When building Pagekit extensions, you can totally rely on a Pagekit installation from one of the release packages available at [pagekit.com](https://www.pagekit.com/download) or [from Github](https://github.com/pagekit/pagekit/releases).
However, if you always want stay up to date with the current development version, you can install Pagekit from the source available on Github. This article explains which steps you need to take.
Make sure you have Composer and npm installed.
Clone the repository.
git clone --branch develop git://github.com/pagekit/pagekit.git
Navigate to the cloned directory and install PHP dependencies.
composer install
Install Node dependencies and build the front-end components:
npm install
To watch for local LESS asset changes, run gulp watch
To watch for JS module changes, run webpack --watch
When the installer has finished, point your browser to the Pagekit URL on your web server and follow the installer.
When you have a running Pagekit installation, use the Pagekit CLI to fetch translations. Without, the interface will appear in English only.
php pagekit translation:fetch
If you've set up Pagekit from source, run these commands to get new commits and to rebuild everything you need.
git pull
composer install
npm install