Example base on four kafka brokers, and one Zookeeper server. The cluster binds several ports on your localhost:
- 22181: zookeeper
- 19094: broker 1
- 29094: broker 2
- 39094: broker 3
- 49094: broker 4
You can review an update several config properties in .env file
Start with docker compose as usual:
docker-compose up
To stop it:
docker-compose stop
To destroy (including volume and network):
docker-compose down
For connect to cluster, you need to configure some properties:
# With one server is enoght, on first connection bind to all
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="myuser" password="mypass";
You can change the username and password changing in .env, or creating a new with:
KAFKA_USER=<your user>
KAFKA_PASSWORD=<your pass>
kafka-configs --zookeeper localhost:22181 \
--alter --add-config "SCRAM-SHA-512=[password=${KAFKA_PASSWORD}]" \
--entity-type users --entity-name ${KAFKA_USER}
The services are configured to restart automatically unless stopped using:
docker-compose stop <service-name>
With this configuration, you should test some failover scenarios.