_get_descriptors_on_method(export_attr) + _get_descriptors_on_method(aggregator))
+                    )
+            else:
+                # Generate a method for the parent namespace class
+                aggregator = export(
+                    output=output_type,
+                    record=export_attr.__record__,
+                    cache=False,
+                    cls=cls.__nsplugin__,
+                )(cls.__generate_aggregator(cls.__nsplugin__, export_name))
-                # Skip plugins that don't want to be found by wildcards
-                if not show_hidden and not loaded_plugin_object.__findable__:
+                # Add to the parent namespace class
+                setattr(cls.__nsplugin__, export_name, aggregator)
+            # Add subplugin to aggregator
+            aggregator.__subplugins__.append(cls.__namespace__)
+            cls.__update_aggregator_docs(aggregator)
+    def check_compatible(self) -> None:
+        at_least_one = False
+        for entry in self.__subplugins__:
+            try:
+                self.target.get_function(entry)
+                at_least_one = True
+            except UnsupportedPluginError:
+                self.target.log.warning("Subplugin %s is not compatible with target", entry)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.target.log.error("Failed to load subplugin: %s", entry)
+                self.target.log.debug("", exc_info=e)
+        if not at_least_one:
+            raise UnsupportedPluginError("No compatible subplugins found")
+    @staticmethod
+    def __generate_aggregator(nsklass: type[NamespacePlugin], method_name: str) -> Callable:
+        def aggregator(self) -> Iterator[Record]:
+            for ns in aggregator.__subplugins__:
+                try:
+                    yield from self.target.get_function(f"{ns}.{method_name}")[1]()
+                except UnsupportedPluginError:
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.target.log.error("Subplugin %s.%s raised an exception", ns, method_name)
+                    self.target.log.debug("", exc_info=e)
-                fobject = inspect.getattr_static(loaded_plugin_object, method_name)
+        # Holds the subplugins that share this method
+        aggregator.__subplugins__ = []
+        aggregator.__generated__ = True
-                if compatibility:
-                    if target is None:
-                        continue
-                    try:
-                        if not loaded_plugin_object(target).is_compatible():
-                            continue
-                    except Exception:
-                        continue
+        # Clone some names and attributes
+        aggregator.__module__ = nsklass.__module__
+        aggregator.__name__ = method_name
+        aggregator.__qualname__ = f"{nsklass.__name__}.{method_name}"
-                matches = True
-                result.append(
-                    PluginFunction(
-                        name=f"{func['namespace']}.{method_name}" if func["namespace"] else method_name,
-                        path=index_name,
-                        class_object=loaded_plugin_object,
-                        method_name=method_name,
-                        output_type=getattr(fobject, "__output__", "none"),
-                        plugin_desc=func,
-                    )
-                )
+        return aggregator
-            if not matches:
-                invalid_funcs.add(pattern)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __update_aggregator_docs(aggregator: Callable) -> None:
+        aggregator.__doc__ = f"Return {aggregator.__name__} for: {', '.join(aggregator.__subplugins__)}"
-        else:
-            # otherwise match using ~ classic style
-            if pattern.find(".") > -1:
-                namespace, funcname = pattern.split(".", 1)
-            else:
-                funcname = pattern
-                namespace = None
-            plugin_descriptions = []
-            for func_path, func in functions.items():
-                nsmatch = namespace and func["namespace"] == namespace and func_path.split(".")[-1] == funcname
-                fmatch = not namespace and not func["namespace"] and func_path.split(".")[-1] == funcname
-                if nsmatch or fmatch:
-                    plugin_descriptions.append(func)
+__INTERNAL_PLUGIN_METHOD_NAMES__ = {attr.__name__ for attr in _get_nonprivate_methods(Plugin)}
-            if not plugin_descriptions:
-                invalid_funcs.add(pattern)
-            for description in plugin_descriptions:
-                try:
-                    loaded_plugin_object = load(description)
-                except Exception:
-                    if ignore_load_errors:
-                        continue
-                    raise
+class InternalPlugin(Plugin):
+    """Parent class for internal plugins.
+    InternalPlugin marks all non-private methods internal by default
+    (same as ``@internal`` decorator).
+    """
-                fobject = inspect.getattr_static(loaded_plugin_object, funcname)
+    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
+        for method in _get_nonprivate_methods(cls):
+            if callable(method) and method.__name__ not in __INTERNAL_PLUGIN_METHOD_NAMES__:
+                method.__internal__ = True
-                if compatibility and not loaded_plugin_object(target).is_compatible():
-                    continue
+        super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+        return cls
-                result.append(
-                    PluginFunction(
-                        name=f"{description['namespace']}.{funcname}" if description["namespace"] else funcname,
-                        path=f"{description['module']}.{funcname}",
-                        class_object=loaded_plugin_object,
-                        method_name=funcname,
-                        output_type=getattr(fobject, "__output__", "none"),
-                        plugin_desc=description,
-                    )
-                )
-    return result, invalid_funcs
+class InternalNamespacePlugin(NamespacePlugin, InternalPlugin):
+    pass
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/apache.py b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/apache.py
index 94cb80b2fb..88b929c7f2 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/apache.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/apache.py
@@ -196,7 +196,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(self.access_log_paths) and not len(self.error_log_paths):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No Apache directories found")
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_log_paths(self) -> tuple[list[Path], list[Path]]:
         Discover any present Apache log paths on the target system.
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy.py b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy.py
index 6347cb7384..223ee875a6 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy.py
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(self.log_paths):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No Caddy paths found")
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_log_paths(self) -> list[Path]:
         log_paths = []
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/iis.py b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/iis.py
index 5c37ffcf1c..f6c49db460 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/iis.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/iis.py
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not self.log_dirs:
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No IIS log files found")
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_log_dirs(self) -> list[tuple[str, Path]]:
         log_paths = set()
@@ -113,13 +112,11 @@ def get_log_dirs(self) -> list[tuple[str, Path]]:
         return list(log_paths)
-    @plugin.internal
     def iter_log_format_path_pairs(self) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
         for log_format, log_dir_path in self.log_dirs:
             for log_file in log_dir_path.glob("*/*.log"):
                 yield (log_format, log_file)
-    @plugin.internal
     def parse_autodetect_format_log(self, path: Path) -> Iterator[BasicRecordDescriptor]:
         first_line = path.open().readline().decode("utf-8", errors="backslashreplace").strip()
         if first_line.startswith("#"):
@@ -127,7 +124,6 @@ def parse_autodetect_format_log(self, path: Path) -> Iterator[BasicRecordDescrip
             yield from self.parse_iis_format_log(path)
-    @plugin.internal
     def parse_iis_format_log(self, path: Path) -> Iterator[BasicRecordDescriptor]:
         """Parse log file in IIS format and stream log records.
@@ -189,7 +185,6 @@ def parse_datetime(date_str: str, time_str: str) -> datetime:
     def _create_extended_descriptor(self, extra_fields: tuple[tuple[str, str]]) -> TargetRecordDescriptor:
         return TargetRecordDescriptor(LOG_RECORD_NAME, BASIC_RECORD_FIELDS + list(extra_fields))
-    @plugin.internal
     def parse_w3c_format_log(self, path: Path) -> Iterator[TargetRecordDescriptor]:
         """Parse log file in W3C format and stream log records.
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx.py b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx.py
index f47e6b2d34..c38484be61 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx.py
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(self.log_paths):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No NGINX directories found")
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_log_paths(self) -> list[Path]:
         log_paths = []
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/webserver.py b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/webserver.py
index 0092c4ca0c..7c274ee612 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/webserver.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/apps/webserver/webserver.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 class WebserverPlugin(NamespacePlugin):
     __namespace__ = "webserver"
-    __findable__ = False
     @export(record=[WebserverAccessLogRecord, WebserverErrorLogRecord])
     def logs(self) -> Iterator[Union[WebserverAccessLogRecord, WebserverErrorLogRecord]]:
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/general/osinfo.py b/dissect/target/plugins/general/osinfo.py
index f1fb54409f..3028fa587f 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/general/osinfo.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/general/osinfo.py
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
     def osinfo(self) -> Iterator[Union[OSInfoRecord, GroupedRecord]]:
         """Yield grouped records with target OS info."""
         for os_func in self.target._os.__functions__:
-            if os_func in ["is_compatible", "get_all_records"]:
-                continue
             value = getattr(self.target._os, os_func)
             record = OSInfoRecord(name=os_func, value=None, _target=self.target)
             if isinstance(value, Callable) and isinstance(subrecords := value(), Generator):
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/general/plugins.py b/dissect/target/plugins/general/plugins.py
index 08b988266e..334830b03b 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/general/plugins.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/general/plugins.py
@@ -2,103 +2,135 @@
 import json
 import textwrap
-from typing import Iterator, Type
 from dissect.target import plugin
 from dissect.target.helpers.docs import INDENT_STEP, get_plugin_overview
 from dissect.target.plugin import Plugin, arg, export
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
-def categorize_plugins(plugins_selection: list[dict] = None) -> dict:
-    """Categorize plugins based on the module it's from."""
+def generate_functions_overview(
+    functions: list[plugin.FunctionDescriptor] | None = None, include_docs: bool = False
+) -> list[str]:
+    """Generate a tree list of functions with optional documentation."""
-    output_dict = dict()
+    categorized_plugins = _categorize_functions(functions)
+    plugin_descriptions = _generate_plugin_tree_overview(categorized_plugins, include_docs)
-    plugins_selection = plugins_selection or get_exported_plugins()
+    plugins_list = textwrap.indent(
+        "\n".join(plugin_descriptions) if plugin_descriptions else "None",
+        prefix=INDENT_STEP,
+    )
-    for plugin_dict in plugins_selection:
-        tmp_dict = dictify_module_recursive(
-            list_of_items=plugin_dict["module"].split("."),
-            last_value=plugin.load(plugin_dict),
+    failed_descriptions = []
+    failed_items = plugin.failed()
+    for failed_item in failed_items:
+        module = failed_item.module
+        exception = failed_item.stacktrace[-1].rstrip()
+        failed_descriptions.append(
+            textwrap.dedent(
+                f"""\
+                    Module: {module}
+                    Reason: {exception}
+                """
+            )
-        update_dict_recursive(output_dict, tmp_dict)
-    return output_dict
+    failed_list = textwrap.indent(
+        "\n".join(failed_descriptions) if failed_descriptions else "None\n",
+        prefix=INDENT_STEP,
+    )
-def get_exported_plugins() -> list:
-    """Returns list of exported plugins."""
-    return [p for p in plugin.plugins() if len(p["exports"])]
+    lines = [
+        "Available plugins:",
+        plugins_list,
+        "",
+        "Failed to load:",
+        failed_list,
+    ]
+    return "\n".join(lines)
+def generate_functions_json(functions: list[plugin.FunctionDescriptor] | None = None) -> str:
+    """Generate a JSON representation of all available functions."""
+    loaded = []
+    failed = []
+    for desc in functions or _get_default_functions():
+        plugincls = plugin.load(desc)
+        docstring = getattr(plugincls, desc.method_name).__doc__
+        loaded.append(
+            {
+                "name": desc.name,
+                "output": desc.output,
+                "description": docstring.split("\n\n", 1)[0].strip() if docstring else None,
+                "path": desc.path,
+            }
+        )
+    if failures := plugin.failed():
+        failed = [{"module": f.module, "stacktrace": "".join(f.stacktrace)} for f in failures]
-def dictify_module_recursive(list_of_items: list, last_value: Plugin) -> dict:
-    """Create a dict from a list of strings.
+    return json.dumps({"loaded": loaded, "failed": failed})
-    The last element inside the list, will point to `last_value`
-    """
-    if len(list_of_items) == 1:
-        return {list_of_items[0]: last_value}
-    else:
-        return {list_of_items[0]: dictify_module_recursive(list_of_items[1:], last_value)}
+def _get_default_functions() -> list[plugin.FunctionDescriptor]:
+    return [f for f in plugin.functions() if f.exported] + [
+        f for f in plugin.functions(index="__os__") if f.exported and f.module == DefaultPlugin.__module__
+    ]
-def update_dict_recursive(source_dict: dict, updated_dict: dict) -> dict:
-    """Update source dictionary with data in updated_dict."""
-    for key, value in updated_dict.items():
-        if isinstance(value, dict):
-            source_dict[key] = update_dict_recursive(source_dict.get(key, {}), value)
-        else:
-            source_dict[key] = value
-    return dict(sorted(source_dict.items()))
+def _categorize_functions(functions: list[plugin.FunctionDescriptor] | None = None) -> dict:
+    """Categorize functions based on its module path."""
+    functions = functions or _get_default_functions()
+    result = {}
-def output_plugin_description_recursive(
-    structure_dict: dict | Plugin,
-    print_docs: bool,
-    indentation_step: int = 0,
-) -> list[str]:
-    """Create plugin overview with identations."""
+    for desc in functions:
+        obj = result
+        parts = desc.path.split(".")
-    if isinstance(structure_dict, type) and issubclass(structure_dict, Plugin):
-        return [get_plugin_description(structure_dict, print_docs, indentation_step)]
+        if not desc.namespace or (desc.namespace and desc.method_name != "__call__"):
+            parts = parts[:-1]
-    return get_description_dict(structure_dict, print_docs, indentation_step)
+        for part in parts[:-1]:
+            obj = obj.setdefault(part, {})
+        if parts[-1] not in obj:
+            obj[parts[-1]] = plugin.load(desc)
-def get_plugin_description(
-    plugin_class: Type[Plugin],
-    print_docs: bool,
-    indentation_step: int,
-) -> str:
-    """Returns plugin_overview with specific indentation."""
-    plugin_overview = get_plugin_overview(
-        plugin_class=plugin_class,
-        with_func_docstrings=print_docs,
-        with_plugin_desc=print_docs,
-    )
-    return textwrap.indent(plugin_overview, prefix=" " * indentation_step)
+    return dict(sorted(result.items()))
-def get_description_dict(
-    structure_dict: dict,
+def _generate_plugin_tree_overview(
+    plugin_tree: dict | type[Plugin],
     print_docs: bool,
-    indentation_step: int,
+    indent: int = 0,
 ) -> list[str]:
-    """Returns a list of indented descriptions."""
-    output_descriptions = []
-    for key in structure_dict.keys():
-        output_descriptions += [
-            textwrap.indent(key + ":", prefix=" " * indentation_step) if key != "" else "OS plugins"
-        ] + output_plugin_description_recursive(
-            structure_dict[key],
-            print_docs,
-            indentation_step=indentation_step + 2,
+    """Create plugin overview with identations."""
+    if isinstance(plugin_tree, type) and issubclass(plugin_tree, Plugin):
+        return [
+            textwrap.indent(
+                get_plugin_overview(plugin_tree, print_docs, print_docs),
+                prefix=" " * indent,
+            )
+        ]
+    result = []
+    for key in plugin_tree.keys():
+        result.append(textwrap.indent(key + ":", prefix=" " * indent) if key != "" else "OS plugins")
+        result.extend(
+            _generate_plugin_tree_overview(
+                plugin_tree[key],
+                print_docs,
+                indent=indent + 2,
+            )
-    return output_descriptions
+    return result
 class PluginListPlugin(Plugin):
@@ -114,71 +146,9 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
     # https://github.com/fox-it/dissect.target/pull/841
     # https://github.com/fox-it/dissect.target/issues/889
     @arg("--as-json", dest="as_json", action="store_true")
-    def plugins(self, plugins: list[Plugin] = None, print_docs: bool = False, as_json: bool = False) -> None:
+    def plugins(self, print_docs: bool = False, as_json: bool = False) -> None:
         """Print all available plugins."""
-        dict_plugins = list({p.path: p.plugin_desc for p in plugins}.values())
-        categorized_plugins = dict(sorted(categorize_plugins(dict_plugins).items()))
-        plugin_descriptions = output_plugin_description_recursive(categorized_plugins, print_docs)
-        plugins_list = textwrap.indent(
-            "\n".join(plugin_descriptions) if plugin_descriptions else "None",
-            prefix=INDENT_STEP,
-        )
-        failed_descriptions = []
-        failed_items = plugin.failed()
-        for failed_item in failed_items:
-            module = failed_item["module"]
-            exception = failed_item["stacktrace"][-1].rstrip()
-            failed_descriptions.append(
-                textwrap.dedent(
-                    f"""\
-                        Module: {module}
-                        Reason: {exception}
-                    """
-                )
-            )
-        failed_list = textwrap.indent(
-            "\n".join(failed_descriptions) if failed_descriptions else "None",
-            prefix=INDENT_STEP,
-        )
-        output_lines = [
-            "Available plugins:",
-            plugins_list,
-            "",
-            "Failed to load:",
-            failed_list,
-        ]
         if as_json:
-            out = {"loaded": list(generate_plugins_json(plugins))}
-            if failed_plugins := plugin.failed():
-                out["failed"] = [
-                    {"module": p["module"], "stacktrace": "".join(p["stacktrace"])} for p in failed_plugins
-                ]
-            print(json.dumps(out), end="")
+            print(generate_functions_json(), end="")
-            print("\n".join(output_lines))
-def generate_plugins_json(plugins: list[Plugin]) -> Iterator[dict]:
-    """Generates JSON output of a list of :class:`Plugin`."""
-    for p in plugins:
-        func = getattr(p.class_object, p.method_name)
-        description = getattr(func, "__doc__", None)
-        summary = description.split("\n\n", 1)[0].strip() if description else None
-        yield {
-            "name": p.name,
-            "output": p.output_type,
-            "description": summary,
-            "path": p.path,
-        }
+            print(generate_functions_overview(include_docs=print_docs))
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/default/__init__.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/default/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/general/default.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/default/_os.py
similarity index 93%
rename from dissect/target/plugins/general/default.py
rename to dissect/target/plugins/os/default/_os.py
index 140e9386a9..bda3e1bc3a 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/general/default.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/default/_os.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Optional
     from flow.record import Record
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def version(self) -> Optional[str]:
-    def users(self) -> list[Record]:
+    def users(self) -> Iterator[Record]:
         yield from ()
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/general/network.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/default/network.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dissect/target/plugins/general/network.py
rename to dissect/target/plugins/os/default/network.py
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/bsd/osx/network.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/bsd/osx/network.py
index 5017db7507..1b80143c70 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/bsd/osx/network.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/bsd/osx/network.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 from typing import Iterator
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import MacInterfaceRecord
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.network import NetworkPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default.network import NetworkPlugin
 from dissect.target.target import Target
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/debian/apt.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/debian/apt.py
index b3e7caf840..7ea961fd6a 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/debian/apt.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/debian/apt.py
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 from typing import Iterator
 from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
-from dissect.target import Target, plugin
+from dissect.target import Target
 from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers.fsutil import open_decompress
+from dissect.target.plugin import export
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.packagemanager import (
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(log_files):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No APT files found")
-    @plugin.export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
+    @export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
     def logs(self) -> Iterator[PackageManagerLogRecord]:
         """Package manager log parser for Apt.
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/network.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/network.py
index a4e55d2963..e23f34de4d 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/network.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/network.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from dissect.target.helpers import configutil
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import UnixInterfaceRecord
 from dissect.target.helpers.utils import to_list
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.network import NetworkPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default.network import NetworkPlugin
     from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Interface, IPv6Address, IPv6Interface
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/redhat/yum.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/redhat/yum.py
index 6ff7bf2a90..7dbf33cfeb 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/redhat/yum.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/redhat/yum.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import re
 from typing import Iterator
-from dissect.target import plugin
 from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers.utils import year_rollover_helper
+from dissect.target.plugin import export
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.packagemanager import (
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(log_files):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No Yum files found")
-    @plugin.export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
+    @export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
     def logs(self) -> Iterator[PackageManagerLogRecord]:
         """Package manager log parser for CentOS' Yellowdog Updater (Yum).
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/suse/zypper.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/suse/zypper.py
index 090faf3300..3ef0f44660 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/suse/zypper.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/linux/suse/zypper.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from typing import Iterator
-from dissect.target import plugin
 from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers.fsutil import open_decompress
+from dissect.target.plugin import export
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.packagemanager import (
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(log_files):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No zypper files found")
-    @plugin.export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
+    @export(record=PackageManagerLogRecord)
     def logs(self) -> Iterator[PackageManagerLogRecord]:
         """Package manager log parser for SuSE's Zypper.
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/log/audit.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/log/audit.py
index 018a0a435c..a8873bf94d 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/log/audit.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/unix/log/audit.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers.fsutil import basename, open_decompress
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import TargetRecordDescriptor
-from dissect.target.plugin import Plugin, export, internal
+from dissect.target.plugin import Plugin, export
 AuditRecord = TargetRecordDescriptor(
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ def check_compatible(self) -> None:
         if not len(self.log_paths):
             raise UnsupportedPluginError("No audit path found")
-    @internal
     def get_log_paths(self) -> list[Path]:
         log_paths = []
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/dpapi/keyprovider/keyprovider.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/dpapi/keyprovider/keyprovider.py
index 00a254fe82..1f73a9205d 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/dpapi/keyprovider/keyprovider.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/dpapi/keyprovider/keyprovider.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 class KeyProviderPlugin(InternalNamespacePlugin):
+    """Key provider plugin for DPAPI."""
     __namespace__ = "_dpapi_keyprovider"
     def check_compatible(self) -> None:
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/lnk.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/lnk.py
index ceb0cb5842..c22b01598c 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/lnk.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/lnk.py
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ def lnk(self, path: str | None = None) -> Iterator[LnkRecord]:
                 lnk_file = Lnk(entry.open())
                 yield parse_lnk_file(self.target, lnk_file, entry)
             except Exception as e:
-                self.target.log.warning("Failed to parse link file %s", lnk_file)
+                self.target.log.warning("Failed to parse link file %s", entry)
                 self.target.log.debug("", exc_info=e)
     def lnk_entries(self, path: str | None = None) -> Iterator[TargetPath]:
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/log/evt.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/log/evt.py
index 88cb038044..25da5ee25d 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/log/evt.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/log/evt.py
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ class WindowsEventlogsMixin:
     EVENTLOG_REGISTRY_KEY = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog"
     LOGS_DIR_PATH = None
-    @plugin.internal
-    def get_logs(self, filename_glob="*") -> list[Path]:
+    def get_logs(self, filename_glob: str = "*") -> list[Path]:
         file_paths = []
         file_paths.extend(self.get_logs_from_dir(self.LOGS_DIR_PATH, filename_glob=filename_glob))
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ def get_logs(self, filename_glob="*") -> list[Path]:
         return file_paths
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_logs_from_dir(self, logs_dir: str, filename_glob: str = "*") -> list[Path]:
         file_paths = []
         logs_dir = self.target.fs.path(logs_dir)
@@ -77,7 +75,6 @@ def get_logs_from_dir(self, logs_dir: str, filename_glob: str = "*") -> list[Pat
         self.target.log.debug("Log files found in '%s': %d", self.LOGS_DIR_PATH, len(file_paths))
         return file_paths
-    @plugin.internal
     def get_logs_from_registry(self, filename_glob: str = "*") -> list[Path]:
         # compile glob into case-insensitive regex
         filename_regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(filename_glob), re.IGNORECASE)
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/network.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/network.py
index 8e268c017a..d646b24966 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/network.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/network.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import WindowsInterfaceRecord
 from dissect.target.helpers.regutil import RegistryKey
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.network import NetworkPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default.network import NetworkPlugin
 from dissect.target.target import Target
diff --git a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/registry.py b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/registry.py
index e037072414..a76c13bb0c 100644
--- a/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/registry.py
+++ b/dissect/target/plugins/os/windows/registry.py
@@ -295,8 +295,7 @@ def subkey(self, key: str, subkey: str) -> KeyCollection:
     def iterkeys(self, keys: Union[str, list[str]]) -> Iterator[KeyCollection]:
         warnings.warn("The iterkeys() function is deprecated, use keys() instead", DeprecationWarning)
-        for key in self.keys(keys):
-            yield key
+        yield from self.keys(keys)
     def keys(self, keys: Union[str, list[str]]) -> Iterator[KeyCollection]:
@@ -308,9 +307,7 @@ def keys(self, keys: Union[str, list[str]]) -> Iterator[KeyCollection]:
         for key in self._iter_controlset_keypaths(keys):
-                res = self.key(key)
-                for r in res:
-                    yield r
+                yield from self.key(key)
             except RegistryKeyNotFoundError:
             except HiveUnavailableError:
diff --git a/dissect/target/report.py b/dissect/target/report.py
index 82afe04a33..70d09fc793 100644
--- a/dissect/target/report.py
+++ b/dissect/target/report.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
 import argparse
 import dataclasses
 import textwrap
 from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Type
+from typing import Any
 from dissect.target import Target
-from dissect.target.plugin import Plugin
+from dissect.target.plugin import FunctionDescriptor, Plugin
 from dissect.target.target import Event
 BLOCK_INDENT = 4 * " "
@@ -15,11 +17,11 @@
 class TargetExecutionReport:
     target: Target
-    incompatible_plugins: Set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
-    registered_plugins: Set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
+    incompatible_plugins: set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
+    registered_plugins: set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
-    func_errors: Dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
-    func_execs: Set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
+    func_errors: dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
+    func_execs: set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
     def add_incompatible_plugin(self, plugin_name: str) -> None:
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ def add_registered_plugin(self, plugin_name: str) -> None:
     def add_func_error(self, func, stacktrace: str) -> None:
         self.func_errors[func] = stacktrace
-    def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
         return {
             "target": str(self.target),
             "incompatible_plugins": sorted(self.incompatible_plugins),
@@ -42,19 +44,19 @@ def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
 class ExecutionReport:
-    plugin_import_errors: Dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
+    plugin_import_errors: dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
-    target_reports: List[TargetExecutionReport] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
+    target_reports: list[TargetExecutionReport] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
-    cli_args: Dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
+    cli_args: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
     def set_cli_args(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
         args = ((key, str(value)) for (key, value) in vars(args).items())
-    def set_plugin_stats(self, plugins: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
-        for details in plugins.get("_failed", []):
-            self.plugin_import_errors[details["module"]] = "".join(details["stacktrace"])
+    def set_plugin_stats(self, plugins: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        for details in plugins.get("__failed__", []):
+            self.plugin_import_errors[details.module] = "".join(details.stacktrace)
     def get_formatted_report(self) -> str:
         blocks = [
@@ -83,8 +85,8 @@ def log_incompatible_plugin(
         target: Target,
-        plugin_cls: Optional[Type[Plugin]] = None,
-        plugin_desc: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
+        plugin_cls: type[Plugin] | None = None,
+        plugin_desc: FunctionDescriptor | None = None,
     ) -> None:
         if not plugin_cls and not plugin_desc:
             raise ValueError("Either `plugin_cls` or `plugin_desc` must be set")
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ def log_incompatible_plugin(
         if plugin_cls:
             plugin_name = self._get_plugin_name(plugin_cls)
         elif plugin_desc:
-            plugin_name = plugin_desc["fullname"]
+            plugin_name = f"{plugin_desc.module}.{plugin_desc.qualname}"
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ def log_func_execution(self, target: Target, _, func: str) -> None:
         target_report = self.get_target_report(target, create=True)
-    def set_event_callbacks(self, target_cls: Type[Target]) -> None:
+    def set_event_callbacks(self, target_cls: type[Target]) -> None:
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ def set_event_callbacks(self, target_cls: Type[Target]) -> None:
-    def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
         return {
             "plugin_import_errors": self.plugin_import_errors,
             "target_reports": [report.as_dict() for report in self.target_reports],
diff --git a/dissect/target/target.py b/dissect/target/target.py
index c3a2ab5168..efc51f0952 100644
--- a/dissect/target/target.py
+++ b/dissect/target/target.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 from dissect.target.helpers.loaderutil import extract_path_info
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import ChildTargetRecord
 from dissect.target.helpers.utils import StrEnum, parse_path_uri, slugify
-from dissect.target.plugins.general import default
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -118,6 +118,46 @@ def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path] = None):
         self.fs = filesystem.RootFilesystem(self)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"<Target {self.path}>"
+    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Union[plugin.Plugin, Any]:
+        """Override of the default ``__getattr__`` so plugins and functions can be called from a ``Target`` object."""
+        p, func = self.get_function(attr)
+        if isinstance(func, property):
+            # If it's a property, execute it and return the result
+            try:
+                result = func.__get__(p)
+                self.send_event(Event.FUNC_EXEC, func=attr)
+                return result
+            except Exception:
+                if not attr.startswith("__"):
+                    self.send_event(
+                        Event.FUNC_EXEC_ERROR,
+                        func=attr,
+                        stacktrace=traceback.format_exc(),
+                    )
+                raise
+        return func
+    def __dir__(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Override the default ``__dir__`` to provide autocomplete for things like IPython."""
+        funcs = []
+        if self._os_plugin:
+            funcs = list(self._os_plugin.__functions__)
+        for plugin_desc in plugin.plugins(self._os_plugin):
+            funcs.extend(plugin_desc.functions)
+        result = set(self.__dict__.keys())
+        result.update(self.__class__.__dict__.keys())
+        result.update(object.__dict__.keys())
+        result.update(funcs)
+        return list(result)
     def set_event_callback(cls, *, event_type: Optional[Event] = None, event_callback: Callable) -> None:
         """Sets ``event_callbacks`` on a Target class.
@@ -338,23 +378,23 @@ def _load_child_plugins(self) -> None:
         for plugin_desc in plugin.child_plugins():
-                plugin_cls = plugin.load(plugin_desc)
+                plugin_cls: type[plugin.ChildTargetPlugin] = plugin.load(plugin_desc)
                 child_plugin = plugin_cls(self)
             except PluginError:
-                self.log.exception("Failed to load child plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+                self.log.exception("Failed to load child plugin: %s", plugin_desc.qualname)
             except Exception:
-                self.log.exception("Broken child plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+                self.log.exception("Broken child plugin: %s", plugin_desc.qualname)
                 self._child_plugins[child_plugin.__type__] = child_plugin
             except PluginError as e:
-                self.log.debug("Child plugin reported itself as incompatible: %s (%s)", plugin_desc["class"], e)
+                self.log.debug("Child plugin reported itself as incompatible: %s (%s)", plugin_desc.qualname, e)
             except Exception:
-                    "An exception occurred while checking for child plugin compatibility: %s", plugin_desc["class"]
+                    "An exception occurred while checking for child plugin compatibility: %s", plugin_desc.qualname
     def open_child(self, child: Union[str, Path]) -> Target:
@@ -451,7 +491,7 @@ def _init_os(self) -> None:
         if not len(self.disks) and not len(self.volumes) and not len(self.filesystems):
             raise TargetError(f"Failed to load target. No disks, volumes or filesystems: {self.path}")
-        candidates = []
+        candidates: list[tuple[plugin.PluginDescriptor, type[plugin.OSPlugin], filesystem.Filesystem]] = []
         for plugin_desc in plugin.os_plugins():
             # Subclassed OS Plugins used to also subclass the detection of the
@@ -465,25 +505,26 @@ def _init_os(self) -> None:
             # Now subclassed OS Plugins are on the same detection "layer" as
             # regular OS Plugins, but can still inherit functions.
-            self.log.debug("Loading OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+            qualname = plugin_desc.qualname
+            self.log.debug("Loading OS plugin: %s", qualname)
-                os_plugin = plugin.load(plugin_desc)
+                os_plugin: type[plugin.OSPlugin] = plugin.load(plugin_desc)
                 fs = os_plugin.detect(self)
             except PluginError:
-                self.log.exception("Failed to load OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+                self.log.exception("Failed to load OS plugin: %s", qualname)
             except Exception:
-                self.log.exception("Broken OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+                self.log.exception("Broken OS plugin: %s", qualname)
             if not fs:
-            self.log.info("Found compatible OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+            self.log.info("Found compatible OS plugin: %s", qualname)
             candidates.append((plugin_desc, os_plugin, fs))
         fs = None
-        os_plugin = default.DefaultPlugin
+        os_plugin = DefaultPlugin
         if candidates:
             plugin_desc, os_plugin, fs = candidates[0]
@@ -492,7 +533,7 @@ def _init_os(self) -> None:
                 if len(candidate_plugin.mro()) > len(os_plugin.mro()):
                     plugin_desc, os_plugin, fs = candidate_plugin_desc, candidate_plugin, candidate_fs
-            self.log.debug("Selected OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc["class"])
+            self.log.debug("Selected OS plugin: %s", plugin_desc.qualname)
             # No OS detected
             self.log.warning("Failed to find OS plugin, falling back to default")
@@ -516,7 +557,7 @@ def _mount_others(self) -> None:
     def add_plugin(
-        plugin_cls: Union[plugin.Plugin, type[plugin.Plugin]],
+        plugin_cls: plugin.Plugin | type[plugin.Plugin],
         check_compatible: bool = True,
     ) -> plugin.Plugin:
         """Add and register a plugin by class.
@@ -563,6 +604,20 @@ def add_plugin(
         return p
+    def load_plugin(self, descriptor: plugin.PluginDescriptor | plugin.FunctionDescriptor) -> plugin.Plugin:
+        """Load a plugin by descriptor.
+        Args:
+            plugin_desc: The descriptor of the plugin to load.
+        Returns:
+            The loaded plugin instance.
+        Raises:
+            PluginError: Raised when any exception occurs while trying to load the plugin.
+        """
+        return self.add_plugin(plugin.load(descriptor))
     def _register_plugin_functions(self, plugin_inst: plugin.Plugin) -> None:
         """Internal function that registers all the exported functions from a given plugin.
@@ -575,12 +630,15 @@ def _register_plugin_functions(self, plugin_inst: plugin.Plugin) -> None:
         if plugin_inst.__namespace__:
             self._functions[plugin_inst.__namespace__] = (plugin_inst, plugin_inst)
+            for func in plugin_inst.__functions__:
+                self._functions[f"{plugin_inst.__namespace__}.{func}"] = (plugin_inst, None)
             for func in plugin_inst.__functions__:
                 # If we getattr here, property members will be executed, so we do that in __getattr__
                 self._functions[func] = (plugin_inst, None)
-    def get_function(self, function: str) -> FunctionTuple:
+    def get_function(self, function: str | plugin.FunctionDescriptor) -> FunctionTuple:
         """Attempt to get a given function.
         If the function is not already registered, look for plugins that export the function and register them.
@@ -595,42 +653,58 @@ def get_function(self, function: str) -> FunctionTuple:
             UnsupportedPluginError: Raised when plugins were found, but they were incompatible
             PluginError: Raised when any other exception occurs while trying to load the plugin.
-        if function not in self._functions:
-            causes = []
+        if isinstance(function, plugin.FunctionDescriptor):
+            function_name = function.name
-            plugin_desc = None
-            for plugin_desc in plugin.lookup(function, self._os_plugin):
+            if function_name not in self._functions:
-                    plugin_cls = plugin.load(plugin_desc)
-                    self.add_plugin(plugin_cls)
-                    self.log.debug("Found compatible plugin '%s' for function '%s'", plugin_desc["class"], function)
-                    break
-                except UnsupportedPluginError as e:
-                    self.send_event(Event.INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN, plugin_desc=plugin_desc)
-                    causes.append(e)
-            else:
-                if plugin_desc:
-                    # In this case we made at least one iteration but it was skipped due incompatibility.
-                    # Just take the last known cause for now
+                    self.load_plugin(function)
+                except UnsupportedPluginError:
+                    self.send_event(Event.INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN, plugin_desc=function)
                     raise UnsupportedPluginError(
-                        f"Unsupported function `{function}` for target with OS plugin {self._os_plugin}",
-                        extra=causes[1:] if len(causes) > 1 else None,
-                    ) from causes[0] if causes else None
+                        f"Unsupported function `{function.name}` (`{function.module}`)",
+                    )
+        else:
+            function_name = function
+            if function not in self._functions:
+                causes = []
+                descriptor = None
+                for descriptor in plugin.lookup(function, self._os_plugin):
+                    try:
+                        self.load_plugin(descriptor)
+                        self.log.debug("Found compatible plugin '%s' for function '%s'", descriptor.qualname, function)
+                        break
+                    except UnsupportedPluginError as e:
+                        self.send_event(Event.INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN, plugin_desc=descriptor)
+                        causes.append(e)
+                else:
+                    if descriptor:
+                        # In this case we made at least one iteration but it was skipped due incompatibility.
+                        # Just take the last known cause for now
+                        raise UnsupportedPluginError(
+                            f"Unsupported function `{function}` for target with OS plugin {self._os_plugin}",
+                            extra=causes[1:] if len(causes) > 1 else None,
+                        ) from causes[0] if causes else None
         # We still ended up with no compatible plugins
-        if function not in self._functions:
-            raise PluginNotFoundError(f"Can't find plugin with function `{function}`")
+        if function_name not in self._functions:
+            raise PluginNotFoundError(f"Can't find plugin with function `{function_name}`")
-        p, func = self._functions[function]
+        p, func = self._functions[function_name]
         if func is None:
-            func = getattr(p.__class__, function)
+            method_attr = function_name.rpartition(".")[2] if p.__namespace__ else function_name
+            func = getattr(p.__class__, method_attr)
             if not isinstance(func, property) or (
                 isinstance(func, property) and getattr(func.fget, "__persist__", False)
                 # If the persist flag is set on a property, store the property result in the function cache
                 # This is so we don't have to evaluate the property again
-                func = getattr(p, function)
-            self._functions[function] = (p, func)
+                func = getattr(p, method_attr)
+            self._functions[function_name] = (p, func)
         return p, func
@@ -649,46 +723,6 @@ def has_function(self, function: str) -> bool:
         except PluginError:
             return False
-    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Union[plugin.Plugin, Any]:
-        """Override of the default __getattr__ so plugins and functions can be called from a ``Target`` object."""
-        p, func = self.get_function(attr)
-        if isinstance(func, property):
-            # If it's a property, execute it and return the result
-            try:
-                result = func.__get__(p)
-                self.send_event(Event.FUNC_EXEC, func=attr)
-                return result
-            except Exception:
-                if not attr.startswith("__"):
-                    self.send_event(
-                        Event.FUNC_EXEC_ERROR,
-                        func=attr,
-                        stacktrace=traceback.format_exc(),
-                    )
-                raise
-        return func
-    def __dir__(self):
-        """Override the default __dir__ to provide autocomplete for things like IPython."""
-        funcs = []
-        if self._os_plugin:
-            funcs = list(self._os_plugin.__functions__)
-        for plugin_desc in plugin.plugins(self._os_plugin):
-            funcs.extend(plugin_desc["functions"])
-        result = set(self.__dict__.keys())
-        result.update(self.__class__.__dict__.keys())
-        result.update(object.__dict__.keys())
-        result.update(funcs)
-        return list(result)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return f"<Target {self.path}>"
 T = TypeVar("T")
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/build_pluginlist.py b/dissect/target/tools/build_pluginlist.py
index 87b9fc18ff..7b14908bbb 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/build_pluginlist.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/build_pluginlist.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import argparse
 import logging
-import pprint
+import textwrap
 from dissect.target import plugin
@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@ def main():
     pluginlist = plugin.generate()
-    print(f"PLUGINS = \\\n{pprint.pformat(pluginlist)}")
+    template = """
+    from dissect.target.plugin import FailureDescriptor, FunctionDescriptor, PluginDescriptor
+    PLUGINS = {}
+    """
+    print(textwrap.dedent(template).format(pluginlist))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/dump/run.py b/dissect/target/tools/dump/run.py
index a4c9245ac0..aedce369d1 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/dump/run.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/dump/run.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 from dissect.target.tools.utils import (
-    PluginFunction,
+    FunctionDescriptor,
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def get_targets(targets: list[str]) -> Iterator[Target]:
         yield target
-def execute_function(target: Target, function: PluginFunction) -> TargetRecordDescriptor:
+def execute_function(target: Target, function: FunctionDescriptor) -> TargetRecordDescriptor:
     Execute function `function` on provided target `target` and return a generator
     with the records produced.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def produce_target_func_pairs(
     targets: Iterable[Target],
     functions: str,
     state: DumpState,
-) -> Iterator[tuple[Target, PluginFunction]]:
+) -> Iterator[tuple[Target, FunctionDescriptor]]:
     Return a generator with target and function pairs for execution.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def produce_target_func_pairs(
         pairs_to_skip.update((str(sink.target_path), sink.func) for sink in state.finished_sinks)
     for target in targets:
-        for func_def in find_and_filter_plugins(target, functions):
+        for func_def in find_and_filter_plugins(functions, target):
             if state and (target.path, func_def.name) in pairs_to_skip:
                     "Skipping target/func pair since its marked as done in provided state",
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/dump/utils.py b/dissect/target/tools/dump/utils.py
index 3c2a6dcb55..422d07590c 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/dump/utils.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/dump/utils.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 from flow.record.jsonpacker import JsonRecordPacker
 from dissect.target import Target
-from dissect.target.plugin import PluginFunction
+from dissect.target.plugin import FunctionDescriptor
 log = structlog.get_logger(__name__)
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ def get_nested_attr(obj: Any, nested_attr: str) -> Any:
-def get_sink_dir_by_target(target: Target, function: PluginFunction) -> Path:
+def get_sink_dir_by_target(target: Target, function: FunctionDescriptor) -> Path:
     func_first_name, _, _ = function.name.partition(".")
     return Path(target.name) / func_first_name
-def get_sink_dir_by_func(target: Target, function: PluginFunction) -> Path:
+def get_sink_dir_by_func(target: Target, function: FunctionDescriptor) -> Path:
     func_first_name, _, _ = function.name.partition(".")
     return Path(func_first_name) / target.name
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/query.py b/dissect/target/tools/query.py
index 5ab83560e8..5680df8b56 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/query.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/query.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
 import argparse
 import logging
 import pathlib
@@ -9,8 +11,9 @@
 from typing import Callable
 from flow.record import RecordPrinter, RecordStreamWriter, RecordWriter
+from flow.record.base import AbstractWriter
-from dissect.target import Target
+from dissect.target import Target, plugin
 from dissect.target.exceptions import (
@@ -19,6 +22,11 @@
 from dissect.target.helpers import cache, record_modifier
 from dissect.target.plugin import PLUGINS, OSPlugin, Plugin, find_plugin_functions
+from dissect.target.plugins.general.plugins import (
+    _get_default_functions,
+    generate_functions_json,
+    generate_functions_overview,
 from dissect.target.report import ExecutionReport
 from dissect.target.tools.utils import (
@@ -41,7 +49,7 @@
 USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL = "{prog} -f {name}{usage}"
-def record_output(strings=False, json=False):
+def record_output(strings: bool = False, json: bool = False) -> AbstractWriter:
     if json:
         return RecordWriter("jsonfile://-")
@@ -53,8 +61,51 @@ def record_output(strings=False, json=False):
     return RecordStreamWriter(fp)
+def list_plugins(
+    targets: list[str] | None = None,
+    patterns: str = "",
+    include_children: bool = False,
+    as_json: bool = False,
+    argv: list[str] | None = None,
+) -> None:
+    collected = set()
+    if targets:
+        for target in Target.open_all(targets, include_children):
+            funcs, _ = find_plugin_functions(patterns, target, compatibility=True, show_hidden=True)
+            collected.update(funcs)
+    elif patterns:
+        funcs, _ = find_plugin_functions(patterns, Target(), show_hidden=True)
+        collected.update(funcs)
+    else:
+        collected.update(_get_default_functions())
+    target = Target()
+    fparser = generate_argparse_for_bound_method(target.plugins, usage_tmpl=USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL)
+    fargs, rest = fparser.parse_known_args(argv or [])
+    # Display in a user friendly manner
+    if collected:
+        if as_json:
+            print('{"plugins": ', end="")
+            print(generate_functions_json(collected), end="")
+        else:
+            print(generate_functions_overview(collected, include_docs=fargs.print_docs))
+    # No real targets specified, show the available loaders
+    if not targets:
+        fparser = generate_argparse_for_bound_method(target.loaders, usage_tmpl=USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL)
+        fargs, rest = fparser.parse_known_args(rest)
+        del fargs.as_json
+        if as_json:
+            print(', "loaders": ', end="")
+        target.loaders(**vars(fargs), as_json=as_json)
+    if as_json:
+        print("}")
-def main():
+def main() -> None:
     help_formatter = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -78,7 +129,7 @@ def main():
-        const="*",
+        const="",
         help="list (matching) available plugins and loaders",
@@ -149,14 +200,17 @@ def main():
     # Show help for a function or in general
     if "-h" in rest or "--help" in rest:
-        found_functions, _ = find_plugin_functions(None, args.function, compatibility=False)
+        found_functions, _ = find_plugin_functions(args.function)
         if not len(found_functions):
             parser.error("function(s) not found, see -l for available plugins")
         func = found_functions[0]
-        if issubclass(func.class_object, OSPlugin):
+        plugin_class = plugin.load(func)
+        if issubclass(plugin_class, OSPlugin):
             obj = getattr(OSPlugin, func.method_name)
-            obj = getattr(func.class_object, func.method_name)
+            obj = getattr(plugin_class, func.method_name)
         if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Plugin):
             parser = generate_argparse_for_plugin_class(obj, usage_tmpl=USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL)
         elif isinstance(obj, Callable) or isinstance(obj, property):
@@ -168,41 +222,8 @@ def main():
     # Show the list of available plugins for the given optional target and optional
     # search pattern, only display plugins that can be applied to ANY targets
-    if args.list:
-        collected_plugins = []
-        if targets:
-            for plugin_target in Target.open_all(targets, args.children):
-                funcs, _ = find_plugin_functions(plugin_target, args.list, compatibility=True, show_hidden=True)
-                for func in funcs:
-                    collected_plugins.append(func)
-        else:
-            funcs, _ = find_plugin_functions(Target(), args.list, compatibility=False, show_hidden=True)
-            for func in funcs:
-                collected_plugins.append(func)
-        target = Target()
-        fparser = generate_argparse_for_bound_method(target.plugins, usage_tmpl=USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL)
-        fargs, rest = fparser.parse_known_args(rest)
-        # Display in a user friendly manner
-        if collected_plugins:
-            if args.json:
-                print('{"plugins": ', end="")
-            target.plugins(collected_plugins, as_json=args.json)
-        # No real targets specified, show the available loaders
-        if not targets:
-            fparser = generate_argparse_for_bound_method(target.loaders, usage_tmpl=USAGE_FORMAT_TMPL)
-            fargs, rest = fparser.parse_known_args(rest)
-            del fargs.as_json
-            if args.json:
-                print(', "loaders": ', end="")
-            target.loaders(**vars(fargs), as_json=args.json)
-        if args.json:
-            print("}")
+    if args.list is not None:
+        list_plugins(targets, args.list, args.children, args.json, rest)
     if not targets:
@@ -211,6 +232,19 @@ def main():
     if not args.function:
         parser.error("argument -f/--function is required")
+    if args.report_dir and not args.report_dir.is_dir():
+        parser.error(f"--report-dir {args.report_dir} is not a valid directory")
+    funcs, invalid_funcs = find_plugin_functions(args.function)
+    if any(invalid_funcs):
+        parser.error(f"argument -f/--function contains invalid plugin(s): {', '.join(invalid_funcs)}")
+    excluded_funcs, invalid_excluded_funcs = find_plugin_functions(args.excluded_functions)
+    if any(invalid_excluded_funcs):
+        parser.error(
+            f"argument -xf/--excluded-functions contains invalid plugin(s): {', '.join(invalid_excluded_funcs)}",
+        )
     # Verify uniformity of output types, otherwise default to records.
     # Note that this is a heuristic, the targets are not opened yet because of
     # performance, so it might generate a false positive
@@ -224,28 +258,12 @@ def main():
     # The only scenario that might cause this is with
     # custom plugins with idiosyncratic output across OS-versions/branches.
     output_types = set()
-    funcs, invalid_funcs = find_plugin_functions(None, args.function, compatibility=False)
-    if any(invalid_funcs):
-        parser.error(f"argument -f/--function contains invalid plugin(s): {', '.join(invalid_funcs)}")
-    excluded_funcs, invalid_excluded_funcs = find_plugin_functions(
-        None,
-        args.excluded_functions,
-        compatibility=False,
-    )
-    if any(invalid_excluded_funcs):
-        parser.error(
-            f"argument -xf/--excluded-functions contains invalid plugin(s): {', '.join(invalid_excluded_funcs)}",
-        )
     excluded_func_paths = {excluded_func.path for excluded_func in excluded_funcs}
     for func in funcs:
         if func.path in excluded_func_paths:
-        output_types.add(func.output_type)
+        output_types.add(func.output)
     default_output_type = None
@@ -254,9 +272,6 @@ def main():
         log.warning("Mixed output types detected: %s. Only outputting records.", ",".join(output_types))
         default_output_type = "record"
-    if args.report_dir and not args.report_dir.is_dir():
-        parser.error(f"--report-dir {args.report_dir} is not a valid directory")
     execution_report = ExecutionReport()
@@ -277,18 +292,14 @@ def main():
             yield_entries = []
             first_seen_output_type = default_output_type
-            cli_params_unparsed = rest
-            excluded_funcs, _ = find_plugin_functions(target, args.excluded_functions, compatibility=False)
-            excluded_func_paths = {excluded_func.path for excluded_func in excluded_funcs}
-            for func_def in find_and_filter_plugins(target, args.function, excluded_func_paths):
+            for func_def in find_and_filter_plugins(args.function, target, excluded_func_paths):
                 # If the default type is record (meaning we skip everything else)
                 # and actual output type is not record, continue.
                 # We perform this check here because plugins that require output files/dirs
                 # will exit if we attempt to exec them without (because they are implied by the wildcard).
                 # Also this saves cycles of course.
-                if default_output_type == "record" and func_def.output_type != "record":
+                if default_output_type == "record" and func_def.output != "record":
                 if args.dry_run:
@@ -296,9 +307,7 @@ def main():
-                    output_type, result, cli_params_unparsed = execute_function_on_target(
-                        target, func_def, cli_params_unparsed
-                    )
+                    output_type, result, rest = execute_function_on_target(target, func_def, rest)
                 except UnsupportedPluginError as e:
                         "Unsupported plugin for %s: %s",
@@ -315,7 +324,10 @@ def main():
                 except Exception:
-                    target.log.error("Exception while executing function `%s`", func_def, exc_info=True)
+                    target.log.error(
+                        "Exception while executing function `%s` (`%s`)", func_def.name, func_def.path, exc_info=True
+                    )
+                    target.log.debug("Function info: %s", func_def)
                 if first_seen_output_type and output_type != first_seen_output_type:
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/shell.py b/dissect/target/tools/shell.py
index 18fed25f0a..12962593a6 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/shell.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/shell.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 from dissect.target.filesystem import FilesystemEntry
 from dissect.target.helpers import cyber, fsutil, regutil
-from dissect.target.plugin import PluginFunction, alias, arg, clone_alias
+from dissect.target.plugin import FunctionDescriptor, alias, arg, clone_alias
 from dissect.target.target import Target
 from dissect.target.tools.fsutils import (
@@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ def _handle_command(self, line: str) -> bool | None:
         # execution
         command, command_args_str, line = self.parseline(line)
-        if plugins := list(find_and_filter_plugins(self.target, command, [])):
-            return self._exec_target(plugins, command_args_str)
+        if functions := list(find_and_filter_plugins(command, self.target)):
+            return self._exec_target(functions, command_args_str)
         # We didn't execute a function on the target
         return None
-    def _exec_target(self, funcs: list[PluginFunction], command_args_str: str) -> bool:
+    def _exec_target(self, funcs: list[FunctionDescriptor], command_args_str: str) -> bool:
         """Command exection helper for target plugins."""
         def _exec_(argparts: list[str], stdout: TextIO) -> None:
diff --git a/dissect/target/tools/utils.py b/dissect/target/tools/utils.py
index 8dcac009a2..073bbdd9a6 100644
--- a/dissect/target/tools/utils.py
+++ b/dissect/target/tools/utils.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
 import argparse
 import errno
 import inspect
@@ -10,17 +12,15 @@
 from functools import wraps
 from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator
 from dissect.target import Target
-from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers import docs, keychain
 from dissect.target.helpers.docs import get_docstring
 from dissect.target.loader import LOADERS_BY_SCHEME
 from dissect.target.plugin import (
-    OSPlugin,
+    FunctionDescriptor,
-    PluginFunction,
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ def process_generic_arguments(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
 def generate_argparse_for_bound_method(
     method: Callable,
-    usage_tmpl: Optional[str] = None,
+    usage_tmpl: str | None = None,
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
-    """Generate an `argparse.ArgumentParser` for a bound `Plugin` class method"""
+    """Generate an ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` for a bound ``Plugin` class method."""
     # allow functools.partial wrapped method
     while hasattr(method, "func"):
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ def generate_argparse_for_bound_method(
 def generate_argparse_for_unbound_method(
     method: Callable,
-    usage_tmpl: Optional[str] = None,
+    usage_tmpl: str | None = None,
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
-    """Generate an `argparse.ArgumentParser` for an unbound `Plugin` class method"""
+    """Generate an ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` for an unbound ``Plugin`` class method."""
     if not inspect.isfunction(method):
         raise ValueError(f"Value `{method}` is not an unbound plugin method")
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ def generate_argparse_for_unbound_method(
 def generate_argparse_for_plugin_class(
-    plugin_cls: Type[Plugin],
-    usage_tmpl: Optional[str] = None,
+    plugin_cls: type[Plugin],
+    usage_tmpl: str | None = None,
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
-    """Generate an `argparse.ArgumentParser` for a `Plugin` class"""
+    """Generate an ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` for a ``Plugin`` class."""
     if not isinstance(plugin_cls, type) or not issubclass(plugin_cls, Plugin):
         raise ValueError(f"`plugin_cls` must be a valid plugin class, not `{plugin_cls}`")
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ def generate_argparse_for_plugin_class(
 def generate_argparse_for_plugin(
     plugin_instance: Plugin,
-    usage_tmpl: Optional[str] = None,
+    usage_tmpl: str | None = None,
 ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
-    """Generate an `argparse.ArgumentParser` for a `Plugin` instance"""
+    """Generate an ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` for a ``Plugin`` instance."""
     if not isinstance(plugin_instance, Plugin):
         raise ValueError(f"`plugin_instance` must be a valid plugin instance, not `{plugin_instance}`")
@@ -162,84 +162,35 @@ def generate_argparse_for_plugin(
     return generate_argparse_for_plugin_class(plugin_instance.__class__, usage_tmpl=usage_tmpl)
-def plugin_factory(
-    target: Target, plugin: Union[type, object], funcname: str, namespace: Optional[str]
-) -> tuple[Plugin, str]:
-    if hasattr(target._loader, "instance"):
-        return target.get_function(funcname, namespace=namespace)
-    if isinstance(plugin, type):
-        plugin_obj = plugin(target)
-        target_attr = getattr(plugin_obj, funcname)
-        return plugin_obj, target_attr
-    else:
-        return plugin, getattr(plugin, funcname)
 def execute_function_on_target(
     target: Target,
-    func: PluginFunction,
-    cli_params: Optional[List[str]] = None,
-) -> Tuple[str, Any, List[str]]:
-    """
-    Execute function `func` on provided target `target` with provided `cli_params` list.
-    """
+    func: FunctionDescriptor,
+    arguments: list[str] | None = None,
+) -> tuple[str, Any, list[str]]:
+    """Execute function on provided target with provided arguments."""
-    cli_params = cli_params or []
+    arguments = arguments or []
-    target_attr = get_target_attribute(target, func)
-    plugin_method, parser = plugin_function_with_argparser(target_attr)
+    func_cls, func_obj = target.get_function(func.name)
+    plugin_method, parser = plugin_function_with_argparser(func_obj)
     if parser:
-        parsed_params, cli_params = parser.parse_known_args(cli_params)
-        method_kwargs = vars(parsed_params)
-        value = plugin_method(**method_kwargs)
+        known_args, rest = parser.parse_known_args(arguments)
+        value = plugin_method(**vars(known_args))
+    elif isinstance(func_obj, property):
+        rest = arguments
+        value = func_obj.__get__(func_cls)
-        value = target_attr
+        rest = arguments
+        value = func_obj
     output_type = getattr(plugin_method, "__output__", "default") if plugin_method else "default"
-    return (output_type, value, cli_params)
-def get_target_attribute(target: Target, func: PluginFunction) -> Union[Plugin, Callable]:
-    """Retrieves the function attribute from the target.
-    If the function does not exist yet, it will attempt to load it into the target.
-    Args:
-        target: The target we wish to run the function on.
-        func: The function to run on the target.
-    Returns:
-        The function, either plugin or a callable to execute.
-    Raises:
-        UnsupportedPluginError: When the function was incompatible with the target.
-    """
-    plugin_class = func.class_object
-    if ns := getattr(func, "plugin_desc", {}).get("namespace", None):
-        plugin_class = getattr(target, ns)
-    elif target.has_function(func.method_name):
-        # If the function is already attached, use the one inside the target.
-        plugin_class, _ = target.get_function(func.method_name)
-    elif issubclass(plugin_class, OSPlugin):
-        # OS plugin does not need to be added
-        plugin_class = target._os_plugin
-    else:
-        try:
-            target.add_plugin(plugin_class)
-        except UnsupportedPluginError as e:
-            raise UnsupportedPluginError(
-                f"Unsupported function `{func.method_name}` for target with plugin {func.class_object}"
-            ) from e
-    _, target_attr = plugin_factory(target, plugin_class, func.method_name, func.plugin_desc["namespace"])
-    return target_attr
+    return (output_type, value, rest)
 def plugin_function_with_argparser(
-    target_attr: Union[Plugin, Callable],
-) -> tuple[Optional[Iterator], Optional[argparse.ArgumentParser]]:
+    target_attr: Plugin | Callable,
+) -> tuple[Callable | None, argparse.ArgumentParser | None]:
     """Resolves which plugin function to execute, and creates the argument parser for said plugin."""
     plugin_method = None
     parser = None
@@ -251,7 +202,7 @@ def plugin_function_with_argparser(
         if not plugin_obj.__namespace__:
             raise ValueError(f"Plugin {plugin_obj} is not callable")
-        plugin_method = plugin_obj.get_all_records
+        plugin_method = plugin_obj.__call__
         parser = generate_argparse_for_plugin(plugin_obj)
     elif callable(target_attr):
         plugin_method = target_attr
@@ -259,7 +210,7 @@ def plugin_function_with_argparser(
     return plugin_method, parser
-def persist_execution_report(output_dir: Path, report_data: Dict, timestamp: datetime) -> Path:
+def persist_execution_report(output_dir: Path, report_data: dict, timestamp: datetime) -> Path:
     timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
     report_filename = f"target-report-{timestamp}.json"
     report_full_path = output_dir / report_filename
@@ -268,7 +219,7 @@ def persist_execution_report(output_dir: Path, report_data: Dict, timestamp: dat
 def catch_sigpipe(func: Callable) -> Callable:
-    """Catches KeyboardInterrupt and BrokenPipeError (OSError 22 on Windows)."""
+    """Catches ``KeyboardInterrupt`` and ``BrokenPipeError`` (``OSError 22`` on Windows)."""
     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
@@ -314,13 +265,13 @@ def args_to_uri(targets: list[str], loader_name: str, rest: list[str]) -> list[s
 def find_and_filter_plugins(
-    target: Target, functions: str, excluded_func_paths: set[str] = None
-) -> Iterator[PluginFunction]:
+    functions: str, target: Target, excluded_func_paths: set[str] | None = None
+) -> Iterator[FunctionDescriptor]:
     # Keep a set of plugins that were already executed on the target.
     executed_plugins = set()
     excluded_func_paths = excluded_func_paths or set()
-    func_defs, _ = find_plugin_functions(target, functions, compatibility=False)
+    func_defs, _ = find_plugin_functions(functions, target)
     for func_def in func_defs:
         if func_def.path in excluded_func_paths:
diff --git a/tests/_data/registration/plugin.py b/tests/_data/registration/plugin.py
index aa5e732d68..1d44a66938 100644
--- a/tests/_data/registration/plugin.py
+++ b/tests/_data/registration/plugin.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:2f7dd22e5c0b8b50bfed941d8f1829bddf54ce682d947a0b75e7469c074126d7
-size 272
+oid sha256:81267a96b9b1c05025328fc60cbb71bdbc0563390c0dec12ee287c6e7ffdc1c6
+size 298
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 8cd7049fd6..d043ee51e4 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 from dissect.target.helpers.fsutil import TargetPath
 from dissect.target.helpers.regutil import VirtualHive, VirtualKey, VirtualValue
 from dissect.target.plugin import OSPlugin
-from dissect.target.plugins.general import default
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix._os import UnixPlugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd.citrix._os import CitrixPlugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.bsd.osx._os import MacPlugin
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ def target_bare(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> Iterator[Target]:
 def target_default(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> Iterator[Target]:
-    yield make_os_target(tmp_path, default.DefaultPlugin)
+    yield make_os_target(tmp_path, DefaultPlugin)
diff --git a/tests/helpers/test_docs.py b/tests/helpers/test_docs.py
index 4b50afe8fc..ba104a024e 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/test_docs.py
+++ b/tests/helpers/test_docs.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def test_docs_plugin_functions_desc() -> None:
     assert functions_short_desc
     desc_lines = functions_short_desc.splitlines()
-    assert len(desc_lines) == 3
+    assert len(desc_lines) == 2
     assert "iis.logs" in functions_short_desc
     assert "Return contents of IIS (v7 and above) log files." in functions_short_desc
     assert "output: records" in functions_short_desc
diff --git a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_apache.py b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_apache.py
index 1527438329..825c2c5399 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_apache.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_apache.py
@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ def test_logrotate(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/apache2/access.log.2", data_file)
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/apache2/access.log.3", data_file)
-    target_unix.add_plugin(ApachePlugin)
-    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = target_unix.apache.get_log_paths()
+    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = ApachePlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(access_log_paths) == 4
     assert len(error_log_paths) == 0
@@ -172,8 +171,7 @@ def test_custom_config(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("custom/log/location/access.log.2", BytesIO(b"Foo2"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("custom/log/location/access.log.3", BytesIO(b"Foo3"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(ApachePlugin)
-    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = target_unix.apache.get_log_paths()
+    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = ApachePlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(access_log_paths) == 4
     assert len(error_log_paths) == 0
@@ -192,9 +190,8 @@ def test_config_commented_logs(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem)
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("custom/log/location/old.log", BytesIO(b"Old"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("custom/log/location/old_error.log", BytesIO(b"Old"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("custom/log/location/new_error.log", BytesIO(b"New"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(ApachePlugin)
-    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = target_unix.apache.get_log_paths()
+    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = ApachePlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     # Log paths are returned in alphabetical order
     assert str(access_log_paths[0]) == "/custom/log/location/new.log"
diff --git a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_caddy.py b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_caddy.py
index 02f3b7439a..91e6f04b87 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_caddy.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_caddy.py
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
 from flow.record.fieldtypes import datetime as dt
+from dissect.target.filesystem import VirtualFilesystem
 from dissect.target.plugins.apps.webserver.caddy import CaddyPlugin
+from dissect.target.target import Target
 from tests._utils import absolute_path
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_txt(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_txt(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=-7))
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_txt(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 2326
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_json(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_json(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_json(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 12
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy/Caddyfile")
     fs_unix.map_file("etc/caddy/Caddyfile", config_file)
@@ -59,15 +61,14 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config(target_unix, fs_unix):
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/www/log/access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/log/caddy/access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(CaddyPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.caddy.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = CaddyPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 2
     assert str(log_paths[0]) == "/var/log/caddy/access.log"
     assert str(log_paths[1]) == "/var/www/log/access.log"
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/caddy/Caddyfile")
     fs_unix.map_file("etc/caddy/Caddyfile", config_file)
@@ -76,13 +77,12 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix, fs_un
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/www/log/access.log.2", BytesIO(b"Foo2"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/www/log/access.log.3", BytesIO(b"Foo3"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(CaddyPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.caddy.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = CaddyPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 4
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_commented(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_commented(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config = """
     root /var/www/html
     1.example.com {
@@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_caddy_config_commented(target_unix, fs_unix):
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/www/log/new.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("completely/disabled/access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(CaddyPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.caddy.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = CaddyPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 3
     assert str(log_paths[0]) == "/var/www/log/old.log"
diff --git a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_citrix.py b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_citrix.py
index 8c115f8dde..32f8567421 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_citrix.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_citrix.py
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ def test_error_logs(target_citrix: Target, fs_bsd: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     fs_bsd.map_file("var/log/httperror-vpn.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
     fs_bsd.map_file("var/log/httperror.log", BytesIO(b"Bar"))
-    target_citrix.add_plugin(CitrixWebserverPlugin)
-    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = target_citrix.citrix.get_log_paths()
+    access_log_paths, error_log_paths = CitrixWebserverPlugin(target_citrix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(error_log_paths) == 2
diff --git a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_nginx.py b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_nginx.py
index 77337e15e2..646fb2648f 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_nginx.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/apps/webserver/test_nginx.py
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 from datetime import datetime, timezone
 from io import BytesIO
+from dissect.target.filesystem import VirtualFilesystem
 from dissect.target.plugins.apps.webserver.nginx import NginxPlugin
+from dissect.target.target import Target
 from tests._utils import absolute_path
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_txt(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_txt(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     data_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/access.log")
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/nginx/access.log", data_file)
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_txt(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 123
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_ipv6(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_ipv6(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     data_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/access.log")
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/nginx/access.log", data_file)
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_ipv6(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 123
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_gz(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_gz(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     data_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/access.log.gz")
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/nginx/access.log.1.gz", data_file)
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_gz(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 123
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_bz2(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_bz2(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     data_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/access.log.bz2")
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/nginx/access.log.1.bz2", data_file)
@@ -83,20 +85,19 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_bz2(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert record.bytes_sent == 123
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/nginx.conf")
     fs_unix.map_file("etc/nginx/nginx.conf", config_file)
     for i, log in enumerate(["access.log", "domain1.access.log", "domain2.access.log", "big.server.access.log"]):
         fs_unix.map_file_fh(f"opt/logs/{i}/{log}", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(NginxPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.nginx.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = NginxPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 4
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/apps/webserver/nginx/nginx.conf")
     fs_unix.map_file("etc/nginx/nginx.conf", config_file)
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("opt/logs/0/access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo1"))
@@ -105,13 +106,12 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_logs_logrotated(target_unix, fs_un
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("opt/logs/1/domain1.access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo4"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("var/log/nginx/access.log", BytesIO(b"Foo5"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(NginxPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.nginx.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = NginxPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 5
-def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_commented_logs(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_commented_logs(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config = """
     # access_log      /foo/bar/old.log main;
     access_log      /foo/bar/new.log main;
@@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ def test_plugins_apps_webservers_nginx_config_commented_logs(target_unix, fs_uni
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("etc/nginx/nginx.conf", BytesIO(textwrap.dedent(config).encode()))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("foo/bar/new.log", BytesIO(b"New"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("foo/bar/old.log", BytesIO(b"Old"))
-    target_unix.add_plugin(NginxPlugin)
-    log_paths = target_unix.nginx.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = NginxPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert str(log_paths[0]) == "/foo/bar/old.log"
     assert str(log_paths[1]) == "/foo/bar/new.log"
diff --git a/tests/plugins/general/test_default.py b/tests/plugins/general/test_default.py
index 6977192b23..179b84d8d3 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/general/test_default.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/general/test_default.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import pytest
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.default import DefaultPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
 from dissect.target.target import Target
diff --git a/tests/plugins/general/test_network.py b/tests/plugins/general/test_network.py
index 3819a30037..dd9abd6f83 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/general/test_network.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/general/test_network.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.network import InterfaceRecord, NetworkPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default.network import InterfaceRecord, NetworkPlugin
 from dissect.target.target import Target
diff --git a/tests/plugins/general/test_plugins.py b/tests/plugins/general/test_plugins.py
index c2745cec1a..e5ab51c642 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/general/test_plugins.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/general/test_plugins.py
@@ -1,41 +1,22 @@
-from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
-import dissect.target.plugins.general.plugins as plugin
+from dissect.target import plugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.general.plugins import (
-    categorize_plugins,
-    dictify_module_recursive,
-    output_plugin_description_recursive,
-    update_dict_recursive,
+    _categorize_functions,
+    _generate_plugin_tree_overview,
-def test_dictify_module():
-    last_value = Mock()
-    output_dict = dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "world"], last_value)
-    assert output_dict == {"hello": {"world": last_value}}
-def test_update_dict():
-    tmp_dictionary = dict()
-    update_dict_recursive(tmp_dictionary, dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "world"], None))
-    update_dict_recursive(tmp_dictionary, dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "lawrence"], None))
-    assert tmp_dictionary == {"hello": {"world": None, "lawrence": None}}
-def test_plugin_description():
-    description = [x for x in output_plugin_description_recursive(PluginListPlugin, False)]
+def test_plugin_description() -> None:
+    description = [x for x in _generate_plugin_tree_overview(PluginListPlugin, False)]
     assert description == ["plugins - Print all available plugins. (output: no output)"]
-def test_plugin_description_compacting():
-    module = dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "world"], PluginListPlugin)
+def test_plugin_description_compacting() -> None:
+    module = {"hello": {"world": PluginListPlugin}}
-    description = [x for x in output_plugin_description_recursive(module, False)]
+    description = [x for x in _generate_plugin_tree_overview(module, False)]
     assert description == [
         "  world:",
@@ -43,13 +24,10 @@ def test_plugin_description_compacting():
-def test_plugin_description_in_dict_multiple():
-    tmp_dictionary = dict()
+def test_plugin_description_in_dict_multiple() -> None:
+    module = {"hello": {"world": {"data": PluginListPlugin, "data2": PluginListPlugin}}}
-    update_dict_recursive(tmp_dictionary, dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "world", "data"], PluginListPlugin))
-    update_dict_recursive(tmp_dictionary, dictify_module_recursive(["hello", "world", "data2"], PluginListPlugin))
-    description = [x for x in output_plugin_description_recursive(tmp_dictionary, False)]
+    description = [x for x in _generate_plugin_tree_overview(module, False)]
     assert description == [
         "  world:",
@@ -60,8 +38,21 @@ def test_plugin_description_in_dict_multiple():
-@patch.object(plugin.plugin, "load")
-@patch.object(plugin, "get_exported_plugins")
-def test_categorize_plugins(mocked_export, mocked_load):
-    mocked_export.return_value = [{"module": "something.data"}]
-    assert categorize_plugins() == {"something": {"data": mocked_load.return_value}}
+def test_categorize_plugins(mocked_plugins: MagicMock, mocked_load: MagicMock) -> None:
+    mocked_plugins.return_value = [
+        plugin.FunctionDescriptor(
+            name="data",
+            namespace=None,
+            path="something.data",
+            exported=True,
+            internal=False,
+            findable=True,
+            output=None,
+            method_name="data",
+            module="other.root.something.data",
+            qualname="DataClass",
+        ),
+    ]
+    assert _categorize_functions() == {"something": mocked_load.return_value}
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/unix/linux/test_network.py b/tests/plugins/os/unix/linux/test_network.py
index e29f0c3a1d..8c1381e168 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/unix/linux/test_network.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/unix/linux/test_network.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 from dissect.target import Target
 from dissect.target.filesystem import VirtualFilesystem
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.network import UnixInterfaceRecord
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default.network import UnixInterfaceRecord
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.linux.network import (
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_audit.py b/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_audit.py
index 941d7ee468..5eb205150e 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_audit.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_audit.py
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
 from dissect.util.ts import from_unix
+from dissect.target.filesystem import VirtualFilesystem
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.log.audit import AuditPlugin
+from dissect.target.target import Target
 from tests._utils import absolute_path
-def test_audit_plugin(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_audit_plugin(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     data_file = absolute_path("_data/plugins/os/unix/log/audit/audit.log")
     fs_unix.map_file("var/log/audit/audit.log", data_file)
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ def test_audit_plugin(target_unix, fs_unix):
     assert result.message == 'cwd="/home/shadowman"'
-def test_audit_plugin_config(target_unix, fs_unix):
+def test_audit_plugin_config(target_unix: Target, fs_unix: VirtualFilesystem) -> None:
     config = """
     log_file = /foo/bar/audit/audit.log
     # log_file=/tmp/disabled/audit/audit.log
@@ -41,8 +43,7 @@ def test_audit_plugin_config(target_unix, fs_unix):
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("tmp/disabled/audit/audit.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
     fs_unix.map_file_fh("foo/bar/audit/audit.log", BytesIO(b"Foo"))
-    audit = AuditPlugin(target_unix)
-    log_paths = audit.get_log_paths()
+    log_paths = AuditPlugin(target_unix).get_log_paths()
     assert len(log_paths) == 2
     assert str(log_paths[0]) == "/foo/bar/audit/audit.log"
     assert str(log_paths[1]) == "/tmp/disabled/audit/audit.log"
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_messages.py b/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_messages.py
index 33a259cfb0..85d1d29880 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_messages.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/unix/log/test_messages.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from dissect.target import Target
 from dissect.target.filesystem import VirtualFilesystem
 from dissect.target.filesystems.tar import TarFilesystem
-from dissect.target.plugins.general import default
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix._os import UnixPlugin
 from dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.log.messages import MessagesPlugin, MessagesRecord
 from tests._utils import absolute_path
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def test_unix_log_messages_compressed_timezone_year_rollover() -> None:
     fs = TarFilesystem(bio)
     target.fs.mount("/", fs)
-    target._os_plugin = default.DefaultPlugin
+    target._os_plugin = DefaultPlugin
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_jumplist.py b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_jumplist.py
index 354abc024e..89dc08d60b 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_jumplist.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_jumplist.py
@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@ def test_os_windows_jumplist(target_win_users: Target, fs_win: VirtualFilesystem
     records = list(target_win_users.jumplist())
-    record = records[0]
     assert len(records) == 3
+    record = records[0]
     assert record.application_id == "590aee7bdd69b59b"
     assert record.application_name == "Powershell Windows 10"
     assert record.type == "customDestinations"
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_mru.py b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_mru.py
index 80c65a2c21..b2df63e47a 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_mru.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_mru.py
@@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ def test_mru_plugin(target_win_mru):
     assert len(mstsc) == 3
     assert len(msoffice) == 6
-    assert len(list(target_win_mru.mru.get_all_records())) == 23
+    assert len(list(target_win_mru.mru())) == 23
diff --git a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_ual.py b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_ual.py
index 983cb94a65..f45c137618 100644
--- a/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_ual.py
+++ b/tests/plugins/os/windows/test_ual.py
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ def test_ual_plugin(target_win, fs_win):
     domains_seen_records = list(target_win.ual.domains_seen())
     assert len(domains_seen_records) == 12
-    ual_all_records = list(target_win.ual.get_all_records())
+    ual_all_records = list(target_win.ual())
     assert len(ual_all_records) == 123
diff --git a/tests/test_plugin.py b/tests/test_plugin.py
index 10d3a3a51f..98647e2b23 100644
--- a/tests/test_plugin.py
+++ b/tests/test_plugin.py
@@ -2,48 +2,55 @@
 from functools import reduce
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Iterator, Optional
-from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch
 import pytest
 from docutils.core import publish_string
 from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
 from flow.record import Record
-from dissect.target.exceptions import UnsupportedPluginError
+from dissect.target import plugin
+from dissect.target.exceptions import PluginError, UnsupportedPluginError
 from dissect.target.helpers.descriptor_extensions import UserRecordDescriptorExtension
 from dissect.target.helpers.record import EmptyRecord, create_extended_descriptor
 from dissect.target.plugin import (
+    FunctionDescriptor,
-    PluginFunction,
+    PluginDescriptor,
+    _generate_long_paths,
+    _save_plugin_import_failure,
-    save_plugin_import_failure,
-from dissect.target.plugins.general.default import DefaultPlugin
+from dissect.target.plugins.os.default._os import DefaultPlugin
 from dissect.target.target import Target
-def test_save_plugin_import_failure():
+def clear_caches() -> Iterator[None]:
+    _generate_long_paths.cache_clear()
+def test_save_plugin_import_failure() -> None:
     test_trace = ["test-trace"]
     test_module_name = "test-module"
     with patch("traceback.format_exception", Mock(return_value=test_trace)):
-        with patch("dissect.target.plugin.PLUGINS", new_callable=dict) as MOCK_PLUGINS:
-            MOCK_PLUGINS["_failed"] = []
-            save_plugin_import_failure(test_module_name)
+        with patch("dissect.target.plugin.PLUGINS", new_callable=dict) as mock_plugins:
+            mock_plugins["__failed__"] = []
+            _save_plugin_import_failure(test_module_name)
-            assert len(MOCK_PLUGINS["_failed"]) == 1
-            assert MOCK_PLUGINS["_failed"][0].get("module") == test_module_name
-            assert MOCK_PLUGINS["_failed"][0].get("stacktrace") == test_trace
+            assert len(mock_plugins["__failed__"]) == 1
+            assert mock_plugins["__failed__"][0].module == test_module_name
+            assert mock_plugins["__failed__"][0].stacktrace == test_trace
@@ -54,84 +61,136 @@ def test_save_plugin_import_failure():
         (":", [Path(""), Path("")]),
-def test_load_environment_variable(env_value, expected_output):
+def test_load_environment_variable(env_value: Optional[str], expected_output: list[Path]) -> None:
     with patch.object(os, "environ", {"DISSECT_PLUGINS": env_value}):
         assert environment_variable_paths() == expected_output
-def test_load_module_paths():
+def test_load_module_paths() -> None:
     assert get_external_module_paths([Path(""), Path("")]) == [Path("")]
-def test_load_paths_with_env():
+def test_load_paths_with_env() -> None:
     with patch.object(os, "environ", {"DISSECT_PLUGINS": ":"}):
         assert get_external_module_paths([Path(""), Path("")]) == [Path("")]
 class MockOSWarpPlugin(OSPlugin):
     __exports__ = ["f6"]  # OS exports f6
-    __findable__ = True
+    __register__ = False
     __name__ = "warp"
     def __init__(self):
-    def get_all_records():
-        return []
-    def f3(self):
+    def f3(self) -> str:
         return "F3"
-    def f6(self):
+    def f6(self) -> str:
         return "F6"
-    "dissect.target.plugin.plugins",
-    return_value=[
-        {"module": "test.x13", "exports": ["f3"], "namespace": "Warp", "class": "x13", "is_osplugin": False},
-        {"module": "os", "exports": ["f3"], "namespace": None, "class": "f3", "is_osplugin": False},
-        {"module": "os.warp._os", "exports": ["f6"], "namespace": None, "class": "warp", "is_osplugin": True},
-    ],
+    "dissect.target.plugin._get_plugins",
+    return_value={
+        "__functions__": {
+            None: {
+                "Warp.f3": {
+                    "test.x13.x13": FunctionDescriptor(
+                        name="Warp.f3",
+                        namespace="Warp",
+                        path="test.x13.f3",
+                        exported=True,
+                        internal=False,
+                        findable=True,
+                        output="record",
+                        method_name="f3",
+                        module="test.x13",
+                        qualname="x13",
+                    )
+                },
+                "f3": {
+                    "os.f3": FunctionDescriptor(
+                        name="f3",
+                        namespace=None,
+                        path="os.f3",
+                        exported=True,
+                        internal=False,
+                        findable=True,
+                        output="record",
+                        method_name="f3",
+                        module="os",
+                        qualname="f3",
+                    )
+                },
+                "f22": {
+                    "test.x69.x69": FunctionDescriptor(
+                        name="f22",
+                        namespace=None,
+                        path="test.x69.f22",
+                        exported=True,
+                        internal=False,
+                        findable=False,
+                        output="record",
+                        method_name="f22",
+                        module="test.x69",
+                        qualname="x69",
+                    )
+                },
+            },
+            "__os__": {
+                "f6": {
+                    "os.warp._os.warp": FunctionDescriptor(
+                        name="f6",
+                        namespace=None,
+                        path="os.warp._os.f6",
+                        exported=True,
+                        internal=False,
+                        findable=True,
+                        output="record",
+                        method_name="f6",
+                        module="os.warp._os",
+                        qualname="warp",
+                    )
+                }
+            },
+        },
+        "__ostree__": {"os": {"warp": {}}},
+    },
 @patch("dissect.target.Target", create=True)
-    "search, findable, assert_num_found",
+    "search, assert_num_found",
-        ("*", True, 3),  # Found with tree search using wildcard
-        ("*", False, 0),  # Unfindable plugins are not found...
-        ("test.x13.*", True, 1),  # Found with tree search using wildcard, expands to test.x13.f3
-        ("test.x13.*", False, 0),  # Unfindable plugins are not found...
-        ("test.x13", True, 1),  # Found with tree search, same as above, because users expect +*
-        ("test.*", True, 1),  # Found with tree search
-        ("test.[!x]*", True, 0),  # Not Found with tree search, all in test not starting with x (no x13)
-        ("test.[!y]*", True, 1),  # Found with tree search, all in test not starting with y (so x13 is ok)
-        ("test.???.??", True, 1),  # Found with tree search, using question marks
-        ("x13", True, 0),  # Not Found: Part of namespace but no match
-        ("Warp.*", True, 0),  # Not Found: Namespace != Module so 0
-        ("os.warp._os.f6", True, 1),  # Found, OS-plugins also available under verbose name
-        ("f6", True, 1),  # Found with classic search
-        ("f6", False, 1),  # Backward compatible: unfindable has no effect on classic search
-        ("Warp.f3", True, 1),  # Found with classic style search using namespace + function
-        ("Warp.f3", False, 1),  # Backward compatible: unfindable has no effect on classic search
-        ("f3", True, 1),  # Found with classic style search using only function
-        ("os.*", True, 2),  # Found matching os.f3, os.warp._os.f6
-        ("os", True, 0),  # Exception for os, because it can be a 'special' plugin (tree match ignored)
+        ("*", 2),  # Found with tree search using wildcard, excluding OS plugins and unfindable
+        ("test.x13.*", 1),  # Found with tree search using wildcard, expands to test.x13.f3
+        ("test.x13", 1),  # Found with tree search, same as above, because users expect +*
+        ("test.x13.f3", 1),
+        ("test.*", 1),  # Found with tree search
+        ("test.[!x]*", 0),  # Not Found with tree search, all in test not starting with x (no x13)
+        ("test.[!y]*", 1),  # Found with tree search, all in test not starting with y (so x13 is ok)
+        ("test.???.??", 1),  # Found with tree search, using question marks
+        ("x13", 0),  # Not Found: Part of namespace but no match
+        ("Warp.*", 0),  # Not Found: Namespace != Module so 0
+        ("os.warp._os.f6", 0),  # OS plugins are excluded from tree search
+        ("f6", 1),  # Found with direct match
+        ("f22", 1),  # Unfindable has no effect on direct match
+        ("Warp.f3", 1),  # Found with namespace + function
+        ("f3", 1),  # Found direct match
+        ("os.*", 1),  # Found matching os.f3
+        ("os", 1),  # No tree search for "os" because it's a direct match
-def test_find_plugin_functions(plugin_loader, target, plugins, search, findable, assert_num_found):
-    os_plugin = MockOSWarpPlugin
-    os_plugin.__findable__ = findable
-    target._os_plugin = os_plugin
-    plugin_loader.return_value = os_plugin()
+def test_find_plugin_functions(target: MagicMock, plugins: dict, search: str, assert_num_found: int) -> None:
+    target._os_plugin = MockOSWarpPlugin
+    target._os_plugin.__module__ = "dissect.target.plugins.os.warp._os"
-    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(target, search)
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(search, target)
     assert len(found) == assert_num_found
 def test_find_plugin_function_windows(target_win: Target) -> None:
-    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(target_win, "services")
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions("services", target_win)
     assert len(found) == 1
     assert found[0].name == "services"
@@ -139,7 +198,7 @@ def test_find_plugin_function_windows(target_win: Target) -> None:
 def test_find_plugin_function_linux(target_linux: Target) -> None:
-    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(target_linux, "services")
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions("services", target_linux)
     assert len(found) == 1
     assert found[0].name == "services"
@@ -153,9 +212,17 @@ def test_find_plugin_function_linux(target_linux: Target) -> None:
+TestRecord2 = create_extended_descriptor([UserRecordDescriptorExtension])(
+    "application/test_other",
+    [
+        ("varint", "value"),
+    ],
 class _TestNSPlugin(NamespacePlugin):
     __namespace__ = "NS"
+    __register__ = False
     def test_all(self):
@@ -165,6 +232,7 @@ def test_all(self):
 class _TestSubPlugin1(_TestNSPlugin):
     __namespace__ = "t1"
+    __register__ = False
     def test(self):
@@ -173,6 +241,7 @@ def test(self):
 class _TestSubPlugin2(_TestNSPlugin):
     __namespace__ = "t2"
+    __register__ = False
     def test(self):
@@ -181,6 +250,7 @@ def test(self):
 class _TestSubPlugin3(_TestSubPlugin2):
     __namespace__ = "t3"
+    __register__ = False
     # Override the test() function of t2
@@ -193,28 +263,54 @@ def _value(self):
 class _TestSubPlugin4(_TestSubPlugin3):
     __namespace__ = "t4"
+    __register__ = False
     # Do not override the test() function of t3, but change the _value function instead.
     def _value(self):
         return "test4"
+    @export(record=TestRecord)
+    def test_other(self):
+        yield TestRecord(value="test4-other")
     def test_all(self):
         yield TestRecord(value="overridden")
+class _TestSubPlugin5(_TestNSPlugin):
+    __namespace__ = "t5"
+    __register__ = False
+    @export(record=TestRecord2)
+    def test_other(self):
+        yield TestRecord2(value=69)
 def test_namespace_plugin(target_win: Target) -> None:
-    assert "SUBPLUGINS" in dir(_TestNSPlugin)
+    assert "__subplugins__" in dir(_TestNSPlugin)
     # Rename the test functions to protect them from being filtered by NS
+    target_win._register_plugin_functions(_TestSubPlugin5(target_win))
-    assert len(list(target_win.NS.test())) == 4
-    assert len(target_win.NS.SUBPLUGINS) == 4
+    assert len(target_win.NS.__subplugins__) == 5
+    assert len(target_win.NS.test.__subplugins__) == 4
+    assert target_win.NS.test.__doc__ == "Return test for: t1, t2, t3, t4"
+    assert [rd.name for rd in target_win.NS.test.__record__] == ["application/test"]
+    assert target_win.NS.test_other.__doc__ == "Return test_other for: t4, t5"
+    assert sorted([rd.name for rd in target_win.NS.test_other.__record__]) == [
+        "application/test",
+        "application/test_other",
+    ]
+    assert len(target_win.NS.test_other.__subplugins__) == 2
+    assert len(list(target_win.NS.test())) == 4
     assert sorted([item.value for item in target_win.NS.test()]) == ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]
     assert sorted([item.value for item in target_win.t1.test()]) == ["test1"]
     assert sorted([item.value for item in target_win.t2.test()]) == ["test2"]
@@ -227,12 +323,19 @@ def test_namespace_plugin(target_win: Target) -> None:
     # Check whether we can access the overridden function when explicitly accessing the subplugin
     assert next(target_win.t4.test_all()).value == "overridden"
-    # Remove test plugin from list afterwards to avoid order effects
-    del PLUGINS["tests"]
+    with pytest.raises(PluginError, match="Cannot merge namespace methods with different output types"):
+        class _TestSubPluginFaulty(_TestNSPlugin):
+            __namespace__ = "faulty"
+            __register__ = False
+            @export(output="yield")
+            def test(self):
+                yield "faulty"
 def test_find_plugin_function_default(target_default: Target) -> None:
-    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(target_default, "services")
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions("services", target_default)
     assert len(found) == 2
     names = [item.name for item in found]
@@ -242,9 +345,14 @@ def test_find_plugin_function_default(target_default: Target) -> None:
     assert "os.unix.linux.services.services" in paths
     assert "os.windows.services.services" in paths
-    found, _ = find_plugin_functions(target_default, "mcafee.msc")
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions("mcafee.msc", target_default)
+    assert len(found) == 1
     assert found[0].path == "apps.av.mcafee.msc"
+    found, _ = find_plugin_functions("webserver.access", target_default)
+    assert len(found) == 1
+    assert found[0].path == "apps.webserver.webserver.access"
@@ -257,7 +365,7 @@ def test_find_plugin_function_default(target_default: Target) -> None:
 def test_find_plugin_function_order(target_win: Target, pattern: str) -> None:
-    found = ",".join(reduce(lambda rs, el: rs + [el.method_name], find_plugin_functions(target_win, pattern)[0], []))
+    found = ",".join(reduce(lambda rs, el: rs + [el.method_name], find_plugin_functions(pattern, target_win)[0], []))
     assert found == pattern
@@ -272,141 +380,300 @@ def test_incompatible_plugin(target_bare: Target) -> None:
-    "apps": {  # Plugin descriptors in this branch should be returned for any osfilter
-        "mail": {"module": "apps.mail", "functions": "mail"},
-    },
-    "os": {
-        # The OSPlugin for Generic OS, plugins in this branch should only be
-        # returned when the osfilter starts with "os." or is None.
-        # The _os plugin itself should only be returned if special_keys
-        # contains the "_os" key.
-        "_os": {"module": "os._os", "functions": "GenericOS"},
-        "apps": {
-            "app1": {"module": "os.apps.app1", "functions": "app1"},
-            "app2": {"module": "os.apps.app2", "functions": "app2"},
+    "__functions__": {
+        None: {
+            "mail": {
+                "apps.mail.MailPlugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="mail",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="apps.mail.mail",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="mail",
+                    module="apps.mail",
+                    qualname="MailPlugin",
+                )
+            },
+            "app1": {
+                "os.apps.app1.App1Plugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="app1",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.apps.app1.app1",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="app1",
+                    module="os.apps.app1",
+                    qualname="App1Plugin",
+                )
+            },
+            "app2": {
+                "os.apps.app2.App2Plugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="app2",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.apps.app2.app2",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="app2",
+                    module="os.apps.app2",
+                    qualname="App2Plugin",
+                ),
+                "os.fooos.apps.app2.App2Plugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="app2",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.fooos.apps.app2.app2",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="app2",
+                    module="os.fooos.apps.app2",
+                    qualname="App2Plugin",
+                ),
+            },
+            "foo_app": {
+                "os.fooos.apps.foo_app.FooAppPlugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="foo_app",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.fooos.apps.foo_app.foo_app",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="foo_app",
+                    module="os.foos.apps.foo_app",
+                    qualname="FooAppPlugin",
+                )
+            },
+            "bar_app": {
+                "os.fooos.apps.bar_app.BarAppPlugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="bar_app",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.fooos.apps.bar_app.bar_app",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="bar_app",
+                    module="os.foos.apps.bar_app",
+                    qualname="BarAppPlugin",
+                )
+            },
+            "foobar": {
+                "os.fooos.foobar.FooBarPlugin": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="foobar",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.fooos.foobar.foobar",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="foobar",
+                    module="os.foos.foobar",
+                    qualname="FooBarPlugin",
+                )
+            },
-        "fooos": {
-            # The OSPlugin for FooOS, plugins in this branch should only be
-            # returned when the osfilter is "os.fooos" or "os.fooos._os" or
-            # None.
-            "_os": {"module": "os.foos._os", "functions": "FooOS"},
-            "foobar": {"module": "os.foos.foobar", "functions": "foobar"},
-            # The plugins under _misc should only be returned if special_keys
-            # contains the "_misc" key.
-            "_misc": {
-                "bar": {"module": "os.foos._misc.bar", "functions": "bar"},
-                "tender": {"module": "os.foos._misc.tender", "functions": "tender"},
+        "__os__": {
+            "generic_os": {
+                "os._os.GenericOS": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="generic_os",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os._os.generic_os",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="generic_os",
+                    module="os._os",
+                    qualname="GenericOS",
+                )
-            "apps": {
-                "foo_app": {"module": "os.foos.apps.foo_app", "functions": "foo_app"},
-                "bar_app": {"module": "os.foos.apps.bar_app", "functions": "bar_app"},
+            "foo_os": {
+                "os.fooos._os.FooOS": FunctionDescriptor(
+                    name="foo_os",
+                    namespace=None,
+                    path="os.fooos._os.foo_os",
+                    exported=True,
+                    internal=False,
+                    findable=True,
+                    output="record",
+                    method_name="foo_os",
+                    module="os.fooos._os",
+                    qualname="FooOS",
+                )
+    "__plugins__": {
+        None: {
+            "apps.mail.MailPlugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="apps.mail",
+                qualname="MailPlugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="apps.mail",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["mail"],
+                exports=["mail"],
+            ),
+            "os.apps.app1.App1Plugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.apps.app1",
+                qualname="App1Plugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.apps.app1",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["app1"],
+                exports=["app1"],
+            ),
+            "os.apps.app2.App2Plugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.apps.app2",
+                qualname="App2Plugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.apps.app2",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["app2"],
+                exports=["app2"],
+            ),
+            "os.fooos.apps.app2.App2Plugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.fooos.apps.app2",
+                qualname="App2Plugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.fooos.apps.app2",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["app2"],
+                exports=["app2"],
+            ),
+            "os.fooos.apps.foo_app.FooAppPlugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.fooos.apps.foo_app",
+                qualname="FooAppPlugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.fooos.apps.foo_app",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["foo_app"],
+                exports=["foo_app"],
+            ),
+            "os.fooos.apps.bar_app.BarAppPlugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.fooos.apps.bar_app",
+                qualname="BarAppPlugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.fooos.apps.bar_app",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["bar_app"],
+                exports=["bar_app"],
+            ),
+            "os.fooos.foobar.FooBarPlugin": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.fooos.foobar",
+                qualname="FooBarPlugin",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.fooos.foobar",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["foobar"],
+                exports=["foobar"],
+            ),
+        },
+        "__os__": {
+            "os._os.GenericOS": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os._os",
+                qualname="GenericOS",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os._os",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["generic_os"],
+                exports=["generic_os"],
+            ),
+            "os.fooos._os.FooOS": PluginDescriptor(
+                module="os.fooos._os",
+                qualname="FooOS",
+                namespace=None,
+                path="os.fooos._os",
+                findable=True,
+                functions=["foo_os"],
+                exports=["foo_os"],
+            ),
+        },
+    },
+    "__ostree__": {
+        "os": {
+            "fooos": {},
+        }
+    },
-    "osfilter, special_keys, only_special_keys, expected_plugin_functions",
+    "osfilter, index, expected_plugins",
-            set(["_os", "_misc"]),
-            False,
-            [
-                "mail",
-                "GenericOS",
-                "app1",
-                "app2",
-                "FooOS",
-                "foobar",
-                "bar",
-                "tender",
-                "foo_app",
-                "bar_app",
-            ],
-        ),
-        (
-            "os._os",
-            set(["_os"]),
-            False,
+            None,
-                "mail",
-                "GenericOS",
-                "app1",
-                "app2",
+                "apps.mail",
+                "os.apps.app1",
+                "os.apps.app2",
+                "os.fooos.apps.app2",
+                "os.fooos.apps.bar_app",
+                "os.fooos.apps.foo_app",
+                "os.fooos.foobar",
-            "os.fooos._os",
-            set(),
-            False,
+            None,
+            "__os__",
-                "mail",
-                "app1",
-                "app2",
-                "foobar",
-                "foo_app",
-                "bar_app",
+                "os._os",
+                "os.fooos._os",
-            "os.fooos",
-            set(["_os"]),
-            False,
+            "os._os",
+            None,
-                "mail",
-                "app1",
-                "app2",
-                "FooOS",
-                "foobar",
-                "foo_app",
-                "bar_app",
+                "apps.mail",
+                "os.apps.app1",
+                "os.apps.app2",
-            set(["_os", "_misc"]),
-            True,
+            None,
-                "FooOS",
-                "bar",
-                "tender",
+                "apps.mail",
+                "os.apps.app1",
+                "os.apps.app2",
+                "os.fooos.apps.app2",
+                "os.fooos.apps.bar_app",
+                "os.fooos.apps.foo_app",
+                "os.fooos.foobar",
-            set(["_os"]),
-            False,
-            [
-                "mail",
-            ],
+            None,
+            ["apps.mail"],
 def test_plugins(
     osfilter: str,
-    special_keys: set[str],
-    only_special_keys: bool,
-    expected_plugin_functions: list[str],
+    index: str,
+    expected_plugins: list[str],
 ) -> None:
     with (
-        patch("dissect.target.plugin.PLUGINS", MOCK_PLUGINS),
-        patch("dissect.target.plugin._modulepath", return_value=osfilter),
+        patch("dissect.target.plugin._get_plugins", return_value=MOCK_PLUGINS),
+        patch("dissect.target.plugin._module_path", return_value=osfilter),
         if osfilter is not None:
             # osfilter must be a class or None
             osfilter = Mock
-        plugin_descriptors = plugins(
-            osfilter=osfilter,
-            special_keys=special_keys,
-            only_special_keys=only_special_keys,
-        )
-        plugin_functions = [descriptor["functions"] for descriptor in plugin_descriptors]
+        plugin_descriptors = plugins(osfilter=osfilter, index=index)
-        assert sorted(plugin_functions) == sorted(expected_plugin_functions)
+        assert sorted([desc.module for desc in plugin_descriptors]) == sorted(expected_plugins)
 def test_plugins_default_plugin(target_default: Target) -> None:
@@ -420,17 +687,13 @@ def test_plugins_default_plugin(target_default: Target) -> None:
     sentinel_function = "all_with_home"
     has_sentinel_function = False
     for plugin in default_plugin_plugins:
-        if sentinel_function in plugin.get("functions", []):
+        if sentinel_function in plugin.functions:
             has_sentinel_function = True
     assert has_sentinel_function
-    default_os_plugin_desc = plugins(
-        osfilter=target_default._os_plugin,
-        special_keys=set(["_os"]),
-        only_special_keys=True,
-    )
+    default_os_plugin_desc = plugins(osfilter=target_default._os_plugin, index="__os__")
     assert len(list(default_os_plugin_desc)) == 1
@@ -452,6 +715,8 @@ def test_os_plugin_property_methods(target_bare: Target, method_name: str) -> No
 class MockOS1(OSPlugin):
+    __register__ = False
     def hostname(self) -> Optional[str]:
@@ -478,6 +743,8 @@ def architecture(self) -> Optional[str]:
 class MockOS2(OSPlugin):
+    __register__ = False
     def hostname(self) -> Optional[str]:
         """Test docstring hostname"""
@@ -560,7 +827,7 @@ def test(self) -> None:
 def test_internal_namespace_plugin() -> None:
-    assert "SUBPLUGINS" in dir(_TestInternalNamespacePlugin)
+    assert "__subplugins__" in dir(_TestInternalNamespacePlugin)
     assert "test" not in _TestInternalNamespacePlugin.__exports__
     assert "test" in _TestInternalNamespacePlugin.__functions__
@@ -568,6 +835,8 @@ def test_internal_namespace_plugin() -> None:
 class ExampleFooPlugin(Plugin):
     """Example Foo Plugin."""
+    __register__ = False
     def check_compatible(self) -> None:
@@ -590,24 +859,25 @@ def test_plugin_alias(target_bare: Target) -> None:
-    "func_path, func",
-    [(func.path, func) for func in find_plugin_functions(Target(), "*", compatibility=False, show_hidden=True)[0]],
+    "descriptor",
+    find_plugin_functions("*", Target(), compatibility=False, show_hidden=True)[0],
-def test_exported_plugin_format(func_path: str, func: PluginFunction) -> None:
+def test_exported_plugin_format(descriptor: FunctionDescriptor) -> None:
     """This test checks plugin style guide conformity for all exported plugins.
         - https://docs.dissect.tools/en/latest/contributing/style-guide.html
+    plugincls = plugin.load(descriptor)
     # Ignore DefaultPlugin and NamespacePlugin instances
-    if func.class_object.__base__ is NamespacePlugin or func.class_object is DefaultPlugin:
+    if plugincls.__base__ is NamespacePlugin or plugincls is DefaultPlugin:
     # Plugin method should specify what it returns
-    assert func.output_type in ["record", "yield", "default", "none"], f"Invalid output_type for function {func}"
+    assert descriptor.output in ["record", "yield", "default", "none"], f"Invalid output_type for function {descriptor}"
-    py_func = getattr(func.class_object, func.method_name)
+    py_func = getattr(plugincls, descriptor.method_name)
     annotations = None
     if hasattr(py_func, "__annotations__"):
@@ -617,22 +887,22 @@ def test_exported_plugin_format(func_path: str, func: PluginFunction) -> None:
         annotations = py_func.fget.__annotations__
     # Plugin method should have a return annotation
-    assert annotations and "return" in annotations.keys(), f"No return type annotation for function {func}"
+    assert annotations and "return" in annotations.keys(), f"No return type annotation for function {descriptor}"
     # TODO: Check if the annotations make sense with the provided output_type
     # Plugin method should have a docstring
     method_doc_str = py_func.__doc__
-    assert isinstance(method_doc_str, str), f"No docstring for function {func}"
-    assert method_doc_str != "", f"Empty docstring for function {func}"
+    assert isinstance(method_doc_str, str), f"No docstring for function {descriptor}"
+    assert method_doc_str != "", f"Empty docstring for function {descriptor}"
     # The method docstring should compile to rst without warnings
     # Plugin class should have a docstring
-    class_doc_str = func.class_object.__doc__
-    assert isinstance(class_doc_str, str), f"No docstring for class {func.class_object.__name__}"
-    assert class_doc_str != "", f"Empty docstring for class {func.class_object.__name__}"
+    class_doc_str = plugincls.__doc__
+    assert isinstance(class_doc_str, str), f"No docstring for class {plugincls.__name__}"
+    assert class_doc_str != "", f"Empty docstring for class {plugincls.__name__}"
     # The class docstring should compile to rst without warnings
diff --git a/tests/test_registration.py b/tests/test_registration.py
index d47bb4e0f7..a64ad71c58 100644
--- a/tests/test_registration.py
+++ b/tests/test_registration.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import pytest
-from dissect.target.plugin import PLUGINS, find_py_files, load_modules_from_paths
+from dissect.target.plugin import _find_py_files, load_modules_from_paths
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ def copy_different_plugin_files(path: Path, file_name: str) -> None:
 def test_load_environment_variable_empty_string() -> None:
-    with patch("dissect.target.plugin.find_py_files") as mocked_find_py_files:
+    with patch("dissect.target.plugin._find_py_files") as mocked_find_py_files:
 def test_load_environment_variable_comma_seperated_string() -> None:
-    with patch("dissect.target.plugin.find_py_files") as mocked_find_py_files:
+    with patch("dissect.target.plugin._find_py_files") as mocked_find_py_files:
         load_modules_from_paths([Path(""), Path("")])
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ def test_filter_file(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
     file = tmp_path / "hello.py"
-    assert list(find_py_files(file)) == [file]
+    assert list(_find_py_files(file)) == [file]
     test_file = tmp_path / "non_existent_file"
-    assert list(find_py_files(test_file)) == []
+    assert list(_find_py_files(test_file)) == []
     test_file = tmp_path / "__init__.py"
-    assert list(find_py_files(test_file)) == []
+    assert list(_find_py_files(test_file)) == []
@@ -65,21 +65,25 @@ def test_filter_directory(tmp_path: Path, filename: str, empty_list: bool) -> No
     if empty_list:
-        assert list(find_py_files(tmp_path)) == []
+        assert list(_find_py_files(tmp_path)) == []
-        assert file in list(find_py_files(tmp_path))
+        assert file in list(_find_py_files(tmp_path))
 def test_new_plugin_registration(environment_path: Path) -> None:
     copy_different_plugin_files(environment_path, "plugin.py")
-    load_modules_from_paths([environment_path])
-    assert "plugin" in PLUGINS
+    with patch("dissect.target.plugin.register") as mock_register:
+        load_modules_from_paths([environment_path])
+        mock_register.assert_called_once()
+        assert mock_register.call_args[0][0].__name__ == "TestPlugin"
 def test_loader_registration(environment_path: Path) -> None:
-    with patch("dissect.target.loader.LOADERS", []) as mocked_loaders, patch(
-        "dissect.target.loader.LOADERS_BY_SCHEME", {}
+    with (
+        patch("dissect.target.loader.LOADERS", []) as mocked_loaders,
+        patch("dissect.target.loader.LOADERS_BY_SCHEME", {}),
         copy_different_plugin_files(environment_path, "loader.py")
diff --git a/tests/test_report.py b/tests/test_report.py
index 831d75889b..539dbd7e66 100644
--- a/tests/test_report.py
+++ b/tests/test_report.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import pytest
 from dissect.target import Target
+from dissect.target.plugin import FailureDescriptor, FunctionDescriptor
 from dissect.target.report import (
@@ -15,17 +16,17 @@
-def test_target():
+def test_target() -> Target:
     return Target("test_target")
-def func_execs():
+def func_execs() -> set[str]:
     return {"exec2", "exec1"}
-def target_execution_report(test_target, func_execs):
+def target_execution_report(test_target: Target, func_execs: set[str]) -> TargetExecutionReport:
     return TargetExecutionReport(
@@ -33,29 +34,29 @@ def target_execution_report(test_target, func_execs):
-def incompatible_plugins():
+def incompatible_plugins() -> set[str]:
     return {"incomp_plugin2", "incomp_plugin1"}
-def add_incompatible_plugins(target_execution_report, incompatible_plugins):
+def add_incompatible_plugins(target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport, incompatible_plugins: set[str]) -> None:
     for plugin in incompatible_plugins:
-def registered_plugins():
+def registered_plugins() -> set[str]:
     return {"regist_plugin2", "regist_plugin1"}
-def add_registered_plugins(target_execution_report, registered_plugins):
+def add_registered_plugins(target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport, registered_plugins: set[str]) -> None:
     for plugin in registered_plugins:
-def func_errors():
+def func_errors() -> dict[str, str]:
     return {
         "func1": "trace1",
         "func2": "trace2",
@@ -63,49 +64,49 @@ def func_errors():
-def add_func_errors(target_execution_report, func_errors):
+def add_func_errors(target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport, func_errors: dict[str, str]) -> None:
     for func, trace in func_errors.items():
         target_execution_report.add_func_error(func, trace)
 def test_target_execution_report_add_incompatible_plugin(
-    target_execution_report,
-    add_incompatible_plugins,
-    incompatible_plugins,
+    target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport,
+    add_incompatible_plugins: None,
+    incompatible_plugins: set[str],
+) -> None:
     for plugin in target_execution_report.incompatible_plugins:
         assert plugin in incompatible_plugins
 def test_target_execution_report_add_registered_plugin(
-    target_execution_report,
-    add_registered_plugins,
-    registered_plugins,
+    target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport,
+    add_registered_plugins: None,
+    registered_plugins: set[str],
+) -> None:
     for plugin in target_execution_report.registered_plugins:
         assert plugin in registered_plugins
 def test_target_execution_report_add_func_error(
-    target_execution_report,
-    add_func_errors,
-    func_errors,
+    target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport,
+    add_func_errors: None,
+    func_errors: dict[str, str],
+) -> None:
     for func, trace in target_execution_report.func_errors.items():
         assert func_errors.get(func) == trace
 def test_target_execution_report_as_dict(
-    test_target,
-    target_execution_report,
-    add_incompatible_plugins,
-    add_registered_plugins,
-    add_func_errors,
-    incompatible_plugins,
-    registered_plugins,
-    func_errors,
-    func_execs,
+    test_target: Target,
+    target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport,
+    add_incompatible_plugins: None,
+    add_registered_plugins: None,
+    add_func_errors: None,
+    incompatible_plugins: set[str],
+    registered_plugins: set[str],
+    func_errors: dict[str, str],
+    func_execs: set[str],
+) -> None:
     report_dict = target_execution_report.as_dict()
     assert report_dict.get("target") == str(test_target)
     assert report_dict.get("incompatible_plugins") == sorted(incompatible_plugins)
@@ -115,63 +116,63 @@ def test_target_execution_report_as_dict(
-def execution_report():
+def execution_report() -> ExecutionReport:
     return ExecutionReport()
-def cli_args():
+def cli_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
     return argparse.Namespace(foo="bar", baz="bla")
-def set_cli_args(execution_report, cli_args):
+def set_cli_args(execution_report: ExecutionReport, cli_args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
-def plugin_stats():
+def plugin_stats() -> dict:
     return {
-        "_failed": [
-            {
-                "module": "plugin1",
-                "stacktrace": "trace1",
-            },
-            {
-                "module": "plugin2",
-                "stacktrace": "trace2",
-            },
+        "__failed__": [
+            FailureDescriptor(
+                module="plugin1",
+                stacktrace="trace1",
+            ),
+            FailureDescriptor(
+                module="plugin2",
+                stacktrace="trace2",
+            ),
-def set_plugin_stats(execution_report, plugin_stats):
+def set_plugin_stats(execution_report: ExecutionReport, plugin_stats: dict) -> None:
-def target1():
+def target1() -> Target:
     return Target("test1")
-def target2():
+def target2() -> Target:
     return Target("test2")
-def target_report1(execution_report, target1):
+def target_report1(execution_report: ExecutionReport, target1: Target) -> TargetExecutionReport:
     return execution_report.add_target_report(target1)
-def target_report2(execution_report, target2):
+def target_report2(execution_report: ExecutionReport, target2: Target) -> TargetExecutionReport:
     return execution_report.add_target_report(target2)
-def plugin1():
+def plugin1() -> MagicMock:
     plugin1 = MagicMock()
     plugin1.__module__ = "test_module"
     plugin1.__qualname__ = "plugin1"
@@ -179,32 +180,32 @@ def plugin1():
 def test_execution_report_set_cli_args(
-    execution_report,
-    set_cli_args,
-    cli_args,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    set_cli_args: None,
+    cli_args: argparse.Namespace,
+) -> None:
     assert execution_report.cli_args == vars(cli_args)
 def test_execution_report_set_plugin_stats(
-    execution_report,
-    set_plugin_stats,
-    plugin_stats,
-    failed_plugins = plugin_stats["_failed"]
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    set_plugin_stats: None,
+    plugin_stats: dict,
+) -> None:
+    failed_plugins = plugin_stats["__failed__"]
     assert len(execution_report.plugin_import_errors) == len(failed_plugins)
     for failed_plugin in failed_plugins:
-        module = failed_plugin["module"]
-        stacktrace = failed_plugin["stacktrace"]
+        module = failed_plugin.module
+        stacktrace = failed_plugin.stacktrace
         assert execution_report.plugin_import_errors.get(module) == stacktrace
 def test_execution_report_get_formatted_report(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target_report2,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target_report2: TargetExecutionReport,
+) -> None:
     with patch("dissect.target.report.make_cli_args_overview", return_value="line_1"):
         with patch("dissect.target.report.make_plugin_import_errors_overview", return_value="line_2"):
             with patch("dissect.target.report.format_target_report", return_value="line_x"):
@@ -212,22 +213,22 @@ def test_execution_report_get_formatted_report(
 def test_execution_report_add_target_report(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target_report2,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target_report2: TargetExecutionReport,
+) -> None:
     assert len(execution_report.target_reports) == 2
     assert target_report1 in execution_report.target_reports
     assert target_report2 in execution_report.target_reports
 def test_execution_report_get_target_report(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target_report2,
-    target1,
-    target2,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target_report2: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+    target2: Target,
+) -> None:
     assert target_report1 == execution_report.get_target_report(target1)
     assert target_report2 == execution_report.get_target_report(target2)
     target3 = Target("nope")
@@ -236,62 +237,73 @@ def test_execution_report_get_target_report(
     assert target_report3.target == target3
-def test_execution_report__get_plugin_name(execution_report, plugin1):
+def test_execution_report__get_plugin_name(execution_report: ExecutionReport, plugin1: MagicMock) -> None:
     assert execution_report._get_plugin_name(plugin1) == "test_module.plugin1"
 def test_execution_report_log_incompatible_plugin_plugin_cls(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target1,
-    plugin1,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+    plugin1: MagicMock,
+) -> None:
     execution_report.log_incompatible_plugin(target1, None, plugin_cls=plugin1)
     assert "test_module.plugin1" in target_report1.incompatible_plugins
 def test_execution_report_log_incompatible_plugin_plugin_desc(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target1,
-    plugin_desc = {"fullname": "test_module.plugin1"}
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+) -> None:
+    plugin_desc = FunctionDescriptor(
+        name="plugin1",
+        namespace=None,
+        path="",
+        exported=True,
+        internal=False,
+        findable=True,
+        output=None,
+        method_name="plugin1",
+        module="test_module",
+        qualname="plugin1",
+    )
     execution_report.log_incompatible_plugin(target1, None, plugin_desc=plugin_desc)
     assert "test_module.plugin1" in target_report1.incompatible_plugins
 def test_execution_report_log_registered_plugin(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target1,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+) -> None:
     execution_report.log_registered_plugin(target1, None, plugin_inst=MagicMock())
     assert "unittest.mock.MagicMock" in target_report1.registered_plugins
 def test_execution_report_log_func_error(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target1,
-    func_errors,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+    func_errors: dict[str, str],
+) -> None:
     func, trace = next(iter(func_errors.items()))
     execution_report.log_func_error(target1, None, func, trace)
     assert target_report1.func_errors.get(func) == trace
 def test_execution_report_log_func_execution(
-    execution_report,
-    target_report1,
-    target1,
-    func_execs,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target1: Target,
+    func_execs: set[str],
+) -> None:
     func = next(iter(func_execs))
     execution_report.log_func_execution(target1, None, func)
     assert func in target_report1.func_execs
-def test_execution_report_set_event_callbacks(execution_report):
+def test_execution_report_set_event_callbacks(execution_report: ExecutionReport) -> None:
     mock_target = MagicMock()
     event_callbacks = (
         (Event.INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN, execution_report.log_incompatible_plugin),
@@ -309,14 +321,14 @@ def test_execution_report_set_event_callbacks(execution_report):
 def test_execution_report_as_dict(
-    execution_report,
-    set_plugin_stats,
-    plugin_stats,
-    target_report1,
-    target_report2,
-    set_cli_args,
-    cli_args,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    set_plugin_stats: None,
+    plugin_stats: dict,
+    target_report1: TargetExecutionReport,
+    target_report2: TargetExecutionReport,
+    set_cli_args: None,
+    cli_args: argparse.Namespace,
+) -> None:
     expected_dict = {
         "plugin_import_errors": {
             "plugin1": "trace1",
@@ -336,36 +348,36 @@ def test_execution_report_as_dict(
 def test_report_make_cli_args_overview(
-    execution_report,
-    set_cli_args,
-    cli_args,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    set_cli_args: None,
+    cli_args: argparse.Namespace,
+) -> None:
     cli_args_overview = make_cli_args_overview(execution_report)
     assert "foo: bar" in cli_args_overview
     assert "baz: bla" in cli_args_overview
 def test_report_make_plugin_import_errors_overview(
-    execution_report,
-    set_plugin_stats,
-    plugin_stats,
+    execution_report: ExecutionReport,
+    set_plugin_stats: None,
+    plugin_stats: dict,
+) -> None:
     plugin_import_errors_overview = make_plugin_import_errors_overview(execution_report)
     assert "plugin1:\n        trace1" in plugin_import_errors_overview
     assert "plugin2:\n        trace2" in plugin_import_errors_overview
 def test_report_format_target_report(
-    test_target,
-    target_execution_report,
-    add_incompatible_plugins,
-    add_registered_plugins,
-    add_func_errors,
-    incompatible_plugins,
-    registered_plugins,
-    func_errors,
-    func_execs,
+    test_target: Target,
+    target_execution_report: TargetExecutionReport,
+    add_incompatible_plugins: None,
+    add_registered_plugins: None,
+    add_func_errors: None,
+    incompatible_plugins: set[str],
+    registered_plugins: set[str],
+    func_errors: dict[str, str],
+    func_execs: set[str],
+) -> None:
     target_report = format_target_report(target_execution_report)
     assert str(test_target) in target_report
diff --git a/tests/tools/conftest.py b/tests/tools/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdcedf6970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tools/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import pytest
+from dissect.target import loader
+@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
+def reset_loaders() -> None:
+    for ldr in loader.LOADERS:
+        ldr.module._module = None
diff --git a/tests/tools/test_query.py b/tests/tools/test_query.py
index d8f51b68ab..296e645b1a 100644
--- a/tests/tools/test_query.py
+++ b/tests/tools/test_query.py
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
 import json
 import os
 import re
-from typing import Any, Optional
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+from typing import Any
+from unittest.mock import patch
 import pytest
-from dissect.target.plugin import PluginFunction
+from dissect.target.plugin import FunctionDescriptor
 from dissect.target.target import Target
 from dissect.target.tools.query import main as target_query
-def test_target_query_list(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+def test_list(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
     with monkeypatch.context() as m:
         m.setattr("sys.argv", ["target-query", "--list"])
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ def test_target_query_list(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.Mo
         out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
         assert out.startswith("Available plugins:")
-        assert "Failed to load:\n    None\nAvailable loaders:\n" in out
+        assert "Failed to load:\n    None\n\nAvailable loaders:\n" in out
@@ -44,11 +46,11 @@ def test_target_query_list(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.Mo
             ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist", "apps.webserver.apache.access"],
-            ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist*"],
+            ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist"],
-def test_target_query_invalid_functions(
+def test_invalid_functions(
     capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture,
     monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
     given_funcs: list[str],
@@ -97,11 +99,11 @@ def test_target_query_invalid_functions(
             ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist", "apps.webserver.apache.access"],
-            ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist*"],
+            ["apps.webserver.iis.doesnt.exist"],
-def test_target_query_invalid_excluded_functions(
+def test_invalid_excluded_functions(
     capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture,
     monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
     given_funcs: list[str],
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ def test_target_query_invalid_excluded_functions(
         assert invalid_funcs == expected_invalid_funcs
-def test_target_query_unsupported_plugin_log(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+def test_unsupported_plugin_log(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
     with monkeypatch.context() as m:
@@ -149,22 +151,21 @@ def test_target_query_unsupported_plugin_log(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monk
         assert "Unsupported plugin for regf: Registry plugin not loaded" in err
-def mock_find_plugin_function(
-    target: Target,
-    patterns: str,
-    compatibility: bool = False,
-    **kwargs,
-) -> tuple[list[PluginFunction], set[str]]:
+def mock_find_plugin_functions(patterns: str, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[list[FunctionDescriptor], set[str]]:
     plugins = []
     for pattern in patterns.split(","):
-            PluginFunction(
+            FunctionDescriptor(
-                output_type="record",
+                namespace=None,
-                class_object=MagicMock(),
+                exported=True,
+                internal=False,
+                findable=True,
+                output="record",
-                plugin_desc={},
+                module=pattern,
+                qualname=pattern.capitalize(),
@@ -173,13 +174,13 @@ def mock_find_plugin_function(
 def mock_execute_function(
     target: Target,
-    func: PluginFunction,
-    cli_params: Optional[list[str]] = None,
+    func: FunctionDescriptor,
+    arguments: list[str] | None = None,
 ) -> tuple[str, Any, list[str]]:
-    return (func.output_type, func.name, "")
+    return (func.output, func.name, "")
-def test_target_query_filtered_functions(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+def test_filtered_functions(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
     with monkeypatch.context() as m:
@@ -197,12 +198,12 @@ def test_target_query_filtered_functions(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> Non
-                side_effect=mock_find_plugin_function,
+                side_effect=mock_find_plugin_functions,
-                side_effect=mock_find_plugin_function,
+                side_effect=mock_find_plugin_functions,
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ def test_target_query_filtered_functions(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> Non
             assert executed_func_names == {"foo", "bar"}
-def test_target_query_dry_run(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+def test_dry_run(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
     if os.sep == "\\":
         target_file = "tests\\_data\\loaders\\tar\\test-archive.tar.gz"
@@ -239,12 +240,7 @@ def test_target_query_dry_run(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest
         out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
-        assert out == (
-            f"Dry run on: <Target {target_file}>\n"
-            "  execute: users (general.default.users)\n"
-            "  execute: network.interfaces (general.network.interfaces)\n"
-            "  execute: osinfo (general.osinfo.osinfo)\n"
-        )
+        assert out == (f"Dry run on: <Target {target_file}>\n  execute: osinfo (general.osinfo.osinfo)\n")
 def test_target_query_list_json(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
@@ -268,8 +264,8 @@ def test_target_query_list_json(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pyte
     assert len(output["plugins"]["loaded"]) > 200, "Expected more loaded plugins"
     assert not output["plugins"].get("failed"), "Some plugin(s) failed to initialize"
-    def get_plugin(plugins: list[dict], needle: str) -> dict:
-        match = [p for p in output["plugins"]["loaded"] if p["name"] == needle]
+    def get_plugin(plugins: list[dict], needle: str) -> dict | bool:
+        match = [p for p in plugins["plugins"]["loaded"] if p["name"] == needle]
         return match[0] if match else False
     # general plugin
@@ -278,7 +274,7 @@ def get_plugin(plugins: list[dict], needle: str) -> dict:
         "name": "users",
         "description": "Return the users available in the target.",
         "output": "record",
-        "path": "general.default.users",
+        "path": "os.default._os.users",
     # namespaced plugin
diff --git a/tests/tools/test_utils.py b/tests/tools/test_utils.py
index db59750144..9ac9cc31c3 100644
--- a/tests/tools/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/tools/test_utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
 from datetime import datetime
 from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 from unittest.mock import patch
 import pytest
@@ -9,12 +12,14 @@
 from dissect.target.tools.utils import (
-    get_target_attribute,
+    from dissect.target.target import Target
-def test_persist_execution_report():
+def test_persist_execution_report() -> None:
     output_path = Path("/tmp/test/path")
     report_data = {
         "item1": {
@@ -62,12 +67,12 @@ class FakeLoader:
     "pattern, expected_function",
-        ("passwords", "dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.shadow.ShadowPlugin"),
-        ("firefox.passwords", "Unsupported function `firefox` for target"),
+        ("passwords", "dissect.target.plugins.os.unix.shadow"),
+        ("firefox.passwords", "Unsupported function `firefox.passwords`"),
-def test_plugin_name_confusion_regression(target_unix_users, pattern, expected_function):
-    plugins, _ = find_plugin_functions(target_unix_users, pattern)
+def test_plugin_name_confusion_regression(target_unix_users: Target, pattern: str, expected_function: str) -> None:
+    plugins, _ = find_plugin_functions(pattern, target_unix_users)
     assert len(plugins) == 1
     # We don't expect these functions to work since our target_unix_users fixture
@@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ def test_plugin_name_confusion_regression(target_unix_users, pattern, expected_f
     # only interested in the plugin or namespace that was called so we check
     # the exception stack trace.
     with pytest.raises(UnsupportedPluginError) as exc_info:
-        get_target_attribute(target_unix_users, plugins[0])
+        target_unix_users.get_function(plugins[0])
     assert expected_function in str(exc_info.value)