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+slug: Pathfinding Algorithms Part 2
+title: Pathfinding Part 2 with A*
+authors: [justin]
+tags: [a* a-star pathfinding graph]
+import img from './images/image.png';
+import img1 from './images/image-1.png';
+import img10 from './images/image-10.png';
+import img17 from './images/image-17.png';
+import img18 from './images/image-18.png';
+import img19 from './images/image-19.png';
+import img20 from './images/image-20.png';
+import img21 from './images/image-21.png';
+import img22 from './images/image-22.png';
+import img23 from './images/image-23.png';
+import img24 from './images/image-24.png';
+import img25 from './images/image-25.png';
+import img26 from './images/image-26.png';
+import img27 from './images/image-27.png';
+import img28 from './images/image-28.png';
+This is a continuation of our discussion on pathfinding. In the first part of our discussion, we investigated Dijkstra's algorithm.
+This time, we are digging into A\* pathfinding.
+[Link to Part 1](https://excaliburjs.com/blog/Pathfinding%20Algorithms%20Part%201)
+[Link to Pathfinding Demo](https://excaliburjs.com/sample-pathfinding/)
+## Pathfinding, what is it
+Quick research on pathfinding gives a plethora of resources discussing it. Pathfinding is calculating the shortest path through some
+'network'. That network can be tiles on a game level, it could be roads across the country, it could be aisles and desks in an office,
+etc. etc.
+Pathfinding is also an algorithm tool to calculate the shortest path through a graph network. A graph network is a series of nodes and
+edges to form a chart. For more information on this: [click here](https://www.google.com/search?q=Graph%20Thoery).
+For the sake of clarity, there are two algorithms we specifically dig into with this demonstration: Dijkstra's Algorithm and A\*. We
+studied Dijkstra's Algorithm in [Part 1](https://excaliburjs.com/blog/Pathfinding%20Algorithms%20Part%201).
+### A\* Algorithm
+A star is an algorithm for finding the shortest path through a graph that presents weighting (distances) between different nodes. The
+algorithm requires a starting node, and an ending node, and the algorithm uses a few metrics for each node to systematically find the
+shortest path. The properties of each node are fCost, gCost, and hCost. We will cover those in a bit.
+## Quick History
+The A\* algorithm was originated in its first state as a part of the Shakey project. That project was about designing a robot that
+could calculate its own path and own actions. In 1968, the first publishing of the A\* project happened and it describes its initial
+heuristic function for calculating node costs.
+A heuristic function is a logical means, not necessarily perfect means, of solving a problem in a pragmatic way.
+Over the years the A\* algorithm has been refined slightly to become more optimized.
+## Algorithm Walkthrough
+### Load the Graph
+We first load our graph, understanding which nodes are clear to traverse, and which nodes are blocked. We also need to understand the
+starting node and ending node as well.
+### Cost the nodes
+We first will assess the cost properties for each node. Cost is a term we are using that represents a distance between nodes. This will
+be a method that assigns the fCost, gCost, and hCost to each node.
+Let's discuss these costs first. The costs are a weighting of each node with respect to its positioning between the starting and ending
+The fCost of a tile is equal to the gCost plus the hCost. This is represented as such:
+The gCost of the node is the distance cost between the current node and the starting node.
+The hCost of the node is the 'theoretical' distance from the current node to the ending node. This is why we discussed heuristics
+earlier. This value is an estimate of the distance, a best guess. This makes guessing for a rectangular tilemap easy, since all tiles
+are distance 1 from each other in a grid, the method of guessing is just using the tile positions of the two nodes and using
+Pythagorean theorem to assess the distance. If the grid is irregular, some spatial data may need to be injected into the graphs
+creation to facilitate this heuristic, for example: x/y coordinate locations maybe.
+Thus, the fCost is the sum of these two values. While simplistic, this is the value that is leveraged in the algorithm to determine the
+'best' path.
+### Setup Buffers
+After we've looped through all the nodes and costed them appropriately, we will utilize a buffer called openNodes. We will push the
+starting node into this, as it is the only node we 'know' about as of yet. We will use this openNodes buffer for much of the iterations
+we conduct in this algorithm.
+We will leverage another buffer we will call either 'checked' or 'closed' buffer, and this is where the results of our algorithm will
+exist, as we process tiles from openNodes into this buffer.
+### Iteration
+Then we get into the repeating part of the algorithm.
+1. Look for the lowest F cost square in the open list. Make it the current square.
+2. Move the current square to the closed buffer (list). Remove from openNodes, move to 'checked' nodes.
+3. Check if the new current node is the endnode, this is the finishing condition. using the parent node properties of each node, walk
+ backwards to the starting node, that's the shortest path
+4. If not ending node, review all neighbor squares of current square, if a neighbor is not traversable, ignore it
+5. Check each neighbor is in checked/closed list of nodes, if not, perform parent assignment, and add to open node list
+This series continues to iterate while neighbors are being added to the open node list.
+### Example
+Let's start with this example graph network.
+We will manage our walkthrough with two different lists, open nodes and checked nodes. Black tiles above represent nodes that are not
+traversable. Let's define our start and stop nodes as indicated by the green S node and the blue E node.
+The first step of A\* algorithm is costing all the nodes, and let's see if we can show this easily.
+For more clarity on the 'costing' step, let's talk through the core loop that is applied to each tile.
+My process is to loop through each tile, and assuming it has either coordinates or and index, I can determine its distance from the
+start node and end node.
+Let's do the first tile together. The first tile is coordinates (x:0, y:0), and the start node is coordinates (x: 1, y:1), while the
+end node is (x: 4,y:5). The gCost for this tile we can use Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance as the hypotenuse.
+gCost = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((1-0), 2) + Math.pow((1-0)), 2));
+This gives us a gCost of ~1.41.
+We can repeat this equation for the hCost, but it is with respect to the end node coordinates.
+hCost = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((4-0), 2) + Math.pow((5-0)), 2));
+This yeilds a hCost of ~6.40.
+Knowing both now, we can determine the fCost of that node or tile, by adding the two together, making the fCost 7.82... with rounding.
+We can repeat this process for each tile in the graph.
+Why am I using floating point values here? There's a reason, if I simply use integers, then the distances wouldn't have enough
+resolution in digits, creating a little more unoptimized iterations, as the number of cells with equal f Costs would increase, here the
+fCosts are more absolute, and we will reduce the iterations. Simply put, if all the fCosts between 5.02 - 5.98 all are represented as 5
+as an integer, it muddies up how the algorithm moves through and prioritizes the 'next' cell to visit. With floating points, this is
+explicit. Being a grid, all the distances are simple hypotenuse calculations using Pythagorean theorem.
+Before we jump into the overall repetitive loop, we will add the startnode into our list of opennodes.
+Now the algorithm can start to be repetitive. We set the startnode to the current node, and move it from open to checked lists.
+We first check if our current node is the end node, which it is not, so we proceed.
+The next step is to select the lowest fCost, and since the starting node is the only node in openlist, it gets selected, otherwise we
+would have selected randomly from the lowest value fCosts in the open node list. Now we look at all the neighbors. I will designate the
+pale yellow as our 'open node' list. We will use different colors for 'checked'.
+None are in the checked list, so we add them all to the opennodes list, and assign the current node as each nodes parent. To note, if a
+node is not traversable (black) then it gets ignored at this point, and not added to the list.
+This then repeats as long as nodes are in the open node list, if we run out of open nodes without hitting the end node, then there's no
+path. When we hit the end node, we start building our return list by looping back through the parent nodes of each node. Starting at
+the end node, it will have a parent, that parent will have a parent... and so on until you hit the start node.
+Let's walk through the example. Let's pick a tile with lowest f cost. As we select new 'current' nodes, we move that node to our
+checked list so it no longer is in the open node pool.
+The lowest cost is 5.02, and grab its neighbors. Along the way we are assigning parent nodes, and adding the new neighbors to the
+openNodes list.
+...but we keep selecting lowest cost node ( f cost of 5.06 is now the lowest to this point), we add neighers to opennodes, assign them
+parent nodes...
+.. the next iteration, the fCost of 5.24 is now lowest, so it gets 'checked', and we grab its neighbors, assign parents..
+.. the next iteration, there are two nodes of 5.4 cost, so let's see how this CAN play out, and the algorithm starts to make sense at
+this point.
+Let's pick the high road...
+The new neighbors are assigned parents, and are added to the overall list of open nodes to assess. Which is the new lowest fCost now?
+5.4 is still the lowest fCost.
+Yes, the algorithm went back to the other path and found a better next 'current' node in the list of open nodes. The process is almost
+complete. The next lowest fCost is 5.47, and there is more than one node with that value, so for the sake of being a completionist...
+Still the lowest fCost is 5.47, so we select the next node, grab neighbors, assign parents... one thing I did differently on this table
+is showing the fCost of the ending node, which up till now wasn't necessary, but showing it here lets one understand how the overall
+algorithm loops, because the end node HAS to be selected as the next lowest cost node, because the check for end node is at the
+beginning of the iteration, not in the neighbor eveluation. So in this next loop, i don't make it yellow, but the end node is now been
+placed AS A NEIGHBOR into the list of open nodes for evaluation.
+We now have our path, because the next iteration, the first thing we'll do is pick the lowest node fCost (5.0) and make it the current
+tile, and then test if it is the end node, which is true now.
+We can return its path walking back all the parent node properties and see how we got there along the way.
+## The test
+[Link to Demo](https://excaliburjs.com/sample-pathfinding/)
+[Link to Github Project](https://github.com/excaliburjs/sample-pathfinding)
+The demo is a simple example of using a Excalibur Tilemap and the pathfinding plugin. When the player clicks a tile that does NOT have
+a tree on it, the pathfinding algorithm selected is used to calculate the path. Displayed in the demo is the amount of tiles to
+traverse, and the overall duration of the process required to make the calculation.
+Also included, are the ability to add diagonal traversals in the graph. Which simply modifies the graph created with extra edges added,
+please note, diagonal traversal is slightly more expensive than straight up/down, left/right traversal.
+## Why Excalibur
+Small Plug...
+[ExcaliburJS](https://excaliburjs.com/) is a friendly, TypeScript 2D game engine that can produce games for the web. It is free and
+open source (FOSS), well documented, and has a growing, healthy community of gamedevs working with it and supporting each other. There
+is a great discord channel for it [HERE](https://discord.gg/ScX52wD4eM), for questions and inquiries. Check it out!!!
+You can also find it on [GitHub](https://github.com/excaliburjs/Excalibur).
+## Conclusion
+For this article, we briefly reviewed the history of the A\* algorithm, we walked throught the steps of the algorithm, and then applied
+it to an example graph network.
+This algorithm I have found is faster than Dijkstra's Algorithm, but it can be tricky if you're not using a nice grid layout. The trick
+comes into the 'guessing' heuristic of the distance between the current node and the endnode (hCost). If you using a grid, you can use
+the coordinates of each node and calculate the hypotenuse as the hCost. If it is an unorganized, non standard shaped graph network,
+this becomes trickier. For the moment, for the library I created, I am limiting A\* to grid based tilemaps to make this much simpler. If the
+grid is not simple, I use Dijkstra's algorithm.