diff --git a/WcaOnRails/app/views/admin/anonymize_person.html.erb b/WcaOnRails/app/views/admin/anonymize_person.html.erb
index c06fa71d150..922a9a6d3e9 100644
--- a/WcaOnRails/app/views/admin/anonymize_person.html.erb
+++ b/WcaOnRails/app/views/admin/anonymize_person.html.erb
@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
<% if @anonymize_person.account %>
Request data anonymization from WCA Forum by <%= mail_to Team.wac.leader.user.email[0], name = "Emailing the WAC Leader", cc: Team.wrt.email, subject: "Anonymization Request", body: "Hello " + Team.wac.leader.user.name + ",
- WCA has received an anonymization request for #{@anonymize_person.account.email}. Can you please search active users ( https://forum.worldcubeassociation.org/admin/users/list/active) for any users using this email. If there are any can you please anonymize the user's data.
- Thanks - WCA Results Team" %>.
+ If you are an administrator of the WCA forum, search active users (https://forum.worldcubeassociation.org/admin/users/list/active) for any users using this email and anonymize their data. If you are not an administrator of the WCA forum, please ask a WRT member with administrator access to perform this step.
Request data removal from OAuth Access Grants.
<% access_grants = @anonymize_person.account.oauth_access_grants.select { |access_grant| !access_grant.revoked_at.nil? } %>