If you do not find answers to your questions in our documentation, you might be looking for a more direct channel to receive help and discuss your problems. Depending on your matter, you have several methods to reach the developers and the Pagekit community.
Gitter is a great chat tool tightly coupled with GitHub. You will need to create a free GitHub account if you don't already have one. Once done, you can access the chat at https://gitter.im/pagekit/pagekit or you can download one of ther Gitter apps.
If you want to report a bug or want to contribute your ideas, you can use the Pagekit GitHub Issues tracker.
By following us on Twitter you will get real-time news about Pagekit development and events we are attending.
We have an active Google+ community that is the perfect place to learn and discuss about Pagekit. Feel free to share your own projects built with Pagekit.
Read major project news and articles for developers on the Pagekit Blog. Stay up to date with new releases and join the discussion in the comments.