This git repository contains the full source files for the free textbook Introduction to Computer Graphics, Version 1.4. These sources are used to build both the web site and the PDF versions of the book. Version 1.4 was released on August 1, 2023. See the preface for information about the book.
Introduction to Computer Graphics can be accessed on the web at The front page of each web site has links for downloading the textbook in web-site and PDF formats.
The source files in this repository include XML, XSLT, DTD, Java, C, HTML, and other files, plus some bash shell scripts for generating the web site and PDFs. The scripts were written for Linux but should also work on MacOS. Since the source files were not originally meant for publication, they are not very cleanly written, and using them would require a lot of expertise.
To produce the book from the XML/XSLT files, you will need a copy of the XSLT processor Xalan-J, and you will need command-line Java to run it. The XSLT files use some features that are specific to Xalan-J. To produce the PDF versions, you will also need an installation of the TeX typesetting system.
The sources are in the graphicstext folder. To use them to produce the book, you first need to export the files by editing and running the script from the graphicstext folder. (The script must first be edited to specify the correct directory names for the local environment.) The exported directory will contain scripts for building the book in various formats and a file, README.txt, with instructions for using the scripts.
The graphicstext folder is actually a project for the Eclipse IDE. Note that if you want to use the project in Eclipse, your Eclipse should have the XML tools plugin installed. The project includes the .jar files required for JOGL, the Java implementation of OpenGL. There will be errors in the src-jogl directory unless you configure the project to use the JOGL jar files, as discussed in Subsection 3.6.2 of the textbook.
(Note: The initial commit for the git repository consisted of the source files for Version 1.3.1 of the book; earlier versions did not use git.)