- All orders
- Create a new order
- Looking up a single order
- Lookup orders with a particular order_source
- Create a radio
- Look a radio by serial number
- Look up a shipment's radios
- Look up a shipment's radios one (page) at a time
- Look up a single radio
- Look up all radios
- Update a radio by serial number
- Update a radio to be boxed and attached to a shipment
- All shipments
- Find a shipments that are attached to an order
- Look the next shipments with an unprinted label from order_source kickstarter, squarespace, or other
- Look the number of shipments with an unprinted label.
- Look up all shipments that have unprinted labels
- Looking the next unboxed radio in a shipment
- Looking up a shipment by tacking number
- Looking up a single shipment
- Update a shipment's status