Intervention Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper] [Code]
Top-k training of GANs [Paper]
A Mathematical Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper]
Real or Not Real, that is the Question [Paper] [Code]
Your Local GAN: Designing Two Dimensional Local Attention Mechanisms for Generative Models [Paper] [Code]
Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN [Paper] [Code]
A Characteristic Function Approach to Deep Implicit Generative Modeling [Paper] [Code]
Alleviation of Gradient Exploding in GANs: Fake Can Be Real [Paper]
Watch your Up-Convolution: CNN Based Generative Deep Neural Networks are Failing to Reproduce Spectral Distributions [Paper] [Code]
A U-Net Based Discriminator for Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper]
MSG-GAN: Multi-Scale Gradients for Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper] [Code]
Noise Robust Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper] [Code]
On Positive-Unlabeled Classification in GAN [Paper]
AdversarialNAS: Adversarial Neural Architecture Search for GANs [Paper] [Code]