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Advanced configuration

GitLab Runner configuration uses the TOML format.

The file to be edited can be found in:

  1. /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml on *nix systems when gitlab-runner is executed as root (this is also path for service configuration)
  2. ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml on *nix systems when gitlab-runner is executed as non-root
  3. ./config.toml on other systems

The global section

This defines global settings of multi-runner.

Setting Description
concurrent limits how many jobs globally can be run concurrently. The most upper limit of jobs using all defined runners
check_interval defines in seconds how often to check GitLab for a new builds
sentry_dsn enable tracking of all system level errors to sentry


concurrent = 4

The [[runners]] section

This defines one runner entry.

Setting Description
name not used, just informatory
url CI URL
token runner token
tls-ca-file file containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS
tls-skip-verify whether to verify the TLS certificate when using HTTPS, default: false
limit limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. 0 simply means don't limit
executor select how a project should be built, see next section
shell the name of shell to generate the script (default value is platform dependent)
builds_dir directory where builds will be stored in context of selected executor (Locally, Docker, SSH)
cache_dir directory where build caches will be stored in context of selected executor (Locally, Docker, SSH). If the docker executor is used, this directory needs to be included in its volumes parameter.
environment append or overwrite environment variables
disable_verbose don't print run commands
output_limit set maximum build log size in kilobytes, by default set to 4096 (4MB)


  name = "ruby-2.1-docker"
  url = "https://CI/"
  token = "TOKEN"
  limit = 0
  executor = "docker"
  builds_dir = ""
  shell = ""
  environment = ["ENV=value", "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8"]
  disable_verbose = false


There are a couple of available executors currently.

Executor Description
shell run build locally, default
docker run build using Docker container - this requires the presence of [runners.docker] and Docker Engine installed on the system that the Runner runs
docker-ssh run build using Docker container, but connect to it with SSH - this requires the presence of [runners.docker] , [runners.ssh] and Docker Engine installed on the system that the Runner runs. Note: This will run the docker container on the local machine, it just changes how the commands are run inside that container. If you want to run docker commands on an external machine, then you should change the host parameter in the runners.docker section.
ssh run build remotely with SSH - this requires the presence of [runners.ssh]
parallels run build using Parallels VM, but connect to it with SSH - this requires the presence of [runners.parallels] and [runners.ssh]
virtualbox run build using VirtualBox VM, but connect to it with SSH - this requires the presence of [runners.virtualbox] and [runners.ssh]
docker+machine like docker, but uses auto-scaled docker machines - this requires the presence of [runners.docker] and [runners.machine]
docker-ssh+machine like docker-ssh, but uses auto-scaled docker machines - this requires the presence of [runners.docker] and [runners.machine]


There are a couple of available shells that can be run on different platforms.

Shell Description
bash generate Bash (Bourne-shell) script. All commands executed in Bash context (default for all Unix systems)
sh generate Sh (Bourne-shell) script. All commands executed in Sh context (fallback for bash for all Unix systems)
cmd generate Windows Batch script. All commands are executed in Batch context (default for Windows)
powershell generate Windows PowerShell script. All commands are executed in PowerShell context

The [runners.docker] section

This defines the Docker Container parameters.

Parameter Description
host specify custom Docker endpoint, by default DOCKER_HOST environment is used or unix:///var/run/docker.sock
hostname specify custom hostname for Docker container
tls_cert_path when set it will use ca.pem, cert.pem and key.pem from that folder to make secure TLS connection to Docker (useful in boot2docker)
image use this image to run builds
cpuset_cpus string value containing the cgroups CpusetCpus to use
dns a list of DNS servers for the container to use
dns_search a list of DNS search domains
privileged make container run in Privileged mode (insecure)
cap_add add additional Linux capabilities to the container
cap_drop drop additional Linux capabilities from the container
security_opt set security options (--security-opt in docker run), takes a list of ':' separated key/values
devices share additional host devices with the container
disable_cache disable automatic
wait_for_services_timeout specify how long to wait for docker services, set to 0 to disable, default: 30
cache_dir specify where Docker caches should be stored (this can be absolute or relative to current working directory)
volumes specify additional volumes that should be mounted (same syntax as Docker -v option)
extra_hosts specify hosts that should be defined in container environment
links specify containers which should be linked with building container
services specify additional services that should be run with build. Please visit Docker Registry for list of available applications. Each service will be run in separate container and linked to the build.
allowed_images specify wildcard list of images that can be specified in .gitlab-ci.yml. If not present all images are allowed (equivalent to ["*/*:*"])
allowed_services specify wildcard list of services that can be specified in .gitlab-ci.yml. If not present all images are allowed (equivalent to ["*/*:*"])
pull_policy specify the image pull policy: never, if-not-present or always (default)


  host = ""
  hostname = ""
  tls_cert_path = "/Users/ayufan/.boot2docker/certs"
  image = "ruby:2.1"
  cpuset_cpus = "0,1"
  dns = [""]
  dns_search = [""]
  privileged = false
  cap_add = ["NET_ADMIN"]
  cap_drop = ["DAC_OVERRIDE"]
  devices = ["/dev/net/tun"]
  disable_cache = false
  wait_for_services_timeout = 30
  cache_dir = ""
  volumes = ["/data", "/home/project/cache"]
  extra_hosts = ["other-host:"]
  links = ["mysql_container:mysql"]
  services = ["mysql", "redis:2.8", "postgres:9"]
  allowed_images = ["ruby:*", "python:*", "php:*"]
  allowed_services = ["postgres:9.4", "postgres:latest"]

Volumes in the [runners.docker] section

You can find the complete guide of Docker volume usage here.

Let's use some examples to explain how it work (assuming you have a working runner).

Example 1: adding a data volume

A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System. Data volumes are designed to persist data, independent of the container's life cycle.

  host = ""
  hostname = ""
  tls_cert_path = "/Users/ayufan/.boot2docker/certs"
  image = "ruby:2.1"
  privileged = false
  disable_cache = true
  volumes = ["/path/to/volume/in/container"]

This will create a new volume inside the container at /path/to/volume/in/container.

Example 2: mount a host directory as a data volume

In addition to creating a volume using you can also mount a directory from your Docker daemon's host into a container. It's useful when you want to store builds outside the container.

  host = ""
  hostname = ""
  tls_cert_path = "/Users/ayufan/.boot2docker/certs"
  image = "ruby:2.1"
  privileged = false
  disable_cache = true
  volumes = ["/path/to/bind/from/host:/path/to/bind/in/container:rw"]

This will use /path/to/bind/from/host of the CI host inside the container at /path/to/bind/in/container.

Using a private Docker registry

This feature requires GitLab Runner v0.6.0 or higher

In order to use a docker image from a private registry which needs authentication, you must first authenticate against the docker registry in question.

If you are using our Linux packages, then gitlab-runner is run by the user root (for non-root users, see the Notes section below).

As root run:

docker login <registry>

Replace <registry> with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the registry and optionally a port, for example:

docker login my.registry.tld:5000

The default value is which is the official registry Docker Inc. provides. If you omit the registry name, will be implied.

After you enter the needed credentials, docker will inform you that the credentials are saved in /root/.docker/config.json.

In case you are running an older Docker Engine (< 1.7.0), then the credentials will be stored in /root/.dockercfg. GitLab Runner supports both locations for backwards compatibility.

The steps performed by the Runner can be summed up to:

  1. The registry name is found from the image name
  2. If the value is not empty, the executor will try to look at ~/.dockercfg (Using NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg() method in go-dockerclient)
  3. If that fails for some reason, the executor will then look at ~/.docker/config.json (Which should be the new default from Docker 1.7.0)
  4. Finally, if an Authentication corresponding to the specified registry is found, subsequent Pull will make use of it

Now that the Runner is set up to authenticate against your private registry, learn how to configure .gitlab-ci.yml in order to use that registry.


If you are running gitlab-runner with a non-root user, you must use that user to login to the private docker registry. This user will also need to be in the docker group in order to be able to run any docker commands. To add a user to the docker group use: sudo usermod -aG user docker.

For reference, if you want to set up your own personal registry you might want to have a look at

Restrict allowed_images to private registry

For certain setups you will restrict access of the build jobs to docker images which comes from your private docker registry. In that case set

  allowed_images = ["my.registry.tld:5000/*:*"]

The [runners.parallels] section

This defines the Parallels parameters.

Parameter Description
base_name name of Parallels VM which will be cloned
template_name custom name of Parallels VM linked template (optional)
disable_snapshots if disabled the VMs will be destroyed after build


  base_name = "my-parallels-image"
  template_name = ""
  disable_snapshots = false

The [runners.virtualbox] section

This defines the VirtualBox parameters. This executor relies on vboxmanage as executable to control VirtualBox machines so you have to adjust your PATH environment variable on Windows hosts: PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox.

Parameter Explanation
base_name name of VirtualBox VM which will be cloned
base_snapshot name or UUID of a specific snapshot of the VM from which to create a linked clone. If this is empty or omitted, the current snapshot will be used. If there is no current snapshot, one will be created unless disable_snapshots is true, in which case a full clone of the base VM will be made.
disable_snapshots if disabled the VMs will be destroyed after build


  base_name = "my-virtualbox-image"
  base_snapshot = "my-image-snapshot"
  disable_snapshots = false

The [runners.ssh] section

This defines the SSH connection parameters.

Parameter Description
host where to connect (overridden when using docker-ssh)
port specify port, default: 22
user specify user
password specify password
identity_file specify file path to SSH private key (id_rsa, id_dsa or id_edcsa). The file needs to be stored unencrypted


  host = "my-production-server"
  port = "22"
  user = "root"
  password = "production-server-password"
  identity_file = ""

The [runners.machine] section

Note: Added in GitLab Runner v1.1.0.

This defines the Docker Machine based autoscaling feature. More details can be found in the separate runners autoscale documentation.

Parameter Description
IdleCount Number of machines, that need to be created and waiting in Idle state.
IdleTime Time (in seconds) for machine to be in Idle state before it is removed.
MaxBuilds Builds count after which machine will be removed.
MachineName Name of the machine. It must contain %s, which will be replaced with a unique machine identifier.
MachineDriver Docker Machine driver to use. More details can be found in the Docker Machine configuration section.
MachineOptions Docker Machine options. More details can be found in the Docker Machine configuration section.


  IdleCount = 5
  IdleTime = 600
  MaxBuilds = 100
  MachineName = "auto-scale-%s"
  MachineDriver = "digitalocean"
  MachineOptions = [

The [runners.cache] section

Note: Added in GitLab Runner v1.1.0.

This defines the distributed cache feature. More details can be found in the runners autoscale documentation.

Parameter Type Description
Type string As of now, only S3-compatible services are supported, so only s3 can be used.
ServerAddress string A host:port to the used S3-compatible server.
AccessKey string The access key specified for your S3 instance.
SecretKey string The secret key specified for your S3 instance.
BucketName string Name of the bucket where cache will be stored.
BucketLocation string Name of S3 region.
Insecure boolean Set to true if the S3 service is available by HTTP. Is set to false by default.


  Type = "s3"
  ServerAddress = ""
  AccessKey = "AMAZON_S3_ACCESS_KEY"
  SecretKey = "AMAZON_S3_SECRET_KEY"
  BucketName = "runners"
  BucketLocation = "eu-west-1"
  Insecure = false

Note: For Amazon's S3 service the ServerAddress should always be Minio S3 client will get bucket metadata and modify the URL to point to the valid region (eg. itself.


If you'd like to deploy to multiple servers using GitLab CI, you can create a single script that deploys to multiple servers or you can create many scripts. It depends on what you'd like to do.