Releases: espressif/idf-eclipse-plugin
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.9.1 (Build id: 20230406-1540)
This is a patch release that fixes some critical bugs reported in v2.9.0 and also includes bug fixes to improve the overall quality of the plugin and support the Eclipse 2022-12 version.
Java 17+
Eclipse CDT 2022-09, Eclipse CDT 2022-12
Bug Fixes
- IEP-907: Adding descriptive port name from the jSerialComm API by @alirana01 in #721
- IEP-911: Changing the shell variable to default display shell by @alirana01 in #724
- Doc Update by @kolipakakondal in #725
- IEP-906: Changing the OpenOCD path does not modify the OpenOCD scripts path by @sigmaaa in #720
- IEP-904: Clean Project feature ERROR by @sigmaaa in #718
- IEP-917: Build, Indexer, or the UI can stuck after close and reopening the project/restarting eclipse by @sigmaaa in #729
- IEP-921: Building project hangs by @kolipakakondal in #735
- IEP-822 Eclipse 2022-12 support by @sigmaaa in #722
- IEP-878: Fixing the git warning by @alirana01 in #733
- IEP-925: Project combo is empty and launch can throw an exception by @sigmaaa in #739
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1
How to get the latest version?
Installing IDF Plugins using the Update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
Windows Users
If you're starting new, always prefer installing Espressif-IDE through the Espressif-IDE Windows Offline Installer package here.
Here is the direct link for Espressif-IDE 2.9.1 with the ESP-IDF 5.0.1
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.9.0 (Build ID: 20230321-0002)
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.9.0 (Build id: 20230321-0002) Released
Improvements/New Features:
- Added a combo box in the Launch configuration with flash over UART, DFU, and JTAG options
- Integrated Wokwi esp simulator in Eclipse plugin
- Added IDF Tools installation status
- Added build progress status
- Added plugin nightly update site to the product repo
- Automatically configure available ports for debugging
- Changes made to target and ports mapping to help the user
- Filtered non-IDF projects from the ESP-IDF Serial monitor
- Updated the menu to ESP-IDF: Install New Component
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with the "Restore defaults" button in the Debugger Tab
- Fixed the issue of the "Launch Target Bar" being empty after offline installer release 2.8.1 installation
- Fixed issues with the tools installation wizard on MAC OS
- Resolved UI collisions and unusable controls on Linux for Tools Installation Wizard
- Fixed 'org.eclipse.ui.commands' parsing issues
- Resolved the 'Animation Start' error
- Fixed Launch Configuration not saving custom build folder path
- Fixed the installation for only selected tools
Full Changelog: v2.8.1...v2.9.0
How to get the latest version?
Installing IDF Plugins using the Update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
Windows Users
If you're starting new, always prefer installing Espressif-IDE through the Espressif-IDE Windows Offline Installer
package here.
Here is the direct link for Espressif-IDE 2.9.0 with the ESP-IDF 5.0.1
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.8.1
This is a patch release to address bugs reported on the 2.8.0 release
Java 17
Eclipse CDT 2022-09
Bug Fixes in this Release
- IEP-865: Error changing language due to case invalidation in the file name in #689
- IEP-867 The number format exception for some python versions in #688
- IEP-869: Default gdb client path is wrong for the new project in #691
- IEP-868: Fixing the export of the global OpenOCD path in preferences in #690
- IEP-870: Missing gdb executable for esp32c2 target in #692
Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.8.1
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.8.0(Build id: 20230201-0004)
This is a minor release that offers NVS Partition Editor, Partition Table Editor, Debugging configuration improvements, and many other bug fixes to improve the quality of the plugin.
You should be able to install IEP 2.8.0 update site on your existing Espressif-IDE. If you're using Eclipse Embedded 2022-06 and higher will be an update site error, however, eclipse suggests an alternative solution that will still install the 2.8.0 plugin correctly and shouldn't impact anything else.
What's Changed
- IEP-801: Class cast exception during exporting debug configuration in #619
- Fix for the component path if it's not from esp-idf components in #624
- IEP-817: More informative notification on target change in #641
- IEP-816: GH #640: Not opening Application Size Analysis on esp-idf 5.0 in #642
- IEP-369: Partition table editor in #613
- IEP-787: Replace the CMake change with a project description reader to find project binaries in #615
- IEP-815: OpenOCD path in the Espressif preferences page requires the eclipse restart to update a value in #639
- Update Documentation in #663
- CI Build fix: Tag IEP builds with Eclipse 2022-09 target in #667
- GH #629: Low application partition size turn off notification in #630
- IEP-814: Fix error for Illegal Thread State exception causing monitor issues in #661
- IEP-849: Github Windows Runner (WIP) in #674
- IEP-840 & IEP-841: Fix for Build settings save and add build settings tab in new launch config in #669
- IEP-370: NVS partition editor in #665
- IEP-701: Changes to handle the change in idf in esp_idf.json config file in #662
- Bump to v2.8.0 in #680
- IEP-853: The default debug config command doesn't match the selected target in #678
- IEP-852: Check for WebSocket dependency before starting serial monitor in #677
- IEP-831: Set remotetimeout to 20 sec for GDB Client in #676
- Documentation ToC restructure in #681
- IEP-862 Repeatedly ask to install some missing tools in #685
- IEP-864 Clean commands do not work with custom build directories in #686
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0
How to get the latest version?
Installing IDF Plugins using the Update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
Windows Users
If you're starting new, always prefer installing Espressif-IDE through the Espressif-IDE Windows Offline Installer
package here.
Here is the direct link for Espressif-IDE 2.8.0 with the ESP-IDF 5.0
Here is the direct link for Espressif-IDE 2.8.0 with the ESP-IDF 4.4.4
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.7.0
This is a minor release that offers Eclipse 2022-09 support, core dump debugging, automatic loading of SVD files for peripherals view, hints viewers for troubleshooting, index improvements, and many other bug fixes.
You should be able to install IEP 2.7.0 update site in Eclipse CDT 2022-06 and higher. If you're using Eclipse Embedded 2022-06 and higher will be an update site error, however, eclipse suggests an alternative solution that will still install the 2.7.0 plugin correctly and shouldn't impact anything else.
Important Notes:
- During previous releases, esp_idf_components used to be generated as part of the project root and that got moved to project/build/ide/esp_idf_components, hence project/esp_idf_components folder needs to be deleted manually before the build for the first time.
- After updating from v2.6.0 to v2.7.0 make sure you run the "Install Tools" from the Espressif menu since we have added webocket dependency as part of the core dump debugging feature IDF monitor might fail if we don't do this.
What's Changed
- IEP-648: moving esp_idf_components to build folder by @kolipakakondal in #534
- IEP-681: Show Tools installation error messages in red color by @alirana01 in #586
- IEP-744: Fix for eclipse launch parameter for CI Issues by @alirana01 in #578
- IEP-749 hints viewer based on the hints.yml by @sigmaaa in #585
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #592
- IEP-608: Documentation & Translations by @alirana01 in #591
- IEP-757: Add documentation about hints viewer by @sigmaaa in #593
- IEP-72: Core Dump Debugging by @alirana01 in #518
- esp-adf configure doc by @kolipakakondal in #596
- IEP-765:Configure esp-who in espressif-ide by @kolipakakondal in #598
- doc: SSL certification download error faq by @kolipakakondal in #601
- IEP-351: Automatic loading of svd for Peripherals view by @alirana01 in #602
- IEP-768: Eclipse 2022-09 support by @kolipakakondal in #600
- bump to v2.7.0 by @kolipakakondal in #606
- IEP-729: ESP32-C2 and ESP32-H2 support in IDEs by @sigmaaa in #597
- Documentation update: How to use the clang toolchain by @sigmaaa in #608
- doc: How to choose to build with Clang or GCC toolchain by @kolipakakondal in #607
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #609
- IEP-740: Chinese Translations for the Espressif Menu by @alirana01 in #610
- IEP-790: remove duplicate targets from target lists by @sigmaaa in #616
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #622
- docs: clangd configuration in eclipse cdt by @kolipakakondal in #623
- IEP-805: fix for Unable to install 2.7.0 nightly on eclipse 2022-09 CDT due to missing dependencies by @kolipakakondal in #626
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
How to get the latest version?
Installing IDF Plugins using the update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
Windows Users
If you're starting new, always prefer installing Espressif-IDE through the Windows Installer package from here this will install ESP-IDF v4.4.2 and required toolchains along with the IDE
However, in the above link, you will find Espressif-IDE 2.6.0 with ESP-IDF 4.4.2 so after installing this you need to update the IDE to 2.7.0 through the update site (will soon update the Windows installer as well!)
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.6.0
This is a minor release to support Espressif-IDE arm64 builds, DFU support, a new way of installation of tools through "Install Tools Wizard" and many more improvements and bug fixes to improve the UX and quality of the plugin.
What's Changed
- Fix: externalize ESP-IDF Terminal name for translation by @kolipakakondal in #548
- IEP-706: Fix: Print all env variables as part of product info by @kolipakakondal in #538
- ESP-IDF Terminal: is not accessible in the terminal by @kolipakakondal in #549
- Eclipse 2022-06 support: Update by @kolipakakondal in #555
- Fix maven builds failure caused by Linux tools docker plugins by @kolipakakondal in #556
- Fix: remove CMSIS Packs manager from the IDF update site by @kolipakakondal in #554
- IEP-682: Fixing the python env path in install tools getting populated by @alirana01 in #552
- IEP-710: Change the message "Project name can't include space" when creating a project by @sigmaaa in #542
- IEP-714:Add entitlements while code signing by @kolipakakondal in #550
- IEP-704: Add fullclean command to the menu list by @kolipakakondal in #537
- Create by @kolipakakondal in #564
- IEP-463 DFU (USB) programming support by @sigmaaa in #540
- IEP-722: Use python (not pip) for installing WebSocket client by @sigmaaa in #565
- Missing translation Keys by @alirana01 in #566
- IEP-721: Add esp32c3 and esp32s3 to the launch target list by @kolipakakondal in #553
- Add splash screen progress monitor by @kolipakakondal in #562
- IEP-732: Remove "Python declared in PATH variable" from the product info by @kolipakakondal in #567
- IEP-738: select esp32s2 target for DFU test by @alirana01 in #571
- Espressif-IDE arm64 build by @kolipakakondal in #561
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #568
- IEP-743: Fixed the CI Build Issues by @alirana01 in #576
- Update OpenOCD by @kolipakakondal in #574
- Bump version to v2.6.0 by @kolipakakondal in #577
- IEP-608: Chinese translations and Readme translations updated by @alirana01 in #569
- IEP-481: Push Nightly master builds to amazon s3 by @kolipakakondal in #371
- IEP-736: CCache enable/disable control from preferences page by @kolipakakondal in #575
- Fix nightly issues by @kolipakakondal in #580
- IEP-720: Fix for python script errors by @alirana01 in #560
- IEP-683 Updating esp-idf master directly from the plugin by @sigmaaa in #559
- doc: Update on nightly builds by @kolipakakondal in #581
- IEP-635 Provide diagnostic info on why GDB is crashed by @sigmaaa in #573
- IEP-448: Managing the ESP-IDF Tools via UI by @alirana01 in #419
- Update ci_release.yml by @kolipakakondal in #582
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
How to get the latest version?
Installing IDF Plugins using the update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.5.0
What's Changed
- Display sync added for invalid message thread access by @alirana01 in #507
- IEP-671: ESP-IDF Install Components not fetching the components sources for installed components. by @alirana01 in #514
- Fix: Update pty 0.12.7 jar to support Apple M1 arch by @kolipakakondal in #517
- Publish surefire Test Reports by @kolipakakondal in #471
- IEP-670 GH #509: Switching to different Serial Port in the ESP Target selector does not take effect by @sigmaaa in #510
- IEP-656: Plugin install doesn't install the websocket-client package needed by the terminal by @sigmaaa in #516
- IEP-684: Refactoring Install tools handler class by @sigmaaa in #519
- IEP-330: Update to latest embedded CDT plugin 6.x by @sigmaaa in #515
- Bump version to v2.5.0 by @kolipakakondal in #522
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #521
- IEP-679: Auto change the launch target after clicking on the launch configuration by @sigmaaa in #520
- IEP-692: Fix to restart eclipse for different platforms by @alirana01 in #530
- esp-idf-template: make compatible with IDF 4.1-5.0 by @igrr in #529
- IEP-638:Support custom build folder by @kolipakakondal in #513
- doc:Update OpenOCD by @kolipakakondal in #527
- Fix: Icons for size analysis and components editor by @kolipakakondal in #523
- IEP-426:Add findbugs to reporting by @kolipakakondal in #524
- IEP-687 Random NPE when opening the launch configuration options by @sigmaaa in #526
- Fix: Enable IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER by default by @kolipakakondal in #531
- doc:Update by @kolipakakondal in #532
- IEP-529: Code signing and notarization espressif-ide by @kolipakakondal in #525
- IEP-703: Saving a target attribute for a config each time when editing. by @sigmaaa in #536
- IEP-696: Test:LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest intermittently failing by @alirana01 in #543
- IEP-690: Add an option to delete all configurations related to the project being deleted. by @sigmaaa in #528
- Fix: Launch Application size analysis editor with external .map file by @kolipakakondal in #539
- Fix: single quote for message format when string has arbitrary chars by @kolipakakondal in #547
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #545
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.5.0
Installing IDF Plugins using the update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.4.2 (Build id:
What's Changed
- Version 2.4.1 (Eclipse) and 2.4.0 (Espressif IDE): Build fail after image is build for working project without clear reason. (IEP-647) by @sigmaaa in #487
- OpenOCD can not launch debug session but can flash using JTag (IEP-643) by @sigmaaa in #484
- FAQ: Update on idf_comp_components folder by @kolipakakondal in #488
- IEP-634: Bug fix for Language Change by @alirana01 in #498
- Espressif preferences for the serial monitor has no effect on it by @sigmaaa in #493
- Bump version v2.4.2 by @kolipakakondal in #505
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2
Installing IDF Plugins using the update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
Espressif IDE
All-in-one Espressif IDE Installer for Windows
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.4.1 (Build:
What's Changed
- Update by @kolipakakondal in #461
- IEP-627: shell style set to allow resize and maximize by @alirana01 in #464
- IEP-631: Bug fix for build by @alirana01 in #468
- Fix: Removing requirements.txt validation check by @kolipakakondal in #469
- can not create launch configuration ESP-IDF GDB OpenOCD Debugging (IEP-630) by @sigmaaa in #466
- IEP-302 IDF Tools version check by @sigmaaa in #438
- IEP-625: Tests CI Integration and restructuring by @kolipakakondal in #449
- Add Espressif IDE Installer for Window doc by @kolipakakondal in #467
- IEP-629: ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin Guide link fix by @alirana01 in #463
- IEP-636: Two versions of the toolchain for each target after installing the new esp-idf and tools. by @sigmaaa in #475
- Opening a terminal for the first time after Eclipse starts hangs at "Connecting..." and throws an NPE (IEP-637) by @sigmaaa in #476
- IEP-552: Openocd times out preference page by @alirana01 in #454
- IEP-641: Openocd version check not working on linux and mac by @sigmaaa in #478
- IEP-640: Unable to debug project on beta version 2.4.1 by @sigmaaa in #477
- IEP-602: Support spaces in IDF_PATH and project path by @sigmaaa in #435
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1
ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.4.0 (Build:
This is a minor release to support Eclipse 2021-12(4.22), Application level tracing, Components Install Manager, GDB Stub debugging, Indexer improvements, Linking esp-idf components to the project, and a lot of other bug fixes and improvements.
We are also releasing Espressif IDE for ESP-IDF which is a customized standalone IDE based on Eclipse. Espressif IDE comes with the IDF Eclipse plugins, essential Eclipse CDT plugins, and other third-party plugins which are required for esp-idf application development.
Improvements and New features
- IEP-373: Application Level Tracing in #413
- IEP-47: Linking components and indexer improvements in #402
- IEP-527: Help button added to the eclipse status bar in #392
- IEP-525 Show Application RAM and flash usage info after the build in #430
- IEP-595: Added Eclipse 2021-12 support in #417
- IEP-446: IDF Components Install Page and Manager in #407
- IEP-71: GDBStub Debugging in #410
- IEP-547: Provide an option for enabling OpenOCD verbose output in #439
- Build Espressif IDE for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms
- Reorganizing Espressif Menu items in #378
Bug Fixes
- IEP-535: Default and saved values for JTAG combo buttons in #368
- IEP-47: Link build components to the project in #247
- IEP-513 GH #346: Eclipse on Windows shows error markers for CPP file but not for c file when I include freertos/FreeRTOS.h but build succeeds anyway in #380
- IEP-550: The template list filter does not show nested items in the tree in #383
- Debugger tab - update board configuration message in #367
- IEP-555: NPE after deleting all projects in #389
- IEP-561: Add how to build locally instructions in #396
- IEP-553 GH #385: Need option for not download the program before debugging in #393
- IEP-574: Fix for update site installation on Eclipse 4.19 in #405
- Update OpenOCD in #403
- IEP-562 Fix: Avoid appending to existing PATH env variable in CDT build in #397
- IEP-486: GH #315: SDK Configuration editor do not recognize Kconfig "menuconfig ...." line and it parameters in #400
- IEP-563: Unable to delete a build directory in #398
- IEP-573: Doc update on ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin Compatibility Matrix in #404
- IEP-584: Logic fixed in finding the path from the system path in #411
- Update in #409
- IEP-540: Not opening Application Size Analysis on esp-idf 4.4 and higher in #415
- IEP-597: Binaries name according to the project name in #418
- IEP-601: GDBStub Debugging bug fix in #421
- IEP-604 Doc update: Application Level Tracing in #424
- IEP-607: JTAG documentation update in #426
- IEP-600: ESP-IDF Components improvements in #422
- IEP-542: Serial port was not found error while JTAG flashing in #428
- IEP-615: Look for python3 executable first in #433
- IEP-616: Flash over JTAG checkbox is not visible with the latest eclipse and CDT in #434
- IEP-558: Jar signing of eclipse plugins in GitHub in #394
- IEP-621: ESP-IDF version check breaks IDF download page in #441
- Sign external jars to avoid issues with .app code signing and notarization in #452
- IEP-620: Changes for the file to be copied to rules directory for Linux in #443
- IEP-617: v2.3.0 Launch configuration can not be saved in #444
- IEP-612: ESP-IDF: Fix for Application Size Analysis Crashes in #450
Installing IDF Plugins using the update site URL:
Installing IDF Plugins using the local archive file:
ESP-IDF Tools Windows Installer 2.11 Online and Offline installer comes with the IDF Eclipse Plugin 2.2.0 (this further requires an update to the 2.4.0 plugin). Please check