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+slug: Autotiling Technique
+title: Autotiling Technique
+authors: [justin]
+tags: [gamedev tilemap tiling autotiling tooling]
+import expng from './images/ex.png';
+import img1 from './images/image-1.png';
+import img3 from './images/image-3.png';
+import img4 from './images/image-4.png';
+import img5 from './images/image-5.png';
+import img7 from './images/image-7.png';
+import img8 from './images/image-8.png';
+import img9 from './images/image-9.png';
+import img10 from './images/image-10.png';
+import img11 from './images/image-11.png';
+import img12 from './images/image-12.png';
+import img14 from './images/image-14.png';
+import img15 from './images/image-15.png';
+import img16 from './images/image-16.png';
+import wang from './images/wang.png';
+import wang1 from './images/wang_texture.png';
+import wang2 from './images/wang_example.png';
+As a game developer, if the thought of hand crafting a level does not appeal to you, then you may consider looking into procedural
+generation for your next project. Even using procedural generation, however, you still need to be able to turn your generated map
+arrays into a tilemap with clean, contiguous walls, and sprites that match up cleanly, as if it was drawn by hand. This is where a
+technique called auto-tiling can come into play to help determine which tiles should be drawn in which locations on your tilemap.
+In this article, I will explain the concept of auto-tiling, Wang Tiles, [binary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary) and
+[bitmasks](), and then walk through the process and algorithms associated with using
+this tool in a project.
+## What is auto-tiling
+Auto-tiling converts a [matrix](https://processing.org/tutorials/2darray) or [array](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array) of
+information about a map and assigns the corresponding tile texture to each tile in a manner that makes sense visually for the tilemap
+level. This uses a tile's position, relative to its neighbor tiles to determine which tile sprite should be used. Today we will focus
+on bitmask encoding neighbor data, although there are other techniques that can be used to accomplish this.
+One can get exposed to auto-tiling in different implementations. If you're using a game engine like [Unity](https://unity.com/) or
+[Godot](https://godotengine.org/), there are features automatically built into those packages to enabling auto-tiling as you draw and
+create your levels. Also, there are software tools like [Tiled](https://www.mapeditor.org/), [LDTK](https://ldtk.io/), and
+[Sprite Fusion](https://www.spritefusion.com/), that are a little more tilemap specific and give you native tools for auto-tiling.
+Auto-tiling has provided the most benefit when we think about how we can pivot from tilemap matrices or flat indexes representing the
+state of a tilemap, to a rendered map on the screen. Let us say you have a tilemap in the form of a 2d matrix with 1's and 0's in it
+representing the 'walkable' state of a tile. Let us assign a tile as a floor (0) piece or a wall (1) piece. Now, one can simply use two
+different tiles, for example:
+a grass tile
and a dirt path tile
+We could take a tilemap matrix like this:
+and use these two tiles to assign the grass to the 1's and the 0's to the path tile. It would look like this:
+This is technically a tile-map which has been auto-tiled, but we can do a little better.
+## What are Wang tiles?
+Wang tiles do not belong or associate with game development or tile-sets specifically, but come from mathematics. So, why are we
+talking about them? The purpose of the Wang tiles within the scope of game development is to have a series of tile edges that create
+matching patterns to other tiles. We control which tiles are used by assigning a unique set of bitmasks to each tile that allows us
+reference them later.
+Wang tiles themselves are a class of system which can be modeled visually by square tiles with a color on each side. The tiles can be
+copied and arranged side by side with matching edges to form a pattern. Wang tile-sets or Wang 'Blob' tiles are named after Hao Wang, a
+mathematician in the 1960's who theorized that a finite set of tiles, whose sides matched up with other tiles, would ultimately form a
+repeating or periodic pattern. This was later to be proven false by one of his students. This is a massive oversimplification of Wang's
+work, for more information on the backstory of Wang tiles you can be read here: [Wang Tiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_tile).
+This concept of matching tile edges to a pattern can be used for a game's tilemap. One way we can implement Wang tiles in game
+development is to create levels from the tiles. We start with a tile-set that represents all the possible edge outcomes for any tile.
+These tile assets can be found here: [Wang Tile Set](https://opengameart.org/content/wang-%E2%80%98blob%E2%80%99-tileset)
+The numbers on each tile represents the bitmask value for that particular permutation of tile design. We then can see how you can swap
+these tiles for a separate texture below. In the image above, there are a couple duplicate tile configurations, and they are shown in
+white font.
+The magic of Wang tiles is that it can be extended out and create unique patterns that visually work. For example:
+A bitmask is a binary representation of some pattern. In the scope of this conversation, we will use a bitmask to represent the 8
+neighbors tiles of an given tile on a tilemap.
+## What is a bitmask?
+A bitmask is a binary representation of some pattern. In the scope of this conversation, we will use a bitmask to represent the 8
+neighbors tiles of an given tile on a tilemap.
+### Quick crash course on Binary
+So our normal counting format is designed as base-10. This means that each digit in our number system represents digits 0-9 (10
+digits), and the value of each place value increases in power of base 10.
+So in the number '42', the 2 represents - (2 \* 100) which is added to the 4 in the 'tens' place, which is (4 \*
+101), which equals 42.
+(2 * 1) + (4 * 10) = 42
+T This in binary looks different, as binary is base-2, which means that each digit position has digits 0 and 1, (2 digits). This is the
+counting system and 'language' of computers and processors.
+Quickly, let's re-assess the previous example of '42'. 42 in binary is 101010. Let's break this down in similar fashion.
+Starting from the right placeholder and working our way left... The 0 in the right most digit represents 0 \* 20. The next
+digit represents 1 \* 21... and on for each digit and the exponent increases each placeholder.
+ 0 1 0 1 0 1
+(0 * 1) + (1 * 2) + (0 * 4) + (1 * 8) + (0 * 16) + (1 * 32) = 42
+2 + 8 + 32 = 42
+### Bits, Bytes, and Bitmasks
+That is how information in computers is encoded. We can use this 'encoding' scheme to easily represent binary information, like 'on' or
+'off', or in this discussion, walkable tile or not walkable. This is why in the tile-set matrix example above, we can flag non-walkable
+tiles as '1', and walkable tiles as '0'. This is now binary encoded.
+A bit is one of these placeholders, or one digit. 8 of this bits together is a byte. Computers and processors, at a minimum, read at
+least a byte at a time.
+We can use this binary encoding for the auto-tiling by representing the state of each of a tile's neighbors into 8 bits, one for each
+neighbor. This means that the condition and status of each neighbor for a tile can be encoded into one byte of data (8 bits) and CAN be
+represented with a decimal value, see my earlier explanation about how the number 42 is represented in binary.
+So the whole point of this section is to get to this example: we are going to encode the neighbor's data for an example tile.
+### Quick Demonstration
+Now the tile we are assigning the bitmask to is the green, center tile. This tile has 8 neighbors. If I start reading the 1's and 0's
+from the top left and reading right, then down, I can get the value: 101 (top row) - 01 (middle row) - 101 (bottom row). Remember to
+skip the green tile.
+All together, this is 10101101, which can be stored as a binary value, which can be converted to a decimal value: 173. Remember to
+start at the rightmost bit when converting.
+ 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
+(1 * 1) + (0 * 2) + (1 * 4) + (1 * 8) + (0 * 16) + (1 * 32) + (0 * 64) + (1 * 128)
+1 + 4 + 8 + 32 + 128 = 173
+Now we can use that decimal value of 173 to represent the neighbor pattern for that tile. Every tile in a tilemap, can be encoded with
+their 'neighbors' bitmasks.
+As you saw earlier, the wang tiles had bitmask values assigned to them. This is how we know which tile to substitute for each bitmask.
+## The Process
+We have already covered the hard part. In this section we are pulling it all together in a walkthrough of the overall high level
+Here are the steps we are covering:
+Find or create a tile-set spritesheet that you would like to use Create your tilemap data, however you like. Loop through each index of
+tile, and evaluate the neighbor tiles, and assign bitmask Map the bitmap values to the 'appropriate' tile in your tile-set (this is the
+long/boring part IMO) Iterate over each tile and assign the correct image that matches the bitmask value Draw your tilemap in your game
+Creating a tile-set Here is an example of a tile-set that I drew for the demo project.
+These 47 tiles represent all the different 'wall' formations that would be required. I kept my floor tiles separate in a different file
+so that it is easier to swap out. The floor is drawn as a separate tile underneath the wall. Each tile represented in the grid is
+designed to match up with a specific group of neighbor patterns. Let's take the top-left tile:
+This tile is intended to be mapped to a tile where there are walled neighbors on the right, below, and bottom right of the tile in
+question. There maybe a few neighbor combinations ultimately that may be mapped to this tile, in my project I found 7 combinations that
+this tile configuration would be mapped to.
+If you look through each tile you can see how it 'matches' up with another mating tile or tiles in the map. For my implementation, I
+spent time testing out each configuration visually to see which tile different bitmasks needed to be mapped to.
+### Create your tilemap data
+Now we will use either a 2d matrix or a flat array in your codebase, with each index representing a tile. I use a flat array, with a
+tilemap width and height parameter. It is simply preference.
+You can manually set these values in your array, or you can use a procedural generation algorithm to determine what your wall and floor
+tiles. I can recommend my [Cellular Automata](../2024-6-16-cellular-automata/cellularautonoma.mdx) aarticle that I wrote earlier if you
+are interested in generating the tilemap procedurally. When this is completed, you'll have a data set that will look something like
+### Loop through tilemap and assign bitmasks
+For each index of your array, you will need to capture all the states of the neighbor tiles for each tile, and record that value on
+each tile. I would refer to the previous section regarding how to calculate the bitmasks.
+ // This loops through each tile in the tilemap
+ private createTileMapBitmasks(map: TileMap): number[] {
+ // create the array of bitmasks, the indexes of this array will match up to the index
+ // of the tilemap
+ let bitmask: number[] = new Array(map.columns * map.rows).fill(0);
+ let tileIndex = 0;
+ // for each tile in the map, add the bitmask to the array
+ for (let tile of map.tiles) {
+ bitmask[tileIndex] = this._getBitmask(map, tileIndex, 1);
+ tileIndex++;
+ }
+ return bitmask;
+ }
+ // setting up neighbor offsets indexes /
+ const neighborOffsets = [
+ [1, 1],
+ [0, 1],
+ [-1, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ [-1, 0],
+ [1, -1],
+ [0, -1],
+ [-1, -1],
+ ];
+ // iterate through each neighbor tile and get the bitmask based on if the tile is solid
+ private _getBitmask(map: TileMap, index: number, outofbound: number): number {
+ let bitmask = 0;
+ // find the coordinates of current tile
+ const width = map.columns;
+ const height = map.rows;
+ let y = Math.floor(index / width);
+ let x = index % width;
+ // loop through each neighbor offset, and 'collect' their state
+ for (let i = 0; i < neighborOffsets.length; i++) {
+ const [dx, dy] = neighborOffsets[i];
+ const nx = x + dx;
+ const ny = y + dy;
+ //convert back to index
+ const altIndex = nx + ny * width;
+ // check if the neighbor tile is out of bounds, else if tile is a wall ('solid') shift in the bitmask
+ if (ny < 0 || ny >= height || nx < 0 || nx >= width) bitmask |= outofbound << i;
+ else if (map.tiles[altIndex].data.get("solid") === true) bitmask |= 1 << i;
+ }
+ return bitmask;
+ }
+### Map bitmask values to each tile sprite in spritesheet
+Here is the monotonous part. For a byte, or an 8-bit word, the amount of permutations of tile patterns is 256. That's a lot of
+mappings. Now I did mine the hard way, manually, one by one. But there may be easier ways to do this. I use Typescript, so I will share
+a bit of what my mappings look like. Each number key in the object is the bitmask value, and its mapped to a coordinate array [x, y]
+for my spritesheet that I shared earlier in the article. Now, I could have put them in order, but that does not really serve any
+export const tilebitmask: Record> = {
+ 0: [3, 3],
+ 1: [3, 3],
+ 4: [3, 3],
+ 128: [3, 3],
+ 32: [3, 3],
+ 11: [0, 0],
+ 175: [0, 0],
+ 15: [0, 0],
+ 47: [0, 0],
+ 207: [0, 5],
+ 203: [0, 5],
+ 124: [3, 5],
+ 43: [0, 0],
+ ...
+### Iterate over the tiles and assign tile sprite
+The last two steps we'll do together. Now we simply need to iterate over our tilemap, assign the appropriate sprite tiles. I'm using
+Excalibur.js for my game engine, and the code is in Typescript, but you can use whichever tool you would prefer.
+draw(): TileMap {
+ // call the method that loops through and configures all the bitmasks
+ let bitmask = this.createTileMapBitmasks(this.map);
+ let tileindex = 0;
+ for (const tile of this.map.tiles) {
+ tile.clearGraphics();
+ // if the tile is solid, draw the base tile first, THEN the foreground tile
+ if (tile.data.get("solid") === true) {
+ // add floor tile
+ tile.addGraphic(this.baseTile);
+ // using the tile's index grab the bitmask value
+ let thisTileBitmask = bitmask[tileindex];
+ // this is the magic... grab the coordinates of the tile sprite from tilebitmask, and provide that to Excalibur
+ let sprite: Sprite;
+ sprite = this.spriteSheet.getSprite(tilebitmask[thisTileBitmask][0], tilebitmask[thisTileBitmask][1]);
+ //add the wall sprite to the tile
+ tile.addGraphic(sprite);
+ } else {
+ // if the tile is not solid, just draw the base tile
+ tile.addGraphic(this.baseTile);
+ }
+ tileindex++;
+ }
+ return this.map;
+ }
+## Demo Application
+[Link to Demo](https://mookie4242.itch.io/autotiling-demonstration)
+[Link to Repo](https://github.com/jyoung4242/CA-itchdemo)
+In this demo application, I'm using Excalibur.js engine to show how auto-tiling can work, and its benefits in game development. The
+user can click on the tilemap to draw walkable paths onto the canvas. As the walkable paths are drawn, the auto-tiling algorithm will
+automatically place the correct tile in its position based on the neighbor tile's walkable status.
+There are some controls at the top of this app, a button to reset the tilemap settings back to not walkable, so one can start over.
+Also, two drop downs that let the user swap out tile-sets for different styles. This shows the benefits of having standardized Wang
+tiles for your tile-sets. For example, in this demo, we have three Wang tile-sets. When you swap them out, it can automatically draw
+them correctly into your tilemap.
+and Rock
+# Why Excalibur
+Small Plug...
+[ExcaliburJS](https://excaliburjs.com/) is a friendly, TypeScript 2D game engine that can produce games for the web. It is free and
+open source (FOSS), well documented, and has a growing, healthy community of gamedevs working with it and supporting each other. There
+is a great discord channel for it [JOIN HERE](https://discord.gg/ScX52wD4eM), for questions and inquiries. Check it out!!!
+# Conclusions
+TThat was quite a bit, no? We covered the concept of Autotiling as a tool you can use in game developement. We discussed the benefits
+of Wang tiles for your projects and that they allow for the auto selection of the correct tile sprites to use based off of bitmask
+assignments. We dug into bitmask and base-2 binary encoding a little bit just to show how we were encoding the neighbor tile
+information into a decimal value so we could map the tile sprites appropriately. We finished this portion by doing an example tile
+encoding of neighbors to demonstrate the process.
+We went step by step throught he process of autotiling, looking at tilesets, looking at code snippets, and finishing at the demo
+application on itch. I hope you enjoyed this take on autotiling, as mentioned above, this is NOT the only way to do this, there are
+other ways of accomplishing the same effect. You also can tweak this to your own liking, for instance, you can introduce varying tiles
+so you can use different floor tiles, or adding decord on to walls to add additional variety and add a feeling of greater immersion
+into the worlds your building. Have fun!
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