- Get the latest or required version of HiFi5/HiFi5s NDSP Code from GitHub
- https://github.com/foss-xtensa/ndsplib-hifi5
- build - contains the make file
- library - contains the optimized kernel functions for the HiFi5/5s core
- testdriver - contains the demo driver code to tun the library
It is assumed that the required HiFi core configurations and the Xtensa toolchain are installed in the Linux environment.
An example .cshrc file that sets up the build environment accordingly is provided for reference
- A typical way is to place this .cshrc file in your home directory and execute the following from the command line terminal...
- source ~/.cshrc
- rj4
Ex: setenv XTENSA_CORE hifi5s_ao_7
- Navigate to the testdriver directory: …/NDSP_HiFi5/build/project/xtclang/testdriver
- CLEAN: make clean -j
- BUILD: make all -j make all -j MEM_MODEL=X //Where X = 1 or 2 Ex : make all -j MEM_MODEL=1 //for performance tests
- xt-run testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -mips -sanity
- xt-run testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -mips -brief
- xt-run testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -mips -full
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -sanity
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -brief
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -full
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -sanity -verbose
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -sanity -fir -verbose
- xt-run --turbo testdriver-hifi5s_ao_7_llvm-Xtensa-release -func -brief -fir -iir -fft