rpirtscts makes a linux command for enabling the hardware flow control pins for the ttyAMA0
serial port on a Raspberry Pi.
Building the program:
sudo apt-get install git
# I like to put my git repos in a samba share
[mkdir Samba]
[cd Samba]
git clone git://github.com/epccs/RPUpi.git
Set the working directory, build the executable, and place it in the bin directory (a convenient place for that sort of stuff):
cd RPUpi/RPiRtsCts
cp rpirtscts ~/bin/rpirtscts
make clean
cd ~
chmod ugo+x ~/bin/rpirtscts
Follow these rc.local recommendations.
Startup with RTS handshacking on.
/home/rsutherland/bin/rpirtscts on &
exit 0
Now when I use picocom or avrdude it will pull RTS active.
picocom -b 38400 /dev/ttyAMA0