diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4808fef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/FUNDING.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+github: extremeshok
+custom: ['https://paypal.me/AdrianKriel', 'https://www.extremeshok.com']
diff --git a/.markdownlint.json b/.markdownlint.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1344b312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.markdownlint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "MD013": false
diff --git a/.t/ci-clamav-install-macos-clamav.sh b/.t/ci-clamav-install-macos-clamav.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0363152d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.t/ci-clamav-install-macos-clamav.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/musl/bin:$HOME/bin
+echo "Installing default Clamav"
+# Create clamav user and group
+dscl . create /Groups/clamav
+dscl . create /Groups/clamav RealName "Clam Antivirus Group"
+dscl . create /Groups/clamav gid 799
+dscl . create /Users/clamav
+dscl . create /Users/clamav RealName "Clam Antivirus User"
+dscl . create /Users/clamav UserShell /bin/false
+dscl . create /Users/clamav UniqueID 599
+dscl . create /Users/clamav PrimaryGroupID 799
+# Create the dirs
+mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/run
+mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/log
+mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/db
+mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons
+ls -laFh /usr/local/etc/clamav/
+# Generate the configs
+if [ ! -f "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf.sample" ] ; then
+ echo "Missing: /usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf"
+ exit 1
+cp "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf.sample" "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf"
+sed -e "s|# Example config file|# Config file|" \
+ -e "s|^Example$|# Example|" \
+ -e "s|^#MaxDirectoryRecursion 20$|MaxDirectoryRecursion 25|" \
+ -e "s|^#LogFile .*|LogFile /usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamd.log|" \
+ -e "s|^#PidFile .*|PidFile /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.pid|" \
+ -e "s|^#DatabaseDirectory .*|DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/var/clamav/db|" \
+ -e "s|^#LocalSocket .*|LocalSocket /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket|" \
+ -e "s|^#FixStaleSocket|FixStaleSocket|" \"
+ -i -n "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf"
+# Fix permissions
+chown -R clamav:clamav /usr/local/var/clamav
+# Clamd socket
+touch /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket
+chown clamav:clamav /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket
+tee "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist" << EOF > /dev/null
+ Label
+ clamav.clamd
+ ProgramArguments
+ /usr/local/sbin/clamd
+ --foreground
+ KeepAlive
+ StandardErrorPath
+ /usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamd.error.log
+chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist"
+chmod 0644 "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist"
diff --git a/.t/ci-clamav-install-default.sh b/.t/ci-clamav-install-macos-databases.sh
similarity index 55%
rename from .t/ci-clamav-install-default.sh
rename to .t/ci-clamav-install-macos-databases.sh
index d85ec1e0..c0b5296a 100644
--- a/.t/ci-clamav-install-default.sh
+++ b/.t/ci-clamav-install-macos-databases.sh
@@ -9,9 +9,16 @@ export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/lo
-echo "Installing default Clamav"
+echo "Installing latest clamav databases"
-apt-get install -y clamav-base clamav-freshclam clamav clamav-daemon -qq
+mkdir -p /var/lib/clamav
+cp -f bytecode.cvd /usr/local/var/clamav/db/bytecode.cvd
+cp -f daily.cvd /usr/local/var/clamav/db/daily.cvd
+cp -f main.cvd /usr/local/var/clamav/db/main.cvd
+chown -R clamav:clamav /usr/local/var/clamav/db/
+#launchctl kickstart -k system/clamav.clamd
+launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist"
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
echo .. OK
diff --git a/.t/ci-clamav-install-default-database.sh b/.t/ci-clamav-install-ubuntu-databases.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from .t/ci-clamav-install-default-database.sh
rename to .t/ci-clamav-install-ubuntu-databases.sh
diff --git a/.t/ci-test-macos.sh b/.t/ci-test-macos.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba2b613d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.t/ci-test-macos.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/musl/bin:$HOME/bin
+echo "running script verbose default curl"
+bash /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check signature placed correctly"
+if [ -e "/usr/local/var/clamav/db/sanesecurity.ftm" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+# echo "check database integrity test"
+# bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --test-database sanesecurity.ftm
+# if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+# echo .. OK
+# else
+# echo .. ERROR
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# echo "check gpg verify test"
+# bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --gpg-verify scam.ndb
+# if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+# echo .. OK
+# else
+# echo .. ERROR
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# echo "check clamav-daemon service will start"
+# service clamav-daemon stop
+# service clamav-daemon start
+# if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+# echo .. OK
+# else
+# echo .. ERROR
+# exit 1
+# f
+echo "===== HIGH /var/lib/clamav/ ====="
+ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/
+echo "================"
+echo "running script verbose with LOW ratings"
+cp -f .t/tests/user_low.conf /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+bash /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "===== LOW /var/lib/clamav/ ====="
+ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/
+echo "================"
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb removed ?"
+if [ ! -e "/var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/phish.ndb removed ?"
+if [ ! -e "/var/lib/clamav/phish.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
diff --git a/.t/ci-test-ubuntu.sh b/.t/ci-test-ubuntu.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc777004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.t/ci-test-ubuntu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/musl/bin:$HOME/bin
+echo "Remove test signature if it exists. "
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm" ] ; then
+ rm -f /var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm
+echo "running script verbose and force_wget"
+cp -f .t/tests/user_wget.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "running script verbose default curl"
+cp -f .t/tests/user.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "running script as clamav and silence"
+sudo -u clamav [ -x /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs ] && bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --force --silence
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check signature placed correctly"
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check cron file generation"
+bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-cron
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ if [ -e "/etc/cron.d/clamav-unofficial-sigs" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ else
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check logrotate file generation"
+bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-logrotate
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ if [ -e "/etc/logrotate.d/clamav-unofficial-sigs" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ else
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check man file generation"
+bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-man
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ if [ -e "/usr/share/man/man8/clamav-unofficial-sigs.8" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ else
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check database integrity test"
+bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --test-database sanesecurity.ftm
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check gpg verify test"
+bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --gpg-verify scam.ndb
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "check clamav-daemon service will start"
+service clamav-daemon stop
+service clamav-daemon start
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "===== HIGH /var/lib/clamav/ ====="
+ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/
+echo "================"
+echo "running script verbose with LOW ratings"
+cp -f .t/tests/user_low.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "===== LOW /var/lib/clamav/ ====="
+ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/
+echo "================"
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb removed ?"
+if [ ! -e "/var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/phish.ndb removed ?"
+if [ ! -e "/var/lib/clamav/phish.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "running script verbose with malware expert databases"
+cp -f .t/tests/user_malwareexpert.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "===== MALWAREEXPERT /var/lib/clamav/ ====="
+ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/
+echo "================"
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb removed ?"
+if [ ! -e "/var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/dbs-ss/jurlbl.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.hdb added ?"
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.hdb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.fp added ?"
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.fp" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.ldb added ?"
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.ldb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
+echo "Was /var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.ndb added ?"
+if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/malware.expert.ndb" ] ; then
+ echo .. OK
+ echo .. ERROR
+ exit 1
diff --git a/.t/ci-test.sh b/.t/ci-test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd9240d..00000000
--- a/.t/ci-test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
-# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
-# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
-# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
-export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/musl/bin:$HOME/bin
-echo "Remove test signature if it exists. "
-if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm" ] ; then
- rm -f /var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm
-echo "running script as root and verbose and force_wget"
-sudo cp -f .t/tests/user_wget.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
-sudo bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "running script as root and verbose"
-sudo cp -f .t/tests/user.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
-sudo bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --verbose
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "running script as clamav and silence"
-sudo -u clamav [ -x /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs ] && bash /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs --force --silence
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check signature placed correctly"
-if [ -e "/var/lib/clamav/sanesecurity.ftm" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check cron file generation"
-bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-cron
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- if [ -e "/etc/cron.d/clamav-unofficial-sigs" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- else
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
- fi
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check logrotate file generation"
-bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-logrotate
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- if [ -e "/etc/logrotate.d/clamav-unofficial-sigs" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- else
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
- fi
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check man file generation"
-bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-man
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- if [ -e "/usr/share/man/man8/clamav-unofficial-sigs.8" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- else
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
- fi
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check database integrity test"
-bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --test-database sanesecurity.ftm
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check gpg verify test"
-bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --gpg-verify scam.ndb
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
-echo "check clamav-daemon service will start"
-service clamav-daemon stop
-service clamav-daemon start
-if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
- echo .. OK
- echo .. ERROR
- exit 1
diff --git a/.t/tests/user.conf b/.t/tests/user.conf
index cea9d624..ad835ee6 100644
--- a/.t/tests/user.conf
+++ b/.t/tests/user.conf
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ default_dbs_rating="HIGH"
# Per Database
# These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database
# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
@@ -43,15 +43,14 @@ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wmetcalf/clam-punch/master/miscreantpunch099.l
declare -a securiteinfo_dbs=(
-securiteinfoandroid.hdb|LOW #
+securiteinfoandroid.hdb|HIGH #
diff --git a/.t/tests/user_low.conf b/.t/tests/user_low.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..892d71a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.t/tests/user_low.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+# Default dbs rating
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
+# Per Database
+# These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
+declare -a additional_dbs=(
+declare -a securiteinfo_dbs=(
+securiteinfoandroid.hdb|HIGH #
+# Enable all debug options
diff --git a/.t/tests/user_malwareexpert.conf b/.t/tests/user_malwareexpert.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98f3ccee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.t/tests/user_malwareexpert.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+# Malware Expert 2020 (non-free) clamav signatures
+# set to no to enable the commercial subscription databases
+# Default dbs rating
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
+# Per Database
+# These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
+# Enable all debug options
diff --git a/.t/tests/user_wget.conf b/.t/tests/user_wget.conf
index c9339764..8ca0c3e2 100644
--- a/.t/tests/user_wget.conf
+++ b/.t/tests/user_wget.conf
@@ -43,15 +43,14 @@ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wmetcalf/clam-punch/master/miscreantpunch099.l
declare -a securiteinfo_dbs=(
-securiteinfoandroid.hdb|LOW #
+securiteinfoandroid.hdb|HIGH #
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index f9cb4502..6a96df59 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,59 +2,88 @@
# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
-# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
-language: bash
+ include:
+ - language: node_js
+ os: linux
+ dist: focal
+ before_install:
+ - nvm install 14.6.0
+ - nvm use 14.6.0
+ install:
+ - npm install --global markdownlint-cli
+ script:
+ - markdownlint *.md
+ - language: shell
+ os: linux
+ dist: focal
+ install:
+ - sudo apt-get install -y shellcheck -qq
+ script:
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-shellcheck.sh
+ - language: shell
+ os: linux
+ dist: focal
+ # Required travis ci environment variables
+ #ci_malwareexpert_serial_key=[secure]
+ #ci_securiteinfo_authorisation_signature=[secure]
+ #ci_malwarepatrol_receipt_code=[secure]
+ #ci_malwarepatrol_product_code=[secure]
+ #ci_malwarepatrol_list=[secure]
+ #ci_malwarepatrol_free=[secure]
+ #ci_codeclimate_repo_token=[secure]
+ before_install:
+ - sudo apt-get update -qq
+ - sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl wget rsync p7zip-full -qq
+ - sudo apt-get install -y clamav-base clamav-freshclam clamav clamav-daemon -qq
+ install:
+ - sudo mkdir -p /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+ - sudo cp -f config/master.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
+ - sudo cp -f config/os/os.ubuntu.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
+ - sudo cp -f clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+ script:
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases.sh
+ #- sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases-git.sh
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-install-ubuntu-databases.sh
+ - sudo cp -f .t/tests/user.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-test-ubuntu.sh
+ addons:
+ code_climate:
+ repo_token: $ci_codeclimate_repo_token
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode12
+ before_cache:
+ - brew cleanup
+ cache:
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew
+ # addons:
+ # homebrew:
+ # packages:
+ # - gnu-tar
+ # - gnu-sed
+ # - clamav
+ before_install:
+ - homebrew update
+ - homebrew install gnu-tar gnu-sed clamav
+ install:
+ - sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
+ - sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+ - sudo cp -f clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+ - sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+ - sudo cp -f config/master.conf /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
+ - sudo cp -f config/os/os.macos.conf /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
-# Required travis ci environment variables
-#Enable modern build platform, not container based.
-sudo: required
-dist: bionic
-# Apparently caching is disabled, since we used modern build platform as we require clamav and sudo ;/
-# caching the /var/lib/clamav/ will save +/-9mins of run time and allow the use of freshclam signatures
-#Enable Caching
-# directories:
-# - tmp/cache
- - sudo apt-get update -qq
- - sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl wget rsync p7zip-full shellcheck -qq
- #- sudo pip install bashate
- # - "sudo mkdir -p tmp/cache/"
- # - "ls -laFh tmp/cache/clamav-dbs"
- # - "sudo rsync -rlptDv tmp/cache/ /var/lib/clamav/"
- # - "sudo freshclam"
- # - "ls -laFh /var/lib/clamav/"
- # - "sudo rsync -rlptDav /var/lib/clamav/ tmp/cache/"
- # - "sudo chown -R travis:travis tmp/cache"
- # - "sudo chmod -R 777 tmp/cache/"
- # - "ls -laFh tmp/cache/clamav-dbs/"
- - sudo mkdir -p /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
- - sudo cp -f config/master.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
- - sudo cp -f config/os/os.ubuntu.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
- - sudo cp -f clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh /usr/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs
- - sudo sh -e .t/ci-shellcheck.sh
- - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases.sh
- #- sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases-git.sh
- - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-install-default.sh
- - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-install-default-database.sh
- - sudo cp -f .t/tests/user.conf /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
- - sudo sh -e .t/ci-test.sh
- code_climate:
- repo_token: 270be84579d01fcbe78b21b91719c2c55cd627f074c8abb83699a8319c980b60
+ script:
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases.sh
+ #- sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-download-default-databases-git.sh
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-install-macos-clamav.sh
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-clamav-install-macos-databases.sh
+ - sudo cp -f .t/tests/user.conf /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+ - sudo sh -e .t/ci-test-macos.sh
diff --git a/INSTALL.md b/INSTALL.md
index 7578a673..6055cfb0 100644
--- a/INSTALL.md
+++ b/INSTALL.md
@@ -1,72 +1,90 @@
+# clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh install
This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
-Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+Script updates can be found at:
-# Operating System Specific Install Guides
-* CentOS : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/centos7.md
-* Ubuntu : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/ubuntu-debian.md
-* Debian : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/ubuntu-debian.md
-* Mac OSX : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/macosx.md
-* pFsense : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/pfsense.md
+## Operating System Specific Install Guides
+* CentOS :
+* Ubuntu :
+* Debian :
+* Mac OSX :
+* pFsense :
clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --upgrade
clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
-# GENERIC UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 6.1 and below)
+## GENERIC UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 6.1 and below)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh -O /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh && chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/master.conf -O /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
+### Install
-## Install
Run the following commands in shell (console/terminal)
mkdir -p /usr/local/sbin/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh -O /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh && chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
mkdir -p /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/master.conf -O /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/user.conf -O /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
-Select your operating system config from https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/config/
-**replace os.ubuntu.conf with your required config, centos7/8 = os.centos.conf , debian9/10 = os.debian.conf **
+Select your operating system config from
+**replace os.ubuntu.conf with your required config, centos7/8 = os.centos.conf , debian9/10 = os.debian.conf**
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/os/${os_conf}" -O /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
-### Optional: configure your user config /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+#### Optional: configure your user config /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
ensure there are no errors, fix any missing dependencies
script must run once as your superuser to set all the permissions and create the relevant directories
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
-### Install logrotate and Man files
+#### Install logrotate and man files
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-logrotate
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-man
-### Install Systemd configs or use cron
-#### cron
+#### Install Systemd configs or use cron
+##### cron
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-cron
-### OR
-#### systemd
+##### OR
+##### Systemd
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/systemd/clamav-unofficial-sigs.service -O /etc/systemd/system/clamav-unofficial-sigs.service
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/systemd/clamav-unofficial-sigs.timer -O /etc/systemd/system/clamav-unofficial-sigs.timer
@@ -76,4 +94,4 @@ systemctl enable clamav-unofficial-sigs.timer
systemctl start clamav-unofficial-sigs.timer
-### Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+## Script updates can be found at:
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e961bbd6..60201ef3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,711 +2,813 @@
ClamAV Unofficial Signatures Updater
-## Maintained and provided by https://eXtremeSHOK.com
+## Maintained and provided by
## Description
-The clamav-unofficial-sigs script provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, Scamnailer, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, urlhaus, etc. The script will also generate and install cron, logrotate, and man files.
-### Checkout some of our other solutions: https://github.com/extremeshok?tab=repositories
+The clamav-unofficial-sigs script provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, Scamnailer, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, urlhaus, MalwareExpert, interServer etc. The script will also generate and install cron, logrotate, and man files.
+### Automated Testing and Linting
+* Travis-CI
+* Linting with markdownlint-cli and shellcheck
+* Testing with Ubuntu Focal and macOS / OSX
+### Checkout some of our other solutions:
### Support / Suggestions / Comments
-Please post them on the issue tracker : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/issues
+Please post them on the issue tracker:
### Submit Patches / Pull requests to the "dev" Branch
### Required Ports / Firewall Exceptions
* rsync: TCP port 873
-* wget/curl : TCP port 443
+* wget/curl: TCP port 443
### Supported Operating Systems
-Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, CentOS (RHEL and clones), OpenBSD, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE, Archlinux, Mac OS X, Slackware, Solaris (Sun OS), pfSense, Zimbra and derivative systems
+Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, CentOS (RHEL and clones), OpenBSD, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE, Archlinux, Mac OS X, Slackware, Solaris (Sun OS), pfSense, Zimbra and derivative systems
### Quick Install and Upgrade Guide
### Operating System Specific Install and Upgrade Guides
-* CentOS : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/centos7.md
-* Ubuntu : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/ubuntu-debian.md
-* Debian : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/ubuntu-debian.md
-* Mac OSX : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/macosx.md
-* pFsense : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/guides/pfsense.md
+* CentOS:
+* Ubuntu:
+* Debian:
+* macOS:
+* pFsense:
### UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 7.0 +)
clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --upgrade
-Please use the sample package os.*.conf as a base for your os.conf, this will disable automatic updates, update notifications and the uninstallation feature. https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/tree/master/config/packaging
+Please use the included os.*.conf sample config file as a base for your os.conf, this will disable automatic updates, update notifications and the uninstallation feature.
### Always Run the script once as your superuser to set all the permissions and create the relevant directories
### Advanced Config Overrides
* Default configs are loaded in the following order if they exist:
* master.conf -> os.conf -> os.*.conf -> user.conf or your-specified.config
* user.conf will always override os.conf and master.conf, os.conf will override master.conf
-* please do not alter the master.conf, rather create a user.conf
+* please do not alter the master.conf, rather create a user.conf
* A minimum of 1 config is required.
* Specifying a config on the command line (-c | --config) will override the loading of the default configs
#### Check if signature are being loaded
**Run the following command to display which signatures are being loaded by clamav
```clamscan --debug 2>&1 /dev/null | grep "loaded"```
#### SELinux cron permission fix
> WARNING - Clamscan reports ________ database integrity tested BAD - SKIPPING
**Run the following command to allow clamav selinux support**
```setsebool -P antivirus_can_scan_system true```
### Yara Rule Support automatically enabled (as of April 2016)
-Since usage yara rules requires clamav 0.100 or above, they will be automatically deactivated if your clamav is older than the required version
+Since usage yara rules requires clamav 0.100 or above, they will be automatically deactivated if your clamav is older than the required version
### URLhaus Support (as of January 2020)
-Usage of free URLhaus Database: https://urlhaus.abuse.ch
-- Enabled by default
+Usage of free URLhaus Database:
+* Enabled by default
### Yara-Rules Project Support (as of June 2015, updated January 2020)
-Usage of free Yara-Rules Project: http://yararules.com
-- Enabled by default
-Current limitations of clamav support : http://blog.clamav.net/search/label/yara
+Usage of free Yara-Rules Project:
+* Enabled by default
+Current limitations of clamav support:
+### interServer free database support (as of December 2020)
+Usage of interServer:
+### malware.expert non-free database support (as of December 2020)
+Usage of Malware Expert:
-### MalwarePatrol Free/Delayed list support (as of May 2015)
-Usage of MalwarePatrol 2015 free clamav signatures : https://www.malwarepatrol.net
- - 1. Sign up for a free account : https://www.malwarepatrol.net/free-guard-upgrade-option/
- - 2. You will recieve an email containing your password/receipt number
- - 3. Enter the receipt number into the config malwarepatrol_receipt_code: replacing YOUR-RECEIPT-NUMBER with your receipt number from the email
+1. Sign up for an account:
+1. You will receive an email containing your serial key
+1. Enter the serial key into the config malwareexpert_serial_key: replacing YOUR-SERIAL-KEY with your serial key from the email
+### MalwarePatrol free/delayed list support (as of May 2015)
+Usage of MalwarePatrol 2015 free clamav signatures:
+1. Sign up for a free account:
+1. You will receive an email containing your password/receipt number
+1. Enter the receipt number into the config malwarepatrol_receipt_code: replacing YOUR-RECEIPT-NUMBER with your receipt number from the email
### SecuriteInfo Free/Delayed list support (as of June 2015)
-Usage of SecuriteInfo 2015 free clamav signatures : https://www.securiteinfo.com
- - 1. Sign up for a free account : https://www.securiteinfo.com/clients/customers/signup
- - 2. You will recieve an email to activate your account and then a followup email with your login name
- - 3. Login and navigate to your customer account : https://www.securiteinfo.com/clients/customers/account
- - 4. Click on the Setup tab
- - 5. You will need to get your unique identifier from one of the download links, they are individual for every user
- - 5.1. The 128 character string is after the http://www.securiteinfo.com/get/signatures/
- - 5.2. Example https://www.securiteinfo.com/get/signatures/your_unique_and_very_long_random_string_of_characters/securiteinfo.hdb
- Your 128 character authorisation signature would be : your_unique_and_very_long_random_string_of_characters
- - 6. Enter the authorisation signature into the config securiteinfo_authorisation_signature: replacing YOUR-SIGNATURE-NUMBER with your authorisation signature from the link
-### Linux Malware Detect support (as of May 2015, updated January 2020)
-Usage of free Linux Malware Detect clamav signatures: https://www.rfxn.com/projects/linux-malware-detect/
- - Enabled by default, no configuration required
-### Need a database added ? Missing a database or a database not working ?
-Please post on the issue tracker : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/issues
+Usage of SecuriteInfo 2015 free clamav signatures:
+1. Sign up for a free account:
+1. You will receive an email to activate your account and then a followup email with your login name
+1. Login and navigate to your customer account:
+1. Click on the Setup tab
+1. You will need to get your unique identifier from one of the download links, they are individual for every user
+ 1. The 128 character string is after the
+ 1. Example
+ Your 128 character authorisation signature would be: your_unique_and_very_long_random_string_of_characters
+1. Enter the authorisation signature into the config securiteinfo_authorisation_signature: replacing YOUR-SIGNATURE-NUMBER with your authorisation signature from the link
-Usage: clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh [OPTION] [PATH|FILE]
+### Linux Malware Detect support (as of May 2015, updated January 2020)
--c, --config Use a specific configuration file or directory
- eg: '-c /your/dir' or ' -c /your/file.name'
- Note: If a directory is specified the directory must contain atleast:
- master.conf, os.conf or user.conf
- Default Directory: /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+Usage of free Linux Malware Detect clamav signatures:
+* Enabled by default, no configuration required
--F, --force Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked
+### If you want to add, report a missing one or have a problem with a database
+Please post on the issue tracker:
--h, --help Display this script's help and usage information
+Usage: clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh [OPTION] [PATH|FILE]
--V, --version Output script version and date information
+-c, --config Use a specific configuration file or directory
+ eg: '-c /your/dir' or ' -c /your/file.name'
+ Note: If a directory is specified the directory must contain at least:
+ master.conf, os.conf or user.conf
+ Default Directory: /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+-F, --force Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked
--v, --verbose Be verbose, enabled when not run under cron
+-h, --help Display this script's help and usage information
+-V, --version Output script version and date information
--s, --silence Only output error messages, enabled when run under cron
+-v, --verbose Be verbose, enabled when not run under cron
+-s, --silence Only output error messages, enabled when run under cron
--d, --decode-sig Decode a third-party signature either by signature name
+-d, --decode-sig Decode a third-party signature either by signature name
(eg: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or hexadecimal string.
This flag will 'NOT' decode image signatures
--e, --encode-string Hexadecimal encode an entire input string that can
+-e, --encode-string Hexadecimal encode an entire input string that can
be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file
--f, --encode-formatted Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string containing
+-f, --encode-formatted Hexadecimal encode a formatted input string containing
signature spacing fields '{}, (), *', without encoding
the spacing fields, so that the encoded signature
can be used in any '*.ndb' signature database file
--g, --gpg-verify GPG verify a specific Sanesecurity database file
+-g, --gpg-verify GPG verify a specific Sanesecurity database file
eg: '-g filename.ext' (do not include file path)
--i, --information Output system and configuration information for
+-i, --information Output system and configuration information for
viewing or possible debugging purposes
--m, --make-database Make a signature database from an ascii file containing
+-m, --make-database Make a signature database from an ascii file containing
data strings, with one data string per line. Additional
information is provided when using this flag
--t, --test-database Clamscan integrity test a specific database file
+-t, --test-database Clamscan integrity test a specific database file
eg: '-t filename.ext' (do not include file path)
--o, --output-triggered If HAM directory scanning is enabled in the script's
+-o, --output-triggered If HAM directory scanning is enabled in the script's
configuration file, then output names of any third-party
signatures that triggered during the HAM directory scan
--w, --whitelist Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2
+-w, --whitelist Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2
format to 'my-whitelist.ign2' in order to temporarily resolve
a false-positive issue with a specific third-party signature.
Script added whitelist entries will automatically be removed
if the original signature is either modified or removed from
the third-party signature database
+--check-clamav If ClamD status check is enabled and the socket path is correctly
+ specified then test to see if clamd is running or not
---check-clamav If ClamD status check is enabled and the socket path is correctly
- specifiedthen test to see if clamd is running or not
+--upgrade Upgrades this script and master.conf to the latest available version
---upgrade Upgrades this script and master.conf to the latest available version
---install-all Install and generate the cron, logroate and man files, autodetects the values
+--install-all Install and generate the cron, logrotate and man files, autodetects the values
based on your config files
---install-cron Install and generate the cron file, autodetects the values
+--install-cron Install and generate the cron file, autodetects the values
based on your config files
---install-logrotate Install and generate the logrotate file, autodetects the
+--install-logrotate Install and generate the logrotate file, autodetects the
values based on your config files
---install-man Install and generate the man file, autodetects the
+--install-man Install and generate the man file, autodetects the
values based on your config files
---remove-script Remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of
+--remove-script Remove the clamav-unofficial-sigs script and all of
its associated files and databases from the system
## Change Log
-### Version 7.0.1 (Updated 25 January 2020)
- - Disable yara project rules duplicated in rxfn.yara (Thanks @dominicraf)
- - Incremented the config to version 91
-### Version 7.0.0 (Updated 24 January 2020)
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added urlhaus database
- - Added extra yararulesproject databases
-- Added new linuxmalwaredetect yara file
- - Automatic upgrades ( --upgrade )
- - Added --upgrade command line option
- - Option to disable automatic upgrades ( allow_upgrades )
- - Option to disable update checks (allow_update_checks)
- - Increase download time to 1800 seconds from 600 seconds
- - os.conf takes preference over os.***.conf
- - Warn if there are multiple os.***.conf files
- - More sanity checks to help users and prevent errors
- - Better output of --info
- - Fix all known bugs
- - Implement all suggestions
- - Fixed yararulesproject database names
- - Correctly silence curl and wget
- - New linuxmalwaredetect logic
- - New malwarepatrol logic
- - Suppress --- and === from the logs
- - Update the documentation / guides
- - Increase minimum clamav version for yara rules to 0.100 or above
- - Fix systemd.timer and systemd.service files
- - More travis-ci tests
- - Added os.alpine.conf
- - Added debug options/mode to config
- - Set minimum config required to 90
- - Lots of refactoring and optimizing
- - Only check for and notify about script updates every 12hours
- - Incremented the config to version 90
-### Version 6.1.1 (Updated 02 September 2019)
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Update os.archlinux.conf, thanks @amishmm
- - master.conf set default dbs rating to medium
- - user.conf better suggested values
- - Default to using curl, less logic required (lower cpu)
- - force_curl replaced with force_wget
- - Fix: suppress all non-error output under cron/non interactive terminal
- - Fix: check log file is not a link before setting permissions, only set if owned by root.
- - Fix: failed to create symbolic link
- - Fix: curl --compress ->> curl --compressed
- - Minor enhancement to travis-ci checks
- - Incremented the config to version 77
-### Version 6.1.0 (Updated 27 August 2019)
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Thanks Reio Remma & Oliver Nissen
- - fail added to all curl commands
- - Fix: Missing logic for LOWMEDIUMONLY | MEDIUMHIGHONLY | HIGHONLY databases
- - Support for either os.osname.conf or os.conf files (no more needing to rename the os.osname.conf to os.conf)
- - Where possible replaced echo with xshok_pretty_echo_and_log
- - Refactor xshok_pretty_echo_and_log and make all notices styles consistent
- - Silence output when run under cron
- - add MAILTO=root to the generated cron file
- - Add full proxy support for wget, curl, rsync, dig, host
- - Better support for proxy config variables
- - New config variable: git_branch (defaults to master for the update checks)
- - allow -w signature for quicker whitelisting
- - Sanitize whitelist input string (Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL)
- - Added Full support for Hash-based Signature Databases
- - User.conf is pre-configured with default options to allow for quicker setup
- - Default sanesecurity and LinuxMalwareDetect to enabled
- - Increase default retries from 3 to 5
- - Ensure log file permissions are correct
- - Better update comparison check, only notify if newer
- - Incremented the config to version 76
+### Version 7.2 (07 December 2020)
+* Database rating downgrades are now supported, eg, changing from HIGH to LOW will remove the HIGH and MEDIUM rated databases.
+* Disabled databases are automatically removed
+* Disable databases by setting the rating to "DISABLED" eg. securiteinfo_dbs_rating="DISABLED" will disable all securiteinfo databases
+* Added Malware Expert databases (non-free)
+* Added interServer databases (free)
+* Reworked securiteinfo premium databases (non-free)
+* Added malwarepatrol_db to specify the exact database name (default: malwarepatrol.db)
+* Added detection of tar executable (use gtar on mac and bsd)
+* Config os.macosx.conf renamed to os.macos.conf
+* Fix: set ownership of last-version-check.txt
+* More automated linting and testing (markdown and macOS / osx) via travis-ci
+* Updated macOS installation guide for Big Sur (OSX 11)
+* Incremented the config to version 94
+* Thank you @dandanio @jkellerer @msapiro @shawniverson
+### Version 7.1 (Not Released)
+* Enforce HTTPS validation by default
+* Updated sanesecurity publickey.gpg url to use SSL
+* Ignore yara files that include modules
+* Enabled yararulesproject rules by default
+* os.gentoo.conf: disable updates and upgrade checks
+* Fix: URLhaus log message
+* Fix wrong download URL for MalwarePatrol
+* Fix: fallback to host if dig is not used
+* Disable cron MAILTO
+* BSD read config fix
+* Incremented the config to version 92
+* Thank you @dandanio @jkellerer @m0urs @Mrothyr @msapiro @orlitzky @RobbieTheK @SlothOfAnarchy
+### Version 7.0.1 (25 January 2020)
+* Disable yara project rules duplicated in rxfn.yara (Thanks @dominicraf)
+* Incremented the config to version 91
+### Version 7.0.0 (24 January 2020)
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added urlhaus database
+* Added extra yararulesproject databases
+* Added new linuxmalwaredetect yara file
+* Automatic upgrades ( --upgrade )
+* Added --upgrade command line option
+* Option to disable automatic upgrades ( allow_upgrades )
+* Option to disable update checks (allow_update_checks)
+* Increase download time to 1800 seconds from 600 seconds
+* os.conf takes preference over os.***.conf
+* Warn if there are multiple os.***.conf files
+* More sanity checks to help users and prevent errors
+* Better output of --info
+* Fix all known bugs
+* Implement all suggestions
+* Fixed yararulesproject database names
+* Correctly silence curl and wget
+* New linuxmalwaredetect logic
+* New malwarepatrol logic
+* Suppress --- and === from the logs
+* Update the documentation / guides
+* Increase minimum clamav version for yara rules to 0.100 or above
+* Fix systemd.timer and systemd.service files
+* More travis-ci tests
+* Added os.alpine.conf
+* Added debug options/mode to config
+* Set minimum config required to 90
+* Lots of refactoring and optimizing
+* Only check for and notify about script updates every 12hours
+* Incremented the config to version 90
+### Version 6.1.1 (02 September 2019)
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Update os.archlinux.conf, thanks @amishmm
+* master.conf set default dbs rating to medium
+* user.conf better suggested values
+* Default to using curl, less logic required (lower cpu)
+* force_curl replaced with force_wget
+* Fix: suppress all non-error output under cron/non interactive terminal
+* Fix: check log file is not a link before setting permissions, only set if owned by root.
+* Fix: failed to create symbolic link
+* Fix: curl --compress ->> curl --compressed
+* Minor enhancement to travis-ci checks
+* Incremented the config to version 77
+### Version 6.1.0 (27 August 2019)
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Thanks Reio Remma & Oliver Nissen
+* fail added to all curl commands
+* Fix: Missing logic for LOWMEDIUMONLY | MEDIUMHIGHONLY | HIGHONLY databases
+* Support for either os.osname.conf or os.conf files (no more needing to rename the os.osname.conf to os.conf)
+* Where possible replaced echo with xshok_pretty_echo_and_log
+* Refactor xshok_pretty_echo_and_log and make all notices styles consistent
+* Silence output when run under cron
+* add MAILTO=root to the generated cron file
+* Add full proxy support for wget, curl, rsync, dig, host
+* Better support for proxy config variables
+* New config variable: git_branch (defaults to master for the update checks)
+* allow -w signature for quicker whitelisting
+* Sanitize whitelist input string (Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL)
+* Added Full support for Hash-based Signature Databases
+* User.conf is pre-configured with default options to allow for quicker setup
+* Default sanesecurity and LinuxMalwareDetect to enabled
+* Increase default retries from 3 to 5
+* Ensure log file permissions are correct
+* Better update comparison check, only notify if newer
+* Incremented the config to version 76
### Version 6.0.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Fix logging @dominicraf
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Fix logging @dominicraf
### Version 6.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance & Refactoring
- - Add timestamp support (do not re-download not modified files, saves bandwidth)
- - wget and curl uses compression for the transfer (detected when supported, saves bandwidth)
- - Posix compliance 'which' replaced with 'command -v'
- - More escaped characters, shellcheck compliance
- - Option added : force_curl , to force the usage of curl instead of wget
- - Workaround for wget, which cannot do --timestamping and --output-document together
- - Added SECURITEINFO securiteinfoold.hdb
- - set malwarepatrol_free = no , when malwarepatrol_product_code != 8
- - Fix: remove hardcoded malwarepatrol_product_code
- - Fix: os.macosx.conf service: command not found
- - Fix: whitelist a MalwarePatrol signature
- - More reliable version checking
- - Fix: Clamscan database integrity test
- - Fix: version comparison of minimum Yara @bytesplit
- - Use custom config directory @Amish
- - unzip option -j was removed @wotomg
- - ZCS 8.7 updates @tonster
- - Logic fixes @Claus-Justus Heine
- - Specify correct path for systemd units @SlothOfAnarchy
- - Avoid hardcoded path to BASH @rseichter
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance & Refactoring
+* Add timestamp support (do not re-download not modified files, saves bandwidth)
+* wget and curl uses compression for the transfer (detected when supported, saves bandwidth)
+* Posix compliance 'which' replaced with 'command -v'
+* More escaped characters, shellcheck compliance
+* Option added: force_curl , to force the usage of curl instead of wget
+* Workaround for wget, which cannot do --timestamping and --output-document together
+* Added SECURITEINFO securiteinfoold.hdb
+* set malwarepatrol_free = no , when malwarepatrol_product_code != 8
+* Fix: remove hardcoded malwarepatrol_product_code
+* Fix: os.macosx.conf service: command not found
+* Fix: whitelist a MalwarePatrol signature
+* More reliable version checking
+* Fix: Clamscan database integrity test
+* Fix: version comparison of minimum Yara @bytesplit
+* Use custom config directory @Amish
+* unzip option -j was removed @wotomg
+* ZCS 8.7 updates @tonster
+* Logic fixes @Claus-Justus Heine
+* Specify correct path for systemd units @SlothOfAnarchy
+* Avoid hardcoded path to BASH @rseichter
### Version 5.6.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Bug Fix GPG always being disabled, thanks @orlitzky
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Bug Fix GPG always being disabled, thanks @orlitzky
### Version 5.6.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Packers/Javascript_exploit_and_obfuscation.yar false positive rating increased to HIGH
- - Codeclimate fixes
- - Incremented the config to version 73
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Packers/Javascript_exploit_and_obfuscation.yar false positive rating increased to HIGH
+* Codeclimate fixes
+* Incremented the config to version 73
### Version 5.6
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - PGP is now optional and no longer a requirement and pgp support is auto-detected
- - Full support for MacOS / OS X and added clamav install guide
- - Full support for pfSense and added clamav install guide
- - Added os configs for Zimbra and Debian 8 with systemd
- - Much better error messages with possible solutions given
- - Better checking of possible issues
- - Update all SANESECURITY signature databases
- - Support for clamav-devel (clamav compiled from source)
- - Added full proxy support to wget and curl
- - Replace allot of "echo | cut | sed" with bash substitutions
- - Added fallbacks/substitutions for various commands
- - xshok_file_download and xshok_draw_time_remaining functions added to replace redundant code blocks
- - Removed SANESECURITY mbl.ndb as this file is not showing up on the rsync mirrors
- - Allow exit code 23 for rsync
- - Major refactoring : Normalize comments, quotes, functions, conditions
- - Protect various arguments and "POSIX-ize" script integrity
- - Enhanced testing with travis-ci, including clamav 0.99
- - Incremented the config to version 72
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* PGP is now optional and no longer a requirement and pgp support is auto-detected
+* Full support for macOS / OS X and added clamav install guide
+* Full support for pfSense and added clamav install guide
+* Added os configs for Zimbra and Debian 8 with systemd
+* Much better error messages with possible solutions given
+* Better checking of possible issues
+* Update all SANESECURITY signature databases
+* Support for clamav-devel (clamav compiled from source)
+* Added full proxy support to wget and curl
+* Replace allot of "echo | cut | sed" with bash substitutions
+* Added fallbacks/substitutions for various commands
+* xshok_file_download and xshok_draw_time_remaining functions added to replace redundant code blocks
+* Removed SANESECURITY mbl.ndb as this file is not showing up on the rsync mirrors
+* Allow exit code 23 for rsync
+* Major refactoring: Normalize comments, quotes, functions, conditions
+* Protect various arguments and "POSIX-ize" script integrity
+* Enhanced testing with travis-ci, including clamav 0.99
+* Incremented the config to version 72
### Version 5.4.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Disable installation when either pkg_mgr or pkg_rm is defined.
- - Minor refactoring
- - Update master.conf with the new Yara-rules project file names
- - Incremented the config to version 69
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Disable installation when either pkg_mgr or pkg_rm is defined.
+* Minor refactoring
+* Update master.conf with the new Yara-rules project file names
+* Incremented the config to version 69
### Version 5.4
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added Solaris 10 and 11 configs
- - When under Solaris we define our own which function
- - Define grep_bin variable, use gnu grep on sun os
- - Fallback to gpg2 if gpg not found,
- - Added support for csw gnupg on solaris
- - Trap the keyboard interrupt (ctrl+c) and gracefully exit
- - Added CentOS 7 Atomic config @deajan
- - Minor refactoring and removing of unused variables
- - Removed CRDF signatures as per Sanesecurity #124
- - Added more Yara rule project Rules
- - Incremented the config to version 68
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added Solaris 10 and 11 configs
+* When under Solaris we define our own which function
+* Define grep_bin variable, use gnu grep on sun os
+* Fallback to gpg2 if gpg not found,
+* Added support for csw gnupg on solaris
+* Trap the keyboard interrupt (ctrl+c) and gracefully exit
+* Added CentOS 7 Atomic config @deajan
+* Minor refactoring and removing of unused variables
+* Removed CRDF signatures as per Sanesecurity #124
+* Added more Yara rule project Rules
+* Incremented the config to version 68
### Version 5.3.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Bug Fix: Additional Databases not downloading
- - Added sanesecurity_update_hours option to limit updating to once every 2 hours
- - Added additional_update_hours option to limit updating to once every 4 hours
- - Refactor Additional Database File Update code
- - Updated osx config with correct group for homebrew
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Bug Fix: Additional Databases not downloading
+* Added sanesecurity_update_hours option to limit updating to once every 2 hours
+* Added additional_update_hours option to limit updating to once every 4 hours
+* Refactor Additional Database File Update code
+* Updated osx config with correct group for homebrew
### Version 5.3.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Bug Fix: for GPG Signature test FAILED by @DamianoBianchi
- - Remove unused $GETOPT
- - Refactor clamscan_integrity_test_specific_database_file (--test-database)
- - Refactor gpg_verify_specific_sanesecurity_database_file (--gpg-verify)
- - Big fix: missing $pid_dir
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Bug Fix: for GPG Signature test FAILED by @DamianoBianchi
+* Remove unused $GETOPT
+* Refactor clamscan_integrity_test_specific_database_file (--test-database)
+* Refactor gpg_verify_specific_sanesecurity_database_file (--gpg-verify)
+* Big fix: missing $pid_dir
### Version 5.3.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Major change: Updated to use new database structure, now allows all low/medium/high databases to be enabled or disabled.
- - Major change: curl replaced with wget (will fallback to curl is wget is not installed)
- - Major change: script now functions correctly as the clamav user when started under cron
- - Added fallback to curl if wget is not available
- - Added locking (Enable pid file to prevent issues with multiple instances)
- - Added retries to fetching downloads
- - Code refactor: if wget repaced with if $? -ne 0
- - Enhancement: Verify the clam_user and clam_group actually exists on the system
- - Added function : xshok_user_group_exists, to check if a specific user and group exists
- - Bug Fix: setmode only if is root
- - Bug Fix: eval not working on certain systems
- - Bug fix: rsync output not correctly silenced
- - Code refactor: remove legacy `..` with $(...)
- - Code refactor: replace [ ... -a ... ] with [ ... ] && [ ... ]
- - Code refactor: replace [ ... -o ... ] with [ ... ] || [ ... ]
- - Code refactor: replace cat "..." with done < ... from loops
- - Code refactor: convert for loops using files to while loops
- - Code refactor: read replaced with read -r
- - Code refactor: added cd ... || exit , to handle a failed cd
- - Code refactor: double quoted all varibles
- - Code refactor: refactor all "ls" iterations to use globs
- - Defined missing uname_bin variable
- - Added function xshok_database
- - Set minimum config required to 65
- - Bump config to 65
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Major change: Updated to use new database structure, now allows all low/medium/high databases to be enabled or disabled.
+* Major change: curl replaced with wget (will fallback to curl is wget is not installed)
+* Major change: script now functions correctly as the clamav user when started under cron
+* Added fallback to curl if wget is not available
+* Added locking (Enable pid file to prevent issues with multiple instances)
+* Added retries to fetching downloads
+* Code refactor: if wget repaced with if $? -ne 0
+* Enhancement: Verify the clam_user and clam_group actually exists on the system
+* Added function: xshok_user_group_exists, to check if a specific user and group exists
+* Bug Fix: setmode only if is root
+* Bug Fix: eval not working on certain systems
+* Bug fix: rsync output not correctly silenced
+* Code refactor: remove legacy `..` with $(...)
+* Code refactor: replace [ ... -a ... ] with [ ... ] && [ ... ]
+* Code refactor: replace [ ... -o ... ] with [ ... ] || [ ... ]
+* Code refactor: replace cat "..." with done < ... from loops
+* Code refactor: convert for loops using files to while loops
+* Code refactor: read replaced with read -r
+* Code refactor: added cd ... || exit , to handle a failed cd
+* Code refactor: double quoted all varibles
+* Code refactor: refactor all "ls" iterations to use globs
+* Defined missing uname_bin variable
+* Added function xshok_database
+* Set minimum config required to 65
+* Bump config to 65
### Version 5.2.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added --install-all Install and generate the cron, logroate and man files, autodetects the values $oft based on your config files
- - Added functions: xshok_prompt_confirm, xshok_is_file, xshok_is_subdir
- - Replaced Y/N prompts with xshok_prompt_confirm
- - Bug Fix for disabled databases being removed when the remove_disabled_databases is set to NO (default)
- - Added more warnings to remove_script and made it double confirmed
- - Remove_script will only remove work_dir if its a sub directory
- - Remove_script will only remove files if they are files
- - Removed -r switch, --remove-script needs to be used instead of both -r and --remove-script
- - Fixed: remove_script not removing logrotate file, cron file, man file
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added --install-all Install and generate the cron, logroate and man files, autodetects the values $oft based on your config files
+* Added functions: xshok_prompt_confirm, xshok_is_file, xshok_is_subdir
+* Replaced Y/N prompts with xshok_prompt_confirm
+* Bug Fix for disabled databases being removed when the remove_disabled_databases is set to NO (default)
+* Added more warnings to remove_script and made it double confirmed
+* Remove_script will only remove work_dir if its a sub directory
+* Remove_script will only remove files if they are files
+* Removed -r switch, --remove-script needs to be used instead of both -r and --remove-script
+* Fixed: remove_script not removing logrotate file, cron file, man file
### Version 5.2.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Minor bugfix for Sanesecurity_sigtest.yara Sanesecurity_spam.yara files being removed incorrectly
- - Minor fix: yararulesproject_enabled not yararulesproject_enable
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Minor bugfix for Sanesecurity_sigtest.yara Sanesecurity_spam.yara files being removed incorrectly
+* Minor fix: yararulesproject_enabled not yararulesproject_enable
### Version 5.2.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Refactor some functions
- - Added --install-man this will automatically generate and install the man (help) file
- - Yararules and yararulesproject enabled by default
- - Added clamav version detection to automatically disable yararules and yararulesproject if the current clamav version does not support them
- - Database files ending with .yar/.yara/.yararules will automatically be disabled from the database if yara rules are not supported
- - Script options are added to the man file
- - Fixed hardcoded logrotate and cron in remove_script
- - Fixed incorrectly assigned logrotate varibles in install-logrotate
- - Config added info for port/package maintainers regarding: pkg_mgr and pkg_rm
- - Removed pkg_mgr and pkg_rm from freebsd and openbsd os configs
- - Allow overriding of all the individual workdirs, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
- - Rename sanesecurity_dir to work_dir_sanesecurity, securiteinfo_dir to work_dir_securiteinfo, malwarepatrol_dir to work_dir_malwarepatrol, yararules_dir to work_dir_yararules, add_dir to work_dir_add, gpg_dir to work_dir_gpg, work_dir_configs to work_dir_work_configs
- - Rename yararules_enabled to yararulesproject_enabled
- - Rename all yararules to yararulesproject
- - Fix to prevent disabled databases processing certian things which will not be used as they are disabled
- - Set minimum config required to 62
- - Bump config to 62
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Refactor some functions
+* Added --install-man this will automatically generate and install the man (help) file
+* Yararules and yararulesproject enabled by default
+* Added clamav version detection to automatically disable yararules and yararulesproject if the current clamav version does not support them
+* Database files ending with .yar/.yara/.yararules will automatically be disabled from the database if yara rules are not supported
+* Script options are added to the man file
+* Fixed hardcoded logrotate and cron in remove_script
+* Fixed incorrectly assigned logrotate varibles in install-logrotate
+* Config added info for port/package maintainers regarding: pkg_mgr and pkg_rm
+* Removed pkg_mgr and pkg_rm from freebsd and openbsd os configs
+* Allow overriding of all the individual workdirs, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
+* Rename sanesecurity_dir to work_dir_sanesecurity, securiteinfo_dir to work_dir_securiteinfo, malwarepatrol_dir to work_dir_malwarepatrol, yararules_dir to work_dir_yararules, add_dir to work_dir_add, gpg_dir to work_dir_gpg, work_dir_configs to work_dir_work_configs
+* Rename yararules_enabled to yararulesproject_enabled
+* Rename all yararules to yararulesproject
+* Fix to prevent disabled databases processing certian things which will not be used as they are disabled
+* Set minimum config required to 62
+* Bump config to 62
### Version 5.1.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added OS X and openbsd configs
- - Fixed host fallback sed issues by @MichaelKuch
- - Suppress most error messages of chmod and chown
- - check permissions before chmod
- - Added the config option remove_disabled_databases # Default is "no", if enabled when a database is disabled we will remove the associated database files.
- - Added function xshok_mkdir_ownership
- - Do not set permissions of the log, cron and logrotate dirs
- - Fix: fallback for missing gpg -r option on OS X
- - Update sanesecurity signatures
- - Bump config to 61
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added OS X and openbsd configs
+* Fixed host fallback sed issues by @MichaelKuch
+* Suppress most error messages of chmod and chown
+* check permissions before chmod
+* Added the config option remove_disabled_databases # Default is "no", if enabled when a database is disabled we will remove the associated database files.
+* Added function xshok_mkdir_ownership
+* Do not set permissions of the log, cron and logrotate dirs
+* Fix: fallback for missing gpg -r option on OS X
+* Update sanesecurity signatures
+* Bump config to 61
### Version 5.1.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added --install-cron this will automatically generate and install the cron file
- - Added --install-logrotate this will automatically generate and install the logrotate file
- - Change official URL of SecuriteInfo signatures
- - Added a new database (securiteinfoandroid.hdb) for SecuriteInfo
- - Remove database files after disabling a database group by @reneschuster
- - Updated Gentoo OS config by @orlitzky
- - Regroup functiuons
- - Increase travis-ci code testing
- - Set minimum config required to 60
- - Bump config to 60
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added --install-cron this will automatically generate and install the cron file
+* Added --install-logrotate this will automatically generate and install the logrotate file
+* Change official URL of SecuriteInfo signatures
+* Added a new database (securiteinfoandroid.hdb) for SecuriteInfo
+* Remove database files after disabling a database group by @reneschuster
+* Updated Gentoo OS config by @orlitzky
+* Regroup functiuons
+* Increase travis-ci code testing
+* Set minimum config required to 60
+* Bump config to 60
### Version 5.0.6
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Updated winnow databases as per information from Tom @ OITC
- - Bump config to 58
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Updated winnow databases as per information from Tom @ OITC
+* Bump config to 58
### Version 5.0.5
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Add support for specifying a custom config dir or file with (--config) -c option
- - Removed default_config
- - Added travis-ci build testing
- - Updates to the help and usage display
- - Added sanity testing of sanesecurity_dbs, securiteinfo_dbs, linuxmalwaredetect_dbs, yararules_dbs, add_dbs
- - Added function xshok_array_count
- - Prevent some issues with an incomplete or only a user.conf being loaded
- - Added fallback to host if dig returns no records
- - Check there are Sanesecurity mirror ips before we attempt to rsync
- - Important binaries have been aliased (clamscan, rsync, curl, gpg) and allow their paths to be overridden
- - Added sanity checks to make sure the binaries and workdir is defined
- - Custom Binary Paths added to the config (clamscan_bin, rsync_bin, curl_bin, gpg_bin)
- - Bump config to 57
- - Added initial centos6 + cpanel os config
- - Bugfix Only start logging once all the configs have been loaded
- - Rename $version to script_version
- - Default malwarePatrol to the free version
- - Added script version checks
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Add support for specifying a custom config dir or file with (--config) -c option
+* Removed default_config
+* Added travis-ci build testing
+* Updates to the help and usage display
+* Added sanity testing of sanesecurity_dbs, securiteinfo_dbs, linuxmalwaredetect_dbs, yararules_dbs, add_dbs
+* Added function xshok_array_count
+* Prevent some issues with an incomplete or only a user.conf being loaded
+* Added fallback to host if dig returns no records
+* Check there are Sanesecurity mirror ips before we attempt to rsync
+* Important binaries have been aliased (clamscan, rsync, curl, gpg) and allow their paths to be overridden
+* Added sanity checks to make sure the binaries and workdir is defined
+* Custom Binary Paths added to the config (clamscan_bin, rsync_bin, curl_bin, gpg_bin)
+* Bump config to 57
+* Added initial centos6 + cpanel os config
+* Bugfix Only start logging once all the configs have been loaded
+* Rename $version to script_version
+* Default malwarePatrol to the free version
+* Added script version checks
### Version 5.0.4
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added/Updated OS configs: CentOS 7, FreeBSD, Slackware
- - Added clamd_reload_opt to fix issues with centos7 conf
- - Fix --remove-script should call remove_script() function by @IdahoPL
- - Add OS specific settings to logrotate
- - Increased default timeout values
- - Attempt to Silence more output
- - Create the log_file_path directory before we touch the file.
- - Updated config file to remove the $work_dir varible from dir names
- - Remove trailing / from directory names
- - Initial support for Travis-Ci testing
- - Fixed config option enable_logging -> logging_enabled
- - Config updated to 56 due to changes
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added/Updated OS configs: CentOS 7, FreeBSD, Slackware
+* Added clamd_reload_opt to fix issues with centos7 conf
+* Fix --remove-script should call remove_script() function by @IdahoPL
+* Add OS specific settings to logrotate
+* Increased default timeout values
+* Attempt to Silence more output
+* Create the log_file_path directory before we touch the file.
+* Updated config file to remove the $work_dir varible from dir names
+* Remove trailing / from directory names
+* Initial support for Travis-Ci testing
+* Fixed config option enable_logging -> logging_enabled
+* Config updated to 56 due to changes
### Version 5.0.3
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added OS configs: OpenSUSE, Archlinux, Gentoo, Raspbian, FreeBSD
- - Fixed config option enable_logging -> logging_enabled
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added OS configs: OpenSUSE, Archlinux, Gentoo, Raspbian, FreeBSD
+* Fixed config option enable_logging -> logging_enabled
### Version 5.0.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Detect if the entire script is available/complete
- - Fix for Missing space between "]
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Detect if the entire script is available/complete
+* Fix for Missing space between "]
### Version 5.0.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Disable logging if the log file is not writable.
- - Do not attempt to log before a config is loaded
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Disable logging if the log file is not writable.
+* Do not attempt to log before a config is loaded
### Version 5.0.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added porcupine.hsb : Sha256 Hashes of VBS and JSE malware Database from sanesecurity
- - Fix for missing $ for clamd_pid an incorrect variable definition
- - Fixes for not removing dirs by @msapiro
- - Updates to account for changed names and addition of sub-directories for Yara-Rules by @msapiro
- - Use MD5 with MalwarePatrol by @olivier2557
- - Suppress the header and config loading message if running via cron
- - Added systemd files by @falon
- - Added config option remove_bad_database, a database with a BAD integrity check will be removed
- - Fixed broken whitelisting of malwarepatrol signatures
- - Replaced Version command option -v with -V
- - Added command option -v (--verbose) to force verbose output
- - Removed config options: silence_ssl, curl_silence, rsync_silence, gpg_silence, comment_silence
- - Added ignore_ssl option to supress ssl errors and warnings, ie operate in insecure mode.
- - Replaced test-database command option -s with -t
- - Replaced output-triggered command option -t with -o
- - Added command option -s (--silence) to force silenced output
- - Default verbose for terminal and silence for cron
- - Added RHEL/Centos 7 config settings
- - Added short option (-F) to Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked"
- - Fixed removal of failed databases, disbale with option "remove_bad_database"
- - Removed config options: clamd_start, clamd_stop
- - Full rewrite of the config handling, master.conf -> os.conf -> user.conf or your-specified.config
- - Configs loaded from the /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs dir
- - Added various os.conf files to ease setup
- - Added selinux_fixes config option, this will run restorecon on the database files
- - minor code refactoring and reindenting
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added porcupine.hsb: Sha256 Hashes of VBS and JSE malware Database from sanesecurity
+* Fix for missing $ for clamd_pid an incorrect variable definition
+* Fixes for not removing dirs by @msapiro
+* Updates to account for changed names and addition of sub-directories for Yara-Rules by @msapiro
+* Use MD5 with MalwarePatrol by @olivier2557
+* Suppress the header and config loading message if running via cron
+* Added systemd files by @falon
+* Added config option remove_bad_database, a database with a BAD integrity check will be removed
+* Fixed broken whitelisting of malwarepatrol signatures
+* Replaced Version command option -v with -V
+* Added command option -v (--verbose) to force verbose output
+* Removed config options: silence_ssl, curl_silence, rsync_silence, gpg_silence, comment_silence
+* Added ignore_ssl option to supress ssl errors and warnings, ie operate in insecure mode.
+* Replaced test-database command option -s with -t
+* Replaced output-triggered command option -t with -o
+* Added command option -s (--silence) to force silenced output
+* Default verbose for terminal and silence for cron
+* Added RHEL/Centos 7 config settings
+* Added short option (-F) to Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked"
+* Fixed removal of failed databases, disbale with option "remove_bad_database"
+* Removed config options: clamd_start, clamd_stop
+* Full rewrite of the config handling, master.conf -> os.conf -> user.conf or your-specified.config
+* Configs loaded from the /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs dir
+* Added various os.conf files to ease setup
+* Added selinux_fixes config option, this will run restorecon on the database files
+* minor code refactoring and reindenting
### Version 4.9.3
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Various Bug Fixes
- - Last release of 4.x.x base
- - minor code refactoring
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Various Bug Fixes
+* Last release of 4.x.x base
+* minor code refactoring
### Version 4.9.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added function xshok_check_s2 to prevent possible errors with -c and no configfile path
- - minor code refactoring
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added function xshok_check_s2 to prevent possible errors with -c and no configfile path
+* minor code refactoring
### Version 4.9.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - OS X compatibility fix by stewardle
- - missing $ in $yararules_enabled
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* OS X compatibility fix by stewardle
+* missing $ in $yararules_enabled
### Version 4.9
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code Refactoring
- - New function clamscan_reload_dbs, will first try and reload the clam database, if reload fails will restart clamd
- - Added Function xshok_pretty_echo_and_log, far easier and cleaner way to output and log information
- - Removed functions comment, log
- - Removed config option reload_opt
- - Added config option clamd_restart_opt
- - Added support for # characters in config values, ie malwarepatrol subscription key contains a #
- - Minor formatting and code consitency changes
- - 10% Smaller script size
- - Config updated to 53 due to changes
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code Refactoring
+* New function clamscan_reload_dbs, will first try and reload the clam database, if reload fails will restart clamd
+* Added Function xshok_pretty_echo_and_log, far easier and cleaner way to output and log information
+* Removed functions comment, log
+* Removed config option reload_opt
+* Added config option clamd_restart_opt
+* Added support for # characters in config values, ie malwarepatrol subscription key contains a #
+* Minor formatting and code consitency changes
+* 10% Smaller script size
+* Config updated to 53 due to changes
### Version 4.8
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added long option (--force) to Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked"
- - added config option: malwarepatrol_free="yes", set to "no" to enable commercial subscription url
- - added support for commercial malwarepatrol subscription
- - Grammar fix in config
- - SELINUX cronjob fix added to readme
- - Corrects tput warning when used without TERM (like in cron)
- - Config updated to 52 due to changes
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added long option (--force) to Force all databases to be downloaded, could cause ip to be blocked"
+* added config option: malwarepatrol_free="yes", set to "no" to enable commercial subscription url
+* added support for commercial malwarepatrol subscription
+* Grammar fix in config
+* SELINUX cronjob fix added to readme
+* Corrects tput warning when used without TERM (like in cron)
+* Config updated to 52 due to changes
### Version 4.7
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code Refactoring
- - Complete rewrite of the main case selector (program options)
- - Added long options (--decode-sig, --encode-string, --encode-formatted, --gpg-verify, --information, --make-database, --remove-script, --test-database, --output-triggered)
- - Replaced clamd-status.sh with --check-clamav
- - Removed CHANGELOG, changelog has been replaced by this part of the readme and the git commit log.
- - Config updated to 51 due to changes
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code Refactoring
+* Complete rewrite of the main case selector (program options)
+* Added long options (--decode-sig, --encode-string, --encode-formatted, --gpg-verify, --information, --make-database, --remove-script, --test-database, --output-triggered)
+* Replaced clamd-status.sh with --check-clamav
+* Removed CHANGELOG, changelog has been replaced by this part of the readme and the git commit log.
+* Config updated to 51 due to changes
### Version 4.6.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code Refactoring
- - Added generic options (--help --version --config)
- - Correctly handle generic options before the main case selector
- - Sanitize the config before the main case selector (option)
- - Rewrite and formatting of the usage options
- - Removed the version information code as this is always printed
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code Refactoring
+* Added generic options (--help --version --config)
+* Correctly handle generic options before the main case selector
+* Sanitize the config before the main case selector (option)
+* Rewrite and formatting of the usage options
+* Removed the version information code as this is always printed
### Version 4.6
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code Refactoring
- - Removed custom config forced to use the same filename as the default config
- - Change file checks from exists to exists and is readable
- - Removed legacy config checks
- - Full support for custom config files for all tasks
- - Removed function: no_default_config
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code Refactoring
+* Removed custom config forced to use the same filename as the default config
+* Change file checks from exists to exists and is readable
+* Removed legacy config checks
+* Full support for custom config files for all tasks
+* Removed function: no_default_config
### Version 4.5.3
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - badmacro.ndb rule support for sanesecurity
- - Sanesecurity_sigtest.yara rule support for sanesecurity
- - Sanesecurity_spam.yara rule support for sanesecurity
- - Changed required_config_version to minimum_required_config_version
- - Script now supports a minimum config version to allow for out of sync config and script versions
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* badmacro.ndb rule support for sanesecurity
+* Sanesecurity_sigtest.yara rule support for sanesecurity
+* Sanesecurity_spam.yara rule support for sanesecurity
+* Changed required_config_version to minimum_required_config_version
+* Script now supports a minimum config version to allow for out of sync config and script versions
### Version 4.5.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - hackingteam.hsb rule support for sanesecurity
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* hackingteam.hsb rule support for sanesecurity
### Version 4.5.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Beta YARA rule support for sanesecurity
- - Config updated to 4.8 due to changes
- - Bugfix "securiteinfo_enabled" should be "$securiteinfo_enabled"
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Beta YARA rule support for sanesecurity
+* Config updated to 4.8 due to changes
+* Bugfix "securiteinfo_enabled" should be "$securiteinfo_enabled"
### Version 4.5.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Initial YARA rule support for sanesecurity
- - Added Yara-Rules project Database
- - Added config option to quickly enable/disable an entire database
- - Config updated to 4.7 due to changes
- - Note: Yara rules require clamav 0.99+
- - Bugfix removed unused linuxmalwaredetect_authorisation_signature varible from script
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Initial YARA rule support for sanesecurity
+* Added Yara-Rules project Database
+* Added config option to quickly enable/disable an entire database
+* Config updated to 4.7 due to changes
+* Note: Yara rules require clamav 0.99+
+* Bugfix removed unused linuxmalwaredetect_authorisation_signature varible from script
### Version 4.4.5
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Updated SecuriteInfo setup instructions
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Updated SecuriteInfo setup instructions
### Version 4.4.4
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Committed patch-1 by SecuriteInfo (clean up of SecuriteInfo databases)
- - Fixed double $surl_insecure
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Committed patch-1 by SecuriteInfo (clean up of SecuriteInfo databases)
+* Fixed double $surl_insecure
### Version 4.4.3
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Bugfix for SecuriteInfo not downloading by Colin Waring
- - Default will now silence ssl errors caused by ssl certificate errors
- - Config updated to 4.6 due to new varible: silence_ssl
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Bugfix for SecuriteInfo not downloading by Colin Waring
+* Default will now silence ssl errors caused by ssl certificate errors
+* Config updated to 4.6 due to new varible: silence_ssl
### Version 4.4.2
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Improved config error checking
- - Config updated to 4.5, due to invalid default dbs-si value
- - Fix debug varible being present
- - Bug fix for ubuntu 14.04 with sed being aliased
- - Explicitly set bash as the shell
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Improved config error checking
+* Config updated to 4.5, due to invalid default dbs-si value
+* Fix debug varible being present
+* Bug fix for ubuntu 14.04 with sed being aliased
+* Explicitly set bash as the shell
### Version 4.4.1
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Added error checking to detect if the config could be broken.
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Added error checking to detect if the config could be broken.
### Version 4.4.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code refactoring:
- - Added full support for Linux Malware Detect clamav databases
- - Config updated to 4.4
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code refactoring:
+* Added full support for Linux Malware Detect clamav databases
+* Config updated to 4.4
### Version 4.3.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Code refactoring: group and move functions to top of script
- - Complete rewrite of securiteinfo support, full support for Free/Delayed clamav by securiteinfo.com ;-P
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Code refactoring: group and move functions to top of script
+* Complete rewrite of securiteinfo support, full support for Free/Delayed clamav by securiteinfo.com ;-P
Note: securite info requires you to create a free account and add your authorisation code to the config.
- - Config updated to 4.3
- - Restructured Config
+* Config updated to 4.3
+* Restructured Config
### Version 4.2.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Replace annoying si_ , mbl_, ss_ with actual names ie. securiteinfo_ malwarepatrol_ sanesecurity_
- - Complete rewrite of malwarepatrol support, full support for Free/Delayed clamav ;-P
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Replace annoying si_, mbl_, ss_, with actual names ie. securiteinfo_, malwarepatrol_, sanesecurity_
+* Complete rewrite of malwarepatrol support, full support for Free/Delayed clamav ;-P
Note: malware patrol requires you to create a free account and add your "purchase" code to the config.
- - More fixes to config prasing and stripping of comments and whitespace
- - Code refactoring: remove empty commands: echo "" and comment ""
- - Config version detection and enforcing
+* More fixes to config prasing and stripping of comments and whitespace
+* Code refactoring: remove empty commands: echo "" and comment ""
+* Config version detection and enforcing
### Version 4.1.0
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Fix on default enable of foxhole medium and High false positive sources
- - grammatical corrections to some comments and log output
- - sig-boundary patch by Alan Stern
- - create intermediate monitor-ign-old.txt to prevent reading and writing of local.ign by Alan Stern
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Fix on default enable of foxhole medium and High false positive sources
+* grammatical corrections to some comments and log output
+* sig-boundary patch by Alan Stern
+* create intermediate monitor-ign-old.txt to prevent reading and writing of local.ign by Alan Stern
### Version 4.0.0 (Released 9 May 2015)
- - eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
- - Enabled all low false positive sources by default
- - Added all Sanesecurity database files
- - Disabled all med/high false positive sources by default
- - Set default configs to work out of the box on a centos system
- - Silence cron job
- - Set correct paths throughout the script
- - Updated Installation Instructions
- - Updated Paths for removal
- - Updated Default locations to reflect installation instructions
- - Fix: correctly remove comments and blanklines from config before eval
- - Remove: invalid config values (eg. EXPORT path)
- - Fix: correctly check if rsync was successful
-## Script updates can be found at:
-### https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+* eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
+* Enabled all low false positive sources by default
+* Added all Sanesecurity database files
+* Disabled all med/high false positive sources by default
+* Set default configs to work out of the box on a centos system
+* Silence cron job
+* Set correct paths throughout the script
+* Updated Installation Instructions
+* Updated Paths for removal
+* Updated Default locations to reflect installation instructions
+* Fix: correctly remove comments and blanklines from config before eval
+* Remove: invalid config values (eg. EXPORT path)
+* Fix: correctly check if rsync was successful
+## Script updates can be found at
diff --git a/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh b/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
index aa70db1d..13b47a9d 100644
--- a/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+++ b/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
# Detect to make sure the entire script is avilable, fail if the script is missing contents
if [ "$(tail -n 1 "${0}" | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-7)" != "exit \$?" ] ; then
- echo "FATAL ERROR: Script is incomplete, please redownload"
- exit 1
+ echo "FATAL ERROR: Script is incomplete, please redownload"
+ exit 1
# Trap the keyboard interrupt (Ctrl + C)
@@ -218,45 +218,45 @@ function xshok_user_group_exists() { # username groupname
# type a will make a ** border
# type n will make a ++ border
function xshok_pretty_echo_and_log() { # "string" "repeating" "count" "type"
- #detect if running under cron and silence
- mystring="$1"
- myrepeating="$2"
- mycount="$3"
- mytype="$4"
- if [ "$comment_silence" != "yes" ] && [ "$force_verbose" != "yes" ]; then
- if [ ! -t 1 ] ; then
- comment_silence="yes"
- fi
- fi
- # always show errors and alerts
- if [ -z "$mytype" ] ; then
- shopt -s nocasematch
- if [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR " ]] ; then
- mytype="e"
- elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING " ]] ; then
- mytype="w"
- elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT " ]] ; then
- mytype="a"
- elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE " ]] ; then
- mytype="n"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] || [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then
- comment_silence="no"
- fi
- # Handle comments is not silenced or type
+ #detect if running under cron and silence
+ mystring="$1"
+ myrepeating="$2"
+ mycount="$3"
+ mytype="$4"
+ if [ "$comment_silence" != "yes" ] && [ "$force_verbose" != "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -t 1 ] ; then
+ comment_silence="yes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # always show errors and alerts
+ if [ -z "$mytype" ] ; then
+ shopt -s nocasematch
+ if [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ERROR " ]] ; then
+ mytype="e"
+ elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "WARNING " ]] ; then
+ mytype="w"
+ elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "ALERT " ]] ; then
+ mytype="a"
+ elif [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE:" ]] || [[ "$mystring" =~ "NOTICE " ]] ; then
+ mytype="n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] || [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then
+ comment_silence="no"
+ fi
+ # Handle comments is not silenced or type
if [ "$comment_silence" != "yes" ] ; then
- if [ -z "$myrepeating" ] ; then
- if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] ; then
- myrepeating="="
- elif [ "$mytype" == "w" ] ; then
- myrepeating="-"
- elif [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then
- myrepeating="*"
- elif [ "$mytype" == "n" ] ; then
- myrepeating="+"
- fi
- fi
+ if [ -z "$myrepeating" ] ; then
+ if [ "$mytype" == "e" ] ; then
+ myrepeating="="
+ elif [ "$mytype" == "w" ] ; then
+ myrepeating="-"
+ elif [ "$mytype" == "a" ] ; then
+ myrepeating="*"
+ elif [ "$mytype" == "n" ] ; then
+ myrepeating="+"
+ fi
+ fi
if [ -z "$myrepeating" ] ; then
echo "${mystring}"
@@ -277,28 +277,28 @@ function xshok_pretty_echo_and_log() { # "string" "repeating" "count" "type"
# Handle logging
if [ "$enable_log" == "yes" ] ; then
- #filter ===, ---
- mystring=${1//===}
- mystring=${mystring//---}
- if [ ! -z "$mystring" ] ; then
- if [ ! -z "$log_pipe_cmd" ] ; then
- echo "${mystring}" | $log_pipe_cmd
- else
- if [ ! -e "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
- # xshok_mkdir_ownership "$log_file_path"
- mkdir -p "$log_file_path"
- touch "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" 2>/dev/null
- perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
- fi
- if [ ! -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
- echo "WARNING: Logging Disabled, as file not writable: ${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
- enable_log="no"
- else
- echo "$(date "+%b %d %T")" "${mystring}" >> "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
+ #filter ===, ---
+ mystring=${1//===}
+ mystring=${mystring//---}
+ if [ -n "$mystring" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$log_pipe_cmd" ] ; then
+ echo "${mystring}" | $log_pipe_cmd
+ else
+ if [ ! -e "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
+ # xshok_mkdir_ownership "$log_file_path"
+ mkdir -p "$log_file_path"
+ touch "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" 2>/dev/null
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
+ echo "WARNING: Logging Disabled, as file not writable: ${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
+ enable_log="no"
+ else
+ echo "$(date "+%b %d %T")" "${mystring}" >> "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
@@ -329,55 +329,55 @@ function xshok_draw_time_remaining() { #time_remaining #update_hours #name
# Download function
function xshok_file_download() { #outputfile #url #notimestamp
- if [ "$downloader_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "url: ${2} >> outputfile: ${1} | ${3}"
- fi
+ if [ "$downloader_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "url: ${2} >> outputfile: ${1} | ${3}"
+ fi
if [ "${1}" ] && [ "${2}" ] ; then
- if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
- if [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --time-cond "${1}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11
- result=$?
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11
- result=$?
- fi
- else
- if [ ! "${3}" ] ; then
- # the following is required because wget, cannot do --timestamping and --output-document together
- this_dir="$PWD"
- output_file="$1"
- url="$2"
- output_dir="${output_file%/*}"
- output_file="${output_file##*/}"
- url_file="${url##*/}"
- wget_output_link=""
- cd "${output_dir}" || exit
- if [ "$output_file" != "$url_file" ] ; then
- if [ ! -f "$url_file" ] ; then
- if [ ! -f "$output_file" ] ; then
- touch "$output_file"
- fi
- ln -s "$output_file" "$url_file"
- wget_output_link="$url_file"
- fi
- fi
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --timestamping "${2}" 2>&12
- result=$?
- if [ ! -n "$wget_output_link" ] ; then
- if [ -L "$wget_output_link" ] ; then
- rm -f "$wget_output_link"
- fi
- fi
- cd "$this_dir" || exit
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --output-document="${1}" "${2}" 2>&12
- result=$?
- fi
+ if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
+ if [ -f "${1}" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --time-cond "${1}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11
+ result=$?
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ $curl_bin --fail --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>&11
+ result=$?
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ ! "${3}" ] ; then
+ # the following is required because wget, cannot do --timestamping and --output-document together
+ this_dir="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+ output_file="$1"
+ url="$2"
+ output_dir="${output_file%/*}"
+ output_file="${output_file##*/}"
+ url_file="${url##*/}"
+ wget_output_link=""
+ cd "${output_dir}" || exit
+ if [ "$output_file" != "$url_file" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -f "$url_file" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -f "$output_file" ] ; then
+ touch "$output_file"
+ fi
+ ln -s "$output_file" "$url_file"
+ wget_output_link="$url_file"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --timestamping "${2}" 2>&12
+ result=$?
+ if [ -z "$wget_output_link" ] ; then
+ if [ -L "$wget_output_link" ] ; then
+ rm -f "$wget_output_link"
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd "$this_dir" || exit
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ $wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" --output-document="${1}" "${2}" 2>&12
+ result=$?
+ fi
return $result
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ function clamav_files() {
# Manage the databases and allow multi-dimensions as well as global overrides
# Since the datbases are basically a multi-dimentional associative arrays in bash
function xshok_database() { # rating database_array
# Assign
@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ function xshok_database() { # rating database_array
if [ -z "$current_rating" ] ; then # YARA rules are disabled
new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- if [[ ! "$db_name" = *"|"* ]] ; then # This old format
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- else
+ if [[ ! "$db_name" = *"|"* ]] ; then # This old format
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ else
@@ -428,43 +428,70 @@ function xshok_database() { # rating database_array
new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMHIGHONLY" ] ; then
+ if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ; then
new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
elif [ "$current_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGHONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMHIGHONLY" ] ; then
+ if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ]; then
new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- elif [ "$current_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] ; then
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- fi
- elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- fi
- elif [ "$current_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOW" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- fi
- elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUMHIGHONLY" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMHIGHONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- fi
- elif [ "$current_rating" == "HIGHONLY" ] ; then
- if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGHONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then
- new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
- fi
- fi
- fi
+ fi
+ fi
echo "${new_dbs[@]}" | xargs # Remove extra whitespace
+# Manage the databases to be removed and allow multi-dimensions as well as global overrides
+# Since the datbases are basically a multi-dimentional associative arrays in bash
+function xshok_remove_database() { # rating database_array
+ # Assign
+ current_rating="${1}"
+ declare -a current_dbs=( "${@:2}" )
+ # Zero
+ declare -a new_dbs=( )
+ if [ ${#current_dbs} -ge 1 ] ; then
+ for db_name in "${current_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ db_name_rating="${db_name#*|}"
+ db_name="${db_name%|*}"
+ removed="no"
+ # Checks
+ if [ "$current_rating" == "DISABLED" ] ; then
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ removed="yes"
+ elif [ "$current_rating" == "HIGH" ] ; then
+ if [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWMEDIUMONLY" ] ||[ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] ; then
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ removed="yes"
+ fi
+ elif [ "$current_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] ; then
+ if [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "LOWONLY" ] ; then
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ removed="yes"
+ fi
+ elif [ "$current_rating" == "LOW" ] ; then
+ if [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUMONLY" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "MEDIUM" ] || [ "$db_name_rating" == "HIGH" ]; then
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ removed="yes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$removed" == "no" ] ; then # not already removed, process futher
+ if [ "$enable_yararules" == "no" ] && [[ "$db_name" == *".yar"* ]] ; then # YARA rules are disabled AND it's the value you want to delete
+ new_dbs+=( "$db_name" )
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ echo "${new_dbs[@]}" | xargs # Remove extra whitespace
@@ -672,7 +699,8 @@ function install_cron() {
# script itself is set to randomize the actual execution time between
# 60 - 600 seconds. To Adjust the cron values, edit your configs and run
# bash clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-cron to generate a new file.
+# Uncomment to enable emails to the root user
$cron_minute * * * * ${cron_sudo} ${cron_user} [ -x ${cron_script_full_path} ] && ${cron_bash} ${cron_script_full_path}
# https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################
@@ -686,129 +714,129 @@ EOF
# Auto upgrade the master.conf and the
function xshok_upgrade() {
- if [ "$allow_upgrades" == "no" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: --upgrade has been disabled, allow_upgrades=no"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! xshok_is_root ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Only root can run the upgrade"
- exit 1
- fi
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updates ..."
- found_upgrade="no"
- if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- fi
+ if [ "$allow_upgrades" == "no" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: --upgrade has been disabled, allow_upgrades=no"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! xshok_is_root ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Only root can run the upgrade"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updates ..."
+ found_upgrade="no"
+ if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ fi
# config_dir/master.conf
- if [ "$latest_config_version" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
- if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then
- found_upgrade="yes"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading config from v${config_version} to v${latest_config_version}"
- if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
- echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf"
- xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" "notimestamp"
- ret="$?"
- if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! $grep_bin -m 1 "config_version" "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "ERROR: Downloaded master.conf is incomplete, please re-run"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Copy over permissions from old version
- OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${config_dir}/master.conf")"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Running update process"
- if ! mv -f "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: failed moving ${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp to ${config_dir}/master.conf"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! chmod "$OCTAL_MODE" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${config_dir}/master.conf"
- exit 1
- fi
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed"
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$latest_version" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
- if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then
- found_upgrade="yes"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading script from v${script_version} to v${latest_version}"
- if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
- echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh"
- xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" "notimestamp"
- ret=$?
- if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Detect to make sure the entire script is avilable, fail if the script is missing contents
- if [ "$(tail -n 1 "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-7)" != "exit \$?" ] ; then
- echo "ERROR: Downloaded clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh is incomplete, please re-run"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Copy over permissions from old version
- OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${this_script_full_path}")"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Inserting update process..."
- # Generate the update script
- cat > "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh" << EOF
+ if [ "$latest_config_version" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
+ if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then
+ found_upgrade="yes"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading config from v${config_version} to v${latest_config_version}"
+ if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf"
+ xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" "notimestamp"
+ ret="$?"
+ if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! $grep_bin -m 1 "config_version" "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Downloaded master.conf is incomplete, please re-run"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Copy over permissions from old version
+ OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${config_dir}/master.conf")"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Running update process"
+ if ! mv -f "${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: failed moving ${work_dir}/master.conf.tmp to ${config_dir}/master.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! chmod "$OCTAL_MODE" "${config_dir}/master.conf" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${config_dir}/master.conf"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Completed"
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$latest_version" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
+ if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then
+ found_upgrade="yes"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: Upgrading script from v${script_version} to v${latest_version}"
+ if [ -w "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] && [ -f "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh"
+ xshok_file_download "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" "notimestamp"
+ ret=$?
+ if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Could not download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Detect to make sure the entire script is avilable, fail if the script is missing contents
+ if [ "$(tail -n 1 "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-7)" != "exit \$?" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Downloaded clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh is incomplete, please re-run"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Copy over permissions from old version
+ OCTAL_MODE="$(stat -c "%a" "${this_script_full_path}")"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Inserting update process..."
+ # Generate the update script
+ cat > "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh" << EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Running update process"
# Overwrite old file with new
if ! mv -f "${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp" "${this_script_full_path}" ; then
echo "ERROR: failed moving ${work_dir}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh.tmp to ${this_script_full_path}"
rm -f \$0
- exit 1
+ exit 1
if ! chmod "$OCTAL_MODE" "${this_script_full_path}" ; then
- echo "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${this_script_full_path}"
- rm -f \$0
- exit 1
- echo "Completed"
- # echo "---------------------"
- # echo "Optional, run as root: "
- # echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-all"
- echo "---------------------"
- echo "Run once as root: "
- echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force"
- #remove the tmp script before exit
- rm -f \$0
+ echo "ERROR: unable to set permissions on ${this_script_full_path}"
+ rm -f \$0
+ exit 1
+ echo "Completed"
+ # echo "---------------------"
+ # echo "Optional, run as root: "
+ # echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --install-all"
+ echo "---------------------"
+ echo "Run once as root: "
+ echo "clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force"
+ #remove the tmp script before exit
+ rm -f \$0
- # Replaced with $0, so code will update and then call itself with the same parameters it had
- #exec "${0}" "$@"
- bash_bin="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)"
- exec "$bash_bin" "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh"
- echo "Running once as root"
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
+ # Replaced with $0, so code will update and then call itself with the same parameters it had
+ #exec "${0}" "$@"
+ bash_bin="$(command -v bash 2> /dev/null)"
+ exec "$bash_bin" "${work_dir}/xshok_update_script.sh"
+ echo "Running once as root"
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not a file or is not writable"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
if [ "$found_upgrade" == "no" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updates available"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updates available"
@@ -819,9 +847,9 @@ function decode_third_party_signature_by_signature_name() {
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a third-party signature name to decode (e.g: Sanesecurity.Junk.15248) or"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "a hexadecimal encoded data string and press enter:"
read -r input
- # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the whitelist input string
+ # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the whitelist input string
input="$(echo "${input}" | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '`')"
- input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/}
+ input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/}
if echo "${input}" | $grep_bin "\\." > /dev/null ; then
cd "$clam_dbs" || exit
sig="$($grep_bin "${input}:" ./*.ndb)"
@@ -888,7 +916,7 @@ function gpg_verify_specific_sanesecurity_database_file() { # databasefile
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "File ${db_file} cannot be found or is not a Sanesecurity database file."
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Only the following Sanesecurity and OITC databases can be GPG signature tested:"
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: Missing value for option"
@@ -903,8 +931,8 @@ function output_system_configuration_information() {
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log ""
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** SCRIPT INFORMATION ***"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${this_script_name} ${script_version} (${script_version_date})"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Master.conf Version: ${config_version}"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Minimum required config: ${minimum_required_config_version}"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Master.conf Version: ${config_version}"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Minimum required config: ${minimum_required_config_version}"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** SYSTEM INFORMATION ***"
$uname_bin -a
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** CLAMSCAN LOCATION & VERSION ***"
@@ -914,13 +942,13 @@ function output_system_configuration_information() {
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${rsync_bin}"
$rsync_bin --version | head -1
if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** CURL LOCATION & VERSION ***"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${curl_bin}"
- $curl_bin --version | head -1
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** CURL LOCATION & VERSION ***"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${curl_bin}"
+ $curl_bin --version | head -1
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** WGET LOCATION & VERSION ***"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${wget_bin}"
- $wget_bin --version | head -1
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** WGET LOCATION & VERSION ***"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${wget_bin}"
+ $wget_bin --version | head -1
if [ "$enable_gpg" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "*** GPG LOCATION & VERSION ***"
@@ -940,7 +968,7 @@ function output_system_configuration_information() {
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Configuration Directory: ${config_dir}"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log ""
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log ""
# Make a signature database from an ascii file
@@ -984,7 +1012,7 @@ function make_signature_database_from_ascii_file() {
target type is used and full file scanning is enabled (see ClamAV signatures.pdf for details).
- Line numbering will be done automatically by the script.
- " | command sed 's/^ //g'
+ " | command "$sed_bin" 's/^ //g'
echo -n "Do you wish to continue? "
if xshok_prompt_confirm ; then
@@ -998,7 +1026,7 @@ function make_signature_database_from_ascii_file() {
echo -n "Enter signature prefix: "
read -r prefix
- path_file="$(echo "$source" | cut -d "." -f -1 | command sed 's/$/.ndb/')"
+ path_file="$(echo "$source" | cut -d "." -f -1 | command "$sed_bin" 's/$/.ndb/')"
db_file="$(basename "$path_file")"
rm -f "$path_file"
total="$(wc -l "$source" | cut -d " " -f 1)"
@@ -1007,11 +1035,11 @@ function make_signature_database_from_ascii_file() {
while read -r line ; do
line_prefix="$(echo "$line" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')"
if [ "$line_prefix" == "-" ] ; then
- echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command sed "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
+ echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
elif [ "$line_prefix" == "=" ] ; then
- echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\)|\*)|(.)/defined $1 ? $1 : sprintf("%02lx", ord $2)/eg' | command sed "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
+ echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | perl -pe 's/(\{[^}]*\}|\([^)]*\)|\*)|(.)/defined $1 ? $1 : sprintf("%02lx", ord $2)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
- echo "$line" | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command sed "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
+ echo "$line" | perl -pe 's/(.)/sprintf("%02lx", ord $1)/eg' | command "$sed_bin" "s/^/$prefix\\.$line_num:4:\\*:/" >> "$path_file"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Hexadecimal encoding ${source_file} line: ${line_num} of ${total}"
line_num="$((line_num + 1))"
@@ -1135,22 +1163,28 @@ function clamscan_integrity_test_specific_database_file() { # databasefile
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Here is a list of third-party databases that can be clamscan integrity tested:"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Sanesecurity ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_sanesecurity"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_sanesecurity"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== SecuriteInfo ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_securiteinfo"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_securiteinfo"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== MalwarePatrol ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_malwarepatrol"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_malwarepatrol"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Linux Malware Detect ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== interServer Detect ==="
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_interserver"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Malware Expert Detect ==="
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_malwareexpert"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== Linux Malware Detect ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_yararulesproject"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_yararulesproject"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "=== User Defined Databases ==="
- ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" "$work_dir_add"
+ ls --ignore "*.sig" --ignore "*.md5" --ignore "*.ign2" --ignore "*.fp" "$work_dir_add"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Check the file name and try again..."
@@ -1180,29 +1214,29 @@ function output_signatures_triggered_during_ham_directory_scan() {
# Adds a signature whitelist entry in the newer ClamAV IGN2 format
function add_signature_whitelist_entry() { #signature
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature Whitelist" "="
- if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
- input="$1"
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a third-party signature name that you wish to whitelist and press enter"
- read -r input
- fi
+ if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
+ input="$1"
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Input a third-party signature name that you wish to whitelist and press enter"
+ read -r input
+ fi
if [ -n "$input" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Processing: ${input}"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Processing: ${input}"
cd "$clam_dbs" || exit
- # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the string
- input="$(echo "${input}" | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '`"')"
- input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/}
+ # Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL from the string
+ input="$(echo "${input}" | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '`"')"
+ input=${input/\.UNOFFICIAL/}
sig_full="$($grep_bin -H -m 1 "$input" ./*.*db)"
- sig_extension=${sig_full%%\:*}
- sig_extension=${sig_extension##*\.}
- shopt -s nocasematch
- if [ "$sig_extension" == "hdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hdu " ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msu" ] ; then
- # Hash-based Signature Database
- position="4"
- else
- position="2"
- fi
+ sig_extension=${sig_full%%\:*}
+ sig_extension=${sig_extension##*\.}
+ shopt -s nocasematch
+ if [ "$sig_extension" == "hdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hdu " ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "hsu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msb" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "mdu" ] || [ "$sig_extension" == "msu" ] ; then
+ # Hash-based Signature Database
+ position="4"
+ else
+ position="2"
+ fi
sig_name="$(echo "$sig_full" | cut -d ":" -f $position | cut -d "=" -f 1)"
if [ -n "$sig_name" ] ; then
@@ -1223,7 +1257,7 @@ function add_signature_whitelist_entry() { #signature
if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then
restorecon "${clam_dbs}/local.ign"
- do_clamd_reload="4"
+ do_clamd_reload="4"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Signature '${input}' has been added to my-whitelist.ign2 and"
@@ -1376,36 +1410,36 @@ function check_clamav() {
# Check for a new version
function check_new_version() {
- found_upgrade="no"
+ found_upgrade="no"
if [ -n "$curl_bin" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- else
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_config_version="$($curl_bin --compressed $curl_proxy $curl_insecure $curl_output_level --connect-timeout "${downloader_connect_timeout}" --remote-time --location --retry "${downloader_tries}" --max-time "${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" 2>&11 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^script_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ latest_config_version="$($wget_bin $wget_compression $wget_proxy $wget_insecure $wget_output_level --connect-timeout="${downloader_connect_timeout}" --random-wait --tries="${downloader_tries}" --timeout="${downloader_max_time}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/${git_branch}/config/master.conf" -O - 2>&12 | $grep_bin "^config_version=" | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
+ fi
if [ "$latest_version" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
- if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
+ if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${script_version//./ })" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: New version : v${latest_version} @ https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs"
- found_upgrade="yes"
+ found_upgrade="yes"
if [ "$latest_config_version" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
- if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2183,SC2086
+ if [ "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${latest_config_version//./ })" -gt "$(printf "%02d%02d%02d%02d" ${config_version//./ })" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ALERT: New config version : v${latest_config_version} @ https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs"
- found_upgrade="yes"
+ found_upgrade="yes"
if [ "$found_upgrade" == "yes" ] && [ "$allow_upgrades" == "yes" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Quickly upgrade, run the following command as root:"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${this_script_name} --upgrade"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Quickly upgrade, run the following command as root:"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "${this_script_name} --upgrade"
@@ -1496,9 +1530,9 @@ EOF
# Script Info
# Discover script: name, full_path and path
@@ -1507,7 +1541,7 @@ this_script_full_path="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
while [ -h "$this_script_full_path" ]; do
this_script_path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$this_script_full_path" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
this_script_full_path="$(readlink "$this_script_full_path")"
- # if relative symlink, then resolve the path
+ # if relative symlink, then resolve the path
if [[ $this_script_full_path != /* ]] ; then
@@ -1516,8 +1550,8 @@ this_script_path="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$this_script_full_path" )" >/dev/null 2>
this_script_name="$(basename "$this_script_full_path")"
if [ -z "$this_script_full_path" ] || [ -z "$this_script_path" ] || [ -z "$this_script_name" ] ; then
- echo "ERROR: could not determin script name and fullpath"
- exit 1
+ echo "ERROR: could not determin script name and fullpath"
+ exit 1
#allow for other negatives besides no.
@@ -1556,33 +1590,33 @@ else
# Default config files
if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" )
+ config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" )
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not readable"
- exit 1
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not readable"
+ exit 1
if [ -r "${config_dir}/os.conf" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_dir}/os.conf" )
+ config_files+=( "${config_dir}/os.conf" )
- #find the a suitable os.*.conf file
- os_config_number=$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | wc -l)
- if [ "$os_config_number" == "0" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: no os.conf or os.*.conf found"
- elif [ "$os_config_number" == "1" ] ; then
- config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | head -n1)"
- if [ -r "${config_file}" ]; then
- config_files+=( "${config_file}" )
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_file} is not readable"
- fi
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Too many os.*.conf configs found"
- fi
+ #find the a suitable os.*.conf file
+ os_config_number=$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | wc -l)
+ if [ "$os_config_number" == "0" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: no os.conf or os.*.conf found"
+ elif [ "$os_config_number" == "1" ] ; then
+ config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.*.conf" | head -n1)"
+ if [ -r "${config_file}" ]; then
+ config_files+=( "${config_file}" )
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_file} is not readable"
+ fi
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Too many os.*.conf configs found"
+ fi
if [ -r "${config_dir}/user.conf" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" )
+ config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" )
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf is not readable"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf is not readable"
# Solaris command -v function returns garbage when the program is not found
@@ -1605,21 +1639,45 @@ if [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep ] ; then
grep_bin="$(command -v grep 2> /dev/null)"
-# Detect support for tar
+if [ -z "$grep_bin" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: grep command is missing"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Detect support for sed or gsed
+if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "FreeBSD" ] ; then
+ sed_executable="gsed"
+ sed_executable="sed"
+if [ -z "$sed_bin" ]; then
+ sed_bin="$(command -v "$sed_executable" 2> /dev/null)"
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: gsed (gnu sed) is missing"
+ exit 1
+# Detect support for tar or gtar
+if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "FreeBSD" ] ; then
+ tar_executable="gtar"
+ tar_executable="tar"
if [ -z "$tar_bin" ]; then
- tar_bin="$(command -v tar 2> /dev/null)"
+ tar_bin="$(command -v "$tar_executable" 2> /dev/null)"
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: gtar (gnu tar) is missing"
+ exit 1
# Detect support for curl
if [ -z "$curl_bin" ]; then
- curl_bin="$(command -v curl 2> /dev/null)"
+ curl_bin="$(command -v curl 2> /dev/null)"
# Detect support for wget
if [ -z "$wget_bin" ]; then
- if [ -x /usr/sfw/bin/wget ] ; then
- wget_bin="/usr/sfw/bin/wget"
- else
- wget_bin="$(command -v wget 2> /dev/null)"
- fi
+ if [ -x /usr/sfw/bin/wget ] ; then
+ wget_bin="/usr/sfw/bin/wget"
+ else
+ wget_bin="$(command -v wget 2> /dev/null)"
+ fi
if [ -z "$wget_bin" ] && [ -z "$curl_bin" ]; then
curl_bin="$(command -v curl 2> /dev/null)"
@@ -1629,7 +1687,7 @@ if [ -z "$wget_bin" ] && [ -z "$curl_bin" ]; then
-if [ ! -z "$wget_bin" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$wget_bin" ] ; then
# wget compression support
if $wget_bin --help | $grep_bin -q "compression=TYPE" ; then
@@ -1639,7 +1697,7 @@ if [ ! -z "$wget_bin" ] ; then
# Detect support for dig or host
dig_bin="$(command -v dig 2> /dev/null)"
-if [ -z "$dig_bin" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then
host_bin="$(command -v host 2> /dev/null)"
if [ -z "$host_bin" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: both dig and host commands are missing, One of them is required"
@@ -1712,24 +1770,24 @@ if [ "$custom_config" != "no" ] ; then
if [ -d "$custom_config" ] ; then
# Assign the custom config dir and remove trailing / (removes / and //)
shopt -s extglob; config_dir="${custom_config%%+(/)}"
- config_files=()
- if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" )
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/master.conf not found"
- fi
- #find the a suitable os.conf or os.*.conf file
- config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.conf" -o -iname "os.*.conf" | tail -n1)"
- if [ -r "${config_file}" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_file}" )
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/os.conf not found"
- fi
- if [ -r "${config_dir}/user.conf" ] ; then
- config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" )
- else
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf not found"
- fi
+ config_files=()
+ if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
+ config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" )
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/master.conf not found"
+ fi
+ #find the a suitable os.conf or os.*.conf file
+ config_file="$(find "$config_dir" -type f -iname "os.conf" -o -iname "os.*.conf" | tail -n1)"
+ if [ -r "${config_file}" ] ; then
+ config_files+=( "${config_file}" )
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/os.conf not found"
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${config_dir}/user.conf" ] ; then
+ config_files+=( "${config_dir}/user.conf" )
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: ${config_dir}/user.conf not found"
+ fi
config_files=( "$custom_config" )
@@ -1743,22 +1801,28 @@ for config_file in "${config_files[@]}" ; do
if [ "$(uname -s)" == "SunOS" ] ; then
# Solaris FIXES only, i had issues with running with a single command..
- clean_config="$(command sed -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line
- #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated)
+ clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line
+ #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated)
clean_config=${clean_config//\#*/} # Comment line (duplicated)
- clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line
- #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line
+ #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace
clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | xargs)"
- clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines
- elif [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] ; then
- # MacOS / OS X fixes, had issues with running with a single command and with SunOS work around..
- clean_config="$(command sed -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line
- clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated)
- clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line
- #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines
+ elif [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ] || [ "$(uname -s)" == "FreeBSD" ] ; then
+ # macOS / OSX / BSD fixes, had issues with running with a single command and with SunOS work around..
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' "$config_file")" # Comment line
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//')" # Comment line (duplicated)
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^[[:blank:]]*#/d;s/#.*//')" # Comments at end of line
+ #clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" # trailing and leading whitespace
#clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | xargs)"
- clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | sed -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ clean_config="$(echo "$clean_config" | $sed_bin -e '/^\s*$/d')" # Blank lines
# Delete lines beginning with #
@@ -1767,7 +1831,8 @@ for config_file in "${config_files[@]}" ; do
# Delete both trailing and leading whitespace
# Delete all trailing whitespace
# Delete all empty lines
- clean_config="$(command sed -e '/^#.*/d' -e 's/[[:space:]]#.*//' -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//' -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' -e '/^\s*$/d' "$config_file")"
+ clean_config="$(command "$sed_bin" -e '/^#.*/d' -e 's/[[:space:]]#.*//' -e 's/#[[:space:]].*//' -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' -e '/^\s*$/d' "$config_file")"
#fix eval of |
@@ -1794,7 +1859,7 @@ for config_file in "${config_files[@]}" ; do
# Config loading
for i in "${clean_config[@]}" ; do
- eval "$(echo "${i}" | command sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 2> /dev/null)"
+ eval "$(echo "${i}" | command "$sed_bin" -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 2> /dev/null)"
@@ -1841,53 +1906,63 @@ shopt -s extglob; work_dir="${work_dir%%+(/)}"
# Allow overriding of all the individual workdirs, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
if [ -z "$work_dir_sanesecurity" ] ; then
- work_dir_sanesecurity="$(echo "${work_dir}/${sanesecurity_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_sanesecurity="$(echo "${work_dir}/${sanesecurity_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_sanesecurity="${work_dir_sanesecurity%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_securiteinfo" ] ; then
- work_dir_securiteinfo="$(echo "${work_dir}/${securiteinfo_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_securiteinfo="$(echo "${work_dir}/${securiteinfo_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_securiteinfo="${work_dir_securiteinfo%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect" ] ; then
- work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect="$(echo "${work_dir}/${linuxmalwaredetect_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect="$(echo "${work_dir}/${linuxmalwaredetect_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwarepatrol="${work_dir_malwarepatrol%%+(/)}"
+if [ -z "$work_dir_interserver" ] ; then
+ work_dir_interserver="$(echo "${work_dir}/${interserver_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
+ shopt -s extglob; work_dir_interserver="${work_dir_interserver%%+(/)}"
+if [ -z "$work_dir_malwareexpert" ] ; then
+ work_dir_malwareexpert="$(echo "${work_dir}/${malwareexpert_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
+ shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwareexpert="${work_dir_malwareexpert%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_malwarepatrol" ] ; then
- work_dir_malwarepatrol="$(echo "${work_dir}/${malwarepatrol_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_malwarepatrol="$(echo "${work_dir}/${malwarepatrol_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_malwarepatrol="${work_dir_malwarepatrol%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_urlhaust" ] ; then
- work_dir_urlhaus="$(echo "${work_dir}/${urlhaus_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_urlhaus="$(echo "${work_dir}/${urlhaus_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_urlhaus="${work_dir_urlhaus%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_yararulesproject" ] ; then
- work_dir_yararulesproject="$(echo "${work_dir}/${yararulesproject_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_yararulesproject="$(echo "${work_dir}/${yararulesproject_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_yararulesproject="${work_dir_yararulesproject%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_add" ] ; then
- work_dir_add="$(echo "${work_dir}/${add_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_add="$(echo "${work_dir}/${add_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_add="${work_dir_add%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_work_configs" ] ; then
- work_dir_work_configs="$(echo "${work_dir}/${work_dir_configs}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_work_configs="$(echo "${work_dir}/${work_dir_configs}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_work_configs="${work_dir_work_configs%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "${work_dir_gpg}" ] ; then
- work_dir_gpg="$(echo "${work_dir}/${gpg_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_gpg="$(echo "${work_dir}/${gpg_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_gpg="${work_dir_gpg%%+(/)}"
if [ -z "$work_dir_pid" ] ; then
- work_dir_pid="$(echo "${work_dir}/${pid_dir}" | sed 's:/*$::')"
+ work_dir_pid="$(echo "${work_dir}/${pid_dir}" | $sed_bin 's:/*$::')"
shopt -s extglob; work_dir_pid="${work_dir_pid%%+(/)}"
@@ -1921,9 +1996,9 @@ fi
shopt -s extglob; clam_dbs="${clam_dbs%%+(/)}"
# Force wget over curl.
-if [ ! -z "$wget_bin" ] && [ "$force_wget" == "yes" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "NOTICE: Forcing wget"
- curl_bin=""
+if [ -n "$wget_bin" ] && [ "$force_wget" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "NOTICE: Forcing wget"
+ curl_bin=""
# SANITY checks
@@ -1939,9 +2014,9 @@ if [ -z "$uname_bin" ] ; then
exit 1
if [ -z "$clamscan_bin" ] ; then
- if [ "${1}" != "--remove-script" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clamscan binary (clamscan_bin) not found"
- fi
+ if [ "${1}" != "--remove-script" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: clamscan binary (clamscan_bin) not found"
+ fi
exit 1
if [ -z "$rsync_bin" ] ; then
@@ -2002,7 +2077,10 @@ if [ "$force_updates" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "NOTICE: forcing updates"
+ securiteinfo_premium_update_hours="0"
+ interserver_update_hours="0"
+ malwareexpert_update_hours="0"
@@ -2045,35 +2123,35 @@ if $rsync_bin --help | $grep_bin -q "contimeout" > /dev/null ; then
if [ "$debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- downloader_debug="yes"
- clamscan_debug="yes"
- curl_debug="yes"
- wget_debug="yes"
- rsync_debug="yes"
+ downloader_debug="yes"
+ clamscan_debug="yes"
+ curl_debug="yes"
+ wget_debug="yes"
+ rsync_debug="yes"
# Show clamscan errors
if [ "$clamscan_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- exec 10>&2
+ exec 10>&2
- exec 10>/dev/null
+ exec 10>/dev/null
# Show curl errors
if [ "$curl_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- exec 11>&2
+ exec 11>&2
- exec 11>/dev/null
+ exec 11>/dev/null
# Show wget errors
if [ "$wget_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- exec 12>&2
+ exec 12>&2
- exec 12>/dev/null
+ exec 12>/dev/null
# Show rsync errors
if [ "$rsync_debug" == "yes" ] ; then
- exec 13>&2
+ exec 13>&2
- exec 13>/dev/null
+ exec 13>/dev/null
# Silence wget output and only report errors - useful if script is run via cron.
@@ -2093,7 +2171,7 @@ else
# Suppress ssl warnings
-if [ "$downloader_ignore_ssl" == "yes" ] ; then
+if [ "$downloader_ignore_ssl_errors" == "yes" ] ; then
@@ -2141,6 +2219,52 @@ done
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Preparing Databases" "="
+if [ "$default_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ if [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ sanesecurity_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ linuxmalwaredetect_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ interserver_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ malwareexpert_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ securiteinfo_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ urlhaus_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "LOW" ] && [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "MEDIUM" ] && [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" != "HIGH" ]; then
+ yararulesproject_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ sanesecurity_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ linuxmalwaredetect_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$interserver_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ interserver_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ malwareexpert_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ securiteinfo_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ urlhaus_enabled="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" == "DISABLE" ] ; then
+ yararulesproject_enabled="no"
+ fi
# Check yararule support is available
if [ "$enable_yararules" == "yes" ] ; then
current_clamav_version="$($clamscan_bin -V | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1 | awk -F "." '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }')"
@@ -2161,86 +2285,313 @@ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$sanesecurity_dbs" ] ; then
if [ -n "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" ] ; then
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$sanesecurity_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")"
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")"
sanesecurity_dbs=( )
- #sanesecurity_dbs=( $temp_db )
- read -r -a sanesecurity_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a sanesecurity_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${sanesecurity_dbs[@]}")"
+sanesecurity_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a sanesecurity_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs" ] ; then
if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" ] ; then
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")"
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")"
+ fi
+ securiteinfo_dbs=( )
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ #securiteinfo_dbs=( $temp_db )
+ read -r -a securiteinfo_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${securiteinfo_dbs[@]}")"
+securiteinfo_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a securiteinfo_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
+if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$securiteinfo_premium_dbs" ] && [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" ] ; then
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$securiteinfo_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")"
+ else
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a securiteinfo_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
- securiteinfo_dbs=( )
- #securiteinfo_dbs=( $temp_db )
- read -r -a securiteinfo_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${securiteinfo_premium_dbs[@]}")"
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a securiteinfo_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs" ] ; then
if [ -n "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" ] ; then
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$linuxmalwaredetect_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")"
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")"
+ fi
+ linuxmalwaredetect_dbs=( )
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a linuxmalwaredetect_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}")"
+linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
+if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$interserver_dbs" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$interserver_dbs_rating" ] ; then
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$interserver_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$interserver_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")"
+ else
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")"
- linuxmalwaredetect_dbs=( )
- #linuxmalwaredetect_dbs=( $temp_db )
- read -r -a linuxmalwaredetect_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ interserver_dbs=( )
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a interserver_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${interserver_dbs[@]}")"
+interserver_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a interserver_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
+if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" ] ; then
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$malwareexpert_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")"
+ else
+ temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")"
+ fi
+ malwareexpert_dbs=( )
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a malwareexpert_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}")"
+malwareexpert_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a malwareexpert_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$yararulesproject_dbs" ] ; then
if [ -n "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" ] ; then
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$yararulesproject_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")"
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")"
yararulesproject_dbs=( )
- #yararulesproject_dbs=( $temp_db )
- read -r -a yararulesproject_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a yararulesproject_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${yararulesproject_dbs[@]}")"
+yararulesproject_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a yararulesproject_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$urlhaus_dbs" ] ; then
if [ -n "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" ] ; then
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$urlhaus_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")"
temp_db="$(xshok_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")"
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "$default_dbs_rating" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")"
urlhaus_dbs=( )
- #urlhaus_dbs=( $temp_db )
- read -r -a urlhaus_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ if [ -n "$temp_db" ] ; then
+ #urlhaus_dbs=( $temp_db )
+ read -r -a urlhaus_dbs <<< "$temp_db"
+ fi
+ temp_remove_db="$(xshok_remove_database "DISABLED" "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}")"
-# Set the variables for MalwarePatrol
-if [ "$malwarepatrol_product_code" != "8" ] ; then
- # assumption, free product code is always 8 (non-free product code is never 8)
- malwarepatrol_free="no"
+urlhaus_remove_dbs=( )
+if [ -n "$temp_remove_db" ] ; then
+ read -r -a urlhaus_remove_dbs <<< "$temp_remove_db"
-if [ "$malwarepatrol_free" == "yes" ] ; then
- malwarepatrol_product_code="8"
- malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic"
+if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ # Set the variables for MalwarePatrol
+ if [ "$malwarepatrol_product_code" != "8" ] ; then
+ # assumption, free product code is always 8 (non-free product code is never 8)
+ malwarepatrol_free="no"
+ fi
+ if [ "$malwarepatrol_free" == "yes" ] ; then
+ malwarepatrol_product_code="8"
+ malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic"
+ else
+ if [ -z $malwarepatrol_list ] ; then
+ malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic"
+ fi
+ if [ -z $malwarepatrol_product_code ] ; then
+ # Not sure, it may be better to return an error.
+ malwarepatrol_product_code=8
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$malwarepatrol_db" ] ; then
+ malwarepatrol_db="malwarepatrol.db"
+ fi
+ malwarepatrol_url="${malwarepatrol_url}?receipt=${malwarepatrol_receipt_code}&product=${malwarepatrol_product_code}&list=${malwarepatrol_list}"
- if [ -z $malwarepatrol_list ] ; then
- malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic"
- fi
- if [ -z $malwarepatrol_product_code ] ; then
- # Not sure, it may be better to return an error.
- malwarepatrol_product_code=8
- fi
+ malwarepatrol_remove_dbs=( "malwarepatrol.db" )
-if [ $malwarepatrol_list == "clamav_basic" ] ; then
- malwarepatrol_db="malwarepatrol.db"
- malwarepatrol_db="malwarepatrol.ndb"
+# CLEANUP UNUSED DATABASES, eg when downgrading a database rating or disabling a database
+if [ -n "${sanesecurity_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${sanesecurity_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${securiteinfo_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${securiteinfo_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${linuxmalwaredetect_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${interserver_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${interserver_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${malwareexpert_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${malwareexpert_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${yararulesproject_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${yararulesproject_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "/" ; then
+ yr_dir="/$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 1)"
+ db_file="$(echo "$db_file" | cut -d "/" -f 2)"
+ else
+ yr_dir=""
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${yr_dir}${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${urlhaus_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${urlhaus_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -n "${malwarepatrol_remove_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db_file in "${malwarepatrol_remove_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ echo "Removing unused file: ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ done
# If "ham_dir" variable is set, then create initial whitelist files (skipped if first-time script run).
@@ -2249,7 +2600,7 @@ if [ -n "$ham_dir" ] && [ -d "$work_dir" ] && [ ! -d "$test_dir" ] ; then
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$test_dir"
cp -f -p "$work_dir"/*/*.ndb "$test_dir"
cp -f -p "$work_dir"/*/*.db "$test_dir"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "$test_dir" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "$test_dir" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/*.ndb" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/*.db" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | awk '{ printf("=%s\n", $1);}' | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
cd "$test_dir" || exit
@@ -2283,6 +2634,8 @@ xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_securiteinfo"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_malwarepatrol"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect"
+xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_interserver"
+xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_malwareexpert"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_sanesecurity"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_yararulesproject"
xshok_mkdir_ownership "$work_dir_work_configs"
@@ -2349,7 +2702,7 @@ if [ ! -s "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" ] ; then
if [ -z "$git_branch" ] ; then
- git_branch="master"
+ git_branch="master"
# If rsync proxy is defined in the config file, then export it for use.
@@ -2358,6 +2711,12 @@ if [ -n "$rsync_proxy" ] ; then
+# If rsync connect program is defined in the config file, then export it for use. (to use netcat for socks tunnel)
+if [ -n "$rsync_connect_prog" ] ; then
+ RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$rsync_connect_prog"
# Create $current_dbsfiles containing lists of current and previously active 3rd-party databases
# so that databases and/or backup files that are no longer being used can be removed.
@@ -2394,6 +2753,22 @@ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "${interserver_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ echo "${work_dir_interserver}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}"
+ clamav_files
+ done
+ fi
+if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "${malwareexpert_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ for db in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ echo "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db}" >> "${current_tmp}"
+ clamav_files
+ done
+ fi
if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ -n "$malwarepatrol_db" ] ; then
echo "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" >> "${current_tmp}"
@@ -2504,23 +2879,30 @@ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-ss-update.txt"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity Database & GPG Signature File Updates" "="
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for Sanesecurity updates..."
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$(dig $dig_proxy +ignore +short "$sanesecurity_url")"
- # Add fallback to host if dig returns no records
+ if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +ignore +short "$sanesecurity_url")"
+ else
+ sanesecurity_mirror_ips=""
+ fi
+ # Add fallback to host if dig returns no records or dig is not used
if [ ${#sanesecurity_mirror_ips} -lt 1 ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$(host $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_url" | sed -n '/has address/{s/.*address \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;p;}')"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ sanesecurity_mirror_ips="$($host_bin $host_proxy -t A "$sanesecurity_url" | $sed_bin -n '/has address/{s/.*address \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;p;}')"
if [ ${#sanesecurity_mirror_ips} -ge 1 ] ; then
for sanesecurity_mirror_ip in $sanesecurity_mirror_ips ; do
- sanesecurity_mirror_name=""
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- sanesecurity_mirror_name="$(dig $dig_proxy +short -x "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | command sed 's/\.$//')"
- # Add fallback to host if dig returns no records
+ if [ -n "$dig_bin" ] ; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($dig_bin $dig_proxy +short -x "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.$//')"
+ else
+ sanesecurity_mirror_name=""
+ fi
+ # Add fallback to host if dig returns no records or dig is not used
if [ -z "$sanesecurity_mirror_name" ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- sanesecurity_mirror_name="$(host $host_proxy "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | sed -n '/name pointer/{s/.*pointer \([^ ]*\).*\.$/\1/;p;}')"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ sanesecurity_mirror_name="$($host_bin $host_proxy "$sanesecurity_mirror_ip" | $sed_bin -n '/name pointer/{s/.*pointer \([^ ]*\).*\.$/\1/;p;}')"
sanesecurity_mirror_site_info="$sanesecurity_mirror_name $sanesecurity_mirror_ip"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Sanesecurity mirror site used: ${sanesecurity_mirror_site_info}"
@@ -2575,7 +2957,7 @@ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_sanesecurity}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp"
mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
@@ -2603,7 +2985,7 @@ if [ "$sanesecurity_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ ! "$sanesecurity_update" == "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Sanesecurity database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Sanesecurity database file updates" "-"
@@ -2665,7 +3047,11 @@ if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
- update_interval="$((securiteinfo_update_hours * 3600))"
+ if [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ update_interval="$((securiteinfo_premium_update_hours * 3600))"
+ else
+ update_interval="$((securiteinfo_update_hours * 3600))"
+ fi
time_interval="$((current_time - last_securiteinfo_update))"
if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then
echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-si-update.txt"
@@ -2712,7 +3098,7 @@ if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_securiteinfo}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
@@ -2746,15 +3132,19 @@ if [ "$securiteinfo_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${securiteinfo_url} - SKIPPED SecuriteInfo ${db_file} update"
if [ "$securiteinfo_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database file found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated SecuriteInfo ${db_file} database file" "-"
if [ "$securiteinfo_updates" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No SecuriteInfo database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No SecuriteInfo database file updates" "-"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "SecuriteInfo Database File Updates" "="
- xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$securiteinfo_update_hours" "SecuriteInfo"
+ if [ "$securiteinfo_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$securiteinfo_premium_update_hours" "SecuriteInfo"
+ else
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$securiteinfo_update_hours" "SecuriteInfo"
+ fi
@@ -2833,7 +3223,7 @@ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_file_download "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/sigpack.tgz" "${linuxmalwaredetect_sigpack_url}"
if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2035
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2035
$tar_bin --strip-components=1 --wildcards --overwrite -xzf "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/sigpack.tgz" --directory "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}" */rfxn.*
for db_file in "${linuxmalwaredetect_dbs[@]}" ; do
if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then
@@ -2868,7 +3258,7 @@ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
@@ -2904,7 +3294,7 @@ if [ "$linuxmalwaredetect_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to ${linuxmalwaredetect_sigpack_url} - SKIPPED LinuxMalwareDetect update"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No LinuxMalwareDetect database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No LinuxMalwareDetect database file updates" "-"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "LinuxMalwareDetect Database File Updates" "="
@@ -2942,7 +3332,287 @@ else
+# Check for updated interServer database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script #
+if [ "$interserver_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "${interserver_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ if [ ${#interserver_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed interserver_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING"
+ else
+ rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/*.gz"
+ if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt" ] ; then
+ last_interserver_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt")"
+ else
+ last_interserver_update="0"
+ fi
+ db_file=""
+ loop=""
+ if [ "$interserver_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ update_interval="$((interserver_premium_update_hours * 3600))"
+ else
+ update_interval="$((interserver_update_hours * 3600))"
+ fi
+ time_interval="$((current_time - last_interserver_update))"
+ if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then
+ echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-is-update.txt"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "interserver Database File Updates" "="
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for interserver updates..."
+ interserver_updates="0"
+ for db_file in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated interServer database file: ${db_file}"
+ interserver_db_update="0"
+ xshok_file_download "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${interserver_url}/${db_file}"
+ ret="$?"
+ if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ loop="1"
+ if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then
+ db_ext="${db_file#*.}"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated interServer database file: ${db_file}"
+ if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then
+ if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested good"
+ true
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD"
+ if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ false
+ fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then
+ restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated interServer production database file: ${db_file}"
+ interserver_updates=1
+ interserver_db_update=1
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update interServer production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING"
+ fi
+ else
+ $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
+ $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
+ mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
+ if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested good"
+ true
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports interServer ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ false
+ fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then
+ restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated interServer production database file: ${db_file}"
+ interserver_updates=1
+ interserver_db_update=1
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update interServer production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${interserver_url} - SKIPPED interServer ${db_file} update"
+ fi
+ if [ "$interserver_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated interServer ${db_file} database file" "-"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$interserver_updates" != "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No interServer database file updates" "-"
+ fi
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "interServer Database File Updates" "="
+ if [ "$interserver_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$interserver_premium_update_hours" "interserver"
+ else
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$interserver_update_hours" "interserver"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$interserver_dbs" ] ; then
+ if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled interServer Database files"
+ for db_file in "${interserver_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then
+ db_file="${db_file%|*}"
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_interserver}/${db_file}"
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+# Check for updated Malware Expert database files every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script #
+if [ "$malwareexpert_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_serial_key" != "YOUR-SERIAL-KEY" ] && [ -n "$malwareexpert_serial_key" ]; then
+ if [ -n "${malwareexpert_dbs[0]}" ] ; then
+ if [ ${#malwareexpert_dbs} -lt 1 ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed malwareexpert_dbs config is invalid or not defined - SKIPPING"
+ else
+ rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/*.gz"
+ if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt" ] ; then
+ last_malwareexpert_update="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt")"
+ else
+ last_malwareexpert_update="0"
+ fi
+ db_file=""
+ loop=""
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ update_interval="$((malwareexpert_premium_update_hours * 3600))"
+ else
+ update_interval="$((malwareexpert_update_hours * 3600))"
+ fi
+ time_interval="$((current_time - last_malwareexpert_update))"
+ if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then
+ echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-me-update.txt"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "malwareexpert Database File Updates" "="
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for malwareexpert updates..."
+ malwareexpert_updates="0"
+ for db_file in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated Malware Expert database file: ${db_file}"
+ malwareexpert_db_update="0"
+ xshok_file_download "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${malwareexpert_url}/${malwareexpert_serial_key}/${db_file}"
+ ret="$?"
+ if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ loop="1"
+ if ! cmp -s "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ; then
+ db_ext="${db_file#*.}"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Testing updated Malware Expert database file: ${db_file}"
+ if [ -z "$ham_dir" ] || [ "$db_ext" != "ndb" ] ; then
+ if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested good"
+ true
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD"
+ if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ false
+ fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then
+ restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file}"
+ malwareexpert_updates=1
+ malwareexpert_db_update=1
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING"
+ fi
+ else
+ $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
+ $grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
+ mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
+ if $clamscan_bin --quiet -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/scan-test.txt" 2>&10 ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested good"
+ true
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Clamscan reports Malware Expert ${db_file} database integrity tested BAD"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$remove_bad_database" == "yes" ] ; then
+ if rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removed invalid database: ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ false
+ fi && (test "$keep_db_backup" = "yes" && cp -f -p "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" "${clam_dbs}/${db}_file-bak" 2>/dev/null ; true) && if $rsync_bin -pcqt "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$clam_dbs" 2>&13 ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ if [ "$selinux_fixes" == "yes" ] ; then
+ restorecon "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ fi
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Successfully updated Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file}"
+ malwareexpert_updates=1
+ malwareexpert_db_update=1
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed to successfully update Malware Expert production database file: ${db_file} - SKIPPING"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${malwareexpert_url} - SKIPPED Malware Expert ${db_file} update"
+ fi
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated Malware Expert ${db_file} database file" "-"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_updates" != "1" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No Malware Expert database file updates" "-"
+ fi
+ else
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Malware Expert Database File Updates" "="
+ if [ "$malwareexpert_premium" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$malwareexpert_premium_update_hours" "malwareexpert"
+ else
+ xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$malwareexpert_update_hours" "malwareexpert"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$malwareexpert_dbs" ] ; then
+ if [ "$remove_disabled_databases" == "yes" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing disabled Malware Expert Database files"
+ for db_file in "${malwareexpert_dbs[@]}" ; do
+ if echo "$db_file" | $grep_bin -q "|" ; then
+ db_file="${db_file%|*}"
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${work_dir_malwareexpert}/${db_file}"
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}" ] ; then
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Removing ${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/${db_file}"
+ do_clamd_reload=1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
# Download MalwarePatrol database file every set number of hours as defined in the "USER CONFIGURATION" section of this script. #
@@ -2966,12 +3636,12 @@ if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
# Cleanup any not required database files
- if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" == "malwarepatrol.db" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb" ] ; then
- rm -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb";
- fi
- if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" == "malwarepatrol.ndb" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.db" ] ; then
+ if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" != "malwarepatrol.db" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.db" ] ; then
rm -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.db";
+ if [ "$malwarepatrol_db" != "malwarepatrol.ndb" ] && [ -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb" ] ; then
+ rm -f "${clam_dbs}/malwarepatrol.ndb";
+ fi
if [ "$loop" == "1" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "---"
@@ -2979,7 +3649,7 @@ if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for updated MalwarePatrol database file: ${malwarepatrol_db}"
- xshok_file_download "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${malwarepatrol_url}&receipt=${malwarepatrol_receipt_code}"
+ xshok_file_download "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "${malwarepatrol_url}"
if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] ; then
@@ -3014,7 +3684,7 @@ if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_malwarepatrol}/${malwarepatrol_db}" > "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}" > "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}-tmp"
mv -f "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${malwarepatrol_db}"
@@ -3048,10 +3718,10 @@ if [ "$malwarepatrol_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Failed connection to ${malwarepatrol_url} - SKIPPED MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} update"
if [ "$malwarepatrol_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database file found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated MalwarePatrol ${malwarepatrol_db} database file" "-"
if [ "$malwarepatrol_updates" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No MalwarePatrol database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No MalwarePatrol database file updates" "-"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "MalwarePatrol Database File Updates" "="
@@ -3098,7 +3768,7 @@ if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ "$time_interval" -ge "$((update_interval - 600))" ] ; then
echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-urlhaus-update.txt"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Yara-Rules Database File Updates" "="
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "URLhaus Database File Updates" "="
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Checking for urlhaus updates..."
for db_file in "${urlhaus_dbs[@]}" ; do
@@ -3143,7 +3813,7 @@ if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_urlhaus}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
@@ -3177,15 +3847,15 @@ if [ "$urlhaus_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to $urlhaus_url - SKIPPED urlhaus ${db_file} update"
if [ "$urlhaus_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated urlhaus ${db_file} database file found"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated urlhaus ${db_file} database file"
if [ "$urlhaus_updates" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No urlhaus database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No urlhaus database file updates" "-"
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Yara-Rules Database File Updates" "="
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "URLhaus Database File Updates" "="
xshok_draw_time_remaining "$((update_interval - time_interval))" "$urlhaus_update_hours" "urlhaus"
@@ -3280,7 +3950,7 @@ if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_yararulesproject}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "*" -f 2 | sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp"
mv -f "${test_dir}/${db_file}-tmp" "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
@@ -3314,11 +3984,11 @@ if [ "$yararulesproject_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to $yararulesproject_url - SKIPPED yararulesproject ${db_file} update"
if [ "$yararulesproject_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated yararulesproject ${db_file} database file found"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated yararulesproject ${db_file} database file"
if [ "$yararulesproject_updates" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No yararulesproject database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No yararulesproject database file updates" "-"
@@ -3385,7 +4055,7 @@ if [ "$additional_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
# fi
#cleanup any leading and trailing whitespace.
- db_url="$(echo -e "$db_url" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
+ db_url="$(echo -e "$db_url" | $sed_bin -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
db_file="$(basename "$db_url")"
@@ -3438,7 +4108,7 @@ if [ "$additional_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
$grep_bin -h -v -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" > "${test_dir}/${db_file}"
- $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command sed 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
+ $clamscan_bin --infected --no-summary -d "${test_dir}/${db_file}" "$ham_dir"/* | command "$sed_bin" 's/\.UNOFFICIAL FOUND//' | awk '{print $NF}' > "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.txt"
if [[ "${work_dir_add}/${db_file}" == *.db ]] ; then
$grep_bin -h -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex" "${test_dir}/${db_file}" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | awk '{ printf("=%s\n", $1);}' |sort | uniq >> "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp"
mv -f "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex-tmp" "${work_dir_work_configs}/whitelist.hex"
@@ -3477,11 +4147,11 @@ if [ "$additional_enabled" == "yes" ] ; then
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "WARNING: Failed connection to ${db_url} - SKIPPED additional ${db_file} update"
if [ "$additional_db_update" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated additional ${db_file} database file found"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No updated additional ${db_file} database file"
if [ "$additional_updates" != "1" ] ; then
- xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No additional database file updates found" "-"
+ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "No additional database file updates" "-"
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Additional Database File Updates" "="
@@ -3657,18 +4327,21 @@ xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "Issue tracker : https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav
if [ "$allow_update_checks" != "no" ] ; then
- if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt" ] ; then
- last_version_check="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt")"
- else
- last_version_check="0"
- fi
- db_file=""
- update_check_interval="$((update_check_hours * 3600))"
- time_interval="$((current_time - last_version_check))"
- if [ "$time_interval" -ge $((update_check_interval - 600)) ] ; then
- echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt"
- check_new_version
- fi
+ if [ -r "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt" ] ; then
+ last_version_check="$(cat "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt")"
+ else
+ last_version_check="0"
+ fi
+ db_file=""
+ update_check_interval="$((update_check_hours * 3600))"
+ time_interval="$((current_time - last_version_check))"
+ if [ "$time_interval" -ge $((update_check_interval - 600)) ] ; then
+ echo "$current_time" > "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt"
+ if xshok_is_root ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${work_dir_work_configs}/last-version-check.txt"
+ fi
+ check_new_version
+ fi
@@ -3676,15 +4349,15 @@ xshok_cleanup
# Set the permission of the log file, to fix any permission errors, this is done to fix cron errors after running the script as root.
if xshok_is_root ; then
- if [ "$enable_log" == "yes" ] ; then
- # check if the file is owned by root (the current user)
- if [ -O "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
- # checks the file is writable and a file (not a symlink/link)
- if [ -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] && [ -f "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
- perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
+ if [ "$enable_log" == "yes" ] ; then
+ # check if the file is owned by root (the current user)
+ if [ -O "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
+ # checks the file is writable and a file (not a symlink/link)
+ if [ -w "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] && [ -f "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}" ] ; then
+ perms chown -f "${clam_user}:${clam_group}" "${log_file_path}/${log_file_name}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
# And lastly we exit, Note: the exit is always on the 2nd last line
diff --git a/config/master.conf b/config/master.conf
index 32de3830..be6de532 100644
--- a/config/master.conf
+++ b/config/master.conf
@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic" # clamav_basic or clamav_ext
# the malwarepatrol_free is set to no (non-free)
# set to no to enable the commercial subscription url,
+# =========================
+# Malware Expert : https://www.Malware Expert
+# Malware Expert 2020 (non-free) clamav signatures
# =========================
# SecuriteInfo : https://www.SecuriteInfo.com
@@ -100,18 +107,23 @@ malwarepatrol_free="yes"
# - 6. Enter the authorisation signature into the config securiteinfo_authorisation_signature: replacing YOUR-SIGNATURE-NUMBER with your authorisation signature from the link
+# Enable if you have a commercial/premium/non-free subscription
# ========================
# Database provider update time
# ========================
# Since the database files are dynamically created, non default values can cause banning, change with caution
additional_update_hours="4" # Default is 4 hours (6 downloads daily).
+interserver_update_hours="1" # Default is 2 hours (12 downloads daily).
linuxmalwaredetect_update_hours="6" # Default is 6 hours (4 downloads daily).
+malwareexpert_update_hours="2" # Default is 2 hours (12 downloads daily).
malwarepatrol_update_hours="24" # Default is 24 hours (1 downloads daily).
sanesecurity_update_hours="2" # Default is 2 hours (12 downloads daily).
+securiteinfo_premium_update_hours="1" # Default is 1 hours (24 downloads daily).
securiteinfo_update_hours="4" # Default is 4 hours (6 downloads daily).
-urlhaus_update_hours="0" # Default is 0 hours (Update constantly).
+urlhaus_update_hours="1" # Default is 1 hours (24 downloads daily).
yararulesproject_update_hours="24" # Default is 24 hours (1 downloads daily).
# ========================
@@ -119,12 +131,14 @@ yararulesproject_update_hours="24" # Default is 24 hours (1 downloads daily).
# ========================
# Set to no to disable an entire database, if the database is empty it will also be disabled.
additional_enabled="yes" # Additional Databases
+interserver_enabled="yes" # interServer
linuxmalwaredetect_enabled="yes" # Linux Malware Detect
+malwareexpert_enabled="yes" # Malware Expert
malwarepatrol_enabled="yes" # Malware Patrol
sanesecurity_enabled="yes" # Sanesecurity
securiteinfo_enabled="yes" # SecuriteInfo
urlhaus_enabled="yes" # urlhaus
-yararulesproject_enabled="no" # Yara-Rule Project, automatically disabled if clamav is older than 0.100 and enable_yararules is disabled
+yararulesproject_enabled="yes" # Yara-Rule Project, automatically disabled if clamav is older than 0.100 and enable_yararules is disabled
# Disabled by default
## Enabling this will also cause the yararulesproject to be enabled if they are det to enabled.
@@ -149,7 +163,7 @@ enable_yararules="yes" #Enables yararules in the various databases, automatica
# LOWONLY : used only when the rating is low
# MEDIUMONLY : used only when the rating is medium
# LOWMEDIUMONLY : used only when the rating is medium or low
-# DISABLED : never used, or you can also comment the line out if you want
+# DISABLED : never used, will automatically remove the present file
# Old Format is still supported, requiring you to comment out files to disable them
# old_example_dbs="
@@ -157,12 +171,12 @@ enable_yararules="yes" #Enables yararules in the various databases, automatica
# "
# Default dbs rating
-# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
# Per Database
# These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database
-# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLED
+# valid ratings: LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH | DISABLE
@@ -209,14 +223,6 @@ spam.ldb|MEDIUM # Spam detected using the new Logical Signature type
spear.ndb|MEDIUM # Spear phishing email addresses (autogenerated from data here)
spearl.ndb|MEDIUM # Spear phishing urls (autogenerated from data here)
-### MALWARE.EXPERT https://malware.expert/
-# LOW
-malware.expert.hdb|MEDIUM # statics MD5 pattern for files
-malware.expert.fp|MEDIUM # found to be false positive malware
-malware.expert.ldb|MEDIUM # which use multi-words search for malware in files
-malware.expert.ndb|MEDIUM # Generic Hex pattern PHP malware, which can cause false positive alarms
### FOXHOLE http://sanesecurity.com/foxhole-databases/
foxhole_filename.cdb|LOW # See Foxhole page for more details
@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@ winnow.complex.patterns.ldb|MEDIUM # contain hand generated signatures for malw
winnow_phish_complete.ndb|HIGH # Phishing and other malicious urls and compromised hosts **DO NOT USE WITH winnow_phish_complete_url**
### OITC YARA Format rules
### Note: Yara signatures require ClamAV 0.100 or newer to work
-##winnow_malware.yara|LOW # detect spam
+winnow_malware.yara|LOW # detect spam
### MiscreantPunch http://malwarefor.me/about/
@@ -304,11 +310,12 @@ securiteinfopdf.hdb|LOW # Malwares PDF
spam_marketing.ndb|HIGH # Spam Marketing / spammer blacklist
-declare -a securiteinfo_dbs_premium=( #START SECURITEINFO DATABASES
+declare -a securiteinfo_premium_dbs=( #START SECURITEINFO DATABASES
securiteinfo.mdb|LOW # 0-day Malwares
securiteinfo0hour.hdb|LOW # 0-Hour Malwares
# ========================
# LinuxMalwareDetect Database(s)
@@ -324,6 +331,39 @@ rfxn.hdb|LOW # MD5 Malware detection signatures
rfxn.yara|LOW # Yara Malware detection signatures
+# ========================
+# interServer Database(s)
+# ========================
+# Add or remove database file names between quote marks as needed. To
+# disable any Malware Expert database downloads, remove the appropriate
+# lines below.
+declare -a interserver_dbs=(
+## REQUIRED, Do NOT disable
+whitelist.fp|REQUIRED # found to be false positive malware
+# LOW
+interserver256.hdb|LOW # 100% known malware sha256 format
+interservertopline.db|MEDIUM # inserts into files, manual cleaning HEX
+shell.ldb|HIGH # 99.9% known malware using logical signatures
+) #END Malware Expert DATABASES
+# ========================
+# Malware Expert Database(s)
+# ========================
+# Add or remove database file names between quote marks as needed. To
+# disable any Malware Expert database downloads, remove the appropriate
+# lines below.
+declare -a malwareexpert_dbs=(
+## REQUIRED, Do NOT disable
+malware.expert.fp|REQUIRED # found to be false positive malware
+# LOW
+malware.expert.hdb|LOW # statics MD5 pattern for files
+malware.expert.ldb|MEDIUM # which use multi-words search for malware in files
+malware.expert.ndb|MEDIUM # Generic Hex pattern PHP malware, which can cause false positive alarms
+) #END Malware Expert DATABASES
# ========================
# urlhaus Database(s)
# ========================
@@ -349,28 +389,28 @@ declare -a yararulesproject_dbs=(
# use subdir/file
# Anti debug and anti virtualization techniques used by malware
+antidebug_antivm/antidebug_antivm.yar|DISABLED # (core dumped)
# Aimed toward the detection and existence of Exploit Kits.
-#exploit_kits/EK_Angler.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Blackhole.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Angler.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Blackhole.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
exploit_kits/EK_BleedingLife.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Crimepack.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Eleonore.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Fragus.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Phoenix.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Sakura.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_ZeroAcces.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Zerox88.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#exploit_kits/EK_Zeus.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-# Identification of well-known webshells
-#webshells/WShell_APT_Laudanum.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Crimepack.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Eleonore.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Fragus.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Phoenix.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Sakura.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_ZeroAcces.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Zerox88.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+exploit_kits/EK_Zeus.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+#Identification of well-known webshells
+webshells/WShell_APT_Laudanum.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#webshells/WShell_PHP_Anuna.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#webshells/WShell_PHP_in_images.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#webshells/WShell_THOR_Webshells.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#webshells/Wshell_ChineseSpam.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
-#webshells/Wshell_fire2013.yar|LOW # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+webshells/WShell_PHP_Anuna.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+webshells/WShell_PHP_in_images.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+webshells/WShell_THOR_Webshells.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+webshells/Wshell_ChineseSpam.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
+webshells/Wshell_fire2013.yar|DISABLED # duplicated in rxfn.yara
# Identification of specific Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
@@ -390,16 +430,13 @@ cve_rules/CVE-2018-4878.yar|MEDIUM
# Identification of malicious e-mails.
# Detect well-known software packers, that can be used by malware to hide itself.
# Used with documents to find if they have been crafted to leverage malicious code.
@@ -424,18 +461,21 @@ maldocs/Maldoc_VBA_macro_code.yar|HIGH
# Yara Rules aimed to detect well-known software packers, that can be used by malware to hide itself.
+email/attachment.yar|DISABLED # detects all emails with attachments
+email/image.yar|DISABLED # detects all emails with images
+email/urls.yar|DISABLED # detects all emails with urls
+crypto/crypto_signatures.yar|DISABLED # detects all files which are encrypted
+# These files use module includes not supported by ClamAV
) #END yararulesproject DATABASES
-declare -a yararulesproject_dbs_blacklisted=(
-email/attachment.yar # detects all emails with attachments
-email/image.yar # detects all emails with images
-email/urls.yar # detects all emails with urls
-crypto/crypto_signatures.yar # detects all files which are encrypted
declare -a yararulesproject_dbs_catagories=(
@@ -568,8 +608,9 @@ enable_gpg="yes"
-# Ignore ssl errors and warnings, ie. operate in insecure mode.
-downloader_ignore_ssl="yes" # Default is "yes" ignore ssl errors and warnings
+# HTTPS validation
+# Uncomment to allow and ignore SSL errors leading to insecure transfers
+# downloader_ignore_ssl_errors="yes" # Default is "no"
# Set downloader connection, data transfer timeout limits in seconds.
# The defaults settings here are reasonable, only change if you are
@@ -586,7 +627,9 @@ downloader_tries="5"
# Sub-directory names:
add_dir="dbs-add" # User defined databases sub-directory
gpg_dir="gpg-key" # Sanesecurity GPG Key sub-directory
+interserver_dir="dbs-is" # interServer sub-directory
linuxmalwaredetect_dir="dbs-lmd" # Linux Malware Detect sub-directory
+malwareexpert_dir="dbs-me" # Malware Expert sub-directory
malwarepatrol_dir="dbs-mbl" # MalwarePatrol sub-directory
pid_dir="pid" # User defined pid sub-directory
sanesecurity_dir="dbs-ss" # Sanesecurity sub-directory
@@ -616,6 +659,8 @@ selinux_fixes="no" # Default is "no" ignore ssl errors and warnings
# Proxy Support
# If necessary to proxy database downloads, define the rsync, curl, wget, dig, hosr proxy settings here.
+# Define rsync to use netcat for socks tunnel
+#rsync_connect_prog="nc -X 5 -x socksproxy_host:socksproxy_port %H 873"
#curl_proxy="--proxy http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port"
#wget_proxy="-e http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port -e https_proxy=https://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port"
#dig_proxy="@proxy_host -p proxy_host:proxy_port"
@@ -623,21 +668,21 @@ selinux_fixes="no" # Default is "no" ignore ssl errors and warnings
# Custom Cron install settings, these are detected and only used if you want to override
# the automatic detection and generation of the values when not set, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
+#cron_bash="" #default: detected with the which command
#cron_dir="" #default: /etc/cron.d
#cron_filename="" #default: clamav-unofficial-sigs
#cron_minute="" #default: random value between 0-59
-#cron_user="" #default: uses the clam_user
-#cron_sudo="no" #default no, yes will append sudo -u before the username
-#cron_bash="" #default: detected with the which command
#cron_script_full_path="" #default: detected to the fullpath of the script
+#cron_sudo="no" #default no, yes will append sudo -u before the username
+#cron_user="" #default: uses the clam_user
# Custom logrotate install settings, these are detected and only used if you want to override
# the automatic detection and generation of the values when not set, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
#logrotate_dir="" #default: /etc/logrotate.d
#logrotate_filename="" #default: clamav-unofficial-sigs
-#logrotate_user="" #default: uses the clam_user
#logrotate_group="" #default: uses the clam_group
#logrotate_log_file_full_path="" #default: detected to the $log_file_path/$log_file_name
+#logrotate_user="" #default: uses the clam_user
# Custom man install settings, these are detected and only used if you want to override
# the automatic detection and generation of the values when not set, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
@@ -655,7 +700,9 @@ selinux_fixes="no" # Default is "no" ignore ssl errors and warnings
# the automatic detection and generation of the values when not set, this is mainly to aid package maintainers
#work_dir_add="" #default: uses work_dir/add_dir
#work_dir_gpg="" #default: uses work_dir/gpg_dir
+#work_dir_interserver="" #default: uses work_dir/interserver_dir
#work_dir_linuxmalwaredetect="" #default: uses work_dir/linuxmalwaredetect_dir
+#work_dir_malwareexpert="" #default: uses work_dir/malwareexpert_dir
#work_dir_malwarepatrol="" #default: uses work_dir/malwarepatrol_dir
#work_dir_pid="" #default: uses work_dir/pid_dir
#work_dir_sanesecurity="" #default: uses work_dir/sanesecurity_dir
@@ -671,10 +718,12 @@ user_configuration_complete="no"
# ========================
# Database provider URLs
@@ -682,7 +731,7 @@ yararulesproject_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/master"
# ========================
diff --git a/config/os/os.gentoo.conf b/config/os/os.gentoo.conf
index ad9e9590..8b555315 100644
--- a/config/os/os.gentoo.conf
+++ b/config/os/os.gentoo.conf
@@ -31,4 +31,7 @@ clamd_restart_opt="clamdscan --reload"
# https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################
diff --git a/config/os/os.macosx.conf b/config/os/os.macos.conf
similarity index 81%
rename from config/os/os.macosx.conf
rename to config/os/os.macos.conf
index 2333618c..8abd5b7d 100644
--- a/config/os/os.macosx.conf
+++ b/config/os/os.macos.conf
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
# Mac OS and OS X with clamav installed via homebrew
+# Requires gnu-sed (gsed) and gnu-tar (gtar)
# Follow the installation Instructions: see the guide in the guides folder
@@ -27,17 +29,17 @@ clam_user="clamav"
# On some systems the clamgroup is "virusgroup"
-clamd_restart_opt="/usr/local/bin/clamdscan --reload"
+clamd_restart_opt="launchctl kickstart -k system/clamav.clamd"
diff --git a/config/os/os.mailcleaner.conf b/config/os/os.mailcleaner.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b6206ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/os/os.mailcleaner.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This file contains os configuration settings for clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+# This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com
+# You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice.
+# Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com
+# License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+# Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+# Rename to os.conf to enable this file
+# Mailcleaner - Debian 8 (Jessie)
+clamd_restart_opt="/etc/init.d/mailcleaner restart"
+# https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################
diff --git a/config/os/os.openbsd.conf b/config/os/os.openbsd.conf
index 9f311879..8cbad62b 100644
--- a/config/os/os.openbsd.conf
+++ b/config/os/os.openbsd.conf
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# Rename to os.conf to enable this file
+# Requires gnu-sed (gsed) and gnu-tar (gtar)
# OpenBSD
diff --git a/config/user.conf b/config/user.conf
index 04bcb69d..8e957456 100644
--- a/config/user.conf
+++ b/config/user.conf
@@ -21,25 +21,32 @@
# Please note, it is your responsibility to manage the contents of this file.
# Values provided here are just examples, feel free to use any values from the main config file.
+# Malware Expert 2020 (non-free) clamav signatures
+# set to no to enable the commercial subscription databases
# set to no to enable the commercial subscription url
#malwarepatrol_list="clamav_basic" # clamav_basic or clamav_ext
# if the malwarepatrol_product_code is not 8 the malwarepatrol_free is set to no (non-free)
# Enable if you have a commercial/premium/non-free subscription
# Default dbs rating (Default: MEDIUM)
-# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
+# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
# Per Database
# These ratings will override the global rating for the specific database
# valid rating: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, DISABLE
@@ -56,12 +63,18 @@
# Uncomment the following line to enable the script
+# HTTPS validation
+# Uncomment to allow and ignore SSL errors leading to insecure transfers
+# downloader_ignore_ssl_errors="yes" # Default is "no"
# Proxy Support
# If necessary to proxy database downloads, define the rsync, curl, wget, dig, hosr proxy settings here.
#curl_proxy="--proxy http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port"
#dig_proxy="@proxy_host -p proxy_host:proxy_port"
#host_proxy="@proxy_host" #does not support port
+# Define rsync to use netcat for socks tunnel
+#rsync_connect_prog="nc -X 5 -x socksproxy_host:socksproxy_port %H 873"
#wget_proxy="-e http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port -e https_proxy=https://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port"
# https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################
diff --git a/guides/macos.md b/guides/macos.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05b236d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guides/macos.md
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Basic guide to Installing and Updating on macOS and OSX
+Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
+Run all the following in the Terminal app:
+# UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 7.0 +)
+clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --upgrade
+clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
+## Notes:
+Tested on macOS Big Sur (OSX 11)
+## Install Requirements
+# Step 1 Install Homebrew
+/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
+# Step 2 Install dependencies : gtar (gnu-tar) sed (gnu-sed)
+brew install gnu-tar gnu-sed
+# Step 3 Install clamav
+brew install clamav
+# Step 4 Configure clamav
+# Create clamav user and group
+sudo dscl . create /Groups/clamav
+sudo dscl . create /Groups/clamav RealName "Clam Antivirus Group"
+sudo dscl . create /Groups/clamav gid 799
+sudo dscl . create /Users/clamav
+sudo dscl . create /Users/clamav RealName "Clam Antivirus User"
+sudo dscl . create /Users/clamav UserShell /bin/false
+sudo dscl . create /Users/clamav UniqueID 599
+sudo dscl . create /Users/clamav PrimaryGroupID 799
+# Create the dirs
+sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/run
+sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/log
+sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/clamav/db
+sudo mkdir -p "/Library/LaunchDaemons"
+# Generate the configs
+cp "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf.sample" "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf"
+sed -e "s|# Example config file|# Config file|" \
+ -e "s|^Example$|# Example|" \
+ -e "s|^#MaxDirectoryRecursion 20$|MaxDirectoryRecursion 25|" \
+ -e "s|^#LogFile .*|LogFile /usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamd.log|" \
+ -e "s|^#PidFile .*|PidFile /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.pid|" \
+ -e "s|^#DatabaseDirectory .*|DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/var/clamav/db|" \
+ -e "s|^#LocalSocket .*|LocalSocket /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket|" \
+ -e "s|^#FixStaleSocket|FixStaleSocket|" \"
+ -i -n "/usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf"
+cp "/usr/local/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf.sample" "/usr/local/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf"
+sed -e "s|# Example config file|# Config file|" \
+ -e "s|^Example$|# Example|" \
+ -e "s|^#DatabaseDirectory .*|DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/var/clamav/db|" \
+ -e "s|^#UpdateLogFile .*|UpdateLogFile /usr/local/var/clamav/log/freshclam.log|" \
+ -e "s|^#PidFile .*|PidFile /usr/local/var/clamav/run/freshclam.pid|" \
+ -e "s|^#NotifyClamd .*|NotifyClamd /usr/local/etc/clamav/clamd.conf|" \
+ -i -n "/usr/local/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf"
+# Fix permissions
+sudo chown -R clamav:clamav /usr/local/var/clamav
+# Clamd socket
+sudo touch /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket
+sudo chown clamav:clamav /usr/local/var/clamav/run/clamd.socket
+sudo tee "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist" << EOF > /dev/null
+ Label
+ clamav.clamd
+ ProgramArguments
+ /usr/local/sbin/clamd
+ --foreground
+ KeepAlive
+ StandardErrorPath
+ /usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamd.error.log
+sudo tee "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.freshclam.plist" << EOF > /dev/null
+ Label
+ ProgramArguments
+ /usr/local/bin/freshclam
+ --daemon
+ --foreground
+ KeepAlive
+ RunAtLoad
+ StandardErrorPath
+ /usr/local/var/clamav/log/freshclam.error.log
+ StartInterval
+ 86400
+sudo tee "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamdscan.plist" << EOF > /dev/null
+ Label
+ ProgramArguments
+ /usr/local/bin/clamdscan
+ --log=/usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamdscan.log
+ -m
+ /
+ KeepAlive
+ RunAtLoad
+ StartCalendarInterval
+ Hour
+ 1
+ Minute
+ 45
+ StandardErrorPath
+ /usr/local/var/clamav/log/clamdscan.error.log
+sudo chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.freshclam.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamdscan.plist"
+sudo chmod 0644 "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.freshclam.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamdscan.plist"
+sudo launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamd.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.freshclam.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamdscan.plist"
+# Step 5
+sudo su
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --output /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/master.conf --output /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/os/os.macos.conf --output /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/user.conf --output /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+# Step 6
+set your user options
+sudo pico /usr/local/etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
+# Step 7
+Console (shell)
+clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
+# Step 8
+launchd helper Script (replaces cron)
+sudo tee "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamav-unofficial-sigs.plist" << EOF > /dev/null
+ Label
+ Clamav Unofficial Sigs update
+ ProgramArguments
+ bash /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
+ StartInterval
+ 3600
+sudo chown root:wheel "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamav-unofficial-sigs.plist"
+sudo chmod 0644 "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamav-unofficial-sigs.plist"
+sudo launchctl load "/Library/LaunchDaemons/clamav.clamav-unofficial-sigs.plist"
diff --git a/guides/macosx.md b/guides/macosx.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b22568ad..00000000
--- a/guides/macosx.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Basic guide to Installing and Updating on Mac OS 10.12+ and OS X
-Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
-Run all the following in the Terminal app:
-# UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 7.0 +)
-clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --upgrade
-clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
-# UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS (version 6.1 and below)
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh -O /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh && chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/master.conf -O /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
-clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
-## Notes:
-## Install Requirements
-# Step 1 Install Homebrew
-/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
-# Step 2 Install clamav
-brew install clamav
-# Step 3
-sudo su
-curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --output /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
-chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
-mkdir -p /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs
-curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/master.conf --output /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master.conf
-curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/os/os.macosx.conf --output /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/os.conf
-curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/config/user.conf --output /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
-# Step 4
-set your user options
-sudo pico /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf
-# Step 5
-Console (shell)
-clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh --force
-# Step 6
-launchd helper Script (replaces cron)
-sudo su
-cat < /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.clamav-unofficial-sigs.plist
- Label
- Clamav Unofficial Sigs update
- ProgramArguments
- bash /usr/local/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
- StartInterval
- 3600