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92 lines (67 loc) · 4.26 KB

blacklog-exporter: A tiny log shipping latency exporter

A simple blackbox exporter generating latency metrics from shipped logs


This service consumes logs from a specific Apache Kafka topic. It calculates the latency of the incoming log by subtracting the value of the timestamp field of logs from the current time and exposes metrics in Prometheus format.

The generated logs are supposed to be in JSON format with the following schema:

    "timestamp": "<RFC 3339 LIKE 2024-09-21T00:17:27>",
    "hostname": "<HOSTNAME OF THE SOURCE OF LOGS>"

The hostname field helps to inspect unhealthy log sources and is added as a label for exposed metrics.



  • Clone the project

    git clone
    cd blacklog-exporter
  • Ensure you have a running Kafka instance or cluster:

    # Install Kafka on your own way or run on docker:
    docker compose up -d
    # Create the required topic if it does not exist
    docker compose  exec -it broker kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic blacklogs
  • Create the configuration file if required else, leave it with default values else

    cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
    go run ./cmd/blacklog-exporter
    # go run ./cmd/blacklog-exporter -c <PATH_TO_CONFIG>


# local build
git clone
docker image build -t blacklog-exporter blacklog-exporter
docker container run -d blacklog-exporter:latest

# or from Docker Hub
docker container run -d idebman/blacklog-exporter


Use the config.yaml file or environment variables to configure blacklog-exporter. The config.example.yaml can help you; default values are added. Refer to Configurations references.

Configurations references

The path to the config file can be set by -c or --config command line argument. The default path to the config file is ./config.yaml.

yaml key type env default description
logger.level string - info Log level
kafka.auto_commit bool - true Kafka auto commit
kafka.auto_offset_reset string - earliest Auto offset reset policy for kafka
kafka.bootstrap_servers []string - ["localhost:9092"] TODO
kafka.debug bool - false TODO
kafka.group_id string - blacklog-exporter TODO
kafka.sasl_mechanisms string - "" TODO
kafka.sasl_password string - "" TODO
kafka.sasl_username string - "" TODO
kafka.security_protocol string - "" TODO
kafka.topics []string - ["blacklogs"] TODO
message.data_json_path string - $ JSON Path to log data inside incoming kafka messages
metric.enabled bool - true TODO
metric.server.address string - ":8080" TODO
metric.server.path string - "metrics" TODO

Missing improvements / TODO

  • Add topic name to metrics
  • Add configurable timeouts for kafka connection
  • Handle commit after consuming if auto-commit is false
  • Add healthchecks for kafka connection