This sample finds the equilibrium bonding distance of Lithium Hydride. Estimates of the ground state and exited state energies as a funciton of bond distance are computed using the quantum phase estimation algorithm, using Hamiltonian simulation by a Trotter-Suzuki integrator.
On top of .NET core, this demo uses the Electron framework to display the results of simulating LiH. Since Electron is distributed using the Node.js Package Manager (npm), we must therefore install npm first.
Windows npm can be installed using chocolatey:
PS> choco install nodejs
Alternatively, manual downloads are available from
macOS Download and run the Node.js installer package from
Linux Most distributions include Node.js and npm, but that version might be out of date. To ensure that you have the latest version, we recommend using the packages provided by NodeSource:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Once npm is installed, we can then install all Node.js packages required for the front end using npm install
$ npm install
Once pre-reqs are ready, to run the demo from the command line use dotnet
to start the project:
$ dotnet run