Telegram is a popular secured instant messenger. They have an open bot platform, this package is a Dart implementation of their bot API allowing you to create your own bot easily.
A simple usage example:
import 'package:teledart/teledart.dart';
import 'package:teledart/telegram.dart';
import 'package:teledart/model.dart';
void main() {
var teledart = TeleDart(Telegram('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN'), Event());
teledart.start().then((me) => print('${me.username} is initialised'));
.listen(((message) => teledart.replyMessage(message, 'world')));
Modifying Stream:
.onMessage(keyword: 'dart')
.where((message) => message.text.contains('telegram'))
.listen((message) => teledart.replyPhoto(
// io.File('example/dash_paper_plane.png'),
caption: 'This is how the Dart Bird and Telegram are met'));
Inline mode example:
.listen((inlineQuery) => teledart.answerInlineQuery(inlineQuery, [
InlineQueryResultArticle() = 'ping'
..title = 'ping'
..input_message_content = (InputTextMessageContent()
..message_text = '*pong*'
..parse_mode = 'MarkdownV2'),
InlineQueryResultArticle() = 'ding'
..title = 'ding'
..input_message_content = (InputTextMessageContent()
..message_text = '_dong_'
..parse_mode = 'MarkdownV2')
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.