Info contributed by user Llew on
First update ubuntu:
sudo apt update
After that completes, type :
sudo apt upgrade
Wait to finish, now to add some utilities (you'll need root privileges, so still in terminal, type sudo -s then your password). Then -
sudo apt-get install patchutils libproc-processtable-perl
Then (maybe not necessary, but no big dea to add it):
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Check for cmake version. In Terminal, type
cmake --version
(should be greater than 3.12.0). If not installed, still in Terminal, type :
sudo apt-get install cmake
You may also need the 'make' build tool, so in Terminal type:
sudo apt-get install make
Same with gcc: check
gcc --version
(I think that's already installed in Ubuntu etc).
Next, in terminal
sudo apt-get install git
Now install the blindscan drivers:
cd blindscan_kernel
git clone --depth=1 deeptho/linux_media -b deepthought ./media
read the provided for more instructions and follow the instructions
(Notice we replace tbsdtv with deeptho in the second cloning line!)
Now reboot - in Terminal:
sudo reboot