Peak Detection in MS data
> library(MALDIquant)
> data("fiedler2009subset",package="MALDIquant")
> mydat1 <- fiedler2009subset[[1]]
> spec1 <- transformIntensity(mydat1, method="sqrt")
> spec2 <- smoothIntensity(spec1,method="SavitzkyGolay")
> spec3 <- removeBaseline(spec2)
> spec4 <- calibrateIntensity(spec3,method="TIC")
> peak <- detectPeaks(spec4,method="MAD",SNR=2)
SNR(signal-to-noise ratio): 信号ノイズ比
peak > noise x SNR
MAD(Median Absolute Deviation)はノイズを推定する方法。
> peak
S4 class type : MassPeaks
Number of m/z values : 207
Range of m/z values : 1012.802 - 9436.587
Range of intensity values: 7.841e-05 - 5.718e-03
Range of snr values : 2.035 - 148.412
Memory usage : 13.469 KiB
Name : Pankreas_HB_L_061019_G10.M19
File : /data/set A - discovery leipzig/control/Pankreas_HB_L_061019_G10/0_m19/1/1SLin/fid
> str(peak)
Formal class 'MassPeaks' [package "MALDIquant"] with 4 slots
..@ snr : num [1:207] 5.01 34.73 2.41 2.26 5.08 ...
..@ mass : num [1:207] 1013 1021 1042 1046 1057 ...
..@ intensity: num [1:207] 1.93e-04 1.34e-03 9.27e-05 8.69e-05 1.96e-04 ...
..@ metaData :List of 42
.. ..$ byteOrder : chr "little"
.. ..$ number : num 42388
.. ..$ timeDelay : num 19886
.. ..$ timeDelta : num 1
.. ..$ calibrationConstants: Named num [1:3] 2.60e+06 2.68e+02 -4.43e-03
.. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "c1" "c2" "c3"
.. ..$ hpcLimits : Named num [1:2] 0 0
.. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "minMass" "maxMass"
.. ..$ hpcOrder : num 0
> plot(spec4)
> points(peak,col="red")

Peak Alignment with MS data
> library(MALDIquant)
> data("fiedler2009subset",package="MALDIquant")
> mydat <- fiedler2009subset
> mydat
S4 class type : MassSpectrum
Number of m/z values : 42388
Range of m/z values : 1000.015 - 9999.734
Range of intensity values: 5 - 101840
Memory usage : 505.367 KiB
> spec1 <- transformIntensity(mydat, method="sqrt")
> spec2 <- smoothIntensity(spec1,method="SavitzkyGolay")
> spec3 <- removeBaseline(spec2)
> spec4 <- calibrateIntensity(spec3,method="TIC")
> spectra <- alignSpectra(spec4)
> summary(mydat)
Length Class Mode
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_G10.M19.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_G10.M20.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_H7.O14.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_H7.P13.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_F10.L19.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_F10.L20.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_F9.L17.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_F9.L18.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_A6.A11.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_A6.A12.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_A8.A15.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_A8.A16.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_C4.F7.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_C4.F8.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_D9.G17.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
sPankreas_HB_L_061019_D9.G18.T_0209513_0020740_18 42388 MassSpectrum S4
> summary(spectra)
Length Class Mode
[1,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[2,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[3,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[4,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[5,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[6,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[7,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[8,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[9,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[10,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[11,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[12,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[13,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[14,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[15,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
[16,] 42388 MassSpectrum S4
> plot(mydat[[1]])

Peptide identification in MS data
> install.packages("protViz",dependencies=TRUE)
> library(protViz)
Warning message:
パッケージ ‘protViz’ はバージョン 3.2.3 の R の下で造られました
> mydat1 <- fiedler2009subset[[1]]
> spec1 <- transformIntensity(mydat1, method="sqrt")
> spec2 <- smoothIntensity(spec1,method="SavitzkyGolay")
> spec3 <- removeBaseline(spec2)
> spec4 <- calibrateIntensity(spec3,method="TIC")
> spec5 <- list(title="artificial",charge=2, mZ=spec4@mass,intensity=spec4@intensity)
> n <- nchar(pep1)
> n
[1] 27
> fi <- fragmentIon(pep1) Ionはsがないので注意
> fi
b y c z
1 88.03931 147.1128 105.0659 130.0863
2 225.09822 234.1448 242.1248 217.1183
3 385.12887 363.1874 402.1554 346.1609
4 498.21293 462.2558 515.2395 445.2293
5 569.25004 609.3242 586.2766 592.2977
6 698.29263 724.3512 715.3192 707.3246
7 797.36104 795.3883 814.3876 778.3617
8 926.40363 866.4254 943.4302 849.3989
9 1040.44655 979.5095 1057.4731 962.4829
10 1155.47349 1066.5415 1172.5000 1049.5149
11 1284.51608 1163.5943 1301.5426 1146.5677
12 1415.55656 1276.6783 1432.5831 1259.6518
13 1512.60932 1391.7053 1529.6359 1374.6787
14 1583.64643 1462.7424 1600.6730 1445.7158
15 1698.67337 1559.7951 1715.6999 1542.7686
16 1811.75743 1690.8356 1828.7840 1673.8091
17 1908.81019 1819.8782 1925.8367 1802.8516
18 1995.84222 1934.9051 2012.8688 1917.8786
19 2108.92629 2048.9481 2125.9528 2031.9215
20 2179.96340 2177.9907 2196.9899 2160.9641
21 2251.00051 2277.0591 2268.0271 2260.0325
22 2366.02745 2406.1017 2383.0540 2389.0751
23 2513.09586 2477.1388 2530.1224 2460.1122
24 2612.16427 2590.2228 2629.1908 2573.1963
25 2741.20686 2750.2535 2758.2334 2733.2269
26 2828.23889 2887.3124 2845.2654 2870.2858
27 2956.33385 2974.3444 2973.3604 2957.3179
> by_mZ <- c(fi[[1]]$b,fi[[1]]$y)
> by_mZ
[1] 88.03931 225.09822 385.12887 498.21293 569.25004 698.29263
[7] 797.36104 926.40363 1040.44655 1155.47349 1284.51608 1415.55656
[13] 1512.60932 1583.64643 1698.67337 1811.75743 1908.81019 1995.84222
[19] 2108.92629 2179.96340 2251.00051 2366.02745 2513.09586 2612.16427
[25] 2741.20686 2828.23889 2956.33385 147.11280 234.14483 363.18742
[31] 462.25583 609.32424 724.35118 795.38829 866.42540 979.50946
[37] 1066.54149 1163.59425 1276.67831 1391.70525 1462.74236 1559.79512
[43] 1690.83560 1819.87819 1934.90513 2048.94806 2177.99065 2277.05906
[49] 2406.10165 2477.13876 2590.22282 2750.25347 2887.31238 2974.34441
> by_label<-c(paste("b",1:n,sep=""),paste("y",1:n,sep=""))
> by_label
[1] "b1" "b2" "b3" "b4" "b5" "b6" "b7" "b8" "b9" "b10" "b11"
[12] "b12" "b13" "b14" "b15" "b16" "b17" "b18" "b19" "b20" "b21" "b22"
[23] "b23" "b24" "b25" "b26" "b27" "y1" "y2" "y3" "y4" "y5" "y6"
[34] "y7" "y8" "y9" "y10" "y11" "y12" "y13" "y14" "y15" "y16" "y17"
[45] "y18" "y19" "y20" "y21" "y22" "y23" "y24" "y25" "y26" "y27"
> idx<-findNN(by_mZ,spec5$mZ)
> idx
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 394 1470 2616
[12] 3723 4509 5069 5950 6787 7484 8095 8869 9345 9813 10555
[23] 11478 12085 12858 13370 14108 1 1 1 1 1 1
[34] 1 1 1 643 1544 2549 3525 4108 4883 5891 6846
[45] 7669 8461 9332 9983 10809 11255 11952 12912 13712 14211
> mz_error
[1] 9.119757e+02 7.749168e+02 6.148862e+02 5.018021e+02 4.307650e+02
[6] 3.017224e+02 2.026540e+02 7.361142e+01 4.599992e-02 4.588780e-02
[11] 5.281027e-02 3.889355e-02 3.574849e-02 1.804324e-02 4.243728e-02
[16] 3.937599e-02 6.468804e-02 3.051665e-02 3.160321e-02 2.427769e-02
[21] 3.507992e-02 1.085758e-02 5.048484e-02 9.857364e-03 6.273253e-02
[26] 5.479061e-02 2.077541e-02 8.529022e+02 7.658702e+02 6.368276e+02
[31] 5.377592e+02 3.906908e+02 2.756639e+02 2.046268e+02 1.335896e+02
[36] 2.050559e+01 1.288936e-02 4.084188e-02 5.294424e-02 3.253555e-02
[41] 4.653901e-02 5.193806e-02 4.669773e-02 2.723355e-02 2.597272e-03
[46] 5.161069e-02 3.974214e-02 6.680010e-02 6.655249e-02 2.235327e-02
[51] 5.167305e-02 1.782550e-02 4.521190e-02 6.137196e-02
> plot(mz_error[mz_error..idx<-order(mz_error)],main="Error Plot",pch="o",cex=0.5,log='y')
> abline(h=0.6,col="grey")

Performing protein quantification analysis
> data(pgLFQfeature)
> str(pgLFQfeature)
List of 9
$ grouping : Named chr [1:24] "WT_NI" "WT_NI" "WT_NI" "WT_NI" ...
..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:24] "V13" "V14" "V15" "V16" ...
$ scoreNames : Named chr [1:5] "Normalized abundance" "Raw abundance" "Intensity" "Sample retention time (min)" ...
..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "V13" "V37" "V61" "V85" ...
$ output :'data.frame': 1239 obs. of 12 variables:
..$ # : i
> myAbundance <- pgLFQtNpq(QuantitativeValue = pgLFQfeature$`Normalized abundance`, peptide = pgLFQfeature$peptideInfo$Sequence, protein = pgLFQfeature$peptideInfo$Protein, N=2, plot = TRUE)

> class(myAbundance)
[1] "matrix"
> head(myAbundance)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
ZZ_FGCZCont0179 63903627 59534454 50423729 70165609 51562584 77970377
P06899 2436975 3692945 2494733 3841880 2488065 3833229
P04406 31252475 31000263 27021699 31399587 25355491 27057299
P60709 67652202 69624753 43747487 78348612 51937499 79087413
P63261 76490709 64628409 47910815 80188664 44058618 59892262
P68104 15832621 16368242 14930934 16116918 14694761 15813410
[,7] [,8]
> boxplot ( t ( myAbundance) [1:10, 1:10], xlab="", ylab="value", las=2 )

Performing multiple groups' analysis in MS data
> data(iTRAQ)
> head(iTRAQ)
prot peptide area113 area114 area115 area116 area117
1 P02654 EFGNTLEDKAR 1705.43 1459.10 770.65 3636.40 3063.48
2 P02654 EWFSETFQK 2730.41 1852.90 1467.65 2266.88 2269.57
3 P02654 IKQSELSAK 28726.38 15409.81 19050.13 58185.02 51416.05
4 P02654 LKEFGNTLEDK 4221.31 4444.28 2559.23 6859.71 5545.12
5 P02654 LKEFGNTLEDKAR 20209.66 14979.02 12164.94 37572.56 30687.57
6 P02654 EFGNTLEDK 4504.97 4871.88 2760.53 9213.41 6728.62
area118 area119 area121
1 4046.73 2924.49 5767.87
2 3572.32 2064.82 2208.92
3 70721.05 38976.42 60359.72
4 11925.66 6371.50 15656.92
5 39176.99 34417.66 54439.22
6 14761.96 7796.29 18681.60
1 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
2 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
3 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
4 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
5 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
6 Apolipoprotein C-I OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOC1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P02654|APOC1_HUMA
> colnames(iTRAQ)
[1] "prot" "peptide" "area113" "area114" "area115" "area116" "area117"
[8] "area118" "area119" "area121" "desc"
> cond_1 <- numeric()
> cond_2 <- numeric()
> cond_1
> for (i in c(3:6)){}
> cond_1 = cbind(cond_1,
+ asinh(tapply(iTRAQ[,i],paste(iTRAQ$prot),sum,na.rm=TRUE)))
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
> for (i in c(3:6)){
+ cond_1 = cbind(cond_1,
+ asinh(tapply(iTRAQ[,i],paste(iTRAQ$prot),sum,na.rm=TRUE)))
+ }
> for (i in c(7:10)){
+ cond_2 = cbind(cond_2,
+ asinh(tapply(iTRAQ[,i],paste(iTRAQ$prot),sum,na.rm=TRUE)))
+ }
> pv<-c()
> for(i in 1:nrow(cond_2)){
+ pv=c(pv,t.test(as.numeric(cond_1[i,]),as.numeric(cond_2[i,]))$p.value)
+ }
> names(pv) <-levels(iTRAQ$prot)
> plot(x=factor(names(pv)),y=-log10(pv),xlab="Proteins",ylab="-log P value")