The advanced Eliza plugin for Flow Blockchain
This plugin provides advanced functionality for the Flow Blockchain. It includes the following features:
- Accounts management based on Account Linking feature on Flow Blockchain
- Token Price Query for any token on Flow Blockchain
- Token Transfer from User's account to others' address(Cadence or EVM)
- Token Registeration for any token on Flow Blockchain
To install the plugin, use the following command in your Eliza project:
npx elizaos plugins add @elizaos-plugins/plugin-di
npx elizaos plugins add @elizaos-plugins/plugin-flow
npx elizaos plugins add @elizaos-plugins/plugin-flow-advanced
The plugin requires the following environment variables to be set:
FLOW_ADDRESS=<Flow wallet address starting with 0x>
FLOW_PRIVATE_KEY=<Private key for the Flow wallet starting with 0x>
FLOW_NETWORK=<Network to connect to: "mainnet", "testnet", or "emulator" (optional, defaults to "mainnet")>
FLOW_ENDPOINT_URL=<Custom RPC endpoint URL (optional)>
import { advancedFlowPlugin } from "@elizaos-plugins/plugin-flow-advanced";
The plugin supports natural language commands for token transfers:
"Send 5 FLOW to 0xa51d7fe9e0080662";
"Send 1 FLOW - A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken to 0xa2de93114bae3e73";
"Send 1000 FROTH - 0xb73bf8e6a4477a952e0338e6cc00cc0ce5ad04ba to 0x000000000000000000000002e44fbfbd00395de5";