Written by Emily Leng
is an array of 5 variables than can be accessed with args[0]
, args[1]
etc. Write some python code in the IDE to concatenate args[0]
, args[1]
's type (string
or integer
), args[2]
's length, args[3]
's square root as an integer (will be a perfect square), and args[4]
in reverse.
Clarification: for args[0]
, concatenate its value, not its type.
I hope you're taking notes; this stuff will be on the harder problems :)
This was the intended solution, but it turns out Skulpt does not implement the type method very well, but since you know args[3]
is either a string or an integer, it is pretty easy to obtain the flag.
import math
print args[0]+str(type(args[1]))+str(len(args[2]))+str(math.sqrt(args[3]))+str(args[4][::-1])