Thanks for taking the time to report an issue. Reporting issues helps us improve stability and reliability for all users, so it is a valuable contribution.
Please do not ask questions in the bug tracker. Please ask questions on the Crypto++ Users List at!forum/cryptopp-users.
Please do not ask questions at Stack Overflow. We may not be able to answer your question.
There is a wiki page with information on filing useful bug reports. If you have some time please visit on the wiki. The executive summary is:
- State the operating system and version (Ubutnu 17 x86_64, Windows 7 Professional x64, etc)
- State the version of the Crypto++ library (Crypto++ 7.0, Master, etc)
- State how you built the library (Makefile, Cmake, distro, etc)
- Show a typical command line (the output of the compiler for cryptlib.cpp)
- Show the link command (the output of the linker for or cryptest.exe)
- Show the exact error message you are receiving (copy and paste it); or
- Clearly state the undesired behavior (and state the expected behavior)