Offers a set of utility functions to handle Promises, including sleep, retry and throttling.
Refer to PromiseService for further details.
Import PromiseModule
at your application, followed by injecting PromiseService
at your target provider:
import { PromiseService, HttpService } from '@bechara/crux';
export class FooService {
public constructor(
private readonly promiseService: PromiseService,
private readonly httpService: HttpService,
) { }
public async readFooOrTimeout(): Promise<unknown> {
const timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
return this.promiseService.resolveOrTimeout({
promise: () => this.httpService.get('foo'),
public async readFooWithRetry(): Promise<unknown> {
return this.promiseService.retryOnRejection({
method: () => this.httpService.get('foo'),
retries: 5,
timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes,
delay: 500, // 500 ms