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ADD-SLAM (Adaptive Density Drive)

Operating Ouster LiDAR (OS0 - 64) on Ubuntu 20.04.12

Adaptive Speed Optimization for SLAM Using KISS-ICP on a Rover Robot.

1. Ouster-SDK

1.1 Basic Setup

1.1.1 Clone SLAM_project repository

git clone --recurse-submodules


git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

1.1.2 Install necessary packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.8-venv 
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libssl-dev python3-dev
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install cmake
pip install ouster-sdk
pip list | grep ouster # to check ouster installation

1.2 Hardware Setup

1.2.1 Ethernet Connection (1Gb)

*** On Windows - Network Settings > Automatic (DHCP)
*** On Ubuntu - Network Settings > eth0: Link-Local

1.2.2 Power LiDAR

  • Battery (29.6V) - Converter (24V, >1000mAh + Low Voltage Buzzer) - LiDAR

1.3 Software Setup

# virtual environment
python3 -m venv slam_project
source slam_project/bin/activate
# checking ethernet connection
nmcli connection show
# expected response
Wired connection 1 ethernet enp2s0 # HAS TO BE IN GREEN

When configuring for the first time

# check LiDAR connection
ping <LiDAR IP> # this should work
# type this on the web and it should lead you to sensor information
# on the LiDAR information page
## Navigate to "Configurations" tab > "UDP Destination Address" > "Set Local" > "Apply Config"

1.4 Using LiDAR

1.4.1 Realtime point cloud visualization

# shows realtime point cloud data
ouster-cli source <LiDAR IP> viz 


1.4.2 ouster-sdk live SLAM

# Ouster-sdk -> slam
ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz -r0 --acum-map --accum-map-ratio 0.05

~/Desktop/SLAM_project$ ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz -r1 --map

# this runs and saves as .osf (can also save as .las, .ply)
ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz save test.osf

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam -v 0.5 viz save 1_8_2.ply

slam (A) slam2 (A)

1.4.5 ouster-sdk recorded SLAM

ouster-cli source bags/scaife_gazebo.bag slam viz -r2 --map
# r2 = point cloud playback rate

# adding voxels dramatically improve visualization
ouster-cli source bags/scaife_gazebo.bag slam -v 2.0 viz -r2 --map

ouster-cli source bags/scaife_gazebo.bag slam -v 2.0 viz -r2 --map-ratio 0.01

# try this for cool visuals
# ouster-cli source bags/scaife_gazebo.bag slam -v 5.0 --min-range 50.0 viz -r2 --map

scaife to gazebo SLAM

1.4.4 SLAM --help

Ouster-slam documentation

default arguments: Max range, min range, voxel settings

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam --help

  Example values for voxel_size:
      Outdoor: 0.8 - 1.5
      Large indoor: 0.4 - 0.8
      Small indoor: 0.1 - 0.5

*** Small voxel size could give more accurate results but take more memory and longer processing. *** 

  --max-range FLOAT       Max valid range
  --min-range FLOAT       Min valid range
  -v, --voxel-size FLOAT  Voxel map size
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

save arguments:

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam save --help

Save to an OSF, PCAP, CSV, BAG, PCD, LAS, or PLY with the given filename. If only an extension is provided, the file is named automatically.

visualization arguments:

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz --help

-r, --rate [0.25|0.5|0.75|1|1.5|2|3|max] Playback rate.
--accum-num INTEGER             Accumulate up to this number of past scans
                                  for visualization. Use <= 0 for unlimited.
                                  Defaults to 100 if --accum-every or --accum-
                                  every-m is set.
  --accum-every INTEGER           Add a new scan to the accumulator every this
                                  number of scans.
  --accum-every-m FLOAT           Add a new scan to the accumulator after this
                                  many meters of travel.
  --map                           If set, add random points from every scan
                                  into an overall map for visualization.
                                  Enabled if either --map-ratio or --map-size
                                  are set.
  --map-ratio FLOAT               Fraction of random points in every scan to
                                  add to overall map (0, 1]. [default: 0.01]
  --map-size INTEGER              Maximum number of points in overall map
                                  before discarding. [default: 1500000]

1.4.5 Testing

# .ply map to use as input for cloud compare
ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz --map save test_1.ply 
# viz - visualize
# save compare.ply - save file
# --map - samples points and maps

Sample run (Nov 17 2024)

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz --map --map-ratio 0.1 save test_2.ply # experiment with smaller map-ratio

# output
INFO:mapping:Point Cloud status info
12910592 points accumulated during this period,
9225581 down sampling points are removed [71.46 %],
3582933 out range points are removed [27.75 %],
102078 points are saved [0.79 %].
INFO:mapping:Finished point cloud saving.

1.5 CloudCompare

1.5.1 Install Cloud Compare

Install CloudCompare from Link or Ubuntu Software

1.5.2 Obtain 2 Diffrerent Maps(.ply) of the environment

sample code:

ouster-cli source <sensor_ip> slam viz --map save test_1.ply 

1.5.3 Compare

follow Link to compare the maps Sample_map

2. Ouster-ROS

2.1 Setup

Follow instructions at:


Install necessary ROS packages

sudo apt install -y                     \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-ros             \

Install dependencies

sudo apt install -y         \
    build-essential         \
    libeigen3-dev           \
    libjsoncpp-dev          \
    libspdlog-dev           \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev    \

Think I took care of this, but if ouster-ros is not in the src/ folder

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules

Final touches

echo $ROS_DISTRO #check your ros distro # check ros-distro
source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash # replace ros-distro with 'melodic' or 'noetic'

catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

2.2 Usage

ouster-ros has 3 modes

  • live sensor display
  • replay recorded rosbag
  • record a new rosbag

1. Sensor Mode
Following code should visualize live LiDAR through rviz

### first tab

### second tab
roslaunch ouster_ros driver.launch      \
    sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name or ip> 

2. Recording Mode
Following code should record pointcloud data and save to SLAM_project/ as "bag file name"

roslaunch ouster_ros record.launch      \
    sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name> \
    bag_file:=<optional bag file name>  # has to be in "name.bag" format

# example command
roslaunch ouster_ros record.launch sensor_hostname:=<sensor ip> bag_file:=test.bag

3. Replay Mode

### first tab

### second tab
roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch      \
    bag_file:=<path to rosbag file>     \

# example command
roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch bag_file:=/home/david/Desktop/SLAM_project/test.bag

# replay in loop | for situations where replay ends before rviz loads
roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch bag_file:=/home/david/Desktop/SLAM_project/test.bag loop:=true

3. Realsense

realsense SDK:


roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
rviz # add depth camera, image raw -> but can't overlay 
#roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch enable_depth:=true

# this overlays color on depth - subscribe to /camera/depth/color/depth/points
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch filters:=pointcloud


4.1 Visualize node graphs

roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch bag_file:=/home/david/Desktop/SLAM_project/bags/test.bag
rqt_graph # creates a map of what's going on


4.2 Clone KISS-ICP

git clone --branch v0.3.0 --single-branch <LINK>
git clone --branch v0.3.0 --single-branch
pip install kiss-icp

cd ~/Desktop/SLAM_project
source devel/setup.bash  # or source install/setup.bash for ROS2

# code that runs kiss-icp
roslaunch kiss_icp odometry.launch bagfile:=/home/david/Desktop/SLAM_project/bags/scaife_gazebo.bag topic:=/point2