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XSD files for JSF tags. XSD files were generated from *.taglib.xml files using generateXSD.groovy script and TaglibToXSD.xslt transform.

*.taglib.xml files were extracted from:

  • jsf-impl-2.0.11-01.jar
  • jsf-impl-2.2.8-02.jar
  • primefaces-5.3.jar

Generating new XSD files / Regenerating existing XSDs

  1. Extract *.taglib.xml files from JAR files. They are often placed in META-INF directory inside JAR archive.
  2. Place *.taglib.xml files for given library into jsf_xsd/<library_name>/taglibs, e.g. put primefaces-p.taglib.xml and primefaces-pm.taglib.xml from primefaces-5.3.jar in jsf_xsd/primefaces-5.3/taglibs/
  3. Run groovy generateXSD.groovy. The script finds all *.taglib.xml in all jsf_xsd/<library_name>/taglibs directories and generates XSD files into jsf_xsd/<library_name>/ directory.
  4. (Optional) Create pull request for adding new library / library version to this repository.


TaglibToXSD.xslt transform was originally developed by Mark A. Ziesemer

I updated the transform to match 2.x taglib.xml files. I also added some additional checks.

Because of namespace changes the transform is parametrized with namespace uri. If you want to use XSLT directy make sure that you provide target namespace for XSD. For example

You can also use generateXSD.groovy script to automate this.