Dotfiles is simply put a collection of different configuration files I want to have easy access to.
No installation needed in most POSIX style systems. The only requirement to
apply the different configurations is to make sure to have GNU Stow
installed. Not exactly true at this point. Will elaborate at some point. In
the meantime, check deps.txt
This project makes use of GNU Stow which basically is a "symlink farm manager". More info about GNU Stow and how to use it can be found here.
I feel the best way to explain how something works is to do it with an example. Let's say we have done some changes to our Emacs configurations and want to apply them to our system. All Emacs related stuff is contained in the emacs directory in the project, let's check out how to stow it:
# cwd: ~/
cd dotfiles
stow emacs
Now everything in the Emacs directory has been created in the home directory as symlinks. Note that everything has the exact same structure as in the Emacs directory.
Below is a list of essential apps I use on macOS-based systems (not preinstalled). In the future I want to automate the installation process. Should be easy since I already use Homebrew for installing apps and CLI tools.
- AdGuard
- AeroSpace
- AlDente
- Alfred
- Amphetamine
- Anki
- Balance Lock
- BetterDisplay
- Brave
- UnGoogled Chromium
- LibreWolf
- Zen Browser
- Orion
- Calibre
- Kindle
- Discord
- Ivory
- Signal
- Emacs (d12frosted/emacs-plus)
- Krita
- iTerm
- 1Password
- GPG Suite
- Little Snitch
Honorable mention: Bitwarden
- Homerow
- Hyperkey
- KeyboardCleanTool
- Hand Mirror
- Ice
- LocalSend
- Syncthing
- NetNewsWire
- Tailscale
- GrandPerspective
- AppCleaner