First goal is to produce some part of as many modules related to call-arity analysis as possible. Then, we will go back to fill in the details.
Current status:
The main type definition of the type/coercion part of the AST is in "manual/Core.v". This file includes mutual type definitions from several modules brought into a single file so that they can be defined simultaneously.
Core type definitions come from: TyCoRep / CoAxiom / TyCon / Var
Parameterized operations from: TysPrim DataCon PatSyn ConLike Class
Some parts of this big mutual definition have not been brought in. Instead, we make those types abstract. In that case, the Core file includes accessors for the mutual parts as parameters. This prohibits recursive calls from continuing through these components.
TyCon / Var / CoAxiom / VarSet / VarEnv
TyCoRep (Coercion, Type)
The "big ball of stuff" is isolated to Coercion/Type/TyCoRep These three modules are axiomatized/hand merged into a manual TyCoRep.
- Panic
To account for some partial functions, define a "default value" type class and then add that constraint to "Panic.panic". The default value is evidence that we could return an answer, but the panic is a note that we don't want to do so.
- FastString
This module redefines FastString as String (axiomatizing all of the operations).
- Util
This is a huge grab-bag. We should be able to translate this module, only laziness prevents it. Did a quick pass commenting out the many functions that we will never want to translate.
- IdInfo/IdInfo2/Id
These modules are axiomatized to avoid cyclic data structures due to, say class definitions.
class F a where foo :: F b => (a,b)
- MonadUtils
IO stuff, partial function
- Pair
- Bag
- SrcLoc
- BasicTypes
char constants show instances outputtable
- Unique
- UniqSupply
- UniqFM
- CmmType
derive instance issue recursive eq definition show instances Word8 platform constants (shouldn't ever need these)
- BooleanFormula
some definitions in midamble because of termination issue
- UniqSet
- OccName
outputtable/show dependencies
Several axiomatized functions: needs GHC.Unicode.isDigit character constants Int
cannot derive Ord for OccName (defined by hand)
- Module
skip FilePath related stuff Ord instances for module type guess wrong
- DynFlags
there is way too much here to bring in. We should figure out what we actually need from this module and do it by hand.
some types "stubbed out" so that they don't bring in irrelevant information
DynFlags.Settings : Type := Mk_Settings. DynFlags.FlushOut : Type := Mk_FlushOut. DynFlags.FlushErr : Type := Mk_FlushErr. DynFlags.DynFlags : Type := Mk_DynFlags. DynFlags.FlagSpec (flag:Type) : Type := Mk_FlagSpec.
needs mtl for part of it
- UniqDFM
- UniqDSet
- Name
Stubbed out the "TyCoRep.TyThing" component of the Name.Name type to resolve the mutual definition.
- NameEnv
Partial function (NameEnv.lookupNameEnv_NF), cannot process error message TODO: Not obviously terminating function (NameEnv.depAnal) Also needs Data.Graph
- Var
Stubbed out IdInfo/IdDetails/Type/Kind/TcTyVarDetails components of Var so that this module is not mutual.
The partial record selectors are troublesome. This module redefines error -> Panic.panic in the preamble as a workaround. However, redefine/skip edits don't work with record selectors.
- VarSet
Some operations are not obviously terminating (i.e. fixpoint calculations) fixVarSet, transCloDVarSet, transCloVarSet
To reason about these functions, we need to know that their arguments are monotonic.
skip partial lookup function (uses show in error message)
Ignoring type component of literal(?)
rename type TyCoRep.Type_ = unit
refers to IdInfo, IdDetails
IdDetails, IdInfo (currently stubbed)
===> TyCon / CoAxiom / TyCoRep / Coercion /