Wait wait wait, why are bad things here?
Well, because you need to know about them and knowledge is the best defense. I have lumped in some things that are not necessarily bad/malicious, but that can often be exploited or used for nefarious purposes. You need to be aware of them so that you can use them to keep yourself safe, as well as understand the tools/techniques that are out there and possibly being used by malicious actors.
I will repeat: Do not use the following knowledge for illegal or malicious purposes. Dont be that guy.
{% hint style="danger" %} Malware - For research purposes ONLY {% endhint %}
- Awesome Lists Collection: Malware
- Awesome Lists Collection: Linux Rootkits
- Awesome Lists Collection: RATs
- Infosec_Reference/Malware
- Infosec_Reference/Rootkits
- fireELF - fireELF is a opensource fileless linux malware framework thats crossplatform and allows users to easily create and manage payloads. By default is comes with 'memfd_create' which is a new way to run linux elf executables completely from m
- https://0xpat.github.io/ - Red/Purple teamer with great write ups on malware development
- Coldfire - Golang malware development library
- https://0xpat.github.io/Malware_development_part_1/
- https://0xpat.github.io/Malware_development_part_2/
- https://class.malware.re/
- https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/fantastic-rootkits-and-where-to-find-them-part-1
- Clean-MX Malware Repository
- Contagio malware dump
- Cert-PA Malware index
- InQuest Labs - InQuest.net
- Malshare Free Malware Repository
- VirusBay VirusShare.com
- vx-underground - home
- theZoo - A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public.
- https://github.com/boozallen/MOTIF - The Malware Open-source Threat Intelligence Family (MOTIF) dataset contains 3,095 disarmed PE malware samples from 454 families, labeled with ground truth confidence.
- https://github.com/executemalware/Malware-IOCs
- BYOB - Build Your Own Botnet - An open-source post-exploitation framework for students, researchers and developers.
- UBoat - An open-source post-exploitation framework for students, researchers and developers.