We were given a mysterious hexagonal qr code and a website that could produce a similar looking qr code for a given string.
The goal was to figure out the encoding schema and decode the flag.
The flag to decode:
In order to get the flag, we don't have to completely understand the encoding schema, we just have to understand it well enough to decode a message.
We had access to a web page that would encode any string. After a bit of probing, I discovered that I could enter any ascii character (7 bits) but unicode characters caused the program to throw an error. So it must only be using 7-bits.
I decided to test a bunch of single character strings and look for patterns. Here are the generated codes for the following characters:
Eventually, I discovered that for all single character strings, only the following 6 bits seemed to change:
How could 7-bit ascii be encoded in only 6 bits? To see what bit was left out, I tried comparing two characters with equal bits except for one. What I discovered is that the most-significant bit was being left out. For example, the image produced for the following characters was identical:
0: 0110000
p: 1110000
Later I discovered that this is not exactly the case... but it works for now
Now I wanted to figure out which bit corresponded with each triangle. Here is the syntax I will use:
bit | 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A | 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
B | 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
C | 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Through some more detective work, I discovered that for all ascii characters with bit 6 set, the triangles corresponded as follows:
Now for characters without bit 6 set, they appeared to be shifted left and padded with a zero. For example 4
is encoded as follows:
4 (normal) | 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
4 (encoded) | 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
which appears the same as
h | 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Note: Working with only one character caused me to stumble onto a weird edge case where the code was shifted depending on whether the 6th bit of the first character was set or not - we don't have to worry about that for now.
One obvious difference between one and two character strings is that the qr code gets bigger. Instead of three base triangles, we now have 4:
Another difference is that the qr code seems to flip horizontally based on the number of characters.
I repeated the same procedure of mapping as before and obtained the following character positions (I only used characters with bit 6 set without realizing it -> this will be important later):
I've omitted bits 1-4
but they are in order
Now the method of reading these codes is becoming clear: They are read in a zig-zag pattern starting from the top. For example to read a three character code, use the following path:
Then you obtain binary like this:
010 [char 1] 00 [char 2] 00 [char 3] ...
At some point during testing, I encountered a binary string like this:
... [char n] 01 [char n+1] ...
This confused me for a moment and caused me to revisit my original idea. Why would the spacing bits be different?
After some more testing, I realized that for every character after the first one, the two spacing bits corresponded to bits 6
and 7
. I rechecked a few things and discovered the correct encoding.
To read these qr codes, follow the zigzag pattern above and then perform a change, keep, change, keep...
operation on the resulting binary string.
In more mathematical terms, you take the binary string and XOR
with a string of 1010101010...
Note this is the format after you apply the XOR
as described above
binary notes
-------- -------
11 - header (if this is 00, you are reading it wrong
and should flip horizontally)
[char 1] - if bit 6 is set, this is bits 6 -> 0 of char 1,
otherwise it is bits 5 -> 0 of char 1
[char 2] - the remaining chars are all bits 7 -> 0
[char 3] (bit 7 is always 0 because it is ascii)
[char 4]
00000000 - once you hit zeros, you've reached the end
In graphical form, the encoding is as follows:
Bit 6 is set
indicates a binary 1 value
Bit 6 is not set
Notice that if bit 6 is not set, the entire rest of the code is shifted one bit
Now that we know the encoding schema, it is trivial to read the binary and decode the flag. I read the triangles by hand and then fed it into a python program to perform XOR
and convert to ascii.
Here is the program I wrote (it's a little rough):
# Reading the qr code directly
hex_raw = """
# convert the hex_code to a binary value
hex_raw_value = int(hex_raw,2)
# create a string of the same length to xor with
xor_value = int(('10'*(len(hex_raw)/2))[0:len(hex_raw)],2)
# perform XOR and convert back to binary string
hex_code = str(bin(hex_raw_value ^ xor_value))[2:]
out_string = ""
i = 2 # skip the 2 bit header
# add the first character (guessing that bit 6 is set)
bit6IsSet = True
out_string = out_string + chr(int(hex_code[i:i + (7 if bit6IsSet else 6)], 2))
i = i + (7 if bit6IsSet else 6)
# the rest of the characters are 8 bit
while i < len(hex_code)-8:
out_string = out_string + chr(int(hex_code[i:i+8], 2))
i = i + 8
The output was easyctf{are_triangles_more_secure_than_squares?_c54fcdeb}
On twitter, @easyctf posted this image as a teaser:
Which decodes as i <3 cheesecake
- (none)