script can be used to run F5TT as a container on a BIG-IQ CM 8.1 virtual machine.
Required only if BIG-IQ CM can't connect to the Internet to pull docker images from Docker Hub
- Download the latest docker image tar.gz file from releases to your local host
- Filename is
- Copy (scp) the tar.gz file to the BIG-IQ CM virtual machine renaming it into
(replace X.Y with the actual version you downloaded and BIGIQ_IP_ADDRESS with the actual IP address of BIG-IQ CM)
$ scp F5-Telemetry-Tracker-X.Y.tar.gz root@BIGIQ_IP_ADDRESS:/shared/images/tmp/F5-Telemetry-Tracker.tar.gz
F5-Telemetry-Tracker-1.1.tar.gz 100% 271MB 82.7MB/s 00:03
- Copy (scp)
from to BIG-IQ CM 8.1 instance, under /tmp/
$ scp [email protected]:/tmp/
Password: 100% 2440 4.7MB/s 00:00
- SSH as root to the BIG-IQ CM instance, set the execution attribute and run the script with no parameters to display the help banner
$ ssh [email protected]
Last login: Wed Jan 26 16:44:26 2022 from
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # chmod +x /tmp/
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/
$ ./
F5 Telemetry Tracker -
This tool manages F5 Telemetry Tracker running on docker on a BIG-IQ Centralized Manager VM.
=== Usage:
./ [options]
=== Options:
-h - This help
-l - Local mode - to be used if BIG-IQ can't connect to the Internet
-s - Start F5 Telemetry Tracker
-k - Stop (kill) F5 Telemetry Tracker
-c - Check F5 Telemetry Tracker run status
-u [username] - BIG-IQ username (batch mode)
-p [password] - BIG-IQ password (batch mode)
-f - Fetch JSON report
-a [mode] - All-in-one mode: start F5 Telemetry Tracker, collect JSON report and stop F5 Telemetry Tracker
[mode] = "online" if BIG-IQ has Internet connectivity, "offline" otherwise
=== Examples:
Interactive mode (BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity): ./ -s
Interactive mode (BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity): ./ -s -l
Batch mode (BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity): ./ -s -u [username] -p [password]
Batch mode (BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity): ./ -s -l -u [username] -p [password]
BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity: ./ -k
BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity: ./ -k -l
Fetch JSON:
./ -f
BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity: ./ -a online
BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity: ./ -a offline
- Start F5 Telemetry Tracker on BIG-IQ CM (BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity). Enter BIG-IQ admin username and the password
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/ -s
Username: admin
-> Starting F5 Telemetry Tracker, please stand by...
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker started on
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Start F5 Telemetry Tracker on BIG-IQ CM (BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity). Enter BIG-IQ admin username and the password
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/ -s -l
-> Running in local mode
Username: admin
-> Decompressing F5 Telemetry Tracker docker image
-> Loading F5 Telemetry Tracker docker image
Loaded image: fiorucci/f5-telemetry-tracker:latest
-> Starting F5 Telemetry Tracker, please stand by...
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker started on
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Check F5 Telemetry Tracker status
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/ -c
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker running
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Query F5 Telemetry Tracker from another system to get the JSON file. F5 Telemetry Tracking must be queried from a different system
Uncompressed output:
$ curl
Compressed output:
$ curl -s -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" --output output-json.gz
- Stop F5 Telemetry Tracker:
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/ -k
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker stopped
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Start F5 Telemetry Tracker on BIG-IQ CM in All-In-One "online" mode (BIG-IQ with Internet connectivity). Enter BIG-IQ admin username and the password
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config # /tmp/ -a online
Username: admin
-> Starting F5 Telemetry Tracker, please stand by...
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker started on
-> Collecting report...
-> JSON report generated, copy /tmp/20220128-1907-instances.json to your local host using scp
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker stopped
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Start F5 Telemetry Tracker on BIG-IQ CM in All-In-One "offline" mode (BIG-IQ with no Internet connectivity). Enter BIG-IQ admin username and the password
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] ~ # /tmp/ -a offline
-> Running in local mode
Username: admin
-> Decompressing F5 Telemetry Tracker docker image
-> Loading F5 Telemetry Tracker docker image
Loaded image: fiorucci/f5-telemetry-tracker:latest
-> Starting F5 Telemetry Tracker, please stand by...
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker started on
-> Collecting report...
-> JSON report generated, copy /tmp/20220128-1910-instances.json to your local host using scp
-> F5 Telemetry Tracker stopped
[root@bigiq:Active:Standalone] config #
- Collect (scp) the generated JSON report