- Topological sorting for Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a linear ordering of vertices such that for every directed edge uv, vertex u comes before v in the ordering.
- Topological Sorting for a graph is not possible if the graph is not a DAG.
- Run regular dfs on directed acyclic graph
- If found cycle then topological sort doesn't exist
- keep adding traversed node into result https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/
- A DAG G has at least one vertex with in-degree 0 and one vertex with out-degree 0
- Compute in-degree (number of incoming edges) for each of the vertex present in the DAG and initialize topologicalSorted array as [].
- Pick all the vertices with in-degree as 0 and add them into a queue
- Remove a vertex from the queue and then
- Add node into topologicalSorted
- Decrease in-degree by 1 for all its neighboring nodes
- If in-degree of a neighboring nodes is reduced to zero, then add it to the queue
- Repeat Step
until the queue is empty - If count of topologicalSorted nodes is not equal to the number of nodes in the graph then the topological sort is not possible for the given graph. I.e. it has cycle