diff --git a/EK-LM3S6965.lua b/EK-LM3S6965.lua index c9aef15..3824bc4 100755 --- a/EK-LM3S6965.lua +++ b/EK-LM3S6965.lua @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ -- returns true if the arg button is pressed, false otherwise local pio = pio +local lm3s = lm3s module(...) @@ -28,6 +29,10 @@ end LED_1 = pio.PF_0 +-- Associate the RIT OLED display device supported by the builtin module lm3s with +-- a disp name/device offered here +disp = lm3s.disp + pio.pin.setdir( pio.INPUT, BTN_UP, BTN_DOWN, BTN_LEFT, BTN_RIGHT, BTN_SELECT ) pio.pin.setpull( pio.PULLUP, BTN_UP, BTN_DOWN, BTN_LEFT, BTN_RIGHT, BTN_SELECT ) pio.pin.setdir( pio.OUTPUT, LED_1 ) diff --git a/EK-LM3S8962.lua b/EK-LM3S8962.lua index 07dffb1..eb3f2e0 100755 --- a/EK-LM3S8962.lua +++ b/EK-LM3S8962.lua @@ -1,4 +1,19 @@ +-- This auxiliar platform dependent module defines some hardware devices +-- available in the specific development kit. +-- It will be automatically require()d when eLua detects it is running on the +-- respective platform, exposing auxiliar constants and functions to facilitate +-- and keep portable the access to the underlying hardware. +-- The code configures the MCU to interface with the platform devices and +-- exposes the following objects, constants and fuctions: +-- Onboard Buttons: +-- BTN_UP, BTN_DOWN, BTN_LEFT, BTN_RIGHT, BTN_SELECT +-- Onboard LED: +-- Auxiliar Function: +-- btn_pressed( button ) +-- returns true if the arg button is pressed, false otherwise + local pio = pio +local lm3s = lm3s module(...) @@ -14,6 +29,10 @@ end LED_1 = pio.PF_0 +-- Associate the RIT OLED display device supported by the builtin module lm3s with +-- a disp name/device offered here +-- disp = lm3s.disp + pio.pin.setdir( pio.INPUT, BTN_UP, BTN_DOWN, BTN_LEFT, BTN_RIGHT, BTN_SELECT ) pio.pin.setpull( pio.PULLUP, BTN_UP, BTN_DOWN, BTN_LEFT, BTN_RIGHT, BTN_SELECT ) pio.pin.setdir( pio.OUTPUT, LED_1 )