page_title | subcategory | description |
restapi Provider |
- uri (String, Required) URI of the REST API endpoint. This serves as the base of all requests.
- cert_file (String, Optional) When set with the key_file parameter, the provider will load a client certificate for mTLS authentication.
- copy_keys (List of String, Optional) When set, any PUT to the API for an object will copy these keys from the data the provider has gathered about the object. This is useful if internal API information must also be provided with updates, such as the revision of the object.
- create_method (String, Optional) Defaults to
. The HTTP method used to CREATE objects of this type on the API server. - create_returns_object (Boolean, Optional) Set this when the API returns the object created only on creation operations (POST). This is used by the provider to refresh internal data structures.
- debug (Boolean, Optional) Enabling this will cause lots of debug information to be printed to STDOUT by the API client.
- destroy_method (String, Optional) Defaults to
. The HTTP method used to DELETE objects of this type on the API server. - headers (Map of String, Optional) A map of header names and values to set on all outbound requests. This is useful if you want to use a script via the 'external' provider or provide a pre-approved token or change Content-Type from
. Ifusername
are set and Authorization is one of the headers defined here, the BASIC auth credentials take precedence. - id_attribute (String, Optional) When set, this key will be used to operate on REST objects. For example, if the ID is set to 'name', changes to the API object will be to This value may also be a '/'-delimeted path to the id attribute if it is multple levels deep in the data (such as
in the case of an object{ "attributes": { "id": 1234 }, "config": { "name": "foo", "something": "bar"}}
- insecure (Boolean, Optional) When using https, this disables TLS verification of the host.
- key_file (String, Optional) When set with the cert_file parameter, the provider will load a client certificate for mTLS authentication. Note that this mechanism simply delegates to golang's tls.LoadX509KeyPair which does not support passphrase protected private keys. The most robust security protections available to the key_file are simple file system permissions.
- oauth_client_credentials (Block List, Max: 1) (see below for nested schema)
- password (String, Optional) When set, will use this password for BASIC auth to the API.
- rate_limit (Number, Optional) Set this to limit the number of requests per second made to the API.
- read_method (String, Optional) Defaults to
. The HTTP method used to READ objects of this type on the API server. - timeout (Number, Optional) When set, will cause requests taking longer than this time (in seconds) to be aborted.
- update_method (String, Optional) Defaults to
. The HTTP method used to UPDATE objects of this type on the API server. - use_cookies (Boolean, Optional) Enable cookie jar to persist session.
- username (String, Optional) When set, will use this username for BASIC auth to the API.
- write_returns_object (Boolean, Optional) Set this when the API returns the object created on all write operations (POST, PUT). This is used by the provider to refresh internal data structures.
- xssi_prefix (String, Optional) Trim the xssi prefix from response string, if present, before parsing.
- oauth_client_id (String, Required) client id
- oauth_client_secret (String, Required) client secret
- oauth_token_endpoint (String, Required) oauth token endpoint
- oauth_scopes (List of String, Optional) scopes