diff --git a/jquery.oembed.js b/jquery.oembed.js
index 4643552..72ea3ac 100644
--- a/jquery.oembed.js
+++ b/jquery.oembed.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* jquery oembed plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 Richard Chamorro
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
* Forked by Andrew Mee to Provide a slightly diffent kind of embedding
* experience
-(function($) {
- $.fn.oembed = function(url, options, embedAction) {
+(function($) {
+ $.fn.oembed = function(url, options, embedAction) {
settings = $.extend(true, $.fn.oembed.defaults, options);
var shortURLList = ["0rz.tw","1link.in","1url.com","2.gp","2big.at","2tu.us","3.ly","307.to","4ms.me","4sq.com","4url.cc","6url.com","7.ly","a.gg","a.nf","aa.cx","abcurl.net",
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@
"url.az", "url.co.uk", "url.ie", "url360.me", "url4.eu", "urlborg.com", "urlbrief.com", "urlcover.com", "urlcut.com", "urlenco.de", "urli.nl", "urls.im",
"urlshorteningservicefortwitter.com", "urlx.ie", "urlzen.com", "usat.ly", "use.my", "vb.ly", "vgn.am", "vl.am", "vm.lc", "w55.de", "wapo.st", "wapurl.co.uk", "wipi.es",
"wp.me", "x.vu", "xr.com", "xrl.in", "xrl.us", "xurl.es", "xurl.jp", "y.ahoo.it", "yatuc.com", "ye.pe", "yep.it", "yfrog.com", "yhoo.it", "yiyd.com", "youtu.be", "yuarel.com",
- "z0p.de", "zi.ma", "zi.mu", "zipmyurl.com", "zud.me", "zurl.ws", "zz.gd", "zzang.kr", "›.ws", "✩.ws", "✿.ws", "❥.ws", "➔.ws", "➞.ws", "➡.ws", "➨.ws", "➯.ws", "➹.ws", "➽.ws"];
+ "z0p.de", "zi.ma", "zi.mu", "zipmyurl.com", "zud.me", "zurl.ws", "zz.gd", "zzang.kr", "›.ws", "✩.ws", "✿.ws", "❥.ws", "➔.ws", "➞.ws", "➡.ws", "➨.ws", "➯.ws", "➹.ws", "➽.ws"];
- if ($('#jqoembeddata').length === 0) $('').appendTo('body');
+ if ($('#jqoembeddata').length === 0) $('').appendTo('body');
- return this.each(function() {
+ return this.each(function() {
var container = $(this),
- resourceURL = (url && (!url.indexOf('http://') || !url.indexOf('https://'))) ? url : container.attr("href"),
- provider;
+ resourceURL = (url && (!url.indexOf('http://') || !url.indexOf('https://'))) ? url : container.attr("href"),
+ provider;
if (embedAction) {
settings.onEmbed = embedAction;
- }
- else if (!settings.onEmbed){
- settings.onEmbed = function(oembedData) {
+ }
+ else if (!settings.onEmbed){
+ settings.onEmbed = function(oembedData) {
$.fn.oembed.insertCode(this, settings.embedMethod, oembedData);
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
success: function(data) {
//this = $.fn.oembed;
- resourceURL = data['long-url'];
+ resourceURL = data['long-url'];
provider = $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider(data['long-url']);
if (provider !== null) {
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@
provider = $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider(resourceURL);
- if (provider !== null) {
+ if (provider !== null) {
provider.params = getNormalizedParams(settings[provider.name]) || {};
provider.maxWidth = settings.maxWidth;
provider.maxHeight = settings.maxHeight;
embedCode(container, resourceURL, provider);
- } else {
+ } else {
settings.onProviderNotFound.call(container, resourceURL);
@@ -107,19 +107,19 @@
- var settings;
+ var settings;
// Plugin defaults
$.fn.oembed.defaults = {
maxWidth: null,
maxHeight: null,
- includeHandle: true,
- embedMethod: 'auto',
- // "auto", "append", "fill"
- onProviderNotFound: function() {},
- beforeEmbed: function() {},
- afterEmbed: function() {},
- onEmbed: false,
+ includeHandle: true,
+ embedMethod: 'auto',
+ // "auto", "append", "fill"
+ onProviderNotFound: function() {},
+ beforeEmbed: function() {},
+ afterEmbed: function() {},
+ onEmbed: false,
onError: function() {},
ajaxOptions: {}
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
function getRequestUrl(provider, externalUrl) {
- var url = provider.apiendpoint,
- qs = "",
- i;
+ var url = provider.apiendpoint,
+ qs = "",
+ i;
url += (url.indexOf("?") <= 0) ? "?" : "&";
- url = url.replace('#','%23');
+ url = url.replace('#','%23');
if (provider.maxWidth !== null && (typeof provider.params.maxwidth === 'undefined' || provider.params.maxwidth === null)) {
provider.params.maxwidth = provider.maxWidth;
@@ -147,89 +147,89 @@
for (i in provider.params) {
// We don't want them to jack everything up by changing the callback parameter
- if (i == provider.callbackparameter) continue;
+ if (i == provider.callbackparameter) continue;
// allows the options to be set to null, don't send null values to the server as parameters
- if (provider.params[i] !== null) qs += "&" + escape(i) + "=" + provider.params[i];
+ if (provider.params[i] !== null) qs += "&" + escape(i) + "=" + provider.params[i];
url += "format=" + provider.format + "&url=" + escape(externalUrl) + qs;
- if(provider.dataType!='json') url += "&" + provider.callbackparameter + "=?";
+ if(provider.dataType!='json') url += "&" + provider.callbackparameter + "=?";
return url;
- }
- function success(oembedData, externalUrl, container) {
- $('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl, oembedData.code);
- settings.beforeEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
- settings.onEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
- settings.afterEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
+ }
+ function success(oembedData, externalUrl, container) {
+ $('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl, oembedData.code);
+ settings.beforeEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
+ settings.onEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
+ settings.afterEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
function embedCode(container, externalUrl, embedProvider) {
if ($('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl)!=undefined && embedProvider.embedtag.tag!='iframe'){
- var oembedData = {code: $('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl)};
+ var oembedData = {code: $('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl)};
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
}else if (embedProvider.yql) {
- var from = embedProvider.yql.from || 'htmlstring';
- var url = embedProvider.yql.url ? embedProvider.yql.url(externalUrl) : externalUrl;
+ var from = embedProvider.yql.from || 'htmlstring';
+ var url = embedProvider.yql.url ? embedProvider.yql.url(externalUrl) : externalUrl;
var query = 'SELECT * FROM '
+ from
+ ' WHERE url="' + (url) + '"'
+ " and " + (/html/.test(from) ? 'xpath' : 'itemPath') + "='" + (embedProvider.yql.xpath || '/')+"'" ;
- if(from=='html') query += " and compat='html5'";
- var ajaxopts = $.extend({
- url: "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql",
- dataType: 'jsonp',
- data: {
- q: query,
- format: "json",
- env: 'store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys',
- callback: "?"
+ if(from=='html') query += " and compat='html5'";
+ var ajaxopts = $.extend({
+ url: "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql",
+ dataType: 'jsonp',
+ data: {
+ q: query,
+ format: "json",
+ env: 'store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys',
+ callback: "?"
success: function(data) {
var result;
if(embedProvider.yql.xpath && embedProvider.yql.xpath=='//meta|//title|//link'){
var meta={};
- if (data.query.results == null) {
- data.query.results = {"meta": []};
- }
+ if (data.query.results == null) {
+ data.query.results = {"meta": []};
+ }
for(var i=0, l=data.query.results.meta.length; i');
- var oembedContainer = container.parent();
- if (settings.includeHandle) {
- $('↓').insertBefore(container).click(function() {
- var encodedString = encodeURIComponent($(this).text());
- $(this).html((encodedString == '%E2%86%91') ? '↓' : '↑');
- $(this).parent().children().last().toggle();
- });
- }
- oembedContainer.append('
- try {
- oembedData.code.clone().appendTo(oembedContainer);
- } catch(e) {
+ switch (embedMethod) {
+ case "replace":
+ container.replaceWith(oembedData.code);
+ break;
+ case "fill":
+ container.html(oembedData.code);
+ break;
+ case "append":
+ container.wrap('');
+ var oembedContainer = container.parent();
+ if (settings.includeHandle) {
+ $('↓').insertBefore(container).click(function() {
+ var encodedString = encodeURIComponent($(this).text());
+ $(this).html((encodedString == '%E2%86%91') ? '↓' : '↑');
+ $(this).parent().children().last().toggle();
+ });
+ }
+ oembedContainer.append('
+ try {
+ oembedData.code.clone().appendTo(oembedContainer);
+ } catch(e) {
- }
+ }
/* Make videos semi-responsive
* If parent div width less than embeded iframe video then iframe gets shrunk to fit smaller width
* If parent div width greater thans embed iframe use the max widht
@@ -370,46 +370,46 @@
- break;
+ break;
- $.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode = function(url, oembedData) {
+ $.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode = function(url, oembedData) {
var code, alt = oembedData.title ? oembedData.title : '';
alt += oembedData.author_name ? ' - ' + oembedData.author_name : '';
alt += oembedData.provider_name ? ' - ' + oembedData.provider_name : '';
code = '';
- if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
+ if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
return code;
- $.fn.oembed.getRichCode = function(url, oembedData) {
+ $.fn.oembed.getRichCode = function(url, oembedData) {
var code = oembedData.html;
return code;
- $.fn.oembed.getGenericCode = function(url, oembedData) {
- var title = (oembedData.title !== null) ? oembedData.title : url,
- code = '' + title + '';
- if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
+ $.fn.oembed.getGenericCode = function(url, oembedData) {
+ var title = (oembedData.title !== null) ? oembedData.title : url,
+ code = '' + title + '';
+ if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
return code;
- $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider = function(url) {
+ $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider = function(url) {
for (var i = 0; i < $.fn.oembed.providers.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0, l =$.fn.oembed.providers[i].urlschemes.length; j < l; j++) {
var regExp = new RegExp($.fn.oembed.providers[i].urlschemes[j], "i");
if (url.match(regExp) !== null) return $.fn.oembed.providers[i];
- }
+ }
return null;
- $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider = function(name, type, urlschemesarray, apiendpoint, extraSettings) {
+ $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider = function(name, type, urlschemesarray, apiendpoint, extraSettings) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type; // "photo", "video", "link", "rich", null
this.urlschemes = urlschemesarray;
- this.apiendpoint = apiendpoint;
+ this.apiendpoint = apiendpoint;
this.maxWidth = 500;
this.maxHeight = 400;
extraSettings =extraSettings ||{};
@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@
extraSettings.yql = {from:'json'
, apiendpoint: this.apiendpoint
, url: function(externalurl){return this.apiendpoint+'?format=json&url='+externalurl}
- , datareturn:function(results){
- if ("url" in results.json) {
- return '
- }
- return results.json.html || ''
+ , datareturn:function(results){
+ if (results.json.url || results.json.thumbnail_url) {
+ return '
+ }
+ return results.json.html || ''
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
for (var property in extraSettings) {
this[property] = extraSettings[property];
this.format = this.format || 'json';
this.callbackparameter = this.callbackparameter || "callback";
this.embedtag = this.embedtag || {tag:""};
@@ -457,15 +457,15 @@
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("youtubeiframe", "video", ["youtube.com/embed"], "$1?wmode=transparent",
{templateRegex:/(.*)/,embedtag : {tag: 'iframe', width:'425',height: '349'}}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("wistia", "video", ["wistia.com/m/.+", "wistia.com/embed/.+","wi.st/m/.+","wi.st/embed/.+"], 'http://fast.wistia.com/oembed', {useYQL:'json'}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("xtranormal", "video", ["xtranormal\\.com/watch/.+"], "http://www.xtranormal.com/xtraplayr/$1/$2", {
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("xtranormal", "video", ["xtranormal\\.com/watch/.+"], "http://www.xtranormal.com/xtraplayr/$1/$2", {
templateRegex: /.*com\/watch\/([\w\-]+)\/([\w\-]+).*/,embedtag: {tag: 'iframe',width: '320',height: '269'}}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("scivee", "video", ["scivee.tv/node/.+"], "http://www.scivee.tv/flash/embedCast.swf?", {
templateRegex: /.*tv\/node\/(.+)/,embedtag: {width: '480',height: '400',flashvars:"id=$1&type=3"}}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("veoh", "video", ["veoh.com/watch/.+"], "http://www.veoh.com/swf/webplayer/WebPlayer.swf?version=AFrontend.$1&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0&id=anonymous", {
templateRegex: /.*watch\/([^\?]+).*/,embedtag: {width: '410',height: '341'}}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("gametrailers", "video", ["gametrailers\\.com/video/.+"], "http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:moses:video:gametrailers.com:$2", {
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("gametrailers", "video", ["gametrailers\\.com/video/.+"], "http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:moses:video:gametrailers.com:$2", {
templateRegex: /.*com\/video\/([\w\-]+)\/([\w\-]+).*/,embedtag: {width: '512',height: '288' }}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("funnyordie", "video", ["funnyordie\\.com/videos/.+"], "http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf?", {
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("funnyordie", "video", ["funnyordie\\.com/videos/.+"], "http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf?", {
templateRegex: /.*videos\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)?/,embedtag: {width: 512,height: 328,flashvars: "key=$1"}}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("colledgehumour", "video", ["collegehumor\\.com/video/.+"],"http://www.collegehumor.com/moogaloop/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=$1&use_node_id=true&fullscreen=1",
{templateRegex:/.*video\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {width:600,height: 338}}),
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("flickr", "photo", ["flickr\\.com/photos/.+"], "http://flickr.com/services/oembed",{callbackparameter:'jsoncallback'}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("photobucket", "photo", ["photobucket\\.com/(albums|groups)/.+"], "http://photobucket.com/oembed/"),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("instagram", "photo", ["instagr\\.?am(\\.com)?/.+"], "http://api.instagram.com/oembed"),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("yfrog", "photo", ["yfrog\\.(com|ru|com\\.tr|it|fr|co\\.il|co\\.uk|com\\.pl|pl|eu|us)/.+"], "http://www.yfrog.com/api/oembed",{useYQL:"json"}),
+ //new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("yfrog", "photo", ["yfrog\\.(com|ru|com\\.tr|it|fr|co\\.il|co\\.uk|com\\.pl|pl|eu|us)/.+"], "http://www.yfrog.com/api/oembed",{useYQL:"json"}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("SmugMug", "photo", ["smugmug.com/[-.\\w@]+/.+"], "http://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/"),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("dribbble", "photo", ["dribbble.com/shots/.+"], "http://api.dribbble.com/shots/$1?callback=?",
@@ -546,18 +546,18 @@
return '
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("chart.ly", "photo", ["chart\\.ly/[a-z0-9]{6,8}"],"http://chart.ly/uploads/large_$1.png?",
- {templateRegex:/.*ly\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'}}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("circuitlab", "photo", ["circuitlab.com/circuit/.+"],"https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/$1/screenshot/540x405/?",
- {templateRegex:/.*circuit\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'}}),
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("chart.ly", "photo", ["chart\\.ly/[a-z0-9]{6,8}"],"http://chart.ly/uploads/large_$1.png",
+ {templateRegex:/.*ly\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'},nocache:1}),
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("circuitlab", "photo", ["circuitlab.com/circuit/.+"],"https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/$1/screenshot/540x405/",
+ {templateRegex:/.*circuit\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'},nocache:1}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("23hq", "photo", ["23hq.com/[-.\\w@]+/photo/.+"],"http://www.23hq.com/23/oembed",{useYQL:"json"}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("img.ly", "photo", ["img\\.ly/.+"],"http://img.ly/show/thumb/$1?",
- {templateRegex:/.*com\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'}
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("img.ly", "photo", ["img\\.ly/.+"],"http://img.ly/show/thumb/$1",
+ {templateRegex:/.*ly\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'},nocache:1
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("twitgoo.com", "photo", ["twitgoo\\.com/.+"],"http://twitgoo.com/show/thumb/$1?",
- {templateRegex:/.*com\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'}}),
- new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("imgur.com", "photo", ["imgur\\.com/gallery/.+"],"http://imgur.com/$1l.jpg?",
- {templateRegex:/.*gallery\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'}}),
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("twitgoo.com", "photo", ["twitgoo\\.com/.+"],"http://twitgoo.com/show/thumb/$1",
+ {templateRegex:/.*com\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'},nocache:1}),
+ new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("imgur.com", "photo", ["imgur\\.com/gallery/.+"],"http://imgur.com/$1l.jpg",
+ {templateRegex:/.*gallery\/([^\/]+).*/ , embedtag : {tag:'img'},nocache:1}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("visual.ly", "rich", ["visual\\.ly/.+"], null,
{yql:{xpath:"//a[@id=\\'gc_article_graphic_image\\']/img", from:'htmlstring'}
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("amazon", "rich", ["amzn.com/B+","amazon.com.*/(B\\S+)($|\\/.*)"], "http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=_APIKEY_&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=$1&ref=qf_br_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr"
,{apikey: true,templateRegex:/.*\/(B[0-9A-Z]+)($|\/.*)/,
embedtag : {tag: 'iframe', width:'120px',height: '240px'}
- }),
+ }),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("slideshare", "rich", ["slideshare\.net"], "http://www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2",{format:'jsonp'}),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("roomsharejp", "rich", ["roomshare\\.jp/(en/)?post/.*"], "http://roomshare.jp/oembed.json"),
@@ -772,9 +772,9 @@
return code;
- })
+ })
- ];
+ ];
//This is needed for gravatar :(