Ruby DevRoom
The Ruby Devroom at FOSDEM is an interpreter and runtime focused developer room for the Ruby programming language. Unlike practically any other Ruby event, the Ruby Devroom is focused around the multiple, mature, open source projects which implement the language. Instead of focusing on how to use Ruby, this room focuses on how the interpreters, libraries that extend the language and runtime itself is implementedk fostering a community of language implementers and providing an opportunity to share ideas and patterns for solving shared problems.
The goal of this developer room is to discuss:
The current state of the Ruby language
Techniques employed by various VMs and their effectiveness
Upcoming Ruby language features, and the challenges/benefits that they provide
Tools and practices used to certify Ruby language conformity and performance
Costs and Opportunities provided by the multitude of implementations
Ruby Belgium
Ruby (MRI)
Rubinius (Ruby on Ruby)
While many Ruby developers attend FOSDEM, the Ruby open source community has generally been underrepresented in the technical content of the event. With the Ruby devroom not only would the Ruby community become more plugged into the FOSDEM experience, but FOSDEM would be hosting Ruby-oriented content that is both unique and very technical.
Considering the broad interest in dynamic and interpreted languages, the Ruby devroom will also provide compelling technical content interesting to members of the Python, Perl, JavaScript, Smalltalk, LLVM and Java communities.
With the number of notable Ruby implementations, listed below, there should be more than enough highly interesting and technical content!
Ruby (MRI, the original C-based VM)
JRuby (Ruby on the JVM)
Rubinius (Ruby on Ruby)
RubyTruffle (JRuby using Oracle’s Truffle compiler)
RubyMotion (Ruby on top of Apple’s Objective-C/Cocoa foundation)
Opal (A working Ruby to JavaScript compiler)
A smaller (60-80 seats) room is more than sufficient for the community. In last year’s devroom not only did that room have fit the number of interested people, more than half of the room stayed for the whole day engaging in discussions and listening to talks.
Christophe Philemotte ( - Ruby Belgium board member
R Tyler Croy ( - JRuby/Jenkins hacker
Florian Gilcher ( - Ruby Berlin e.V. (European non-profit) committee member, organizer, hacker