All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.1 (2021-06-28)
- helm: add missing end to NOTES.txt (aa507fa)
- helm: fix appVersion tag, should be prefixed with a 'v' (25ad225)
- admin-controller: convert to using the http-listener (3da7b4f)
- config: hide obscure options by default (a078a7f)
- helm: bump helm appVersion on release (e2d61eb)
- helm: initial helm chart (8e76ae5)
- unified http request/reponse logging (4cd9740)
- account: keep last updated timestamp (26951ba)
- account: keep track of tunnels on account level (77c8a18)
- http-ingress: get port of http listener (35b4a3b)
- http-ingress: improve request/response logging (56886d7)
- http-ingress: prevent request loops (be0fe42)
- logger: log hostname for each entry (8908958)
- node: cache node lookups (dc2d110)
- node-socket: add target node in toString() (2da7b9e)
- storage: add list() method that can query all keys in a namespace (5fb2ebb)
- tunnel: keep last updated timestamp on tunnel object (ba87f97)
- tunnel-server: reset stale connection state on disconnect (0cb3fbd)
- tunnel-service: preemptively refresh lookup cache (8974cbb)
- display package and/or build version (49fe22a)
- return error codes as enum values instead of strings (49a2a27)
- eventbus: decrease max listeners on removelistener event (b4ea1d6)
- http-captor: 'data' might not be the first listener attached (714c726)
- http-captor: construct both promises before waiting (c735a78)
- http-captor: handle undefined (464c96e)
- http-captor: log request/response time in millis without decimals (53b79f6)
- http-ingress: agent cache ttl update (a72455d)
- http-ingress: call correct createConnection (c0c02ae)
- http-ingress: don't expire http agent with on-going requests (f128db9)
- http-ingress: improve subdomain matching (599bf33)
- http-ingress: log path of request (eba9117)
- http-ingress: make agent cache expiry more resilient (897e711)
- http-ingress: only remove connection header in certain conditions (ed512fd)
- http-ingress: return 503 if fail to obtain a socket (2803a9a)
- http-ingress: use of undefined variable (a8b8ca3)
- http-listener: return 404 if no handler claims the request (9ae8d9b)
- logger: add host to logging context (55e36f1)
- serializer: properly deserialize arrays (25701a1)
- tunnel-server: delete tunnel state on tunnel deletion (dda2159)
- tunnel-server: reduce disconnection wait time to 4500ms (d160a3a)
- tunnel-server: set TTL on initial state creation (9368d73)
- tunnel-server: use allSettled instead of all (8af3689)
- tunnel-service: fix tunnel lookup cache expiry (3a6106d)
- tunnel-service: use of undefined variable (b7b9875)
- tunnel-service: wrong function called to read node (a60c927)
- ws-transport: performance improvements (ef42a2a)
- adminController might not be initialized (35774a0)
- setTimeout takes ms, TTL is in seconds (9106963)
- spawnSync syntax (59b85aa)
- use of uninitialized variable (1f8372a)