Web API allows to sign and verify files by communicating with the application using HTTP protocol
To process files using Web API first a job that contains one or more files needs to be put into the queue. After that the status of the job that contains pending, successful or failed tasks(files) should be requested. In case of signing job after files were processed successfully they could be downloaded.
Available end points:
POST /sign
- put one or more files with specified signer into the signing queue
GET /sign/jobid
- get status of the job with tasks
GET /sign/jobid/taskid/download
- download completed file
POST /verify
- put one or more files into the verification queue
GET /verify/jobid
- get status of the job with tasks
GET /verify/jobid/taskid/info
- get verification information
Scheduling job is done with POST /sign
multipart/form-data request with fields and files provided as parts.
The request should contain a signer
field which defines which signer to use and one or more files.
The Web API is setup with default signature information which could be overwritten using folowing fields:
- defines if the signature is approval or not, allowed valuestrue
- defines cert type???name
- name of the person creating signaturelocation
- location of the person creating signaturereason
- reason why the signature is created forcontactInfo
- contact finformation
The successful request returns JSON {"job_id":"jobidstr"}
that contains job id which could be then used to get information about the tasks and to download signed files.
It also may return JSON formatted error Ex.{"error":"no files provided","code":400}
That error may only contain the error of putting a job to the queue, not the signing results. Signing results could be obtained with GET /sign/jobid
Getting the status of the job is done using GET /sign/jobid
request which returns the tasks associated with the job, every task contains it's id, original file name, and status that could be "Pending" - the task is not processed yet and Failed. When the task is going to fail it's going to contain the error.
The request may fail with JSON response. Ex: {"error":"job doesn't exists","code":400}
Job with successfully completed task:
Job with failed to complete task:
"error": "malformed pdf file"
Signed files could be downloaded with GET /sign/jobid/taskid/download
The response would be the file.
Note: postman offers to download file as download.pdf instead of the file name provided with content disposition, see issue: postmanlabs/postman-app-support#2082
The request may fail with JSON response. Ex: {"error":"task is not found","code":400}
Scheduling job is done with POST /verify
multipart/form-data request with files provided as parts.
The successful request returns JSON {"job_id":"jobidstr"}
that contains job id which could be then used to get information about the tasks and to download signed files.
It also may return JSON formatted error Ex.{"error":"no files provided","code":400}
That error may only contain the error of putting a job to the queue, not the signing results. Signing results could be obtained with GET /verify/jobid
Getting the status of the job is done using GET /sign/jobid
request which returns the tasks associated with the job, every task contains it's id, original file name, and status that could be "Pending" - the task is not processed yet and Failed. When the task is going to fail it's going to contain the error.
The request may fail with JSON response. Ex: {"error":"job doesn't exists","code":400}
Job with successfully completed task:
Job with failed to complete task:
"error": "malformed pdf file"
pdfsigner serve
allows to run Web API to sign documents with PEM or PKSC11 flags as well as preconfigured signers from the config file.
serve specific flags:
--serve-address string serve address
--serve-port string serve port
pdfsigner serve pem
PEM specific flags:
--key string Private key path
--crt string Certificate path
pdfsigner serve pem \
--serve-address ""\
--serve-port "8080"\
--crt path/to/certificate \
--key path/to/private/key \
--chain path/to/certificate/chain \
--contact "Contact information" \
--location "Location" \
--name "Name" \
--reason "Reason" \
--tsa-url "http://timestamp-authority.org" \
--tsa-username "timestamp-authority-username" \
--tsa-password "timestamp-authority-password" \
--type 1 \
--docmdp 1 \
--validate-signature true \
pdfsigner serve pksc11
PKSC11 specific flags:
--lib string Path to PKCS11 library
--pass string PKCS11 password
pdfsigner serve pksc11 \
--serve-address ""\
--serve-port "8080"\
--lib path/to/pksc11/lib \
--pass "pksc11-password" \
--crt path/to/certificate \
--key path/to/private/key \
--chain path/to/certificate/chain \
--contact "Contact information" \
--location "Location" \
--name "Name" \
--reason "Reason" \
--tsa-url "http://timestamp-authority.org" \
--tsa-username "timestamp-authority-username" \
--tsa-password "timestamp-authority-password" \
--type 1 \
--docmdp 1 \
--validate-signature true
More information about config file
pdfsigner serve signer
specific flags:
--config path/to/config/file
--signer-name "name-of-the-signer-from-the-config-file"
pdfsigner serve signer \
--signer-name signerNameFromTheConfig
--serve-address ""\
--serve-port "8080"
Preconfigured signer settings could be overwritten with flags:
pdfsigner serve signer --signer-name "name-of-the-signer" \
--signer-name signerNameFromTheConfig
--serve-address ""\
--serve-port "8080"
--crt path/to/certificate \
--key path/to/private/key \
--lib path/to/pksc11/lib \
--pass "pksc11-password" \
--crt path/to/certificate \
--key path/to/private/key \
--chain path/to/certificate/chain \
--contact "Contact information" \
--location "Location" \
--name "Name" \
--reason "Reason" \
--tsa-url "http://timestamp-authority.org" \
--tsa-username "timestamp-authority-username" \
--tsa-password "timestamp-authority-password" \
--type 1 \
--docmdp 1 \
--validate-signature true
Depending on the type of the signer appropriate flags should be used:
--lib string Path to PKCS11 library
--pass string PKCS11 password
--lib string Path to PKCS11 library
--pass string PKCS11 password
Multiple preconfigured signers
pdfsigner serve multiple-signers
command allows the consumer of the Web API to choose which signer to use.
pdfsigner serve multiple-signers signer1 signer2 signer3 \
--serve-address ""\
--serve-port "8080"