This document details how to install Hoff on your own server. I will be using a server running Ubuntu 18.04 here.
The application consists of a single binary that opens a server at a configured port, and then runs until it is killed. Log messages are written to stdout. This makes the application work well with systemd.
Enter an environment with development dependencies available throuhg Nix:
$ nix run --command $SHELL
There is a script to build a Debian package:
$ cd package
$ ./
$ VERSION=1 fakeroot ./
Alternatively, you can build the binary only, and assemble your own package:
$ stack build
$ $(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/hoff
The systemd service file is in package/hoff.service
On the server, install the package:
$ sudo dpkg --install hoff_0.0.0-1.deb
This will do several things:
- Install the
binary in/usr/bin
. - Create the
user under which the daemon will run. - Create an example config file at
Enable the daemon to start it automatically at boot, and start it now:
$ sudo systemctl enable hoff
$ sudo systemctl start hoff
Verify that everything is up and running:
$ sudo systemctl status hoff
The systemd service file included runs Hoff as the hoff
user. The Debian
package creates it, but we need to do some further setup for files owned by this
user. You can also add the user manually:
$ sudo useradd --system --user-group --no-create-home hoff
The application needs a key pair to connect to GitHub. Because the hoff
user has no home directory, we will put it in /etc/hoff
instead. The Debian
package creates that directory, but the hoff
user has no write access in it,
so we create the files with the right owner before calling ssh-keygen
$ sudo touch /etc/hoff/id_ed25519{,.pub}
$ sudo chown hoff:hoff /etc/hoff/id_ed25519{,.pub}
$ sudo --user hoff ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f /etc/hoff/id_ed25519
$ sudo chmod u=rw,g=,o= /etc/hoff/id_ed25519
$ sudo chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r /etc/hoff/
Leave the passphrase empty to allow the key to be used without human interaction. To tell SSH where the key is, we also create an SSH config file:
$ echo "IdentitiesOnly yes" | sudo tee --append /etc/hoff/ssh_config
$ echo "IdentityFile /etc/hoff/id_ed25519" | sudo tee --append /etc/hoff/ssh_config
$ echo "CheckHostIP no" | sudo tee --append /etc/hoff/ssh_config
$ sudo chown hoff:hoff /etc/hoff/ssh_config
$ sudo chmod u=rw,g=,o= /etc/hoff/ssh_config
Here we also set CheckHostIP no
, so SSH does not emit a warning when the IP
address of a host changes. Hoff mounts a file that contains GitHub's public key
at /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
, so there is no need to accept any
fingerprints. Because the ssh_known_hosts
file is readonly, we
can only connect to GitHub, and only if the public key that we baked into the
package has not changed. Furthermore, for testing (and also in general) it is
useful to prevent SSH from trying all keys it can find; it should
only use the provided file, so we set IdentitiesOnly=yes
Finally, we need a GitHub account that will be used for fetching and pushing. I
recommend creating a separate account for this purpose. On GitHub, add the
public key to the new account. Paste the output of cat /etc/hoff/
into the key field under “SSH and GPG keys”.
Hoff writes two things to the file system per configured repository:
- A checkout of the repository.
- A state file, to persist the internal state (open issues, etc.).
A good place to store these is in /var/lib/hoff
. The Debian package creates a
and a state
subdirectory there, owned by the hoff
user so it can
create files and subdirectories. We could also create them manually:
$ sudo mkdir --parents /var/lib/hoff/{checkouts,state}
$ sudo chown hoff:hoff /var/lib/hoff/{checkouts,state}
To add a repository, we need to add an entry to the config file. I’ll be using
the repository ruuda/bogus
in this example. Add this to the projects
key in
the config file (e.g. with sudo --edit /etc/hoff/config.json
"owner": "ruuda",
"repository": "bogus",
"branch": "master",
"testBranch": "testing",
"checkout": "/var/lib/hoff/checkouts/ruuda/bogus",
"stateFile": "/var/lib/hoff/state/ruuda/bogus.json"
The meaning of the fields is as follows:
- Owner: The GitHub user or organization that owns the repository.
In my case
. - Repository: The GitHub repository to manage. In my case
. - Branch: The branch to integrate changes into.
in most cases. - TestBranch: The branch that changes are pushed to to trigger a CI build.
The application will force-push to this branch, so it should not be used for
other purposes. I used
. - Checkout: The full path to the checkout.
- StateFile: The path to the file where the daemon saves its state, so it can remember the set of open pull requests across restarts. TODO: urge to back up this file regularly.
On GitHub, add the bot account to this repository as a collaborator, to give it push access (and pull access in the case of a private repository). Note that after adding the bot as a collaborator, you need to accept the invitation from the bot account. (TODO: automate this via the API.)
When Hoff starts, it will clone the repository if it does not yet exist. It also creates the state file if it does not exist.
There are a few global options in the config file too:
- Secret: The secret used to verify the authenticity of GitHub webhooks.
You can run
head --bytes 32 /dev/urandom | base64
to generate a secure 256-bit secret that doesn’t require any character to be escaped in the json file. - AccessToken: A GitHub API access token for the bot user. This is used to leave comments on behalf of the bots.
- Port: The port at which the webhook server is exposed. The systemd unit ensures that the daemon has permissions to run on priviliged ports (such as 80 and 443) without having to run as root.
- TLS: Can be used to make the server serve https instead of insecure http.
See the TLS guide for more details. Set to
to disable TLS. - Trigger.commentPrefix: Specifies the prefix that makes Hoff interpret a
comment as a command directed at it. Setting this to the username of the bot
account makes for natural conversations on GitHub, but a different prefix
could be used too. In my case, I set it to
Finally, there is some Git config for the bot user, under the user key. Name
and email are used for the Git committer metadata. SshConfigFile should
point to /etc/hoff/ssh_config
as created previously.
Restart the daemon to pick up the new configuration, and verify that it started properly:
$ sudo systemctl restart hoff
$ sudo systemctl status hoff
On GitHub, go to the repository settings and add a new webhook. The payload url
should be
, with content type
application/json. Enter the secret generated in the previous section, and select
the following events to be delivered:
- Pull request, to make the daemon aware of new or closed pull requests.
- Issue comment, to listen for LGTM stamps.
- Pull request reviews, to listen for LGTM stamps in review summaries.
- Status, to get updates on the build status from a linked CI service.
GitHub will deliver a ping event, and if everything is okay a green checkmark will appear in the list of configured webhooks. On the server, we can see that the webhook was received:
$ sudo journalctl --pager-end --unit hoff
> ...
> Sep 04 21:37:41 hoffbuild hoff[2860]: [Debug] github loop received event: Ping
That’s it! You can now open a pull request and leave an LGTM comment to see the application in action. Remember to also set up a CI service like Travis CI to provide the build status updates.