ESGF2-US-1.5 Globus Search indexes that are replacing legacy Solr indexes at LLNL, ORNL, and ANL.
Current Solr index metagrid interfaces:
New ESGF2-US-1.5 Public Catalog metagrid interface:
- Beta Metagrid link needed
Indexes are owned by the Globus group ESGF2-US-1.5 Index Owners.
- ESGF2 staff at Argonne are group administrators
Indexed are administered by the Globus group ESGF2-US-1.5 Index Administrators
- ESGF2 staff at Argonne are group administrators
- Min is a group member for metadata transfer from Solr
- Others ESGF2 staff at LLNL, ORNL, or ANL can be made group members as needed
Index administrators should create unique credentials for each publisher-index combination that is authorized to ingest/write to that index.
Index ID: c0173b0c-5587-437a-a912-ef09b6d14e9c
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 Public Catalog
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Catalog
Status: open
Max size: 100 GB
Index ID: a37bc34d-de15-493b-9221-b95b13114fd8
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for CMIP6
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-CMIP6
Status: open
Max size: 100 GB
Index ID: 1f385759-596e-4085-8d79-5b1dfedd1ca2
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for CMIP6Plus
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-CMIP6Plus
Status: open
Max size: 10 GB
Index ID: c7cc5d1e-5740-49c2-aa10-fe31f3bcb035
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for DRCDP
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-DRCDP
Status: open
Max size: 1 GB
Index ID: f5a2d874-30ef-40a0-8c8d-e2498f3bd026
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for E3SM
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-E3SM
Status: open
Max size: 1 GB
Index ID: 3c71c174-c8c8-43e5-994c-10dd4251579a
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for input4MIPs
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-input4MIPs
Status: open
Max size: 1 GB
Index ID: 3cfaa44b-e549-487e-8058-5923aaf095b4
Description: ESGF2-US-1.5 private staging for obs4MIPs
Display Name: ESGF2-US-1.5-Staging-obs4MIPs
Status: open
Max size: 1 GB
Index ID: ea4595f4-7b71-4da7-a1f0-e3f5d8f7f062
Display Name: ESGF2-ORNL
Status: open
Index ID: c123975a-246d-421f-8819-4659edf91e44
Display Name: ESGF2-ANL
Status: open